This was posted 14 years 9 months 11 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[EXPIRED] Mon 11 Oct 2009: Free Sausage Sizzle at St Andrews Cathedral - Town Hall, Sydney


Free sausage sizzle lunch…part of the Jesus All About Life campaign ( in Sydney:

Jesus. All About Life wants to invite you all to a FREE Sausage sizzle today! Where? St Andrews Cathedral on George Street, Sydney from 12pm -2pm Why? More then 500 of the wonderful Generation Y want to say THANK YOU and feed the CITY.

mod - added the expired to the title
mod - took out TODAY and put date in

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closed Comments

  • -5

    This is not a bargain it's soliciting!!

    • Yep, agreed. Gone.

      • +1


        • I think that this offer falls into the "charity/donations" area. These should be posted in the forums, not here. See the rules.

          • +2

            @Flurogreen: Sorry, can't find the relevant forum posting…please post it for me and I'll make necessary adjustments.

            Also, I can't see why it's under "charity/donations" since it's FREE.

            • -5


              You're saying that a church giving sausages is not charity?

              • +7

                @Flurogreen: So….are we the beneficiary of this charity?

                • -4

                  @toothpaster: No, the people receiving the sausages! Are you saying your church is not attempting to do charitable work? This site is ozbargain, not ozcharity.

                  • +2

                    @Flurogreen: A charity categorization would be if they were asking you for money not if they are giving something away!

            • -3

              @toothpaster: There is always underlying intent to these types of “religion” sponsored events. This is no more an act of altruism than door to door Mormons offering to mow your lawn.

              I think we should just keep the deals on this site secular in nature.

              • +6

                @ash2000: Hmmm… are you saying that the "underlying intent" of a company wanting to give away free product samples is simply out of goodness of their hearts?

                • @toothpaster: There is a difference between overt and obvious commercial intent of a shop giving out samples, versus the more "disguised" intent of religious organisations running events such as this.

                  But anyway, that's my 2 cents, and my neg vote is clearly in the minority anyway!

                  Have a god day.

                  • +11

                    @ash2000: I appreciate your comments mate!

                    But I disagree that it's disguised…. I thought it was blindingly obvious that the intent of the whole Jesus All About Life campaign you see on TV and radio was impetus for people to have conversations about Jesus.

                    You have a good day too ;)

              • +2

                @ash2000: If you look at it objectively, it's still a bargain/deal.

                • -1

                  @donnytuco: I just see it as a freebie :P

                • +4

                  @donnytuco: agreed, this is a massive free lunch in the city for everyone, not just for helping the poor and homeless. So what if its to promote Christianity, have some respect for the Australian diversity.

              • +5

                @ash2000: re: free lawn-mowing…

                there's people who do that?

                I gotta get me some of that…

                • -2

                  @poor_me: That's what I was thinking! hahaha

                  EDIT: Negative as I dislike promotions by religious organisations.

              • +4

                @ash2000: There is the same underlying discount in almost every bargain. The reason people have deals is to get people in the door looking at the rest of their stuff! By your logic every post on this site would be removed.

              • @ash2000:

                I think we should just keep the deals on this site secular in nature.

                Mate, then you should see some of scotty's posts.

        • +1


      • +3

        Ash2000 looks like you failed in getting it off the front (saying its gone), your negative voting didn't work. It's a freebie, so its from a religious organisation, so? Is that why you voted negative?

    • +9

      Why not? It's a free sausage sizzle in the city… I'm expecting thousands of sausages cooked outside St Andrews Catehdral Square

    • -3

      As they say, there is no such thing as a "Free" lunch!

      "Ahh God, my favourite fictional character, next to jebes"

      • Agreed. There is no such thing as a “Free” lunch!

        And no this isnt a attack on your religion, it could be a Avon Sausage Sizzle and I would have the same view.

  • +3

    this is epic!! :D:D:D free lunch!

  • +6

    Yummm why not, dont be too narrow minded…

  • +10

    People are so touchy about religion lol

  • +6

    There was one of these at a church in Liverpool a few weeks back. I had no problems with the "churchy" peeps.
    Thumbs up to a free snag!!

