This was posted 1 year 7 months 19 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free Subscription to The Chaser


Fairly soon, The Chaser will be closing off our archives and social media feeds after years of providing free content to you all. We’re sorry it’s come to this – but it sure was fun while it lasted.

If you’d like to get a jump start, you can sign up to become a member of our site now for free – before the paywalls go up, and you’ll likely be spared from having to pay a subscription fee. Or better yet you could not be a cheap ass and sign up as a paying subscriber now to help us weather the storm. Unfortunately, if we’re being honest, at some point in the next few years this site will probably become subscription only, where fans will get to enjoy Chaser content, and everyone else can enjoy whatever the robots churn out. They’ll probably be funnier anyway.

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closed Comments

      • +5

        Do you genuinely think the original guys still work there? looool

        • +6

          I did, until now.

          • +6

            @Heaps for Cheaps: You should probably do more research on the topic before having such a strong opinion. They left years ago and went about their own endeavours.

            • +1

              @doobey1231: Ah, thanks for letting me know. I did always enjoy their shows.

              • +2

                @Heaps for Cheaps: Same here, loved the whole gang but sadly they’ve all made it adamantly clear they won’t be returning to that type of media - mostly through reddit AMAs and Twitter etc.

            • +1

              @doobey1231: Aren't they all still part of The Chaser? Julian, Craig, Chris, Charles, Chas etc?

      • +32

        can you point me to any radical political views they had?

        • -2

          The first staff writer I googled has a link on their page asking for donations to black trans homeless people… in America, as well as various other American political causes. It seems a bit out there.

      • +12

        I didn't know Andrew Bolt was on Ozbargain!

    • +10

      Because it's cool to hate and everyone is so obsessed with looking cool online.

      • -6

        Speaking of, you negged me above…

        I always thought you were cool…

    • +13

      Chaser still makes fun of the right wingers and some conservatives have now learnt how to use the internet and believe that emotionally whining into the void of the internet means they are winning the self claimed culture war

      • +6

        If you're going to have an imaginary war you might as well be the imaginary winner.

      • +1

        The only conservatives I know that are online get roped in to all the scams and fake news.

    • +13

      ozbargain comments seem to skew right wing/conservative. not sure why tbh. would be interested to see age breakdown of the site.

      • +6

        I think Ozbargain's political make-up is pretty balanced, and it seems fairly centre (or even left of centre?), like most social media.

        You just see the occasional ultra-right-wing MAGA wacko comment here and there, because

        a) downvoting is more taboo on here than other social media sites. E.g.: on reddit they just get downvoted out of site, outside of their hysterical conspiracy subreddits, so they are less visible there (than here).

        b) getting downvoted so consistently on reddit annoys the most snowflakey ones, so they come here instead.

        • +3

          I think like most things those with a leftish bent are more keen to make their views known. This it can appear to be more skewed than ti really is.

      • +8

        Yeah, strong agree on that one. I would say it’s quite strongly skewed towards the right from what I’ve seen. It’s the same in the forums too.

        Pretty sure there have been polls on age in the past in the forums, I think most people fall between the ages of 25 to 45.

        • -2

          Maybe people here are shoppers and not benefit bludgers.

        • This forum definitely skews left.

      • +4

        I'd have to disagree big time with this. Maybe "right wing" relative to Whirlpool, but just the reception of this "deal" and negging dogpile on any critique is enough to show this place for what it is.

        • +3

          Yea I agree. Heaps of leftists here.

    • +18

      They take the piss out of dictators, pedophiles, and other horrible people so certain people don't find them funny.

    • +5

      Right wingers dislike them because they hate to be the butt of the joke.

    • +4

      Some things just age out or get stale. Rove dominated Australian media for a decade then just fell off a cliff after he chased the US audiences. Chasers seem to lose their momentum after they stopped their tv show. Both examples still have their fans but the media landscape is different now and The Chaser are arguably a shade of their former self.

      • +10

        Nah, Rove always sucked, Chaser were always funny.

        • +7

          Rove was inoffensive, hence they kept him on.

          Peter Hellier is the worst comedian I've heard though so i don't know how he didn't inadvertently kill off the show.

          Corinne Grant was not funny but at least she was just dull, not in the red like Peter.

        • -1

          Plenty would say otherwise. Can't please everybody but Rove was definitely the golden child of Australian TV during the early 2000s.

