• expired

Powerful 360 Lumens Mini CREE Metal Flashlight $0 + USD $3.95 Postage Aust Wide


This offer has only, and will only be advertised to OzBargain member's. It is only one per customer and it is not for the older 210 Lumens but the latest 360 Lumens, steel cased all weather super , super, bright mini flashlight. It runs off an AA battery and comes with beam adjustment and comes with the latest 2_Q5 CREE Bulb.

Please note the specifications indicate water resistant, however we only suggest its light rain or drizzle resistant. Alot of products mention they are water resistant that really aren't. In short amazing little torch that you will be very impressed with, but keep it out of the rain and it will be your handy little aid for several years.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    I think the main problem here is that there are quite a lot of people still waiting for their orders after many weeks and yet there are some that have received their order, but was DOA and sent them back and got a replacement within days while the others are still waiting….

    • Precisely! Those people who report that they got replacements while others' original orders are still outstanding. That is what is so fishy.

      Let's setup a poll for ALL who are still waiting for torches :-).

      • +5

        Your wish has been granted.


        Click the above link to Vote if you have or have not received your order.

        I'm thinking a separate one asking if they ever received a reply to their emails would be an idea as well since the rep replies to emails from 8:30am to 11pm every day?

        Whaddya reckon Cheapie?

        • Thanks BargainBagman. That is a good start. I personally wouldn't bother with the knowledge of how communications went with Zingy. I think almost everyone knows it is non existent except for the odd comment in OzBargain every so often.

          What matters is how many people still waiting for their orders to be fulfilled.

  • Zingy can please tell me if my order has been sent or not:
    Order # 2259

  • Any comment on this Zingy?
    Your product is in the postal system, and should arrive in the next 48 hrs.
    This was on the 21/04.

    • If you pass me your order number I will look it up for you.

      • Order 881

        • and while you're at it can you have a look at mine? I just want to know if its been sent. Order # 2259

        • Macgyver yours hasnt been shipped yet I cant be 100% but 90% sure it will be either Monday or Wednesday of next week. I just found the confusion about the last comment, lukeloops order was refunded so that's why I couldn't find his postage. He must have received one of the early auto replies when we were posting even if it had been refunded, but his order was cancelled on his request. So Im not sure why he asked that unless a spouse or family member also ordered one.

        • I was told that it was sent and I also said I would pay you for it via PayPal if it did arrive considering your self inflicted nightmare. You did not mention anything about an automated response. If it is an automated response you should honor it as per your videos on your site in addition to your automated response.

        • lol I been waiting all week turns out nothing be sent yet.

          I'll tell when I get it.

      • Order # 2181 still waiting, sent email no reply posted comment here no reply. Very very unhappy.

    • Sorry I cant find a postage record for that address, is unusual as that postcode is finished, I will look into it ,but if its not there I will have another, or a new one sent on Monday. Sorry all I can say is that hasnt happened before, while Im on here can you message me your email so I can send out a delivery note when it goes out on Monday. Cheers

      • Are you replying to me or lukeloop?

        • Based on the indentation, he replied to lukeloop.

        • Yeah but lukeloop said he got a other email with:
          Your product is in the postal system, and should arrive in the next 48 hrs.

          A bit confusing.

  • Waiting patiently for order 2056 here (Sydney) =S

  • Also still waiting for order 841

  • I too am waiting for a replacement … ORDER 2077

    • hi rainrain the default bag will come out between wed and friday of next week. Cheers

      • ok

        Is it possible that you send out a replacement torch at the same time as the bag?

  • For all those waiting for a torch. Please vote at


  • Order 1987, waiting

  • Order # 2181 still waiting, sent email no reply posted comment here no reply. Very very unhappy.

    • Can you send through your order number, I will look it up for you. Cheers

      • Order # 2181, thanks

  • order # 1730

  • I'm still waiting on order #2311, due to be posted to post code 2904. If you could look into it if'd be appreciated.

  • order 1715 received yesterday in the mail. thanks for that.

    however, its not working as expected, sometimes the light turn on really bright(which is good) but most of the time, the light will turn on but with less brightness( less bright than the Q3).

