• expired

Powerful 360 Lumens Mini CREE Metal Flashlight $0 + USD $3.95 Postage Aust Wide


This offer has only, and will only be advertised to OzBargain member's. It is only one per customer and it is not for the older 210 Lumens but the latest 360 Lumens, steel cased all weather super , super, bright mini flashlight. It runs off an AA battery and comes with beam adjustment and comes with the latest 2_Q5 CREE Bulb.

Please note the specifications indicate water resistant, however we only suggest its light rain or drizzle resistant. Alot of products mention they are water resistant that really aren't. In short amazing little torch that you will be very impressed with, but keep it out of the rain and it will be your handy little aid for several years.

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closed Comments

        • If the torch is flicking then clean the contacts with some alcohol.

          This torch has 3 modes. Press the torch on and then gently press the button to go to low mode, again to go to strobe rate and again to go back to high.

        • @Macgyver haha you really are the macgyver of ozbargains.

          I better get some alcohol to clean the contacts, the torch doesn't have a wavey hum like flicker on low, only high. strobe works great (using AA batteries)

        • @highon2str nah it's not strobe mode

        • Methylated Spirits would work also.

    • Supposed to smoothly slide forward and aft

  • +3

    Is anyone one else like me who has yet to receive their torch?

    • +1

      I've not received mine either, despite escalating my paypal dispute to a claim. Sad.

      • +2

        08/06: eBay item ordered from Zhangzhou China = arrived yesterday!
        06/05: ordered this bloody torch from Brissie = still waiting & Paypal dispute >_>

        Whenever you hear ACCI or equivalent state bodies, unions or small business advocates bemoaning the decline of Australian business or commerce in general, remember operators like Zingy.

        I won't be buying anything from an Aussie online business again!

    • +1

      Still waiting too. The only reply I got to a tracking request here was a rather meaningless one character ".", no reply at all to email.

      I know I won't be buying from ZINGY again. Or from similar unprofessional outfits. That ZINGY was small and inexperienced was clear from the moment I saw the flashing pink website without any other useful products on it.

      Guess I was blinded by the fact that I had just missed out on similar priced deals from China sellers and desperately (and quickly) wanted one of those flashlights, and of course by the impressive communication that ZINGY showed in the first few hours…

      I won't extrapolate to other Australian businesses though. Some of them are doing a fantastic job. Both big ones like ShoppingSquare, ShoppingExpress and small ones like they guy selling USB cables from time to time.

      • +1

        Some of them are doing a fantastic job. Both big ones like ShoppingSquare, ShoppingExpress and small ones like they guy selling USB cables from time to time.

        Like this one?
        I have news for you — he is ShoppingSquare. On that particular eBay account, there's quite a few neutral and negative fb. One such neg is mine because, well, frankly they're sh!thouse.

        "If it was easy, everybody would do it"
        Why do you suppose there's no amazon.com.au? Because we're a small, relatively high wage market. We manufacture bugger-all, so must rely on overseas suppliers. Then they pass on outrageous AusPost rates…where does that leave us? Paying more than we would from an overseas seller.
        That being the case, I'll just cut out the middle-man :)

        Zingy should have just used Google like he originally intended. It would have saved a lot of hassle and that particular domain of his. He made one mistake after another:

        • Only 65 torches in stock. He should have posted the deal with "50 units only" as a condition.
        • Inadequate, unreliable website,
        • broken email system — a compounding embarrassment with each passing day,
        • unreliable supplier,
        • continued to allow orders despite knowing he couldn't deliver,
        • discontinued OzB presence and
        • ignoring Paypal emails.

        I could go on for at least another dozen or so.

        • As to small vendors, I was thinking of this one: http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/103772

          He too got OzBargained, but after 9 days he had shipped the lot. Not a single negative vote on that deal.

          Indeed, by posting successful deals regularly, he is building the kind of positive reputation that ZINGY hoped to get…

        • Cool, I'm glad he's competent.
          I'd still rather wait a bit longer and take my chances with Customs.

