• expired

Free Dinner at Mosques During Ramadan


Edit - updated title to reflect advice provided by ar7ist.

Read this in the Canberra times -

It's also a month of gratitude. By abstaining from food and water during the day, the faithful are reminded of those less fortunate. Each night during Ramadan, mosques and aid organisations set up tents and tables to serve free evening meals for the poor.

I did a bit of research and it appears that this is 1) available in most mosques around the world; 2) is not widely advertised and 3) generally available to everybody.

The timing of the dinner depends on when the fast is broken which will be different each day for each state.

The time for the dinner is the second last column titled "Iftar Maghrib"

Free food and drinks every evening for everyone in most of the mosques - check for local mosque or speak to any Muslim friend, neighbour or colleague for more details.

This is a great way to explore and connect to a different culture.

Ramadan Kareem to those that celebrate Ramadan.

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closed Comments

        • Mods have already justified this. Move on.

          If you have an issue TWAM.

  • +9

    This isn't so much a deal as it is religious promotion. This only applies to Muslims since there's no reason someone who isn't Muslim and therefore not fasting and praying would go to this.

    • -1

      This only applies to Muslims

      No it doesn't. People of all faiths are welcome to join and share together.

      • Its even open to people of no faiths. The only people who should not go are those that have a hatred for good food and/or Mulsims.

  • +7

    As an example: If your local Coin Collectors Club was holding an open dinner event with the general expectation that their regular members come along but being that they are nice guys and don't have any restrictions on the event should everyone call it a bargain and attend?

    It is really no different, this is mainly for their Muslim community, just because there's no bodyguard at the door doesn't make it right to come or make it a bargain. Only if your planning to join their religion soon after would it make sense and even then its still no bargain.

    • +1

      As an example that is NOT hypothetical: My local homebrew beer club holds regular club events and lunches. Free bbq and homebrew. We are nice guys and welcome all to attend to sample our products and find out more. No fee, not compulsory to join, nothing.

      It's not charity, there's no bodyguard at the door, and we would welcome anyone to attend.

      • +4

        Should post a deal

    • umm there will likely be a bodyguard/police in light of recent events.

  • Down vote al you want this thread isn’t moving, I really acknowledge how some don’t understand the term bargain, clearing going to one of threse places does not clearly show you are someone taking advantage, your always forgetting there are also those seeking for food and shelter they encourage everyone to go please read the facts, no matter how many times I repeat this thread will be full of haters.

    • +7

      Why are people with differencing opinions always labelled 'haters'? Such a lazy term. I have no problems with religion of any denomination, people should absolutely be free to practice whatever makes their heart sing. We need more kindness in the world however this is a deals site and I don't see a deal here? Salvation Army does this sort of thing daily and has done for years but it's not a deal.

      • +3

        Please do not confuse discrimination with "differing opinion"

        Do you see this amount of removed posts for racism/inappropriate/hate speech on other irrelevant deals? Why is that I wonder?

      • Phone keeps auto correcting my spelling, meant to be 'differing'.

        • -1

          That's the only problem you found with your post?

          • +3

            @Typical16-bitEnjoyer: What's the problem you have with my post? This bit "people should absolutely be free to practice whatever makes their heart sing.."?

            Maybe this bit "We need more kindness in the world…"

            C'mon man, stop fighting battles that aren't there. This isn't a deal and you know it.

            • @PDeez:

              Why are people with differencing opinions always labelled 'haters'? Such a lazy term.

              What's lazy is defining typically racist/hate speech/trolling comments and posts as a "differing opinion"

              This isn't a deal

              That is up to the interpretation of the mods. They say it is.

              and you know it.

              Obviously I disagree with you. Feel free not to put words in my mouth.

              • +5

                @Typical16-bitEnjoyer: I still don't see why you have an issue with my post? It was neither racist nor contained anything derogatory towards any group. I questioned why some are so extreme in shutting down debate and those engaging in it labelled as haters?

