7-Eleven Fuel App Watch - Nationwide

This thread serves to let everyone know how much you have saved on your 7/11 fuel app. Please see the archived thread (January 2017 - January 2022) for previous discussions.

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  • 111.9/litre

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Note: OzBargain are not responsible for your use of the 7/11 app and you should abide by all terms stipulated by the app. This thread's content is not endorsed by OzBargain.

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Credits to master131

Mod: Please do not ask for vouchers. Obtain the fuel lock yourself or make a request in the Wanted Classifieds.

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      • +1

        Without root?

        The first line on the "About this app" section says this:

        I. REQUIRED
        ★ Your Device must be rooted for using this app

        • +2

          No, not without root
          Without root, you can't really do what's in this thread anyway. Why are you even here? :P

  • -1

    Got the dreaded G09 error code today.. could be the end of 711 fuel then!

    • +1

      Multiple solutions are in this thread.

      • Yeah you're right. Gotta keep the chopper running!

  • +1

    There are a few differing views in here about error code A01, so I'm posting my own experience with it.

    I got the code yesterday, after the app was exceptionally slow, and I'd had to refresh it a few times, including after trying unsuccessfully to confirm a lock.

    I have now gone into the app again, more than 24 hours later, and the lock is in fact in there. So, it seems that I had been successful in locking, but because the app was so slow at the time, it didn't show me that.

    Thus: if you get error code A01, wait 24h and have another look / try again.

  • +1

    My account got banned after redeeming a $2 hot chockee. I didnt redeem anything for up to 4 months in store.
    Got an error G09.
    I sent them an email asking why and got this response

    "Thank you for contacting 7-Eleven Customer Service.
    Your account appears to have breached the App Terms and Conditions. As a consequence, 7-Eleven has made the decision to block your My 7-Eleven App account in accordance with our terms and conditions.

    Should you have any questions concerning this please contact our Customer Service Team on 1800 247 711.

    Kind regards,

    Customer Service
    7-Eleven Stores Pty Ltd"

    • The OP here just had their account unblocked so you might be successful upon review.

      Otherwise just create a new account.

      • Man, 7 11 getting hardcore now with the ban hammer.

        • +1

          Man, 7 11 getting hardcore now with the ban hammer.

          Yes, they do not want people using choppers to get cheap hot chockees…

  • +1

    Got the G09 as well now, with an account I've used for five years now, along with two others.

    If I take a photo of the screen with the barcode and just use that photo to scan, it should be fine right? Can't take screenshots but I can still take a photo of it. Just gonna make it as full screen as it can to make it look legit.

    With the device ID change, do I just change it when making a new account or do I have to keep switching if I have multiple accounts? It's gonna be hassle if I have to switch device ID that is connected to the account made, not to mention confusing.

    • You can use a barcode generator or the Stocard app.

      • YMMV but I once had a cashier insist that they need to see the barcode loaded on the 7-11 app rather than a 3rd party app like Stocard… thankfully I had a screenshot from the app before they blocked it!

        • I'm just taking a photo of the screen and crop it. Surely it will work since it should look like the 7-11 app

    • I'm in the same boat, all my accounts are blocked now.

      When i sign up new accounts, i get the same G09 issue straight away.. :(

      Ive had no issues for the past few years, until now.

      • They've probably flagged your deviceID.

  • +1

    How do i create a new 7/11 account without getting G09 error instantly?

    I have an iPhone. I saw that you have to do an ID reset, but i don't want to factory reset my whole phone for it

    • I saw that you have to do an ID reset, but i don't want to factory reset my whole phone for it

      Get a new phone then

  • It's faster for accounts to get G09'd now.

  • +1

    Yep they are banning them quick. But they must be banning lots of legitimate accounts with the sledgehammer approach they are taking I'd suspect. They aren't exactly geniuses at 7/11 :waves:

    • -1

      They aren't exactly geniuses at 7/11

      What makes you say that?

      • +2

        Who are you sorry?

        • -2

          Jeff Goldblum

  • I created a new account, locked fuel (haven't even used the lock yet) and boom, it's already banned.

    • On the same device ?

      • Yes. New device ID too.

        • -1

          It appears they somehow know it is a banned device then.

          • @jv: OH wait, no this was a new phone (just replaced it last week under warranty). So it shouldn't be device related.