          Guess what? I received my laser pointer in the mail! Yes! It's only 0.5mw mind, and I believe that's the output limit for importation. And it's integrated into an LED torch so it's not as obvious.
          But still, the cats like it :D

  • i have not received this torch bought early may with paypal i tried to contact zingy but no reply, what can i do .

    • It is very discomforting that people still have not received their torches….but it seems like they have been trickling through still.

      I think you may be out of the PayPal dispute period by now but maybe see if you can lodge a dispute anyway

  • 848 arrived!!

  • Mine still hasn't arrived. Order number around 1100 to Sydney. Was told by a reply to a 'Track Order' email that it would leave Brisbane almost 3 weeks ago. It surely doesn't take Australia post 3 weeks to get something from Brisbane to Sydney!? Over-promising and Under-Delivering.

    • At least you got a reply to your email, that is more than many others got :-P

  • 2591, still waiting, paypal dispute lodged, no reply at all.

    • Mine arrived! Zingy came through! Yay!

  • Still havent recived mine, no response to emails and too far out of date to dispute with paypal. Not surprised really, I'm glad it wasn;t more $$!! :)

  • Mine arrived at my Sydney post office box on Thursday or Friday last week. It was in working order.
    As others have commented, postage alone was $6.95, Hang in there, he seems to want to clean this mess up.

  • It arrived today! The Ziggy rep also replied to me via ozbargain PM.

  • Thanks Zingy!!!! Well worth the wait.
    What shall I do with the faulty one?

  • I feel sorry for the people who did not dispute, free money for Zingy.

  • Order 1283? 8 weeks think I've been patient enough.

  • +2

    8 Weeks and still nothing! No response to paypal dispute. Absolutely terrible service.

    • Escalate it to a claim…?

  • Interesting.
    After waiting a LONG time I just escalated my Paypal dispute into a claim yesterday.
    Wouldn't you know it - my torch just arrived.
    I feel like I should cancel the claim but at the same time I feel like I deserve some type of compensation for being stuffed around so badly.
    What do people think?

    • +9

      You got the torch, cancel the claim

    • What does PayPal write in their conditions? That would give you the legal baseline.

      From a moral perspective it is really up to you I would say. If you just wanted the torch earlier and are merely disappointed, you probably should show your nice side and cancel the claim.

      If you needed the torch for something and were seriously inconvenienced by not having it earlier, let the claim continue to get some compensation. After all ZINGY had that delivery promise on their website, even if for obvious reasons they do not want it applied to 1800 of 2000 torches…

      • Thanks to whoever voted negative for my last comment. It would be interesting to hear whether you had any rational reason to do so.

        Regarding negative votes: I tried to be kind and instead of changing my positive vote on this deal to negative after 3 weeks of waiting I only revoked the positive. Now, 2 months in, I would long have changed to negative but unfortunately the system prevents me from doing so.

        The way ZINGY treats customers is nothing short of shocking. Perhaps I too should have opened a PayPal dispute, but when that deadline loomed I still believed the torch would eventually arrive and gave ZINGY the benefit of doubt. Now, weeks after the last comment by ZINGY and with no replies to any emails or this forum in weeks, I am not very hopeful any more…

        • +1

          I negged your earlier comment. I don't believe that it is moral to seek additional compensation for a $4 torch.

          What I do believe is that if people haven't received their torch, they should follow the paypal process to get a refund, leave feedback or continue to leave feedback here or elsewhere that the torch wasn't received and never buy anything from Zingy again.

        • +1

          Thanks for your reply. I guess here different backgrounds show. Europe has something like 'product liability', if a cheap battery destroys your $$$ device, the manufacturer or importer is liable. Keeps lots of crap products out of the EU, unfortunately they end up in Australia instead :-(

          Applying the same to a service situation translates directly into a right for compensation when a service causes someone a loss. In this case for example: if someone needed the torch for a camping trip and had to buy another one when ZINGY did not ship in a reasonable time frame, they should be entitled to compensation.