                I don't see race brought up anywhere at all in any of the posts. Crying racism to stifle debate is the epitomy of laziness. I'm guessing some of the posts were islamaphobic and hence removed. Racist? Not so sure.

  • +6

    not sure my info is worth a post of its own but the ISKCON Hare Krishna Temple in Melbourne offers 3 free meals a day 365 days a year.. also there is The Local Kitchen Brunwick that does free meals every Tuesday night ( i think both are vegan or vegetarian) but wonderful to see so many organisations coming together to feed people for free. food is life!

  • How could I ever have predicted a post here mentioning the word mosque would devolve into a total mess.

    • It's sad isn't it.

      Respecting another's culture is a completely different story when Aussies visit Bali however! Witnessed it often first hand.

  • +3

    Just chiming in as a former devout Muslim: this isn't really a charity event, it's more a "eat and greet". People can consider it a charity, and I'm sure some do (regardless of if they need it or not), but there's really not supposed to be any stigma to attending if you're well off.

    This is what happens at Ramadan at many muslim majority countries.

    • There's no stigma if you're well off or if you're from a Muslim majority country because it's a time Muslims have designated to break their fasting and pray. The reason this post is questionable is because people are claiming it's for everyone where it's only intended for a certain religious group.

      Christian churches will do the same to attract interest from the community. When it comes down to it, this event and ones similar are intended for Muslims or those that will potentially convert to Islam.

      • +4

        it's only intended for a certain religious group

        Provide some sort of evidence to back this up. Have you attended an Iftar and been turned away?

        I, and many others, have clearly stated it is open to everyone of all faiths.

      • +1

        Iftars, even in muslim majority countries, are usually open to everybody. I say usually since I have never personally encountered otherwise, but one might exist that has escaped my view.

  • +1

    I think ozbargain loves this traffic generator posting !! We all sucked in !!

  • +6

    No pork thou :(

    • After your tummy is full then they will fill your brain

      • +4

        With religious BS?

      • +2

        Rightio, because Christian orgs don’t? Or is it because this is a muslim thing that you have a problem?

      • +1

        If you are at risk please feel free to leave it at home before attending.

      • no chance of that happening with you.

  • +14

    1- Believers of faiths from various countries carry their own cultural background and identity which is aside from teachings of their religion. Getting to know their wonderful cultures does not require religious leverage as a pretext.

    2- An "iftar" dinner for the purpose of promoting a religion is neither a bargain nor charity.

    3- Speaking of celebrating Ramadan, in many Islamic countries/regions people (aka fellow Muslims) are arrested, fined, and flogged for eating, drinking, smoking, and even so much as chewing gum in public during this month. Restaurants found to be serving or delivering food, even in hiding, are stormed and shut down.

    • How is point 3 relevant to this thread?

    • Proof? Or does just saying it make it a fact?

  • Don’t be shy feed your hungry bellies while Socialising with different backgrounds members of the community, especially people from ozbaragin, learn to love and not to hate, god forgives those who have sinned :)

  • +5

    I think it's time the posts related to firearms come back.


    Only 1 neg compared to the 40+ on here. Yet mods are quick to ban, why isn't the same done with this the last few religious posts?

    Double standard on mods running the site

    • Yes

      Like that St. Andrews one that has been removed. Whether it was posted in response to this shouldn't matter. You either allow those type of 'deals' or you don't

  • +4

    It mention as pray straight after meal. It will be un-polite to leave. But i have no intentions to pray to anyone.

    On the joke side. Only thing that interest me abit to become Muslim is having 4 wife.

    Downside skipping B & E roll. Have meal when restricted.

    Well tough choice mate.

    • +1

      A wife or 4?

  • +13

    What is the normal price of a meal in a mosque during ramadan? If it's always free why is it a bargain?