  • +7

    Quite enjoy the Chaser but not enough to pay, so the price is right here. This reminds me of another TV Institution that put all it's content behind a paywall, . I wonder which one will fail first? Aren't we all dying to know how many people actually pay $59.95 a year to watch endless episodes of Hey Hey it's Saturday? :D

    • +8

      I never even knew that site existed tbh.

    • Did they cancel the Kamala episode?

      • The Ugandan Giant?

    • Rather pay to watch Hey Hey than half the shit on tv nowadays.

  • +3

    Didn't know the Chaser still exist.
    Saw the Chaser at the Global Atheist Convention in Melbourne in 2010.
    Thanks OP. Signed up

    • +1

      Yep, I had no idea the chaser still existed either, until now..
      Will sign up.also.

  • +14

    Signing up…articles sound a fun read eg;

    "Prince Andrew put in charge of corgis due to his vast experience with grooming"

    "Landlord forced to increase rent by 40% to combat 1.75% interest rate rise"

    • +8

      The funniest part is the headline and it is generally downhill after that.

      • Shows the level of the jokes…

      • +10

        So it proves the tenant is paying the "landlord's" mortgage and not just rent….nice to know it's the tenant who is the real investor…….in sweet FA.

    • Well if they borrowed a million that’s an extra 17500$ a year.
      Assuming they charge $1000 p/w the rent has gone up roughly 20000$ which is pretty close.
      Won’t be getting any capital gain either.

  • +3

    Real men use chilli oil and sandpaper not toilet paper was a good skit.

  • -1

    I actually have no idea what this is based on the post. The opening sentence starts with 'fairly soon'. I'm lost.

    • It's a satirical newspaper.

  • +7

    I shed a tear for many small businesses when they close but i'll pass with these guys.

  • +2

    We need a resurgence or RSS.

  • +8

    The funniest thing the Chaser have said is that people might pay to subscribe to them.

  • +2

    What’s with all the soyboy liberals on here?

    • +1

      Soyboy liberals are deal fiends, that's why.

      Gimme those tofu deals NOW!

    • +1

      please define soyboy liberal?
      I must have missed that class at school while I was riding my fixie bike to pick up my fresh roast Columbian beans.

      • +2

        I think he means people who aren't raging bogans who watch Sky News and worship Andrew 'human trafficker' Tate.

        • +3

          There's definitely an inbetween.

          • +3

            @jamesorion: Yeah, but anyone who uses the term "soyboy liberal" probably calls the 90% of people in the middle "commies" too.

  • +3

    I'm guessing they will fade to irrelevance without Twitter. Because no one is going to pay for it, just like no one wants to pay Elon.

  • The only Chaser boys I've seen in the last few years on TV are Chas Licciardello (Planet America) and Craig Reucassel (The Checkout, Fight for Planet A & Big Weather).
    Otherwise the Chaser have been quiet.

  • +1

    So I set my Chaser profile up a few hours ago and I've just been alerted by my browser that my username and password have already leaked from this site :/

    Trying to find a place to cancel my profile, but there doesn't appear to be one.

    • Not good. Which browser alerts you to this and is this the first time?

      • +3

        Both Edge and Chrome password manager has alerted me now..

        • +2

          I've emailed them to cancel

    • +2


    • +3

      thats not what it means, it means that username and password has leaked on a public database in general. youre using that username and password on other sites where your login is already publicly leaked

    • +2

      I've just been alerted by my browser that my username and password have already leaked from this site :/

      No, that means your username and password have leaked - from any of the gazillion breaches that happen every year. Not from this particular site.

      Chance your details and stop reusing passwords.

      • It tells me exactly what site it's from.
        I don't reuse passwords, I haven't done that in years.
        Browsers generating random passwords make that easy :)

        • It tells me exactly what site it's from.

          No, it's telling you which site you're using the compromised credentials on.

          It's not telling you that they've leaked from that site.

          None of this means that Chaser have leaked your details, as you incorrectly assumed, and still appear to be assuming.

  • +2

    No thank you.

  • +8

    I thought we all moved onto the The Betoota Advocate

    • I must have been living under a rock for past decade as I had never heard of The Betoota Advocate. Having quick look, is it a whack Left & Right type satire or just for us so called lowly and inferior "Andrew Bolt loving cranks"??

      • +4

        It's just funny mate

  • If contents are going to go, then the friendlyjordies got you covered! Known for good journalism contents that others are too scared to tackle with a spice of comedy. C'mon, I can't be the only one here who know this person! Perhaps because this person is mainly NSW based. Dubbed as or often referenced similarly to the Chasers, meet Jordan Shanks.