          And don't forget the funny video that still is linked on the ZINGY website. 10 days, then money back and product to keep, that was their promise… Giving a bit of leeway for a good deal is one thing, but after 60 days, I would understand anyone who insists that that promise is kept.

          Paypal unfortunately: by giving ZINGY the benefit of the doubt for so long I am way past that deadline, quite likely ZINGY will get away without delivering anything to me. If someone else gets a torch and their money back, all the better, at least that would make sure this kind of deal does not become a new business model…

        • Sorry I wasn't aware that you no longer have any recourse from PayPal.
          You have clearly acted in good faith based on communications with the seller. That is really unfair if PayPal hold that against you and don't allow you to raise a dispute and get your money back even if it is 60 days.

  • +2

    Still haven't received the torch, paypal sent me an email today saying that they decided in my favour.

    Would have liked to support the company, but seeing as no correspondence whatsoever, it was really hard to do so.

  • +2

    Zingy pm me 3 weeks ago on queens birthday public holiday saying that my torch would be posted the day after. Waited 2 weeks and still nothing so I messaged back saying I still have not received it yet. Zingy then said he'll express post it. Another week has passed. I'm pretty sure express takes less than a week. Still waiting and don't know if i'll ever get my torch :\

  • I am still waiting for my order 1088

    I tried emailing (by repsonding to the email Zingy sent confirming my order) but heard nothing back.

    I also used their sites webform, Also Nothing.

    What a frustrating experience. Worst part if not hearing anything back, Cant login to the Zingy site with my login details. Dont hear from Zingy. What the hell is going on?

    I started to read this thread but too many posts i gave up after 2 pages.

    Can SOMEONE from Zingy respond to me!!

  • +3

    After giving this Aussie seller a chance he lied to me.

    After giving him an opportunity to reply, he ignored me.

    After giving him the maximum time to post the item before I can file a dispute I received nothing.

    After giving him yet MORE time to post the torch and resolve the issue (before raising it to a claim) I received nothing.

    Thankfully Paypal decided in my favor and I was able to recover the money.

    Shame on you Zingy for dirtying the reputation of Australian sellers.

  • Anyone get their torch lately? Or has the trickle stopped?

    • I've given up hope, why is zingy not answering here or via email? As much as I can't be bothered lodging a dispute I'm going to out of principal.

      • too late….. unfortunately

  • still waiting order # 1730 , cmon zingy at least let us know whats going on

  • I just got my money back via a PayPal claim. I would have much preferred the torch though, or even a reply from the seller.

    I think this whole ordeal would have to go down as the most costly PR exercises on OzBargain ever. Zingy has essentially paid for bad publicity. I cant imagine anyone shopping there now.

    I had thought it was a scam. But at only $4 per torch with $7 postage, even if only half of people here received their torches (with the rest never getting their money back) he'd still be making a loss…

  • I haven't received my torch either. Can the rep please advise?

  • +3

    Haven't received mine, never did lodge a PayPal dispute and thought I'd missed out on the torch and lost $4, but then got this msg a day ago. I'd say hang in there if you haven't got yours. All hope is not lost yet…

    Hi There
    Can you please confirm your delivery address so I can check your order, at this stage I would say you are most likely one of the last few dozen to receive their torch. 35 are being sent on Wednesday so if you shoot through your address I will make sure if it hasnt been sent it wil on wed.
    I am sorry for the absolutely long wait but every story has 2 sides, my story is that I have spent over $15,000 trying to honor this deal, I have not disputed a single pay pal claim, and to date of the 85 odd refund issued through paypal over 60 of these member's received their torch but never closed their dispute. My story is that I have just borrowed $5,000 to pay the postage bill so I can finalize this deal. My story is that I have cleaned spray paint saying SCUM of my warehouse doors, had prank phone calls, emails that I wouldn't show my wife, and so on and so on. No one says $$##@ this guy has lost alot of money but hes committed to finishing this. No one says anything about the fact that for a month my business has been frozen because I have been 60 hours a week on this deal.

