Free 6 Months of Uber One Membership (New & Returning Users) @ Uber Eats


Found this offer for 6 months free Uber One Membership under the Stan Offers tab of my Stan Account. Credits to nicholasv for sharing the generic redemption link in comments below. Stan Account is not required.

Enjoy 6 months of Uber One membership, on us.

As a Stan subscriber, take advantage of a 6 month Uber One membership!

Your Uber One membership comes with exclusive benefits like:

  • $0 Delivery Fee and up to 30% off on Service Fees on eligible Uber Eats orders
  • 5% Uber One credit on Uber rides with priority access to top-rated drivers
  • Access to member only promotions and experiences

You can redeem this now or anytime up until 28 April 2025.

This offer is available to active Stan subscribers who are new or returning Uber One members only. Promotional and Additional Uber One T&C's apply.

Important: Set a reminder to cancel Uber One about 3 days before the last day of your 6 months depending on when you activate the offer to avoid the recurring payment which Uber might not refund at their discretion.

By joining Uber One, you authorise Uber to charge $9.99 on or around 23 Sept, 2025 (your Billing Day) and once every plan cycle, until cancelled, using any filed payment method. Cancel in-app up to 48 hours before your trial ends to avoid incurring the charge for the next billing cycle or contact support. Subject to consumer laws, your recurring payment is not refundable.

Referral Links

Referral: random (1456)

$0 Delivery Fee on your First Order. Referrer receives something too (Likely free delivery on next order). Cannot be stacked with new user signup codes.

$20 for Referrer & Referee: random (93)

Targeted $20 for referrer and referee. Upon application of referral coupon, referee receives $20 Uber Cash to be used within 3 days (first-time orders only, $25 min spend). Referee must have an Uber Cash balance of $0. When referee completes their first order within 14 days, the referrer will receive $20 Uber Cash. Referrer may refer up to a maximum of 5 times during this promotion. Promotion ends 25/04/2025

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Uber Eats


  • +356

    Generic redemption link is

    Worked for me but I don't have stan. Title should be updated to reflect this

    • +4

      Also worked for me and I don’t have Stan. Cheers!

      • worked but doesn't let you cancel.

    • +2

      Bloody legend thanks!

    • +5

      Legend! Works as long as you aren't currently an Uber One member.

      • Yeh think that is just the terms of the offer in general. It didn't work for one of my mates as it said that they have already had a membership, so not sure

        • +3

          Yep, just tries and got: "It looks like you've already had a membership. Unfortunately, you're not eligible for this Uber One offer."

          • @y2k: Ye, how do we bypass this?

            • @Uncle Roger: Cancel your current uber one (if less than 6mo that is).

              • +1

                @bargainhunter: Doesn't seem to work for me, not sure if I need to wait for the current month to actually elapse for Uber One to end though. It might not work at all though judging by the wording of "It looks like you've already had a membership"

                • @nmur: I had Uber one from a 3 month promo expiring on April 13 so I cancelled (with benefits lost immediately) and rejoined with this link. This account was an email address accessing Uber with a PC/web browser.
                  If all else fails I’d sign up on PC with a new email address while the goings good.

                  • @bargainhunter:

                    3 month promo expiring on April 13 so I cancelled (with benefits lost immediately)

                    Was the 3 months promo free? Or just reduced? You shouldn't have lost benefits immediately for unless it is trial

                    • @CodeXD: Free, it would have been from OzB.

                      P.S. Maybe 4 mo. from this deal

                    • +1

                      @CodeXD: I'm a paying Uber One customer (and a Stan customer too). I am 99% sure you need to wait for your benefits to elapse.

                      I just cancelled my Uber One membership in the app- the app gave me some generic retention offer of 90% off 3 months and confirmed my membership will cease on the 4/4. I'll try this link again on the 4/4 and see how I go.

              • +1

                @bargainhunter: Unfortunately, I recently paid for a year (sigh)

        • +4

          Cancelled membership but still gives "It looks like you've already had a membership. Unfortunately, you're not eligible for this Uber One offer."
          Membership expires in 5 days, so maybe worth trying again in 5 days, not sure how else to bypass

          • @evilgenious448: In my case membership/benefits ceased immediately as noted above. Yours didn’t expire immediately so may work in 5 days, as you say.

