This was posted 6 years 4 months 5 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

15% off Sitewide @ eBay ($150 Min Spend, $250 Max Discount, 5PM to Midnight AEDT)


As just announced on Channel 7's Sunrise. T&Cs will be live later here( Enjoy :)

Stack with 5% off eBay gift cards for further savings. Thanks to doweyy.

15% off the purchase price on all eligible items (except exclusions listed) when you spend $150 or more in one transaction, up to a maximum discount of $250. A maximum of two transactions applies. Multiple items may be purchased in one transaction (10 items maximum).

Listed Exclusions:

  • All items listed in the following categories: Cars, Bikes, Boats (9800), Car & Truck Parts (6030), Coins (11116), Gift Cards (184609), Other Lots More Items (88433), Real Estate (10542), Services (316), Tickets, Travel (11730); and

  • All items sold by the following sellers:
    (1) Officeworks;
    (2) Fantastic Furniture; and
    (3) Target.

Click the related button above to see all PYIPPEE deals.

PU Update: Sunrise suggested that a $150 minimum spend is required, though this won't be known for sure until the terms are live.

Various reports from members who contacted eBay suggest the max discount is capped at $250. The deal will run for 7 hours until midnight.

This is part of Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals for 2018

Related Stores

eBay Australia
eBay Australia

closed Comments

  • +1

    Awesome, thanks TA for spreading the news.

    • +50

      thanks TA for spreading

      Not often he does that.

      • Scab you are a degenerate.

    • +6

      If it was announced on sunrise, there's a good chance a fair few sellers would be price-jacking, particularly the Aussie sellers. Just keep an eye out.

      • +3

        There's always that potential, certainly. Being site wide though, I've no doubt there'll be some genuine discounts available.

        • +1

          They need to announce it to sellers then advice them if price changes the item gets disqualified from the sale.

          • +21

            @shadowangel: Yeah you might think that but businesses that break the law in Australia don't get punished for it so there's no incentive for them to stop.

            If I laundered 700 million dollars for drug dealers and terrorists I would get 20 years to life. When the Commonwealth Bank does this over the course of 50,000 transactions they get a cost of running a business (a fine) that is less than they made by carrying out the criminal activity, no jail time and the Government holds a pretend Royal Commission where it investigates the business it has guaranteed to bail out if it ever goes out of business. Using taxpayer funds.

            Because Australia is an oligarchy controlled by the rich for the benefit of the rich at the expense of everyone else, they can't find any money at all when it comes to housing people or mental health or dental health but when it comes to bailing out a billion dollar corporation that carries out large scale criminal activities they can't print money fast enough.

            And this arrangement will continue as long as people vote for Liberal or Labour.

            • +9

              @Diji1: FYI. The CBA were not laundering money. They just weren't undertaking the required monitoring obligations for those 50,000 transactions.

              There has been no evidence presented that any of these transactions were money laundering. And odds are 99.99% of them were not.

              And FYI, the required monitoring obligations enforced by the government would be costing the big banks millions if not hundreds of millions per year. And this all comes from shareholders funds and would obviously also result in increased fees and interest rates for people who use the banks.

              • +6

                @SnakeCasablanca: They have automated systems and checks. Unlikely to cost anything like you suggest, and certainly far less than the bonuses paid to incompetent, self-interested and ignorant executives.…

                Diji's correct about one thing - the law treats people differently. Corporate thieves can engage in fraudulent practice and not be charged. ASIC, DPPs, the legal profession (which remains silent in most cases) and government are all to blame. At most fines are usually imposed and occasionally a licence revoked for a limited period.

                The Banking RC is far from pretend and it has already repaid our investment in spades but it won't have done its job until execs and boards are held properly accountable and major regulatory changes are introduced. Replacing ASIC would be a good start, as would placing lengthy bans on people responsible for ripping off customers. Corporate Australia and its overpaid execs will continue to pay lip service until examples are made.

              • @SnakeCasablanca: Thank god there is someone like you to correct emotional leftist opinion.

                Baling out banks with tax has resulted in net gain afterall.
                At least for the government.