    The other side of the story is that over 2300 people have received their torch, 2300 people, As soon as they receive it 3 or 4 come on and say I got it, the rest just move on. If you look through the thread you will see about 9 people asking about their torch not 2,000.

    But its my deal my product my business so the responsibility lies with me. I wanted to do the right thing but that meant it would take another 4 weeks for some members. I actually answer the majority of questions one on one, I dont come on the forum anymore because nothing I say helps.
    I am sorry for the delay and I am sorry that I was unable to run the whole deal out in 4 weeks. But if you send your address I will make sure to check before wed run. Even if your out of the 45 day period i will still honor this deal regardless not out of principle but because that was the deal $3.95 for an LED torch. Sorry to bamboozlle you.
    Warm Regards

    • +5

      I am not surprise that he lost lots of money, I looked at the bag that he sent the torch in it got a postage stamp $6.95. He should have used dropship from these wholesale sites from China. But he did honored all orders and must get credit for that.

    • +3

      If that is true.. poor bugger. Something must have gone very wrong when he planned this… Ouch… If he is indeed honouring those orders at that loss then…wow. Like the saying goes, nice guys always finish last….but good on him for having a crack…

      And vandalising property because you didn't get your $4 torch… Wow there really are some petty & pathetic creeps on here. Won't be long till someone is killed due to a deal being posted on here. No doubt the people responsible will read this and think they are heroes. Nah, you're just tossers and have impressed no one.

      • +2

        I think he underestimated the power of OZBargain!

    • Oh man, We suck. I feel for the guy. Hope he comes back with another awesome deal where he can make a bit of cash back.

      • +1

        ZINGY certainly is very good at making us feel sorry for him. But let's not get over board here in either direction.

        Of course it is not OK to vandalise someone's warehouse, or to make prank calls, or to send emails he can't show his wife. If any of that really happened as a result of this deal, the perpetrators are a sick bunch and should take a long hard look in the mirror.

        But then I am sure the number of those people is significantly lower than the number of torches that have yet to arrive.

        I for my part stuck to this forum and only sent a single brief and friendly "TRACKING" email that remains unanswered as of now.

        Most of my forum posts were out of curiosity. And I still would be keen to know why:
        * ZINGY did not limit the deal to a much lower number initially
        * ZINGY had no systems in place to cope with a large number of orders
        * ZINGY did not offer refunds when the problems became apparent and instead chose to keep people waiting indefinitely
        * ZINGY had no apparent system in posting out items that would have allowed us to determine an ETA from an order number without needing a reply
        * ZINGY did not send short replies to each and every enquiry, but rather wrote lengthy rants in reply to just a few

        Now a hypothetical scenario comes to mind, let's call it a thought experiment. What would happen if I was to post a great deal on a popular low value item here on OzBargain? What if I never intended to supply the item to the majority of people who placed an order? How many people would completely forget that they ordered that low value item? How many could not be bothered lodging a PayPal claim even if they remembered that they ordered? How many could I hold off long enough with some delivery promises to miss the dispute deadline? Would it help to send out a few items to people who first complain who then confirm that they received their product? Would that scheme be profitable even if some people get refunds and some others get products that I supplied at a loss? All a numbers game, I guess. I might have to try it out some day ;-)

    • I haven't received my order no 1613, but you know what… I think you need the money more than me, so you can cancel it. Don't bother with a refund. :)

  • i haven't raise my claim further with paypal so the OP should get the payment. I have received the torch thanks OP

  • Haven't arrived for me yet. Had to make an account to say how ridiculous this is. I tried contacting the seller through email addresses that were provided as well with no reply to any.

    My hands seem tied now as pay-pal wont let me dispute it since its been two months since I've ordered this.

  • Lol, these idiots sent me another, obviously by accident

  • +1

    Still haven't received mine.

    Don't have to call them idiots.

