This was posted 6 years 4 months 9 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

15% off Sitewide @ eBay ($150 Min Spend, $250 Max Discount, 5PM to Midnight AEDT)


As just announced on Channel 7's Sunrise. T&Cs will be live later here. Enjoy :)

Stack with 5% off eBay gift cards for further savings. Thanks to doweyy.

15% off the purchase price on all eligible items (except exclusions listed) when you spend $150 or more in one transaction, up to a maximum discount of $250. A maximum of two transactions applies. Multiple items may be purchased in one transaction (10 items maximum).

Listed Exclusions:

  • All items listed in the following categories: Cars, Bikes, Boats (9800), Car & Truck Parts (6030), Coins (11116), Gift Cards (184609), Other Lots More Items (88433), Real Estate (10542), Services (316), Tickets, Travel (11730); and

  • All items sold by the following sellers:
    (1) Officeworks;
    (2) Fantastic Furniture; and
    (3) Target.

Click the related button above to see all PYIPPEE deals.

PU Update: Sunrise suggested that a $150 minimum spend is required, though this won't be known for sure until the terms are live.

Various reports from members who contacted eBay suggest the max discount is capped at $250. The deal will run for 7 hours until midnight.

This is part of Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals for 2018

Related Stores

eBay Australia
eBay Australia

closed Comments

  • How likely is a website crash?

    • No chance ($150 min spend will deter most people).

  • Remember to link through the (cash)rewards pages to get that little bit more of a discount!

  • +2

    So stupid that car parts are excluded for no reason:

    'Excluded Items' means;
    all items listed in the following categories;
    Cars, Bikes, Boats (9800), Car & Truck Parts (6030), Coins (11116), Gift Cards (184609), Other Lots More Items (88433), Real Estate (10542), Services (316), Tickets, Travel (11730); and
    all items sold by the following Sellers:
    Fantastic Furniture

    • Totally agree. I would have spent about $400 tonight on car parts. I do recall these being discounted a couple of years back though but recently no deal.

    • are shipping to Australia again on items they sell directly. (3rd party vendors excluded)
      Maybe try there?

      • Nope, the code doesn't work there either.


  • got a used aorus 1080ti for $780. WOO!

  • cashrewards/shopback applicable with this?

    • Run through them anyway, no harm in trying

  • LIVE and WORKING!!!!

    • +2

      Did you read the terms?

      Exclusions: All items listed in the following categories: Cars, Bikes, Boats (9800), Car & Truck Parts (6030)

      • -1

        Are you trying to be cryptic? Why are car parts excluded from a storewide sale?

        Censorship on this site is getting pretty bad when any neg votes just get removed…

        • +1

          lol - you didn't read the terms
          you complained about the terms
          the community revoked your neg
          it's not censorship just because you disagree - everyone can still see your comment
          a neg is not valid just cause they don't discount things you want

  • Yay picked up an apple pencil 2 for 20% off!!!


  • +1

    500GB T5 PORTABLE SSD $149 Bing Lee .

  • Mario Party + JoyCon $151.90 Im getting a "This code can't be applied to some of your items." for some reason?

    • code works with a more expensive seller. Any thoughts on whats going on here?

  • just got sws ALUMTIG 200 Amp - nearly maximised discount …oohhh yeah all up 20% off(incl. use of gift cards)

  • +2

    hmm tried the code on some US$ items. giving me only ~7.5% off going by the US$ value.
    total order value is ~US$1200 and getting ~US$91 discount
    no where near AU$250

  • +2

    Just bought a pair of Sony 1000XM3s from Wireless1. After stacking with the 5%-off gift cards and Cashrewards it works out to $316.65.

    • Niiiiiiiice…. I've got mine on now. So good.

  • accidentally neg'd, how do i change it?

  • Excludes car parts….

    • yeah not happy about that, this morning I made a best offer on a car part which was accepted, but the code won't apply :(

  • +2

    Thanks just got myself… for under $600 better than last year deal :D

  • Got a Pixel 3 128GB for $1100. Does anyone know whether the seller's GST invoice lists the price including or excluding the 15%?