    • +1

      too bad the liverpool priest was a pedo.…

      • -3


        It is only human for a priest or any other human to have sexual urges - that is how we are created. It is sad that these urges culminate into inappropriate and criminal conduct, hence bringing disrepute to these church missions. Inviting people to free BBQs is hardly going to address these problems.

        If only all priests were allowed to marry….

        • are you a priest

          • @Lexsus: LOL! No! Hell no!

            I'm just sick of seeing every second priest being a pedo, which is why these chumming up events such as free BBQs turn me off completely.

            But I have a solution to address these problems……allow marriages for priests. I mean c'mon let these poor priests satisfy their sexual urges in a way nature intended while enjoying the sanctity of marriage.

            I'm not saying devoting your life and services to God is a bad thing - only that this should be done practically. Getting a human to suppress his sexual urges is utterly impractical and just doesn't work. Get to really know some of these priests and you'll know what I mean.

            In the end, so long as them pervy priests stay away from our kids, I couldn't care less!

            • +1

              @McMerc: Anglican ministers can (and are encouraged to) marry if that's right for them. The event today was held at an Anglican church. So I'm not sure what you are on about

  • +5

    thanks Jesus for free snags!

  • +1

    Not worth my time.
    Don't get enough for my time waiting in line and definitely not worth the headache afterward.

  • +4

    Weather is Beautiful in Syd today, Plz go out and enjoy it!

  • +12

    lol take your christophobia elsewhere, free sausages rock even if it is in sydney

    • +2

      …tell that to the altar boys…

  • +8

    Repent sinners and non believers! Jesus died for you so you can enjoy sausage sizzles!

  • -2

    lol propaganda..

  • +7

    Are the sausages kosher? :)

    • +1

      lol nice one

  • +10

    People vote for deals like "Free Pepsi Max at Central station today!" so I don't see how this is any different. They're both advertising for an organisation, what's the big deal?

    • +5

      agreed. its not like they are forcing you to "buy in" to religion.

  • +1

    Sausages go well with spaghetti…

  • -2

    one i dont eat meat, and two this is a ploy no doubt to preach about religion.
    not a bargain unless you want to be hassled about god.

  • Can Muslims get a free sausage? and if so, I hope it isn't a pork sausage…

    • +1

      Not sure what's in them… but I'm sure they could ask (even for vegie sausages). It's open to everyone!

  • +2

    People like a bargain no matter what the catch, and hey speaking of catch, at least you dont have to watch servers dying on you when a PS3 is on sale for $299! If you're in the city and walk past it, why not!
    (if it was say the 'Jedi' religion, I'd still go and grab a snag!)

  • +1

    as if they have enough time to hassle everyone about jesus..

    im not religious but i dont see what the harm in this is. Atleast you know you'll get something in return.

    Stop whinging about the church… gawd

  • +4

    "Repent sinners and non believers! Jesus died for you so you can enjoy sausage sizzles!"- This one was classic…

  • -4

    I don't want your dirty jebus snags.

  • +6

    I don't see how this is worse than signing up to a website promising a freebie.
    Then being bombarded by newsletters/advertising and never actually receiving the freebie?
    That seems to happen a lot on this site so I really don't see what's wrong with this.

  • -2

    QUOTE: Repent sinners and non believers! Jesus died for you so you can enjoy sausage sizzles!

    what about the poor cow who died.

    • +5

      What makes you think sausages are made out of cow these days ? … LOL

    • +1

      Exactly - Religion is selective on who or what died/dies.

      Typical religious double standards.

      • +2

        But wouldn't the same so-called "double standard" apply to the non-religious? Eg. Killing a fly is ok, but not a human?

  • +2

    Imagine if God exist and is watching right now, those who voted negative might go straight to hell. Hehe.

    I can't understand the problem with some of these people. Go there, grab a free lunch and if you are interested in what they have to say, just listen. If not just walk away. Simple.

    • +3

      If Scientology people held a free BBQ that deal would get shot down big time. Its the same with this really.