            • @tangcla: Was it a refurb?

              Maybe it was banned from the previous owner?

              • @jv: Nope, brand new phone. I thought about the refurb thing but I did try it with a new device ID.

    • What method are you using to get a fake gps lock and what device are you using if you don't mind me asking?

      • -1

        "(haven't even used the lock yet)"

      • Rooted with Magisk + LSPosed + Mock Locations.

        • Like what @jv said, somehow they know it's a banned device, or it might be something that you are doing in the process of either gps locking or using the app. Did you have the app shutdown prior to gps locking? Or did you shut down the app after locking it in? Something may have happened prior to or after using the 7 eleven app that would have sent a ping in a different location.

          • +2

            @cynical17: Either way, let's be realistic, it was a huge profit leakage hole which should have been able to be plugged on their end pretty easily. If a user locks fuel and redeems it at a location greater than x km away, then investigate. It really isn't that hard and clearly not a focus for them until now.

  • Okay, so I made a new account with a new device ID using the app, it was fine, I was able to lock in and it all went well. I fuelled up two nights ago, all good. This morning I was curious so I opened and the app then G09.

    Not entirely sure the criteria they have for banning, but I wouldn't think the location where you fuelled up and the place where it's locked is a factor? Like what if you are travelling from another state (legitimately).

    • How long between the lock and when you fueled up?

      • one day - account made on Monday then locked, fuelled Tuesday night, yesterday it was still fine when I opened the app in the afternoon, early this morning G09.

        • Are you using Android or iOS?

          • @skid: Android. I'll try locking in now and see how it goes since I just fuelled up.

    • I created a new account and locked the first fuel lock yesterday, but today I was banned without even using the first fuel lock.

      • You probably used a banned device.

      • My experience was the same.

  • I all, I installed Pixel 4 as per above, but opening magisk there's no "Requires Additional Setup"
    magisk also shows installed n/a

    What's wrong?

    • How did you install? Did you patch your boot.img and flash it onto the drive, or did you just install the Magisk apk app?

      • Sorry didn't realise this was the full post.
        I used the
        Android Studio (+macOS/Linux/Windows) - (Credits to dontpanic) 2023 - Preferred method

        Using windows and the batch file directly installed magisk to the image.

    • +3


  • My Velocity FF visited the Titanic and never came back.

    This happened soon after my previous comment, I should've just unlinked like the earlier days.

  • Hi everyone,

    I've been using the Nox Emulator method for 8 months and so far no issues, no account banned or anything, and really happy with it.
    The only downside is that I need to chopper using my laptop which I often don't have when I'm on the go.

    I have an old Xiaomi mi9 that I no longer use and so I thought i'd try to use my phone.
    I unlocked my phone's bootloader and rooted it by installing Magisk 26.1.

    I was thinking to go with the MAgisk + smalli patcher method listed in OP, I had a quick look at the reddit post and it's 4 years old. I just want to check if this method was still the best way to fake location on Android phones in 2023?


    • The much easier and streamlined way is to follow my Android studio guide from Part 3, but ignoring the bit about installing Magisk since you've already done it.

  • +1

    I'll reply to myself, yes still work like a charm, installed smali patcher yesterday, combined it with Fake GPS and it works.
    It's even tricking google maps which pinpoints me on my fake location.

  • Why is Android Studio really slow. I just started, I can't do much w/o it freezing. Eg tried to load maps to see where I am. Just stuck.

    • How much RAM does your system have? I found it almost unusable on a system with 8GB. 12GB was OK.

    • What are you trying to run it on? CPU, RAM, etc…

      • i5 13600
        32g ram

        It runs now. But takes like 3min to open the app. Another few min to be usable to switch to the tab. etc

        • Odd. I'm using it on a i9 9900k which is much older and it works fine. Have you tried running it after a fresh reboot?

          • @dontpanic: I booted, started only AS, pixel4. It booted.
            I opened maps to check the cur location.
            Maps logo shows.
            Then it's blank
            Then 10min and it didn't change.
            Meanwhile my firewall said aasetup is trying to do sth? Maybe that's why?

            Killed and restarted. This time maps showed after 2min.
            System UI isn't responding pops up now.
            After 5min I kill it a few times.

            I finally got it, open the 7-11. Again hangs on front screen.

            Would it help if I disable most other apps in the device?

