bmerigan » user profile

Member Since | 14/12/2010 |
Last Seen | Hidden |
Badges | 4 2 |
Location | Melbourne |
Recent Activities

bmerigan commented on Amazon Customer Service Lied to Me and I stand to lose over $1k - Anything I Can Do?
Your mistake. I don't know how you could possibly think that they'd refund postage from overseas. The whole customer service thing was…

bmerigan commented on HAVC Closing off a Duct Question
Fold up the end of the flexible duct and seal with some duct tape.

Write a letter of appeal clearly explaing the permit is valid and it was a simple mistake. I expect it will be withdrawn. Don't blame the…

I always choose manufacturers. They will organise everything. Someone here will tell you the law says the retailer has to help. I say just…

I've often thought about similar. If I damage my car avoiding an accident it really doesn't feel right that I should have to pay.

bmerigan replied to
Lucille Bluth on Cadbury Gift Box Chocolates 500g - $6.80 (Was $34) @ Woolworths

He's only getting one of them. Who would give 2? I'm not Jeff Bezos! He already has absolutely everything he wants.

Done, got 2 thanks. Dad birthday sorted.

bmerigan commented on How Many Ryobi Chargers Do You Own?
One, begrudgingly. Ryobi work light was a gift.

Oak is my favourite flavoured milk anywhere.

"took it off you" sounds like it would be quite a story.

Such a Karen move

From the description it sounds like the application was never made 2 years ago. REA made a mistake and now trying to cover it up.

bmerigan replied to
Empharand on Woolworths Misleads Customers Again Proof They Make More Then 30 Cents Per Customer

It may have been 'coke' that made them think the post was a good idea.

bmerigan replied to
Empharand on Woolworths Misleads Customers Again Proof They Make More Then 30 Cents Per Customer

Or forget it. Then realise at midnight and feel really bad for the staff cleaning the freezer in the AM.

bmerigan replied to
Drakesy on Woolworths Misleads Customers Again Proof They Make More Then 30 Cents Per Customer

But... But... Paying a delivery person is clearly a Woolworths scam. We must rise up!

bmerigan replied to
OMGJL on Woolworths Misleads Customers Again Proof They Make More Then 30 Cents Per Customer

Number of points made: 1

bmerigan replied to
try2bhelpful on Do You Flash Your Headlights to Alert Other Divers about Camera Cars?

The stats you provide say that because hitting something harder hurts more we should never move faster than a snail.

bmerigan was awarded a badge.

bmerigan commented on Possibly Faulty Traffic Light
I've had this happen on a turning lane red arrow near me. Lights which I use very regularly didn't detect me. Sat there for a long time…

bmerigan replied to
CurlCurl on Do You Flash Your Headlights to Alert Other Divers about Camera Cars?

Given you've received speeding tickets we can only conclude you are a dangerous homicidal driver.

I don't know, I just assume that a contained system of water inside my computer is not going to go 6 years without me having to fiddle with…

The majority of speeding fines are not given for driving at a dangerous speed. Thus it's a pointless exercise except for making money and…

bmerigan replied to
GordonD on Do You Flash Your Headlights to Alert Other Divers about Camera Cars?

Would you mind telling us what year/model the car is? I'm curious enough to look into this - it sounds like a fault.

bmerigan commented on Daily Driver Computer Thoughts?
Odd choices. The average person, even the average gamer does not need water cooling. High maintenance, high risk, high cost. You definitely…

bmerigan replied to
GordonD on Do You Flash Your Headlights to Alert Other Divers about Camera Cars?

You're very misguided (in my head I used different words). Flashing headlights is done with the high beam. Your headlight on/off/auto…

Has a speed camera ever stopped that?

Choice magazine recommends Breeze brand out of the mattress-in-a-box options. Breeze® Premium Firm Pocket Spring Mattress We just got some…

bmerigan commented on Novated Lease vs Dealer Finance vs Bank
I recently ended a 3 year lease. I did a lot of calculations and comparisons of the different ways to pay. Lease and home-loan refinance…

Agree 100%. I considered the maths of whether I can recover the cost of an alignment by the tyres lasting 5% longer. If the tyres are…

bmerigan commented on A Priest Encourages Congregation to Buy Property in His Suburb and Now They Struggle to Pay Mortgage
There's a saying about a fool and their money...