      • +3

        Scientology has a known reputation for harassing people, coercing them into believing their sick and need to spend thousands to get better.

        But really, I would probably +1 anyone who submitted "Free personality test from Co$".

  • -4

    Thank you Jesus* for the dinosaurs that your followers don't seem to have an explanation of, and thanks for the movie Zeitgeist.


    • I may or may not actually believe in this entity called Jesus. I do however believe that only kids should have imaginary friends.
    • +1

      Michael Moore also produces documentaries as truthful and unbiased as zeitgeist… :S

  • Isn't this the same as posting a deal for free roof over your head during Sunday service??

  • +8

    i got one. it's a small bun with a smallish sausage cut in half lengthwise. it tastes good for a sausage sizzle though. there is no soliciting, they hand you the bun, the sausage and the sauce and you walk off. the only words spoken to me were "tomato or bbq".

    • Blasphemy!!!
      They shoulda said heaven or hell :O

      This post got way out of control over some sausages lol

  • So how was it? Anyone convert? ;)

    I'm both athiest/agnostic and vegetarian but still having trouble getting myself worked up over whether or not this is an appropriate freebie.

    • +2

      "whether or not this is an appropriate freebie", in what way could it be an inappropriate freebie?

      • Context?

        still having trouble getting myself worked up over whether or not this is an appropriate freebie.


        in what way could it be an inappropriate freebie?

        Well, Jabba is a


  • +4

    We all know priests love sausage…

    • so wrong yet so funny lol

      I think they prefer little frankfurts though

  • +6

    I heard next week they are planning on giving away free condoms.

    • I'll be there for purity rings and Jonas Brothers. Condoms promote nothing but sin and evil and prenuptial fornication!

      • Well at least they discourage abortions

    • lol

  • +2

    omg i cant believe i missed it…missed out on a free lunch :(

    • +6

      You are forgiven my child.

  • 59 votes from just 117 clicks…..that has to be a record? (~50% response rate!).

    Whats more the "deal" is about to go into the top ten deal list with one more positive vote….OMG!!!

    Does anyone care to comment on the quality of the sausage meat from today's sizzle??!!

    • 59 votes from just 117 clicks…that has to be a record? (~50% response rate!).

      Not really relevant, as the "clicks" only refer to those who go to the FaceBook page via the link provided. This post is more about the heads up.

  • +1

    Soon they will be posting the Free food/dinner outlets that run around Sydney and most major cities run by the church's etc

    And they usually give you a full meal and drink.. wow wonder how many votes they will get

  • im in melb, shame. even tho im male I love my sausage-fest!

  • +5

    I dont see any atheists giving out sausages. Why all the haters?

    • if atheists gave out sausages then just like the sausage sizzle advertised for religion it would be on the premise that they're selling something (in this case Jesus memberships).
      last time i checked all u needed to be an atheist was to not go to a place like the one being advertised.

      • +1


    • +1

      There are no "haters" here….just people who didn't think this was a "bargain".

    • +1

      Atheism is not a religion.

      Many secular organisations give out free food, including sausage sizzles, regularly.

      One does not have to be religious to be charitable.

  • GUYS . just get over it . geez

    if you don't like sausages then STFU

  • +5

    what the?

    Nothing against Jesus lovers but this takes deal hunting to a whole new level. Jesus Christ!

    And besides I'm not so sure about a priest offering me a sausage.

    • +1

      yes, stay away from those Priest's and their sausages

  • +4

    News just in…. Free Fence painting at my house this Weekend! (brushes supplied)

    • +1

      What your address?

    • will load my fence into the ute on friday and be there about 8 on saturday.

      Got somewhere for my fence to dry before I load it back onto the ute?

      • funny, but he's saying the verb is free, not the subject!

        • -1

          If I dress up as a Priest, will that help?

  • I appreciate the offer but I would have given this a miss. People get uncomfortable when you link something like religion to a freebie.

  • +2

    I had one today and it was great! No preaching, just usual food banter.

    It's a good thing that these killjoys are around though, it leaves more food for the homeless to eat.

    • Did you take food from the homeless today? Or are you a tech'd up street guy?

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