            Each time I click on the screen, it plays the click sound multiple times, is that an issue

            Maps is now more responsive. After 20min I'm in 7-11
            taking me 2min to choose fuel type.

            bunch of 7-11 isn't responding close/kill every 2s.

            • @furyou: Sounds like perhaps your system is a bit too underpowered for Android Studio. There's a lot of variables that can affect performance and I'm not really able to help troubleshoot everyone's individual setup unfortunately. I do know that the method provided in the guide works and should function quite well on any machine with half decent specs.

  • I just got this working, and can lock in a price. Couple of questions:

    Should I log into the new account on my actual physical device, or will that trigger them to realise my device has a large number of accounts on it and ban it? Or do people just take screenshots of the emulator and use that on their phone?

    Is there somewhere that people post the cheapest deals anymore (I can't seem to find a suitable thread), or do people just go on petrolspy and have a look around the major cities etc?

  • Has anyone noticed that on iOS there is something called 7 Eleven using my location on all the time? This is different to the My 7-eleven app that tracks the location

    Gone through every setting I can find and can’t seem to turn it off


    • 7-Eleven might refer to the website. Have you checked Settings> Privaacy> Location Services> (app list)?

      • Yes. My 7-Eleven is set to while using only and goes away when I force close the app.

        You can see on my 2nd screenshot 7 eleven seems to be something else.

    • I never had this, my location in 7Eleven app is set to While-using only and I have disabled tracking. Maybe reinstall the app and reset the preferences?

    • It's not on my iphone.

  • +1

    So I created a new account and used new device ID, and after registering, I immediately get error A02. Not sure what it means.

    • A02 may a server error. Try again later.

      • +2

        Getting A02 as well. Looks like an issue at 7-Eleven's end.

        • Like your username lol. I kinda panicked cause I used a price lock then it became A02. I made new accounts and had the same.

          Now it's working as usual.

  • +1

    For any Jailbroken iPhone users, download a tweak called Crane.
    It lets you create different containers of 7/11 so you can have multiple accounts with no issues.
    (Think of it like multiple 7/11 apps on your phone)

    You can also spoof every container with a different device ID, been using it for some time on three accounts with no issues so far.

    • +2

      Crane is paid, isn't it? I've been using Crane Lite but I think it's limited to one app (I use it for Everyday Rewards).

  • Hi

    anyone having issue in locking price "No local fuel Price at this address"

    Thank you

    • Are you faking a location? Are you sure it’s in the right spot?

      • yes, location was correct still doing same will try again after later and see thx

        • Which fuel type?

  • +1

    I noticed there is a warning about breaching T&C's and potential ban when you go to take a screenshot of your barcode now

    • +3

      It’s been mentioned numerous times in recent posts here.

    • +2

      use another phone,a screen recorder app or remote viewer

  • For those getting G09 banned what emails are you using? @hotmail domains or disposable email services?

    • +1

      I was using a gmail account. I dont think the email provider you use really matters though.

      • Yeah never got banned with gmail email

    • +1

      I’m using an @hotmail and haven’t been banned.

    • Just tried to lock in now and discovered the ban. I used a Hotmail account.

    • @hotmail was banned along with yahoo, gmail etc.

      So I don't think who hosts the emails, but the actual device that you use to lock that is banned.

  • Has anybody else had their price lock disappear early?

    I went to use mine yesterday and it wasn't there. I locked in last Friday.

    • +4

      Dictator Dan is onto you.

      • Wouldn't surprise me…

        • +1

          Yep I have one lock that disappeared a day early

    • I also locked in last Friday, however my lock is still there.

  • +1

    Im getting accounts G09 banned at an alarming rate at the moment. One even got banned before I had a chance to do its first lock! I switched over to disposable emails this week (after my hotmails got banned) and am already onto my 4th. Im using Android Studio and a Device ID changer frequently too.

    • change your phone

      • Not even using a (physical) phone and it still gets banned. Yesterday I used Android studio with a new Device ID to create an account, and still got banned soon after my first lock.

        • I have had like 10 disposable emails banned in the last few weeks. I have tried locking from a different phone and not logging into other devices etc but continue getting banned not sure what to do.

          • +1

            @Groovyuvi: are you doing it from the same IP address?

            • @jv: Yes I am. I read somewhere in this thread that people tried with vpns and still got banned so didn't try changing my IP.

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