    Rep, Can I get a replacement?

    • +1

      See if you full press it it turns on full and press half and it should be low I think.

      • That is what mine does

      • thanks for your advice, ill try it out tonight and feedback.

      • half press does not do anything…I think the torch is faulty.

  • +4

    Okay, I'm going to contact PayPal on this one, raise a dispute ticket.
    Order #1851
    That you're replacing people's defective torches before you fulfill original orders is terrible.

  • I still have not received my order.

    1091. I have sent you 6 emails over three weeks. I didn't even get a response. Why is that?

  • Could you check order #2170?


  • Could you please check order #2129?
    Thank you

  • Can you chase up order 825 please?

  • Surprise surprise …
    Bought one .. and got one the other day.. today .. I got another one … weird

    not only seller had a bad marketing , now they have a bad operation … overlapping in sending out orders etc ..

    anyway, to help out anyone here … those in Melbourne CBD , if you want … you can have it if you collect from me in the CBD , preferably from my apartment , next to ALDI CBD …..but please be honest with seller as well ..

    • Me, I am not from CBD, but can collect it from you on Sunday late afternoon if no one collects it yet. Please let me know. Thanks
      Oh, is it working?

      • I'd like to take it as I need a other torch but I'm to far from the CBD.

      • of cuz it is working ….. tested it already… But I can't guarantee I would be home at that time ..
        long weekend , might go out somewhere..
        stay tuned ..

        • Is it ok to pick the torch up later?

        • sorry didnt check msg here.. i wasn't around anyway..

          I have decided to give it to my nephew instead …


        • No worries, got a PM from Zingy after sending message to you, saying schedule to post on Tuesday, hope to receive by the end of the week

  • Order 881
    I was told that it was sent and I also said I would pay you for it via PayPal if it did arrive considering your self inflicted nightmare. You did not mention anything about an automated response. If it is an automated response you should honor it as per your videos on your site in addition to your automated response.

    "We apologize for the delay, here is a full refund , however your product is in the postal system, and should arrive in the next 48 hrs. Hope you accept this gesture in good faith and return to Zingy.com.au one day. Warm Regards"

    Why would you have this as an automated response and not honor it as well as info on your website?


    Unreal.. Official 100% Zingy Guarantee


    • -1

      no I am not going to listen to you, I will listen to every one else on here except you,i am here working on a Friday night trying to finish this deal, you are here on a friday night trying to goad me even though you got a full refund, its Friday night that is what is unreal…Alot of customers got a free torch and a refund, you didnt though, and all anyone has to do is go back and read all your lovely comments to see why. I am emailing customers right now who have real questions,but if you feel… and of course you will… the need to write back about our failings, our dodgy scams or whatever else you have come up with on a Friday night then go ahead. Email me, email me and we can correspond away from this forum, Here it is, you email me and send through your address and I will send you a free torch on monday, or will lukeloop come back to yell here, if it is the principle of the free torch that your banging on about then I will expect an email and you will get your free torch, Sound fair lukeloop…..

      • +4

        Zingy, you're breaking the cardinal rule of customer service! Regardless of what you think of lukeloops, he is a customer, paid for a good that you did not deliver and the rest of us who are in the same boat as lukeloops are sitting on the sidelines watching how you treat him (thinking that could be me)!

        Lukeloops has every reason to be pissed at you! You have failed to deliver on your most basic of promises, and like most others on here I too have been waiting since the 6th of May for my torch! You have mislead people on when they can expect their torches - it went from 10 days from purchase, to next week, and then the week after …and here we are 4 weeks later and still no torch. I don't understand why it is taking so long to send the torches out-I know of sheltered workshops that could build the torches faster than you are sending them out. Now if the rumours that some people are getting replacement torches before others have even received them are true, then that would be enough to make me see red and want to yell and carry on like lukeloops!

        If the poll is any reflection (of the 91 people that have so far voted), almost 80% of responders are still waiting for their torches. Regardless of your excuses (and they are excuses), first impressions count - especially if you want repeat business. Whilst we all appreciate that you may be a small business (one-man operation), none of this information was divulged when you put the deal up - your flashy website makes you look like any other large e-tailer, so we naturally expect prompt sales and service. By your own admission you stated that you did not have the systems in place to handle the volume of sales (your first lesson), but it seems that you did not have the basic resources either!

