Kim Jack » user profile

Member Since | 03/10/2009 |
Last Seen | 19/10/2009 |
Recent Activities

Kim Jack replied to
sayaza on CoTD - Asus 1000HE $449 or $399 with PayPal + P&H. Edit: Final Resale Today @ 10am

You called them on what phone number? They don't seem to provide one.

Kim Jack replied to
Jabba the Hutt on [EXPIRED] Mon 11 Oct 2009: Free Sausage Sizzle at St Andrews Cathedral - Town Hall, Sydney

"whether or not this is an appropriate freebie", in what way could it be an inappropriate freebie?

Kim Jack replied to
ash2000 on [EXPIRED] Mon 11 Oct 2009: Free Sausage Sizzle at St Andrews Cathedral - Town Hall, Sydney

Ash2000 looks like you failed in getting it off the front (saying its gone), your negative voting didn't work. It's a freebie, so its from…

Kim Jack replied to
dy4me on 12km/hr 2hp Odin Treadmill with Pulse Etc - $499.95 +PH - One Day Only -

Representatives don't get an automatic positive 1 votes any more as their not a consumer; this was announced a few weeks ago. "No Votes on…

Officeworks sells a 100pack of Sony CD-R for $29.87, they don't even show a 100 pack of CD-RW on their website. So where can a 100pack of…

Kim Jack replied to
gamma on Free Car Wash at Various Sydney BP Stations - Today's Daily Telegraph (Page 125)

That seems fair enough to me.

Still shows up at the same price and with free shipping when I just checked, $4.95 and free shipping so I don't know it shows as being…

Two and a half men were part of the 3 for 2 offer at JB HI-fi about 2 or 3 months ago so were only $13.34 for each season.

Kim Jack replied to
Davo1111 on Free Shipping Storewide - When Purchase Any 2 Items from ShoppingSquare, Excluding Computer & IT

I did try that months ago, even though it was in the mobile phone section, or maybe the digital camera section, it didn't work at the…

I don't think either of these items is a bargain, but for those who do like this type of item its for sale at 2 places today at supposedly…

Kim Jack joined OzBargain.
Welcome aboard!