  • Still waiting for my orders

    Invoice ID: 2728 and Invoice ID: 2741

  • No torch has arrived and I will be very surprised if it does.

  • Hi did all you guys receive your torches. I bought on 6th May but still not receive it. What sort of company is this.

  • +1

    My torch finally arrived whilst I was away and after a paypal dispute was settled and money refunded. The torch works well and I have since transferred money to the seller to pay for the torch. Hopefully everyone still awaiting a torch will receive it soon.

  • yay i finally received my torch today and it works well

    • yet your vote is still -ve?

  • Very unhappy, lodged claim with paypal, because 45 days out, didnt get refund.

    Still waiting for torch, as far as I'm concerned this guy stole my money

    ORDER 1934

    • +1

      It looks like the owner is very busy. I think you will eventually get the torch.

      I know I would be annoyed if I had to wait this long.

  • Just a quick comment to say that I am still awaiting delivery also (Order 1796). I am a very patient person and will continue to wait patiently for another week or two as it appears the seller is attempting to come good on his offer.

    • +1

      What will you do in two weeks time? Continue waiting, but then impatiently?

      I once knew someone by the name of Mark. He had several great business ideas and was very eloquent talking about them. When he asked to borrow $50 I had my doubts whether I would ever see them back, but nevertheless gave it to him curious to see what would happen next. Last time I saw him was 11 years ago when I helped him move his furniture into a self-storage place. He was a nice chap and I hope he is all right. Am I patiently waiting to get my loan back? Probably not. But I'd still be keen to hear his story…

      In this thread I certainly had more than $3.95 worth of entertainment, so I am already ahead. If a torch eventually arrives that would be a great bonus ;-)

      • +1

        Teri, is that you? How'd you find me? How's everything going? Umm, about that $50…





        As well as being patient, I am also somewhat lazy. After two weeks is up I'll just forget the whole thing and stop checking this thread for seller updates. I might need to keep coming back to check comment updates to see if there's been any progress with Mark though.

  • Hey I got my torch today after wating patiently and hey the torch is good.
    Loved playing with it.

    Thanks Zingy for sticking thru with this one.


  • Um… my torch arrived 2 weeks ago. A couple of days ago, a second torch arrived… WTF?

    • good on u, haven't got mine

      • me neither….

  • ITT people happy about losing money and having goods delivered months late. Maybe I should get into the Chinese import business

  • I received mine today. Nice torch!

  • Got.


    Thanks zingy, you came good.

  • I'm still waiting for mine!

  • Still waiting on order 1529 to 2534, nearly 4 months later… unacceptable.

    • If you ordered in May (as most did) ~August 6th is 3 months :)

  • Mine's order # 1339. Still haven't received it yet, same with everyone else.

    What's the deal ?

    I've send numerous emails and not a single reply.

    Atrocious customer service!

    • I found that I had replies via PM here (only noticed them recently). That could be a way to communicate. Still waiting for delivery though.

  • Order 2434 still not received after 2.5 months, and no refund or response from zingy, despite emailing to chase up my order. Negging.

  • I'm order 2725, still nothing :( not even an email response.

  • -4

    wtf these *unts are biggest scammers ever still no torch or answer to my emails never buys from these scum sucking dogs again.

  • im order 1969 what losers

  • Order 1188… still waiting… total crap really… You give a supplier time to make good and now you can't claim it back…

  • Still waiting on orders 2768 and 2771. I have opened a PayPal dispute; however, I would still prefer my torches rather than resolving it via a PayPal claim.

  • +3

    Chill, people!