                • +3

                  @nurbsenvi: And don't forget the banks… it's a gain for them also! Wouldn't want you to forget the banks benefit from being 'allowed' to pay the fine (whilst still profiting from said activities) and promising to do right in the future. Let's see how long that takes…

                  I wouldn't be so quick with the 'emotional leftist opinion'… it's hard to blame people for thinking that the CBA was involved in money laundering when there were headlines such as 'Commonwealth Bank accused of 53,000 contraventions of money laundering laws' (ca. Aug 2017) and 'Commonwealth Bank to pay $700m fine for anti-money laundering, terror financing law breaches' (ca. Jun 2018)… the propaganda press is hard are work using scary words to keep illegal activities and terrorism front and centre, rather than a more accurate headline of 'Commonwealth Bank to pay $700m fine for breaching federal banking laws'.

                • @nurbsenvi: Honesty, integrity, complying with financial laws and doing your extremely well-paid job properly(!) are leftie things according to you then? You may be right, but I doubt it. Been following the BRC have you? Plenty of emotion from people ripped off by the big 3, and not just a little from the Commissioner and his staff. The banks and their executives and boards have been exposed for the charlatans that they are. Shareholders and institutional super investors ought to be baying for their blood, not just because of their incompetence but also because of what they have cost their respective businesses. The only question is how far are regulators and govts prepared to go to clean them up - and out. Not far enough for most Australians I'm guessing.

              • +3

                @SnakeCasablanca: And God forbid the banks use their billions of profits to fund this monitoring obligation?

                • +1

                  @loropy9: Sssshh! Don't mention the obscene amounts of profits… they're just doing it to 'serve the public'… no benefit in it for them at all! :-O The same as we shouldn't look at the executives in the US that used stimulus money which was intended to be spent on retooling etc, in order to keep money flowing through the economy, who instead used it to pay shareholders, because it mean the execs would get their bonuses for the year… hm… don't think that went as planned! Queue the making of the next GFC!

              • +1

                Extract, there's plenty more which might help you understand the gravity of their failures over a very long period:
                *Law enforcement warnings
                This was not the only time CBA did not act on intelligence tip-offs of dodgy behaviour going on at the bank. On 69 occasions between August 2012 and June 2017, CBA did not submit SMRs within the required time in relation to possible money laundering after the bank had received requests from law enforcement for account details in the context of a criminal investigation.

                And on 40 occasions, it didn't properly submit SMRs in relation to instances of suspicious account activity "indicative of possible money laundering or structuring transactions to evade TTR requirements".

                "CBA failed to report millions of dollars of suspected money laundering activity through the timely provision of SMRs. During the period for which CBA admits that its monitoring and [enhanced customer due diligence] was deficient, several million dollars worth of further unlawful activity was not detected. AUSTRAC suspects that there was significant further undetected money laundering through CBA accounts that ought to have been detected and reported," the settlement documents said.*

                • @[Deactivated]: @Possumbly. You hate banks… I get it.

                  Everything I said still stands as a fact. Cheers

                  • @SnakeCasablanca: Don't hate banks at all. You need to learn the difference between banks, and their executive managers/boards, policies and culture. Your "facts" are incomplete without proper context - you can find some of that in the Financial Review article I linked, IF you're actually interested in expanding your knowledge. Banks weren't the only delinquent institutions exposed by the BRC.

                    • @[Deactivated]: @Possumbly.

                      Facts = Facts = Facts = Facts.

                      Add whatever context that you like. I've said my piece and I've obviously triggered you. That was not my intention but it is your problem not mine.


                      • @SnakeCasablanca: Triggered? Lol. You posted an inaccurate comment (there are more appropriate words, I'm being kind), I replied. I don't need to add context, it's all there in the FACTS as established during the enquiry. Your lack of understanding is not my problem but feel free to knock yourself out getting up-to-date when you have some spare time. If you need more links just ask.

    • +1

      very clever of ebay, grabbing the wallet share from amazon before they launch their black friday offers. clever.

  • eBay delivering the goods

    • +1

      eBay Auspost

      • e̶B̶a̶y̶ A̶u̶s̶p̶o̶s̶t̶ Bali's Bangli prison

      • +1


  • Bargain!

    • Not so fast!

      You might want to wait until the Ts&Cs are published* as TA said:

      Until then, we will not know if the discount is what we all think it is. Not that they have any excuse, the various fees alone probably pay for the discount

      • All the more important as the PR is going down before they even have the Ts&Cs page live.
  • Let the game begin.