    • link please, 64gb? am after the xl and can only see for $1600 plus

    • usually the higher value.

    • Should be including. The 15% is paid by feeBay. Seller gets the full amount - the fees.

      Obviously, at the airport, they will remind you that if you were to bring the item back to Australia, you need to declare it on the way back as it costs more than $900.

  • I am unable to apply this coupon to any of my orders.
    Getting this message :

    This code can't be applied to your order.

    • Over $150 per order?
      Using PayPal?

      • Yes 460$ order.. have to enter voucher code before I can be taken to PayPal .

        Tried multiple sellers:
        Digidirect, wireless1, einfinity

        Could my account be blocked for some reason.. how can I check ?

        • +1

          Check if your account is us or UK, I think that can happen if non Australian account.

        • You could try harassing them on the help-chat… With one code I had the same issue, they claimed they couldn't find a reason, then after I got off chat it worked…

          Chat with Us link down the bottom:

        • Creating a new account worked.
          Did not face this issue with any of the other australia specific coupons ever.

    • Had this very same problem through a browser and the app.

      Found that I still had my Account set with a United States address (note: not Postage Address, it's under the Personal Information menu).
      The code was accepted after I changed it to an Australian address.

  • +1

    Appliance Online changing from free delivery to charging $13 ;(

    • +4

      Yep, Im getting $40 delivery for a tv.
      I live 20 min away…. Was free delivery this morning

      A few dodgyrinos there

    • I meant Appliance Central

  • +2

    Cheap Xiaomi phones!
    Pocophone under $400!

    Sorry, can't link on mobile.

    • same here. Just bought one

      • +2


        • original price $503. you can find more than one seller.

    • What does the "global version' mean for the Pocophone?

      • It means it's not the Indian model.

    • Link? Please

  • +2

    just spent 3k on lenses, saved around 1k rrp. Cheers TA

  • Not alot of (good) beer options but Nail VPA cube (16) works out very cheap through Durphy's. Like $13-$14 for a 4 pack.

  • Wanna grab a OnePlus 6T but I’m nervous about buying through a random company on eBay and not sure if I have to pay GST. I’m a newbie at this - anyone bought one with the 15% discount and if so where from?

  • Fast off the bat and that one races to the boundary….

    Cricket analogy, but nice work again ta 👌🏏

    I will put to good use but starting to get sick of Ebays growing "minimum" urchase amounts. Was 10, then 50, then 100, now 150?

    • agree $150 is a steep minimum - thankfully it's close to Christmas so easy to make…

  • I wish ebay would get their crap sorted out… I still get errors which prevent me getting to the checkout if I have certain items in my cart, I have to go through removing things one by one until I can get though… The odd thing is, sometimes I can re-add the items and it works:
    Something went wrong. Please try to check out again. Error codes: 70245 70438

    When I've spoken to chat they've blamed it on Ebay-Plus items, or GST items, and claimed you cant mix them in the cart, which is total BS…

    • Did you find a solution? I got the same error…

      • No, it's been an ongoing issue when I add a few things to the cart and try to check out… I usually remove things one by one by clicking "save for later" until I find the item/s that's causing the issue.. Sometimes you can re-add the problem item and it works…

        Today I had 7 items in my cart, if i removed either the knock-off oral-B toothbrush heads or a pair of motorcycle tyres, I could get to the checkout, but with both in the cart I couldn't checkout… I ended up giving up on the toothbrush heads, lol…

        • Yep, same for me. I had to get rid of one of the 4 items coming from China to get the other 3 plus the 3 local ones through the checkout.

  • +3

    I'm up voting because I can't believe people still watch sunrise

    • Haha 👍

  • Anyone able to find a decent gaming laptop? I need a new laptop and I’m out of the loop with the latest CPU’s and GPU’s.

  • Are we sure abut the Midnight deadline? Wonder why its not in the T&Cs. Plus wouldnt they want it on actual Black Friday date?

    • I’m wondering about this too. It makes me think there’s a better deal tomorrow, eek.

