[NSW, ACT, VIC] Quarter Chicken, Chips and Drink $5 (Was $13, New Legendary Rewards Members Only, App Required) @ El Jannah


Originally spotted on Facebook.

Have stacked a couple of these with multiple accounts for a decent family meal.

$5 Quarter Chicken Meal? Yes, please! Legendary Rewards members eat for less this March, this is your moment. Grab it before it’s gone!

This offer is only valid for new member sign-ups only that also download the app. Must have a member account to redeem. If you qualify, your voucher with this offer will have an expiry – please see the “Offers” tab within your app for expiry details. Limited time only – promotion valid until 31/3/25.

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El Jannah
El Jannah


  • +1

    does it run for the whole month?

    • Yep but I think you can only redeem it once per account

      • make multiple accounts as per OP

        • +11


    • +9


  • Does it require separate phone number?

    • I just signed up and looks like you just need to verify email

      • Had to verify phone number unless you didn’t need to put in one.

        • +1

          I verified email first, when I clicked the SMS verification link, it failed and said it's already verified.

          I've tried twice and only needed to verify email.

          • @impoze: Was this on Android or Apple?

            When going through registration, supplying a mobile number is mandatory on Android. If you try to order as a guest, it's RRP.

            • @axus350: Android, I put in a random phone number.

      • Complete opposite for me - didn't receive any email but had to verify the link sent via SMS

  • -8

    just save 2.50 and not a meal,

  • +12

    They must struggle during Ramadan, losing their largest customer based during daylight.

  • +1

    Damn, only one store on the other side of the latte line.

  • Not as good as it used to be :(

    • +1

      The taste or the promo?

      • Both

        Though it was always not amazing and dry as hell

        The toum was always the best part of it

        • The OG El Jannah in Granville always had dry chicken, dunno if they're just rushing it out due to popularity.

          Newer stores are better imo, not dry. I'd say it's even better than frangos chicken

    • +1

      You can ask for a fresh chicken. Just wait longer. The ones sitting there get dry.

  • Noice 🍗

  • Nice to see they have dropped the prices on things. They literally just jacked their prices up a few weeks ago. The identical meal we ordered for $40 three weeks ago, was $47 the following week

    • +4

      I remember picking up whole chicken take-away for $10 but now, it's over $20 and even the other charcoal chicken places (eg. Hawa, Awafi, Hariri's, etc.) are similarly priced.

      • -1

        $7 at costco

        • Do Costco do charcoal chickens now?

          • @Jessie Ryder: Naah, dry chicken roasts, unless you want to get into the "mosh pit" when the fresh chicken gets placed and get elbowed by the human equivalent of seagulls.

            Pretty meh tier chicken, great for a cheap eat but not much else.

            • +1

              @ThadtheChad: IMO the hotdogs are the only fresh thing worth eating from CC.

            • @ThadtheChad: Costco chickens are pretty nasty, God knows what they feed those chooks there's so much fat on them. Plus the salt brine/chemicals they inject to flavor or moisten it before cooking, it makes the meat red and almost looks raw

      • +1

        Yep, used to be $10 now it’s $22 from memory

        • +1

          The chicken is around the same size.
          My salary increased a little bit, but definitely did not double.
          The taste has gone downhill a lot, and inconsistent.

  • do we need to do anything like earn pointz or $5 straight out

    • +2

      The latter

  • I created an account at the end of Feb cos I saw this advertised on Facebook, but nothing is showing in my offers. Is it only for people who sign up in March?

    • +1

      Once you add the meal to your cart it will change from $13 to $5

    • Same as me signed up Feb 28, I also just tried to add to cart just now with no luck.
      Unfortunately looks like we were too eager with the promo. If anyone has any work around please let us know.

  • About the right price

  • confirm u can just verify with emsil no need sms

  • Is there a way of installing the same app multiple times on Droid? I'm sure I saw it somewhere but can't seem to find it now.

    • +1

      just log in & out

      use bitwarden or similar to save logins.

  • Made a new account, offer is not there for me

  • -3

    Stacking this kind of deal is a great way to make sure they don't continue offering it 👍

  • Just signed up and got the $5 meal in my offers. Signed out then back in again

  • No store close to home. Closest one is 25min drive away. The price seems ok but does the chicken taste good? Any recommendations for the other items on the menu?

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