          • @evilgenious448: mine expires in 4 days, lets see if it works or different email it is.

            • @V003: Yes it says "new & returning users". Since you've still got an active membership then I'd say you're a current user according to Uber. Wait until your current membership expires and then try again and it should work

    • +1


    • +1


    • You sir are the real MVP!

    • absolute legend, thanks!

    • Thanks legend!

    • Thank youuuuu!!! Worked for me

    • I just tried and it said it wasn't available in my area.

      The last time I used Uber eats was last month in Anaheim so the delivery address I had selected prevented me from claiming it.

      Changed to my home address and it was sweet.


    • thx, just in need!

    • Worked for me and i dont have stan thanks!

    • Nice, thanks!

    • You sir, are the real MVP

    • Cheers for this! Worked for me!

    • Legend

    • I just made a new account used my existing number that was already connected to my old account and it worked, cheers.

    • Omg legend!

    • woohoo bloody legend worked for me! Yippeee

    • Legend - worked for me

  • +12

    Legend, the real deal is always in the comments.

    • +2

      The real deal is always in reading the T&Cs 😂

  • +1

    Cheers buddy! UberOne expired yesterday.

  • Worked thanks!

  • Legend, worked without an active Stan account. Thank you!

  • Calendar reminder added.

    • +3

      Can cancel now and it will continue for 6 months

      • +3

        Tried and said successful but actually didn’t

        • +1

          Yeah is this a glitch? It's not actually letting me cancel.

          • +6

            @theguwithnoname: I think its an intentional glitch by Uber. They entice customers with free membership then make the 'cancellation' almost impossible. The work around I found is to remove your payment details from Uber prior to them charging you for membership renewal.

            • @angry-redbird: This is a hot tip!

            • @angry-redbird: But does that mean you can't actually use Uber / UberEats until you readd the payment details?

              • @fredblogs: No. After removing your payment details all you need to do is add your payment method everytime you order Uber or UberEats. After your renewal date is passed you can re add your preferred payment method.

        • Thought it might just take a minute but mine still won't let me cancel.. have we been ozbargained by them?

          • +1

            @Yeahyeahok: I cancelled my Uber account last time around because it was impossible to cancel the One membership. No call centre or chat option. Nothing.

      • I think they mean to activate it later when needed like what I am doing. Reminder set for 28 April expiry

      • I vaguely remember that it was cancelled immediately two years ago (as I planned to place orders in the last few days). It was not set like Amazon Prime but it may have changed its way. I won't cancel it now and the so called glitch may prevent customers from doing this like a mistake. Probably not a glitch if the cancellation can only be requested in the last 30 days.

  • +4

    I get a message saying no deal, already had an uber one membership. Haven't for ages.

    • Same.

    • +2

      Create a new account

  • +1

    Worked for me without Stan account.

  • +1

    So, free for everyone?

  • +10

    No need to set a reminder to cancel, can do it immediately and will still work for the 6 months.
    "You can still use Uber One benefits until the end of your current billing period, even after cancllling, but not if you are on a free trial and cancel."

    • +1

      "but not if you are on a free trial and cancel".

      Isn't this a free trial? I would interpret this as us not being able to cancel immediately and still receive benefits, no?

      • +8

        Not a trial, this is a free 6 month membership. I cancelled immediately and still giving me end date of 6 months from today.

        • Excellent, thanks for confirming.

    • +5

      I clicked on "Leave Uber One" but it didn't do anything and still show that my membership will renew on 23/9/25. : (

      Any idea? Thanks.

      • Same

      • Same here, tried twice and nothing

      • +1

        I think its an intentional glitch by Uber. They entice customers with free membership then make the 'cancellation' almost impossible. The work around I found is to remove your payment details from Uber prior to them charging you for membership renewal.

  • Wow I love you :D

  • Damn it I just activated 1month trial yesterday

  • Worked. Bargain of the year!

  • Ty

  • Thank you. Worked a treat.

  • +4

    Screw these guys. They crap on everyone. Take profits away from both ends, plus horribly mark up the prices. The 30% they take from the shop is most criminal, forcing them to hike prices for everyone.