        I hope you get all the orders sorted out, so that you too can go back to some sort of normality again.

        • +1

          It's no rumour, they sent me 2 torches for some reason, both DOA, and I've gotten my replacement torch.

          I find Zingy's communication to be very unusual for a business, far too informal.

          Zingy, have you fired Becky? She wrote back to emails at the start

      • -1

        I don't care what day it is. And by your own admission you apparently have sent others a free torch except for me and also lied with your nice warm regards comment, if you think I believe you would send me a free torch you are sadly mistaken. I posted these comments on here for all to see what a total loser you are breaking your own 100% Zingy Guarantee. Face it Zingy, you have failed miserably and will be regarded as a shonky unreliable sook and a wanna- be dealer. You know what you can do with your faulty torch.

  • +3

    I have been able to send out just under 2000 torches, yes I have failed but I have stuck to my word and tried to do the right thing, the comment I have made about postage as this deal increased including that we only had 65 units in stock were true, I had no idea it would take 5 days for a pack from Brissy to Sydney as a customer found out today by looking at the date stamp, refunding everyone would have cost me nothing, but I will refund anyone that is not happy. Shonky and wannabe are not right, unreliable for this deal yes definitely. You want me here to keep the communication lines open as much as possible I will, but just vote this comment down and I will get the message loud and clear.

    • +3

      The point is that you did not stick to your word, you have admitted lying so you are shonky and still a Cree baby sook.

    • +2

      I'm in Brisbane and at the start of the alphabet, and haven't received my torch. What gives?

    • Great, another 400 or so torches and you should be done(excluding the DOAs etc)!

      You seem to be missing the point, no one is arguing about the fact that it may take 5 days for a package to get from QLD to NSW with Austpost. The members on here, like lukeloops and myself have been waiting for over 30 days now, so taking into account the 5 days it takes for a package to arrive from QLD to NSW my torch is delayed by 15 -25 days (taking into consideration whether you had enough stock to begin with) and there is no excuse for that! The haphazardness of the way you sent out the orders just makes the mind boggle and defies logic.

      Shonky and unreliable are just semantics, and in the online world mean the same thing - if you're unreliable you may as well be shonky, because your reputation is everything in the business world (just ask our dear friend mr harvey, who has tried to take on the might of OzBargain and it's members only to fail miserably - but on the note of unreliable businesses, you are up there with the best)!

      I am not sure if your last sentence is a threat of sorts, but in reality the only useful communication you have given people is to either confirm their order has been sent, or to advise them that it will be sent out in the next batch (or the one after that), and we have been hearing this for 4 weeks now! Surely you can see how this would start to grow thin very early in the piece…?

      • +1

        I think it was pretty clear from the beginning that this deal was to be honoured although it outsold the supply very early on. I suspect a lot of the delays have been caused by hold ups from stock coming in from overseas.

        The rep was pretty keen on saying a 10-day max wait, but then again I think at that point he had not sold 2300+ units and clearly stated he had 65 units + 250 units coming in. I am confused about the dispatch order…it wasnt by order number, nor by alphabet as it seems.

        If I recall correctly, Lukeloops asked for and received a refund early on as well.

        As for issuing replacements before orders, it is a tough gig either way. I believe that replacements should come after orders, but try convincing the members how have received a DOA that they should wait…that is really a catch 22.

        • +1

          As for issuing replacements before orders, it is a tough gig either way. I believe that replacements should come after orders

          to wait sucks…. to wait, get one, find out its broken, then go all the way back to teh back of the line would be infuriating. i think on that point the rep has done the right thing. where he did go very wrong was to send then out in anything other than by order number. if i was one of the first to order but one of the last to receive id be pissed as well.

  • +3

    Just to add: Still no torch, no Paypal refund or reponse to any email. Even the when I put ZULTAN in the subject line as requested.