  • Is this normally a 24 hour thing?

    • +2

      I wouldn’t be surprised if it only lasted from 5pm until roughly 10pm or midnight.

  • Berry nice!

  • +1

    Yay - finally our turn for sitewide! thanks TA

  • +1

    Cyber Monday!!

  • +1


  • Nice job boys, everyone get ready.

  • +6

    Those using the app, don't forget to change back to Australia.

    • thank god i wasnt even able to change it rofl, sometimes it pays to be dumb xdd

  • +3

    Ok this is the bargain I've been waiting with my gift card. Thanks!

  • Thanks TA.
    Is sitewide actually sitewide (minus normal exclusions - gold, boats & real estate etc) though? Or are there further exclusions?

    • Site wide has been site wide previously (with few exclusions), but of course we'll need to see the Ts and Cs before knowing for certain.

  • Nice

  • +22

    Got to stop looking at OB, bad influence.

    • +10

      It’s addictive and time consuming, omgshhhh

    • +4

      I've tried, but Tightarse keeps me coming back.

  • Dayme!!

  • Wow for real this time

  • +1

    Max discount?

  • +1

    Here we go.. the one!

  • But what search link does Blaze make now?

  • +1

    So it starts in 4 days or 5pm today?

    • -8

      Both…not mutually exclusive

      • oops, i meant in 4 days at 5pm lol

  • Keep in mind with the Black Friday sales, ebay may not always be the cheapest!

  • When will it end?

    • +35

      Username checks out..

    • I don't know what that is.

    • +22

      Gerry, is that you?

      • +4

        Gerry still uses a Nokia 5110e which he sells in-store at full price.

        • +3

          Does he also encourage you to get extended warranty and to buy an antivirus with it?

          • @Pricebeat: If you're extra nice, he'll give you a small discount on a Sony Trinitron dual aperture flatscreen CRT TV!

    • +3

      Why you online then foo

    • yes go in store and ask 'I'd like 3 backorders please'. also say 'id like to pay for postage to the store, and i'll drive back out here at your convenience and pick it up, in 10 days or so'. then 'thank you for your surly attitude, and for paying a deposit for stock you ought to have to run a business'. 'Thanks for charging for parking'

    • And shopping online means you are dealing with a robot? You do know the seller is also a person right? They haven't gotten that far with AI yet..

    • If you want to pay more why are you even a member of this forum?

  • +1

    Thanks Kochie

  • +3


    Please don’t increase prices by 20% at 4:59.

    • they have already started.…

      It was $1190 ish yesterday. It's Binglee, i shouldn't be surprised.

      • Zero available, so it appears that they've withdrawn it for the sale period. Nothing wrong with that, especially if it was already reduced.

  • excludes officeworks… target…??

  • +1

    Ok, so if I'm buying like 10 items for $15 each (different shops) - can I put them in the cart and then get the minimum $150?

    • Yes

    • +1

      Likely yes, there is usually an item limited of 10 so those 10 items must be $150 or more.
      Have to wait until T&Cs are up to be 100% sure.

  • normally only 1 use (multiple items) or multiple use(more items)?

  • +2

    you are kidding me, after I've created my US ebay account and failed and all that!!!

  • +1

    It will be a bummer if max discount is a $100. Hoping for no max discount.

    • PU Update: Sunrise suggested that a $150 minimum spend is required, though this won't be known for sure until the terms are live.

  • what is max discount?

  • +2

    Hope the Xbox X is still available.

    • +1

      I am hoping the same, will wait and see. Cant be bothered doing it via the US ebay app method.

      • I tried the US account method and couldn't get it to work anyway.

    • Currently 98 left on 8 Game bundle( and 39 on 9 game bundle(

      • both of them ended by the looks of it.

      • annnnd they're gone, I think they might have removed them rip

        • yeah, i managed to get mine with my newly created US account :-)

          tracker says it should arrive on 28th, usually earlier than that…..

  • Are gift cards delivered instantly?

    • +1

      I ordered it 8:01 and received it 8:09 this morning.

    • It took 6 hours for me to receive GC

  • -1

    does it work on gift cards?

    • Unlikely but it might if not excluded by T&Cs.

    • Yes, it will

  • +4

    This is better than that US deal. No need to mess around.

    • +1

      Except for the min spend…

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