    It baffles me why anyone supports them.

    • It’s simple people are lazy and don’t care about the shops they don’t realise that’s it’s cheaper to go in the shop but they won’t lol

      • I'm well awareof their impact, without a mode of transport. Is this so baffling?

        • +3

          You represent the tiniest minority, (a fraction of a percent). The service isn't even designed for your circumstance, you just happen to benefit from it. I love how you just wedge yourself right into the argument that clearly doesn't involve you.

          • +1

            @TheJoker: Like 10% of Australians don't have access to a car, whole bunch more only have 1 car per household. More common than you'd think.

          • +1

            @TheJoker: But somehow it's okay for your comments ⁉️

          • +1


            The service isn't even designed for your circumstance

            Are you seriously saying food delivery service / transport service is not designed for people without a mode of transport?

            Name checks out.

            • @CodeXD: You've mixed in transport service to suit your argument. When talking food delivery, yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. What percentage of people ordering uber eats do you think don't have their own transport? You think they would release a product for such a small market segment? You are a beneficiary of a service created for convenience. Do you seriously not see that?

              • @TheJoker: This deal is for Uber one, which includes both Uber and Uber eats.

      • +1

        Spot on. People are lazy, and most don't care about the impacts of their decisions. It's such an easy one to navigate too.

      • +3

        Everyone is fully aware that it costs more on Ubereats, even if the price was the same you still pay a service fee.

        Our usual order for Indian is $42 if we go in-person, or $48 delivered with Uber One. Driving there is 15 mins each way, plus waiting for the order if they're busy or couldn't get through on the phone, easily 40 mins.

        I wouldn't work for $9/hour, I'm sure you wouldn't either, it's one of the cheapest time/money exchanges.

        People pay $100/week for a cleaner to save them a few hours on the weekend, if you're at that stage in life then it would be silly to pick up your own stuff, unless you enjoy the experience of course.

        • For that $6, you may also get cold or spilt food, with no resolution from Uber's automated/offshored service

          • @arcticmonkey: I've always been happy with their support, but yeah not worth it for food that doesn't reheat well like fish and chips.

            Actually felt bad once because they refunded the whole order because they gave us Coke instead of Coke Zero, it was part of a bundle deal so they refunded the 'wrong item' when I just wanted them to take the price of the drink off.

        • -1

          Ha, nice AJL (Attempted Justifiable Laziness). There's no chance end to end it costs you $6 extra. The menu markup is about 20%, plus delivery fee, plus service fee, then sometimes surge pricing. Then there's the hidden fees of 30% to the restaurant plus whatever percentage to the drivers. People are getting screwed every step of the way.

          My mum used to live in a different state, and I tried to treat her to some Chinese. Rice, a dish, and Spring rolls would have run me $68. I called a place a little closer to her, paid $42 and she picked it up. It was the first and last time I've ever tried using Uber eats. They are greedy, unethical bastards up there with the best of them.

          • +1

            @TheJoker: I only ever buy uber eats when there is some sort of deal such as $15 off $30 spend and/or BOGOF and I use 10 - 15% off gift cards. If it is close enough I even opt to pick up to save on the service fee. It definitely can works out better for the users if you can use it strategically.

            That is why I can 100% agree with @Jolakot because I've been in the restaurant and looked at what the prices are and compared it to the delivery app. If restaurants allowed me to pay the same amount I would gladly pick that route but most of the deals I'm using are backed by uber eats.

            • -2

              @CodeXD: Man, you guys are so good bringing up these insignificant edge cases to justify something that is clearly and objectively bad for business and customers. Even if that transaction works out for you, the restaurant is still getting reemed from the fees. Using Uber eats also causes them to increase their regular menu prices, so it actually costs more over the long run anyway.

              Personally, I prefer to pay directly to the business if it means they can put the whole amount to rent, wages, ingredients etc. People just don't gaf about supporting businesses anymore, and will gladly funnel local money overseas, and come up rubbish to justify it.

          • +1

            @TheJoker: I mean you can play along at home if you'd like.

            The place we order from (Aangan) charges $21 each for a butter chicken and a vindaloo in-store, on Uber Eats they charge $24 each.