  • +2

    But Zultan, according to Zingy " go back and read all your lovely comments to see why " Countless things have contributed to the spectacular lack of ability to send your torch, so it would be a bit difficult to list them all here before the sun explodes.

    • -2

      I have organised a torch for you to be posted on Monday lukeloop, I have contacted one of the customers that was on Mondays runs and explained your dissatisfaction and he has kindly swapped places and agreed to wait. So of the set that is going out on Monday one of those will be yours, I hope this helps.

      • +4

        Sorry Zingy, I have lost faith. This is really fantasy island stuff: "I have contacted one of the customers that was on Mondays runs and explained your dissatisfaction and he has kindly swapped places and agreed to wait"..

      • +2

        Zingy, what is the method to your madness of of sending out the torches? Are you doing it by state, postcode, chronologically - I just can't work it out!!

        Also, like Zultan, I am not buying your story of "I contacted a customer …blah, blah, blah", so I am calling BS - especially when you consider Monday is a public holiday (so good luck getting Austpost to do anything for you)!!

        When do you expect to have enough stock so that you can send out the remaining orders?

      • +1

        So the public holiday imaginary postal service is sending out an imaginary torch from the imaginary customer that you didn't actually contact. Ummmm, here is my imaginary thank you.

        • +2

          Liars WILL eventually get caught out. Just a matter of time :).

  • Zingy

    So when the replacement of the faulty torch will be sent out? and what i do with the faulty torch sitting here atm?

    Order no. 2185

  • Order no. 1369 still not received…

    Ordered May 6, it is now June 8th.

    33 days and I still haven't got it yet. Hahahaha.

  • (From page 1)

    this is about promoting our site and our range of products we distribute.

    My faves so far: broken promises, website and email, inadequate stock levels, poor judgement and chaotic remediation.
    I almost feel guilty considering a 44th day Paypal refund given the spectacle of this train-wreck!

    This deal will cost Zingy approx $700, and we-prefer to spend $700 on promoting our site this way as opposed to google ad words $2 a click.

    I'm sure many members and guests know the Zingy name by now.
    Never has the phrase Google is your friend carried such resonance.

    Plus members get a really good and safe deal.

    You know, I'm touched by your regard for my safety.
    But I'm more concerned for YOUR health and safety, given all the midnight oil you've been burning.

    Chin up — there's always the Sunday markets.

    • Have you. received your order mcmonte, I could look up your order number if it hasn't arrived yet. Cheers

  • still waiting on order 2106, can you please let me know when it will be arriving??

    • +1

      Hi Jessi Posting Tuesday, worst case if there is a delay Wed, thanks for your patience.

  • Also waiting on orders 2768 and 2771 (two different addresses). Any delivery timeframe?

    • Hi can you email the delivery address and name used to purchase as I cant find 2768. Just put IEATCRACKERS 2768 in the subject and I will pick it up Monday and reply once I find it with a timeline if it hasnt already been sent out. Cheers

  • Zingy

    I have email you a few times with no reply. Ask here a few times also regarding when will i get a replacement torch but seem like im been ignore here. I know you still have a few people that still need thier order full fill. All im asking is an ETA to when or how about to get my torch replace. Is that to much to ask atm?

    Order no. 2185

    • I've been ignored too, it seems. Order #1702. :(

      • Everyone has been ignored. Communications is not forthcoming unless you hassle Zingy until he wakes up and notices you :).

  • As always I try to be helpful rather than becoming a bully in this rather long but quite entertaining drama. So here's my weekly dose of positive advice for you Zingy (thanks to another OzBargain, $0 right now): http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00C3G9F4G

    Also, I still have not received my torch. Order number 1092. Can you please check the status?

    • -1


      • I missed the point you were making there.

  • For anyone considering a PayPal dispute, I started one late last month and you do not get any responses from there either, it has escalated to a claim and still no response.

    No I don't feel guilty for making a dispute, no torch, 10 emails, PayPal dispute, PayPal claim, no response from Zingy, ever…………….

  • Yawn… still no sign of #848.
    Zingy, I suggest you change your name. I think this saga has destroyed your chance at having any cred as a business.