    Torch Making 101

    (How Zingy Does It)

    Required Materials:

    • Blank T6 billets
    • Switch assemblies
    • Terminals/springs
    • LED emitters
    • Lens/reflector assemblies
    • PCB discs
    • Wire

    Required Equipment:

    • Lathe
    • Soldering station(s)
    • Drill Press


    • Large scale factory
    • Kids with small hands

    The Process: (Mid 2013 version)
    Mr. Zingy receives 1000 units of pre-cut T6 aluminium billet rods from China.
    Each must now be accurately turned on a lathe to achieve the desired cylindrical shape. But Mr. Zingy doesn't have a lathe — yet.
    Instead, an ingenious home-made contraption involving a 30 year old Clamont 10 speed racer, a home training frame, broom handle and bench vice achieve roughly the same result.
    The only downside? Pedal power is a bit slower than a 6000rpm electric motor. Each housing takes 3 days of approximately 400km stationary bike training. A trifle!
    Mr. Zingy knows he will not only be Rich and Famous, he'll be super-fit!

    The cavity in each torch housing is somewhat more of a challenge.
    Lacking a floor-standing drill press, and promising the better half not to use the hammer drill after a window was accidentally broken last time, this is a manual task.
    Diamond-tipped apple corers fill a top drawer in the workshop. With time, patience and the eye of a true artisan, each hand-turned (well, foot-turned) cylinder is sufficiently hollowed to allow most of the components a snug home. Regrettably, this is not a sheltered workshop, so Mr. Zingy must work alone, at times in the rain. Listening to FM radio, and sometimes neighbours having domestics.

    All major components are on hand. Except the rubber O-rings.
    These are required for water resistance, so Mr. Zingy must now venture off to his local Bunnings plumbing department to purchase 2400 units. They only have 108 in stock.
    He buys them all, making a "mental note" to call the store in a few days for the rest.

    Insulated 32AWG wire on 50 metre spools perform double-duty as semi-comfortable kitchen stools. Mr. Zingy overlooks this and the resulting cannibalisation of his rare vintage Tamiya RC cars is but a speed hump on the road to untold affluence. The "reclaimed" metre of wire is blue, purple and green in roughly equal measure.
    Torches containing these exotic coloured wires may one day be much sought-after collectors items.

    If only the great unwashed OzBargainers knew the sacrifices endured to meet their insatiable appetite for bright, shiny things!

    Unfortunately, 37 lens crystals have mysteriously vanished! The dog is suspected, but subsequent stool analysis is inconclusive. Messy too. Samples are couriered to Bond University in the hopes of confirming whether the pooch requires exploratory surgery or not. Either way, this means a slight delay, but those good sports on OzB will understand!
    After all, they're getting these for FREE*.

    Numerous solder burns, 4am retirements, snapped terminals, DOA emitters, 2am pizzas, small fires and reversed wiring mishaps later, 50% of orders are fulfilled. Result!

    But OzBargain is a harsh Mistress — always wanting MOAR!
    Never a thought given to the beautiful hand crafted excellence of these portable lighting devices.
    Nor the scarred, cut and bloodied hands that created them.
    Nor the mighty brain of the man connected to the hands.
    Nor the family that is cared for by the mighty brain of the man connected to the hands.
    Nor the dog at the vet in the thoughts of the family that is cared for by the mighty brain of the man connected to the hands.

    (Outro music)
    Those hands. Let's give 'em a break.
    And let's give Mr. Zingy… a hand.
    Or two.
    If you want.

    (Yes I'm drunk — wanna fight about it?)

    • A masterpiece of industrial poetry. You Sir deserve to be mentioned in the ZINGY hall of fame!

  • 3 months to the day since this great deal appeared here.

    ZINGY is still logged in - but it would seem not much else is happening from that end. I wonder why he lurks? Enjoying the entertainment value of this thread?

  • ORDER 1934 still waiting ZINGY please send torch through asap

  • Order number 2116, still have not received the torch I ordered. I sent an email a month ago with still no reply. Very frustrating!

  • Coming up to 4 months… Pretty much written off now. No response anywhere from anyone. Keep the money, buy yourself an ice cream with it.

  • Another month has gone and I still have not received anything. This really is more than pathetic.

  • Still waiting too.

    Msged him but no reply.

  • Not going to happen.. I know two other people that didn't receive theirs either, so don't feel so heart broken over his story. 17 weeks.

  • website is dead?

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