            In the years we've been using it, they have always had a special going, right now you get $8 off a $30 spend. But usually the discount just covers the service fee, 10% if you spend over $30.

            So $48 - $8 discount = $40, plus $4 service fee, $44 total. Or $42 if we picked it up. Would almost cost you more in petrol to drive there. That's with Uber One, so no delivery fee and reduced service fee.

            Always arrives hot, although we once ordered their $48 deal that came with rice and bread, which were both cold by the time it got here. Food like Fish and Chips that doesn't reheat well wouldn't be worth it.

            They only charge a 15% fee if the restaurant delivers it themselves, or if they have the basic plan, 30% is for the premium plan where you show up in their featured section. Plus 2.5% for payment processing.

            Even for $10 difference I'd consider it worthwhile, what $/hour do you value your time at?

              • +1

                @TheJoker: And sir I'm sure you're one who understands that paying with cash has a very different impact than wwtid -resulting in numerous fee thread offshoots of micro purchases that are not necessary to do business.

          • @TheJoker: This is the (Australian ) way.

            We get screwed time and time again but nobody would ever do anything to effect change on the way something is.

            Far too strong of a "cost of doing business" mentality.

            Fair to say that millions of Australians have been impacted by the vaping laws, right down to the pharmacy guilds disgust at not even being consulted. I got to know personal friends who ran very successful Vape stores, to have their businesses turned insolvent , with absolutely zero regard for the capital stored in stock on hand simply that they must have it "destroyed " by an approved pharmacy. After 12yrs of giving up overnight, I'm at 1 higher risk than ever of becoming a smoker again… There's literally nothing good about it,and some absolutely horrible injustices ,but where's the outcry ?

            It's because the world turns to the internet to whinge about their problems as though it's going to improve their situation. Most don't want to hear it, or visiting a centralised grievance platform to collectively complain among each other, doesn't change a damn thing.

            • @parad0x: Yep, that was an absolute disgrace. And who came out winning? Big pharma. What a surprise!

              • @TheJoker: No actually… It's a massive loss for them.The government is the winner import tax, compliance tax,sales tax just to name a few

                • @parad0x: Unless I'm out of touch with something recent, it's not a loss for pharma, they're a big winner. They've essentially got a stranglehold on the only "legal" way to get vapes via pharmacies. Ironically, their biggest competitor is tobacco companies also selling vapes in pharmacies. So they're 2 massive industries that have been protected and boosted by the regulations. And yes you're right the government is still lining their pockets.

                  • @TheJoker: They dont want it. It WILL cost them more to run than the profits to be made .

                    Yet the biggest portion of the vaping market is made up of I independent SMBs… How is that control for anything other than distribution ?.

                    So existing pharmacy must 1. Make purchasing decisions about products they don't officially endorse nor recognise as a medicine .they must store stock. Clear stock from shelves to dispense items .pharmacist and only the pharmacist must have a very specific discussion for every single purchase regardless of prior engagements .
                    This is not a win .this is the Making of a public health crisis . There is legitimate reason why the Pharmacy Guild of Australia had condemned the move, and last I checked the biggest national chain sti refusing to participate

                    • -1

                      @parad0x: This is a topic I'm evtemely well versed in. I've also seen it from the inside, outside, and all around..

                      Something is amiss when the number of individuals involved in passing legislation are Pro vaping, yet anti vaping laws are the ones passing …

                      Ive known .CIA level shit occurring in the Vape world, courtesy of our government . Genuinely scary shit you only believe exists in movies - and this was all the way back at the beginning to "scare " the valets away.

              • @TheJoker: CBF have just successfully cut off the massive black market prescription medication imports from China & India….

                What do you think happens now that they must focus on the additional tens of thousands of Vape related imports?l
                Well indirectly my personal prescription pad expands again ,lol .

                But the government has written this legislation, for all of Australia's existing bodies to take the burden of,whilst it ingests the profits, all under the guise of public safety yet having the exact opposite.

                Do not think for one moment that the mainstream media is complicit, ISPs by 2ay of NBN are complicit in ensuring we only see the picture that suits the narrative. It's disgusting

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