resisting the urge » user profile

Member Since | 22/06/2015 |
Last Seen | 13/02/2025 |
Badges | 2 2 |
Location | Sydney |
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resisting the urge replied to
Iggemo on [Used, VIC] Black Task Chairs $5 (Normally $70) Pickup Only (Sunshine West) @ Sustainable Office Furniture

FOWAT: Fear Of Wear And Tear Another acronym for the OzBargainers dictionary

resisting the urge replied to
MS Paint on Mazda CX-5 Diesel Acadia with Check Engine Light and Oil Leak underneath

Was in the service bay next to a Camry, and was infected also!

resisting the urge replied to
jv on Alternator and Battery Died after Getting Brakes Fixed - Advice Needed

True that. But on older Toyotas, just opening the bonnet can cause any plastic electrical connector within a 2000 mile radius to…

resisting the urge replied to
jv on Alternator and Battery Died after Getting Brakes Fixed - Advice Needed

**resistance** is useless

resisting the urge replied to
whyisave on Vaughan 28oz Solid Steel Framing Hammer $20 (Powerpass $19) In-Store Only @ Bunnings Warehouse

But to the pro framer, does every frame look like a nail?

resisting the urge replied to
sillycattle on GWM Haval H6: Lux Hybrid from $36990 (Was $38990), Ultra Hybrid from $40990 (Was $42990) Driveaway @ GWM

Not uncommon to find many problems in new cars, esp. in newly released models. Manufacturers love people who have low expectations around…

By light, I meant thinner than is ideal to prevent voltage drop, and that may slightly affect an appliance's ideal operating capacity in a…

There is very little chance a 2012 VW only needs an oil change, unless you know its history and have been maintaining it very well.…

Ask any builder, let alone house-owners, most of us have seen plenty of qualified tradespeople leave dangerous work behind them. Just this…

Indeed. Despite being practically capable and innovative, in Oz we constantly accept anything our legally trained over-rulers tell us is…

resisting the urge commented on Gearwrench 3/8-Inch Drive 6 Pt 120XP Standard and Deep SAE/Metric Mechanics Tool 56-Pc Set $123.65 Delivered @ Amazon US via AU
Can be a good way to get some rare-sized 6-7mm sockets for your 3/8 ratchet handles, too. At some point though, value has to improve as…

**AU Falcon** (with 2024 upgrades- USB ports and a wireless phone charger). Yoorak Hunt won't forgive youse all for missing that off ya…

resisting the urge commented on OzBargain 2024 Christmas Donations - $40,000 to Charities of Your Choice Lots of great causes out there but native animals are being wiped out in record numbers to make way for us.…

The pressure gauges are so reliable I've never seen a broken one. That said, they can fail... and they are sold as a spare part, but, given…

resisting the urge replied to
AngryAlfred on Ozito PXC 18V Cordless Stick Vacuum Kit with 2.5Ah Battery $99 + Delivery ($0 C&C) @ Bunnings

Just because they say 2600mAH, doesn't mean they are. Would be interesting to test the cells in a new one. In europe the same batteries…

resisting the urge replied to
tenpercent on Ozito PXC 18V Cordless Stick Vacuum Kit with 2.5Ah Battery $99 + Delivery ($0 C&C) @ Bunnings

Yes, just leave it a few hours. And store it in a cool place. However I also try not to charge it immediately- its a regime I use with all…

resisting the urge replied to
AngryAlfred on Ozito PXC 18V Cordless Stick Vacuum Kit with 2.5Ah Battery $99 + Delivery ($0 C&C) @ Bunnings

Ah that makes sense, thanks for your comment. I didn't realist Ozito had moved using 20650 also. Else how could they have gone from…

resisting the urge replied to
AngryAlfred on Ozito PXC 18V Cordless Stick Vacuum Kit with 2.5Ah Battery $99 + Delivery ($0 C&C) @ Bunnings

IIRC the Dyson's now use 20mm cells, not 18650s like in most batteries. They only last 6 mins or so, so heat up internally (due to intense…

resisting the urge replied to
ozioziozi on [NSW] Apple AirPods Pro 2 (USB-C) $279.99 In-Store Pickup @ Costco, Lidcombe (Membership Required)

Just rocked up and showed the OW mgr the ad, he sorted it out on the spot. 3 mins later and $266 lighter I was out. First time a PB has…

resisting the urge replied to
2025 on Bunnings Breached Privacy Laws by Using Facial Recognition on Customers, Privacy Commissioner Finds

Tthe machines are far faster at judging pretty much anything than us already. Certainly there'll be no need for a jury in an Court run an…

Depends on price. It's usually cheap oil- but regular changes are more important, if you are not racing, or have a motor that does better…

resisting the urge replied to
2025 on Bunnings Breached Privacy Laws by Using Facial Recognition on Customers, Privacy Commissioner Finds

And humans been attacking each other for Millenia too. Do you mean to suggest that the coming robot army is fine, because it will only do…

resisting the urge replied to
gromit on Bunnings Breached Privacy Laws by Using Facial Recognition on Customers, Privacy Commissioner Finds

Until they decide to send data elsewhere for data-matching services and automation, made available by third parties. And if they are not…

resisting the urge replied to
JimmyF on Bunnings Breached Privacy Laws by Using Facial Recognition on Customers, Privacy Commissioner Finds

Who will check the data was not backed-up or transferred elsewhere? Or even appropriately deleted, for that matter. There are many third…

resisting the urge replied to
Chandler on Bunnings Breached Privacy Laws by Using Facial Recognition on Customers, Privacy Commissioner Finds

Woolies were pinged for using biometric data at the self-serve checkouts a long, long, time ago. Despite this clear warning, and advice…

resisting the urge replied to
mskeggs on Bunnings Breached Privacy Laws by Using Facial Recognition on Customers, Privacy Commissioner Finds

Seems like good advice for full time Bunnings staff, also!

resisting the urge replied to
[Deactivated] on NSW Is Set to Legalise eScooters for Commuters Travelling to Work

Plenty of mobiilty scooters and wheelchairs have caused havoc running into pedestrians and driving over feet. Whether it be cranky riders,…

resisting the urge replied to
Loopholio on Buddy Telco (Aussie Broadband) Now Has Static IP/CGNAT Opt out for $10 a Month

Not CGNAT /= static IP, should still be dynamic, But on HFC dynamic can remain the same for immensely extended periods. SL like to charge…

resisting the urge replied to
Morien on Changing The Price Half Way through The Transaction (Sydney Tools)

Not sure good is the ideal descriptor. Least acceptable practice, perhaps... What the Manager did was the CS equivalent of spitting in your…

resisting the urge replied to
yoba on [VIC] Ozito PXC 36V (2x 18V) 460mm Brushless Steel Deck Lawn Mower PXBMS-3647 - Skin Only $299 @ Bunnings, Croydon

Fridge not required. 40 degrees ambient as a rough max would be fine, just not ideal. And only charge at lower temps. A hot tin shed OTOH…