    • +1

      Yeah he is OK, but his character is annoying overall.

    • +2

      His hiring of John Barilaros house was comedic gold, but his wider coverage of him was plainly racist. I used to find him a bit funny, but I he has taken being a stooge to new heights

      • +1

        I would be so interested to hear what all the Italian people think of him. Let the poll decide next month.

        • Do you mean the election? I don't think Barilaro being an ex-politician will have anything to do with the outcome.

          • @tryagain: Yea correction, election. The party is responsible for bringing him in and trusted him to to do them justice, instead he jeopardised them and never owned up to any of his mistakes. They should've known better in my opinion.

      • Point is, if he didn't take the racial stereotype route, everybody would probably have ignored him - just like they did to FJ's source and story generator, Michael West.
        Bruz was bad for Australia, but even worse for the Italian community, allegedly…;)

        • +1

          The end doesn't justify the means, especially when the means is racism, I'd be pretty sure that MW had far more to do with seeing the back of Barillo than FJ, sure FJ took it to a broader audience, but I don't think the outcome would be any different whether he did or not. Those that matter would be taking notice of MW.

          • +1

            @tryagain: Ultimately racism is a catch all word which doesn't reflect the varying degrees of severity. A general rule is that 'punching down' is not on, but that 'punching up' is fine, hence straight white men are routinely mocked, and nobody bats an eyelid. Not sure one bloke with a mediterranean background using ethnic stereotypes against another is really enough to ignore the story and the enormous damage Bruz did to NSW and the country.

            Just bear in mind how much Liberal/National politicians in particular have gotten away with in stacking public sector jobs in recent years, and ask yourself if Bruz appointing himself as trade commissioner would have caused the media storm it did if he hadn't been made infamous by FJ.

            • @JohnHowardsEyebrows: Different degrees of severity from very bad to very very bad. Being racist isn't just against an individual, it's against the whole race. You can attack an individual for their actions this is where you can punch up and down, but when you are invoking racial stereotypes to attack a minority, it might be punching up against the intended target, but the collateral damage is punching down against the minority group and enforcing racial stereotypes. Google didn't have to pay Barilo over $700K, and Shanks didn't have to pay 100K in legal fees and apologise for punching up.

              It's a matter of opinion, but I don't think the outcome with Barilaro would have been any different whether FJ covered it or not, he did, however, bring it to a wider, less politically aware audience.

              I'm not here to defend the Lib's but if you think that Labour is inherently better, more fool you.

              • @tryagain: NSW is inherently corrupt, that's just the local culture (since thr first fleet). But Libs are across the country far more corrupt than Labor.

                • @JohnHowardsEyebrows: What objective measure are you using to base that on, the only measurement I can think of is politicians convicted of crimes over say the last 25yrs, and by that measure Labor is far far more corrupt. Just because FJ says Labor good Libs bad, doesn't make it so.

                  • @tryagain: Corruption is far more than explicitly criminal acitivity. Stacking public bodies like the AAT, buying land for $30m from your mate when it's actually worth $3m, moving an entire department from Canberra to Armidale to get a few extra votes for the local MP (who also used taxpayer money to conduct his affair). All ways of using taxpayer money improperly, even if not breaking the law like Obeid.
                    Stuart Robert entangled in yet another alleged corruption scandal this week.
                    It simply stands to reason that the party which is favoured by the wealthy, does more for them.

                    And going back to your assertion about criminality, I'll simply repeat: it's a very NSW thing. Other states don't have that scale of corruption in their political ranks (not since Sir Joh left office, anyway).

  • +4

    Love Chaser but this seems like the beginning of the end for them

    • +3

      I"m sub'd to them on YT and TikTok, there views are much too low to make it a viable business just from ads. I figure that's why they're changing over to this sub only model. But then they become less relevant again.

  • +2

    5 neg daily limit really hurts in a post like this one

  • -8

    Shit post but oh so typical of the lefty crowd who patrol this dying site.

    • +2

      No one is forcing you to use this 'dying site'

    • Good to see you are still patrolling.

  • You can follow the original peeps on Twitter.

    Andrew Hansen had a touring show at the moment.

  • The world is going more echo chamber.

  • Didn't one of the guys from the chaser peddle pro-russia propaganda?

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