    • You can go to the Gold Coast Mosque any friday and pay for a meal in the kitchen. Some great Malay food for a good price. But during Ramadan, the meals are free, and a variety of different ethnic dishes to keep it interesting.

  • +10

    Interesting how this deal is still up. I guess moderators might be too scare to be branded as "racist" for just removing it or moving it to a forum as an open discussion.

    As a lot of people point out, this deal is not one. But more a "community gathering together" and maybe a new section on oz-bargain is needed to recense every single faith place providing that kind of service ?!

    • Incorrect.

      These deals have been happening for years.

      See this one from 10 years ago similarly filled with obnoxious comments and even a parting statement from myself.

      • I'm amazed that kiwipride (last seen 55 minutes ago) has stuck with the site considering how watered down it was becoming in 2009.

        • Don't you be quoting me in 10 years when i'm going for public office.

      • -1

        @neil : Good point. But the post you mention is actually an open day where it actually invite everyone to come and enjoy a sausage and listen to jesus lectures.
        When theses free meal available on this holy period is intended to "muslims and their families" who fast all day and will gathered at night to break the fast. It should be up to them to invite friends "who are from different faith"to come and share. I would have nothing to say if the deal was actually post by an imam or any representant of mosque. But this post attract unnecessary attention. What do you think muslims will think to see all these "freeloaders"coming to crash their prayers just to grab some free food? Have you though of the families who was expecting to eat there at night and end up having a smaller portion or nothing because it was overcrowded?!

        • +3

          all these "freeloaders"coming to crash their prayers just to grab some free food?

          you really think non-muslim hordes are going to overrun the mosques in search of a free meal?

          • -1

            @altomic: This is Ozbargain, remember? Anything free is grabbed by as many people as possible.

            • @syousef: What is wrong with getting something free? Especially when you are welcomed with open arms?

          • +1

            @altomic: @altomic: yes, this is the way i think. People can go to great length to get free stuff and some will definetly get those opportunity to be troublemakers. There are a lot of hate out there.

  • +10

    Ramadan Dinner/Iftar is the same as what many other religions offer; they're mostly either charity (doesn't belong to here) or family gatherings for a meal (doesn't belong here either).

  • +14

    What is this horseshit? Religious preaching in exchange for food is not a deal.

    • Is it all religious preaching in exchange for food you have a problem with, or just muslim preaching?

    • not sure how you manage, but when i am eating I find it hard to speak at the same time. Go enjoy a meal and dont worry, no one is going to convert you.

  • +3

    Stop pushing religion. Who cares

  • +3

    Nice , many are saying all back grounds and faiths are welcome to this free meal .

    So a Orthodox Jew would be welcome ?

    Rubbah doesn't seem like a free meal then if this is the case : At the end of Ramadhan we are also obligated to pay 2.5% of our savings to charity, and that is the minimum.

    Could be mistaken the other faiths are exempt .

    • +2

      So a Orthodox Jew would be welcome ?

      Should be but I believe they would be the last type of people to go there. I had asked my friend who is part of the LGBQTI community if should would be interested. Her response was no '******* way'

  • +3

    Anything religious should be somewhere else this is NOT a bargain. A freebie with a caveat maybe.

  • +2

    No such thing as a 'free' dinner.

    • +1

      except in this case.

  • -2

    Reason mods don’t remove it is since this is actually a deal what they should actually do is remove those idiot neg votes, full stop.

  • +1

    Awesome deal! when will be the last day of the dinner?

  • +7

    Sikh Temple gives out free meal everyday…someone just posted it and the mods removed it due to trolling. WTF

  • +5

    Don't understand why this is posted as a deal, lots of churches and charities do this but that's not a deal!
    It's there to help the poor and those in need.

    Posts like this will only increase the amount of free loaders go there to eat and the ones that genuinely can't afford to buy food might miss out

    This being posted here shows me someone wants to use this opportunity to preach in exchange for free food no matter if you're poor or not

    • -1

      Isn’t that what a deal is? Someone offering you a discount to get you in with the hope that you become a repeat customer?

