I'm sorry, but I have to vent here. I probably deserve the dose of stupidity I've experienced the last couple of days because it's my fault for spending so much time reading social media, but I really can't fathom how so many of our people have the nerve to complain about Australia's welfare system.
Our welfare is so good that the main complaint against it in recent years has been that it's too good. We have among the highest rates of tax redistribution in the world and have rightfully earned the moniker of a "welfare state".
Now we suddenly have a massive influx of unemployment, and Centrelink has agreed to waive the requirements to means test or even prove that you're looking for another job, and people are still complaining!
Where is this coming from? Have we really bred an entire generation of adult brats who have been taught that the world is an injustice if they don't get exactly what they want, when they want it?
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When you give people free things for too long, they stop being grateful for it (if they were in the first place) and start thinking of it as expected and an entitlement.
Look at the thread about Woolies and Coles not having paper catalogues. Putting aside that the two shops still have discounts, you have people there accusing the shops of profiteering unethically just because (they thought) the shops were no longer discounting as much or as heavily as they did before.
Complaining about not getting a discount. And those comments had plenty of people voting them up too.
EDIT Though I wouldn't go so far as to tar an entire generation. As expected, the whiners tend to be more vocal, whereas the reasonable people just go about their business and try to avoid the crazies.