• In 5 days

US$2 off US$19, US$6 off US$39, US$8 off US$59, US$12 off US$89, US$20 off US$139, US$40 off US$239 Spend + More @ AliExpress

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Kicking off from 7pm AEDT on March 17 and running until March 26 is the AliExpress 15th Anniversary sale with 8 discount tiers and 16 exclusive coupon codes. This is one of the biggest sales of the year for AliExpress and a good time to score some amazing deals! I recommend taking advantage of the AliExpress cashback promotion where you can join a team and earn 5-15% back as AliExpress Credit on your purchases.

These coupon codes are sitewide and apply to nearly all products. The only exception is using coupon codes to purchase mobile phones on AliExpress, due to compatibility issues following the 3G shutdown in Australia. However, you can still shop on AliExpress using your phone.

The minimum spend excludes GST and shipping. Each coupon is 1 per account and they won't stack with the new user "Welcome Offer".

Discount (AUD) Min Spend (AUD) Discount (USD) Min Spend (USD) Coupon Code 1 Coupon Code 2
A$3 A$30 US$2 US$19 OZAU03 AUAS03
A$10 A$65 US$6 US$39 OZAU10 AUAS10
A$13 A$99 US$8 US$59 OZAU13 AUAS13
A$20 A$149 US$12 US$89 OZAU20 AUAS20
A$40 A$279 US$20 US$139 OZAU40 AUAS40
A$70 A$429 US$40 US$239 OZAU70 AUAS70
A$100 A$609 US$60 US$369 OZAU100 AUA100
A$120 A$799 US$70 US$469 OZAU120 AUA120

For those paying in USD this is how you get the correct exchange rate in PayPal:

Setting overseas websites to AUD or letting PayPal do the currency conversion results in an inflated rate. To get the correct rate you need a card without international fees and do the following:

  • Set the website currency to USD
  • Checkout with PayPal
  • Select your card with no international fees
  • Click "See currency options"
  • Select USD to bill the card in USD instead of AUD
  • Proceed with checkout

Now you'll get the correct MasterCard or VISA exchange rate depending on the card.

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  • Sadly no merch this time. I'm still rocking my AliExpress cap and bag from the 12th anniversary sale.

  • Guess no new mobile phone for me LoL

  • had anyone noticed AliExpress codes don't work often anymore? There's a lot of constraints they put in, totally a scam now. For the last year or so it's been such a hassle with codes they always show an error. Trying to use the winter codes now SDSS** and AUMR** and just keeps giving errors

    • +1

      wait 5 days…

    • Not every coupon sale is sitewide and I'll put it in the description (the part people don't read) when that's the case. The SSDS coupon sale was made very clear that it was limited to only specific banner products. While the AUM coupon deal was an extension of that to cover more products than the original codes.

      This deal specifically is sitewide. There's the usual exclusions like buying phones and that's already in the deal.

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