    • -1

      will only increase the amount of free loaders go there to eat

      and the ones that genuinely can't afford to buy food might miss out

      This being posted here shows me someone wants to use this opportunity to preach

      Rubbish. Conjecture. You have no basis to think this.

      A more likely situation is that local mosques are welcome to all, it is inherently in their faith and culture to offer food and assistance to others and it is part of their practice to eat together during Ramadan.

      • +2

        Rubbish. Conjecture. You have no basis to think this.

        The use of "Ozbargained" as a verb for years says otherwise.

        • -1

          Explain us to all how you came to that reasoning.

          • +3

            @Typical16-bitEnjoyer: You don't understand thousands of regular users of Ozbargain jumping on a "deal" just because it is free, whether they need it or not, and with no consideration for others? Really? If you don't understand that I'm afraid you're beyond my help.

            • -1

              @syousef: There's only 346 plus votes. 146 subscribers. All are located in various metropolitian and regional area across the country.

              I don't think that your fear that 1000s of OzBargainers will suddenly rock up at the exact same time of the exact same day, in the exact same city and at the exact same individual mosque is justified.

              • +1


                There's only 346 plus votes. 146 subscribers. All are located in various metropolitian and regional area across the country.

                So you're telling me you also have no idea that for every person that subscribes there are tens that lurk? Or that votes have been removed?

                I don't think that your fear that 1000s of OzBargainers will suddenly rock up at the exact same time of the exact same day, in the exact same city and at the exact same individual mosque is justified.

                You should also look up what a straw man fallacy is.

                • -1


                  You don't understand thousands of regular users of Ozbargain jumping on a "deal" just because it is free, whether they need it or not, and with no consideration for others?

                  Well aware what a Straw man is. That's why I used your exact words and argument back at you.

                  If you're backflipping on your original comment above, then what exactly is it that you're worried about?

                  • +1


                    Well aware what a Straw man is. That's why I used your exact words and argument back at you

                    Where did I say "1000s of OzBargainers will suddenly rock up at the exact same time of the exact same day, in the exact same city and at the exact same individual mosque"?

                    Forget "straw man". Look up "lie" instead.

                    • -1


                      You don't understand thousands of regular users of Ozbargain jumping on a "deal" just because it is free, whether they need it or not, and with no consideration for others?

                      Here's your post above.

                      Explain what exactly you are trying to convey with that post. Explain it to us all.

                      • @Typical16-bitEnjoyer: Yes and again nothing about "1000s of OzBargainers will suddenly rock up at the exact same time of the exact same day, in the exact same city and at the exact same individual mosque"?

                        Your exaggeration is nothing like what I said. I didn't talk about everyone coming on one day at one Mosque and that isn't a requirement for abuse of this deal. They certainly weren't my "exact words and argument". What are you failing to comprehend here? You completely misrepresented what I said and you're still insisting that you didn't. Did you fail comprehension at elementary level? Do you really think you have the higher moral ground when you're being this dishonest and this toxic?

                        • @syousef:

                          You don't understand thousands of regular users of Ozbargain jumping on a "deal" just because it is free, whether they need it or not, and >with no consideration for others?

                          Explain what exactly you are trying to convey with that post. Explain it to us all.

                          Still waiting.

            • @syousef: Your flip floppign all over the place. Earlier posts you said you had a problem with Muslims as you were devoute Xtian.

              Now you are shedding crocodile tears of concern that too many OzBargianers will take meals from hungry Muslims?

              Who are you trying to brainwash now?

              • +1

                @eman resu:

                @syousef: Your flip floppign all over the place. Earlier posts you said you had a problem with Muslims as you were devoute Xtian.

                I said I had a Christian background. That is true. I also describe myself as an atheist. I am not responsible for your delusional misunderstanding of who I am or if you can't tell or can't be bothered to know the difference between where someone comes from and what they actually believe.

