gravel » user profile

Member Since | 08/09/2011 |
Last Seen | 9 hours 52 min |
Badges | 1 |
Location | Melbourne |
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gravel replied to
GordonD on 50% Off All-Access Digital Annual Subscription: $100 (Normally $200) @ The Guardian

Now why doesn't that surprise me. Have you considered the possibility that the Guardian and Ha'aretz are not showing moral courage but…

Seriously. Tell them them you lost track of it months ago - you don't provide a storage service for them. You did the right thing in the…

"which further endorses the fact these rates arent really biting much." They are if your renting and the land lord is clawing back some…

You might be interested to know that the Morison stage three cuts cost way more than stage one and two.

I think a more accurate and honest way to put it is: You just earnt a tax cut but not as big as you were expecting A million tax payers…

gravel replied to
Suspect420 on [eBook] 6 Free eBooks on Israel-Palestine Relations and Conflicts @ Verso Books

What complete and utter garbage. If Israel truly wanted to commit genocide Gaza would have been levelled weeks ago.

Oh at least it didn't begin: " he grabs his popcorn, or snaps his kit kat or something equally unfunny and inane as that. The person is…

What a completely stupid ill informed comment. Pay for the VOICe consequences what on earth are you babbling about.

gravel replied to
jatbinks on I Bought a Apartment by Myself. What Is My Girlfriend Entitled to IF We Break up?

"She will get 50% of your apartment as soon as you hit the 2 year mark" Rubbish. She would need to show that : She has made equal…

gravel replied to
mrvaluepack on Fined for Rear Passenger Not Wearing Seat Belt When Engine in Stop Condition

Follow this response it's the best that I can see. It actually annoys the hell out of magistrates that are under enormous pressure to deal…

Exactly and both Steven's and Macfarlane deserved to be re-appointed. Low does not. He left rates too low when fiscal stimulus was high…

Long ago discredited by most economists. Does not work any more.

gravel replied to
rokufan on Bunnings Aircon Installation, Installers Charging Extra $400 (Already Paid Bunnings $950). Rip Off?

You have said this a number of time's but many are not listening. If all they did was put the AC breaker in ( required anyway as far as I…

I agree that Albo should have known both. It was a big gaff. But in the overall scheme of things I think it's more important to ordinary…

And maybe you can back up your arguments with some fact. Let me help you out a little bit. In the US approx 14% of GDP is spent on health…

Actually pretty much all of your original argument has been shot down, mainly because they make no sense are are not actually based on fact…

gravel commented on No, Medicare Should NOT Cover Dental Work
"the prospect of having perfect teeth for "free" sounds appealing on paper" So does a facelift if your ageing skin is starting to sag, but…

gravel replied to
dcash on Friend Harrassed and Scomo Bin Stickers Removed in The Night. Liberal-Led Council Threatens Not to Collect Stickered Bins

AS are the walls ( other than private or commercial properties ), the telegraph poles the sub stations etc etc . These locations may be…

Wow you thought of this and no one else has? 3% of GDP that would pretty put an end to things like public hospitals and defence. But who…

Hi, for amounts like this, unless you can afford to lose it I would ask for security. Ideally you would be a mortgage holder and that way…

"Airline staff smartened up & abandoned the unions" Yes that was a really smart move. They have been sacked by the thousand, many…

6% are you serious? Do you understand what a catastrophic affect that would have on the economy. This would require additional money that…

gravel commented on Do you think Sunscreen is a scam?
"I have not seen any black or brown guy getting skin cancer." *Mod: Removed Personal Attack* Anecdotal evidence, that is the number of…

Yes my go to media in terms of truth and unbiassed reporting is in order of truth Sky after dark Fox news 2GB Sky News All other Murdoch…

"I personally started setting aside money when I first started earning money - before I was even 15. I am just over double that age now and…

It would great if someone posted some actual research on the matter, I'm sure it's out there. Either some people clearly understand that…

gravel commented on Got Scammed by Russian Buyer on eBay
Do not ship to Russia, you will get scammed and Ebay ( unless you are a top rated seller ) will 99.99% side with the buyer. I have a close…

"Sorry but 5 lockdowns vs I think 2 in NSW speaks for itself." Actually it says nothing at all other than Victoria is more cautious and…

Your joking right? Track record of stuffing up? Yes the hotel quarantine was a failure and yes it led to many deaths and an extended…

gravel commented on [VIC] Myer Knox Closing Down Sale: 60% off Kitchenware, 50% off Mens Fashion, 40% off Women's Footwear & Accessories
"filled with pensioners" Nice, we better get rid of them then and get the centre back to standard. How about we move em to Frankston, they…