  • Any idea why this item…

    brings up a "This code can't be applied to your order." message? I've read the T&C's I can't see why it would be excluded I must be missing something obvious.

    • +1

      The code works on that item for me, ~$48 saving…

      Maybe try harassing them on chat, link down the bottom here:

    • +1

      Got onto ebay apparently, my account was set to US eBay which caused this not to work.

  • Just managed to get one of the X34P Predator screens from computer alliance who had it up for a pretty good price! $1249 (although they did jack it up from $1199 from what I saw this morning). Good value with discount and some stocked gift cards

  • +1

    Thanks so much for this code. Just saved $164.85 and got the fridge I had my eye on for $934.15 delivered! Also made sure I went through the Velocity e-store so this counts as one of my partners towards the 10,000 bonus points deal!

  • -4

    Managed to grab iPhone xs 64gb… Now will get officeworks to price match and cancel eBay purchase..

    • How much you get it for?
      As far as I know OW does not price match eBay coupons

  • Price match less 5% at officeworks

  • +1

    I seem to be charged GST on pre-discounted USD price.. that isn't right is it? Shouldn't GST be applied after the 15% is taken off. Its an item in USD.

  • -1

    Any good wine deals?

  • DAmn just missed out on a new Go Pro Hero 7 Black for $470 would have been $400

  • +1

    Just got an xiaomi pocophone 128G, $503-75(15%)-25( eBay gift card 5%)=$400. it's cheap!

    • $376 if you can live with 64gb!

  • +1

    I have a bad feeling there will be 20% off sitewide tomorrow..

    • +2

      Most peoples orders wouldn't have been filled and can be canceled and reordered. Would be silly of eBay to do that

    • I would be very pissed if they did that!

  • Weber Family Q - here we come! Thanks OP

  • How does this work with people selling 2nd hand items? Who ends up paying the 15% ? eBay or the seller? I'm assuming that used items are included (as they don't seem to be excluded).

    • +1

      eBay pays for it. I’ve sold a few things in the last month, all when there’s discount codes available and got the full amount (also listed my items for free including final value fees, so all I ended up paying is the PayPal fees).

      • Thanks for clearing that up. Much appreciated.

  • Does this apply if I get accepted for a best offer? Thanks!

  • +3

    Spent $2300. Gulp.

    Brevillle BES920 - $799 + delivery (cheapest was $998 until today)
    LG A9 MASTER2X - $710 + delivery
    Apple Watch 4 (GPS+Cellular) - $799

    15% off the above figures and used $700 of 5% off gift cards, plus CashRewards. Net cost about $1950 inc delivery.

    Very happy.

    • +1

      No Flybuys? that equates to an extra 0.5%, ~$10 (+ an extra $2.50 if you have the "spend $150 on ebay get 500 points offer activated)… lol

      • +1

        Yes i have FB linked too, I tend to forget about that! Good spot.

        And I purchased the gift cards on ebay but via the Velocity eStore so I'm hoping I get Velocity points (not tried it before) and I paid with my VISA card which I also linked to MyVelocity, so more points there too.

        Whats after double and triple dipping?


  • How often do these 15% sitewide codes appear?

    • +2


    • Sitewide tend to be 10% or 5%.
      In saying that tomorrow is Black Friday and this deal goes until midnight tonight so they must have something planned for tomorrow ( by no means am I saying wait for tomorrow).

  • +1

    Thanks TA.

  • Guys which ebay seller is good for macbook and trustworthy?
    Looking for entry level macbook pro

  • Unfortunately the 1 thing I wanted to buy is a self propelled mower for 1k I went to buy it put 8x100 vouchers in and the 15% off code and it said dealer needs to send shipping cost so God knows how long that will take so gonna miss out this time.

  • -2


  • Awesome! Thanks TA I already had an item i purchased and had not paid for yet, saved $29.90 and made another purchase i had my eye on for a few months and saved $97.50, very happy.

  • Been thinking all day what to buy with this deal and still can't decide. I bought too much during frenzy time last week. I think I spent more during this month than the rest of the year.

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