                There are no crocodile tears here. I don't need to be a devout anything to think it's a disgrace to take advantage of people's beliefs. I do not need to share those beliefs to recognize the predation. Above i also comment on and like comments that point out that the aim of this charity is to make more Muslims. Further, I commented on the Muslim attitude to moving away from Islam. Did you bother to read any of that or is that too much to ask before you launch a clueless childish attack on someone?

                And the irony is you talk about me brainwashing people. Take your poisonous slander elsewhere, troll!

                • @syousef:

                  You don't understand thousands of regular users of Ozbargain jumping on a "deal" just because it is free, whether they need it or not, and >with no consideration for others?

                  Still waiting.

                  • @Typical16-bitEnjoyer: You keep on waiting, sport. Didn't recognize an answer? Not my problem. Never seen such blatant hypocrisy in my life.

      • +3

        Rubbish. My local catholic church has morning tea after mass and also does charity meals. That's not an invite to freeloaders like yourself to abuse their good will.

  • Don't preach/ do such free meals to gain followers… just show what the followers do in the world.

    Good tree doesn't produce bad fruits tho!

  • +2

    'Free breathe mints - just enter any hotel lobby and act like you are staying there'.

    Seriously, this isn't a deal.

  • +6

    Loads of religions do this all the time, how is this a bargain!?

  • +3

    Ozbargain's starting to get that virtue signalling vibe.

    • +3

      There's no better way to signal your own virtues than to accuse others of virtue signalling.

      • +2

        Well when free bible, qurans posts etc. are removed by the mods, why are mosque events being promoted?

        • -1

          Because free Bibles and Qurans that are mailed to you aren't allowed under the Deal Posting Guidelines.

          Freebie deal posts from charities targeted at specific groups where you receive a physical item in the mail are not permitted (with exception of a deal posted by a rep).

          • @Pantagonist: They aren't targeted at specific groups.

            • @dracarys19: Some are free for all like this one which was allowed.

              Presumably there are some that are specifically intended for certain groups that are deemed inappropriate to post for that reason and deleted when they pop up.

              These are all questions that could be posted in Talk with a Moderator if you actually want a clear cut answer. I'm not one so I can only guess.

              • @Pantagonist: Don't see a reason to talk with a mod. It would be more helpful to let everyone know the rules about it and be consistent with those rules.

                • @dracarys19: The rules seem quite clear to me, but I haven't seen a free Bible / Quran deal posted that was subsequently removed.

                  If you've got evidence of inconsistency in this area then you should post it for us to see.

                  • @Pantagonist: Page 2 and 5 of the new deals listing Gurdwaras and St. Andrews posts both got removed for 'trolling'

                    • @dracarys19: Not sure who posted those deals, but the mods do tend to look at who says what in the more "controversial" deal comments. If subsequent similar deals crop up that are posted by people who have been trolling in the original deal, they often get deleted for trolling.

                      If someone is decrying a post about a religious deal because of its religious nature, then that same person goes and posts a deal for another religion, it's fairly clear that they're not posting it because they think it's a good deal.

                      See scotty's post here for an example of this practice.

                      • @Pantagonist: If someone who hasn't been trolling, would it get removed? If anything, a post like this would jog one's memory that other faith organisations do this too and would be good to let others know.

                        Maybe better to wait a couple of days before posting it?

                        • @dracarys19: It would be worth trying if it satisfies all the posting guidelines.

                          What normally happens with these deals is that the outrage subsides in a day or two and everyone who got on their soapbox about equality of religion forgets how deeply they care about the topic.

                          I think the issue with similar posts cropping up so soon after a passionate debate has occurred is that the fighting just spills over into the new thread and no one gets to take a breath.

                          For that reason I can understand why these posts are only made and allowed every so often.

                      • @Pantagonist: But then should we be assuming someone can only have 1 religion?

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