  • Zingy - update on order #2311 please, nothing recieved as yet.

  • Where art thou my torch. Nearing 40 days. #1562.

  • I sent Zingy a TRACK ORDER email last Friday and within a couple of hours got a reply saying it will leave next Wednesday. So no I have no torch (Sydney), but can validate Zingy is at least trying to reply emails.

    • I sent an email before last Friday but still no reply :( I am very confused now..

  • Well I finally got my email from Zingy and my torch will be send on Tuesday according to them as Monday is a Public Holiday.

    Like Vengeance88 said at lease they are trying to reply. I will post back once i get it.

  • Just opened a paypal dispute as mine was DOA (and yes I thoroughly tested it). Sent two emails with the subject FAULT to [email protected] - as per sellers instructions two weeks ago and no reply.

    All I wan't is a working torch.

    • Now I feel like buying another torch to rid me of this unsatisfying experience - I need my OzBargain fix!
      Must get a bargain, must get a bargain, must get a bargain - I can't sleep.

      Need a torch to replace this one even though I don't need it.

      Give me another deal OzB!

  • Dear Sir,
    Order no. 2283 still not received. Please help.

  • Order #2317 still not received too. Appreciate if you could send it.

  • Hi zingy. Can you please check and advise an ETA on order 2214

  • Zingy / Adrian - said on here (page 5) he would refund my order.

    No Refund received. No replies to any emails both before and after I began posting on here. No reply to Paypal Dispute. No Torch.

    Wouldn't you think it would be logical to reply via email rather than airing all the dirty laundry on here?

    But No… Not One single email - or a refund or a torch.

    Details for Zingy's Paypal ID below.


    Details for website owners below.

    Domain Name zingy.com.au
    Last Modified 29-Mar-2012 03:59:21 UTC
    Registrar ID Crazy Domains
    Registrar Name Crazy Domains
    Status ok
    Registrant Thermal Protection Group Pty Ltd
    Registrant ID ABN 12142008571
    Eligibility Type Company
    Registrant Contact ID R-002714821-SN
    Registrant Contact Name Adrian Demaria
    Registrant Contact Email [email protected] (don't bother emailing this address it just bounces)



    According to whois… Thermal Protection Group Pty Ltd owns approx 41 other domains.

    If you look here…


    If you scroll down… you can see the last one on the list is obviously "zingy.com.au"

    Oh the dirt… I'm just getting warmed up champ… send me my refund - as you "promised"… and you keep telling us about how you keep your promises.

    BTW it appears that Adrian has started quite a few online businesses over the years… You'd be amazed what I have found… No wonder he doesn't have time to reply to emails and has trouble organising posting a torch or giving a refund with all that other stuff going on as well.

    Most satisfying will be if/when Today Tonite comes to see you as I've now called them as well and turned over everything I've found.- they'll probably save you for a slow news day.

    And its entirely your own doing.

    What do Peter Slipper, Craig Thomson, Julia Gillard and Zingy all have in common ? They were all telling the truth.

    PS - 2 friends both of whom have not posted here, Yet, have had no replies to several polite emails enquiring as to the status of their order in the last 2 weeks. Both have now raised disputes with paypal, both have received no replies to the disputes, looks like all 3 of us will be going to claims.

  • Hi everyone.

    I received the torch this morning and put in a brand new DSE AA alkaline battery ($6.49 for pack of 40) and tested the 3 modes and luckily for me, it works. The torch looks exactly like the one bought from tmart.com Q3. Haven't got the Q3 to compare brightness but I am happy that it finally arrived and it works. It is not DOA.

    I am in Sydney and order number is 23XX. It was posted 04/06/2013 16:36.

    • Yeah I didn't notice in difference with my q3 from tmart either. It works well enough but will need to try it with better batteries to see if there is a difference.

  • Still waiting on order 1406 to postcode 2021

  • Still waiting on order #2141 to postcode 6107

  • Order 1556
    Ordered on 6/May/2013 not yet here.
    Can you please advise status?

  • Received mine today in VIC

  • I'm not feeling too confident with order 2704, when people many orders before me are still waiting. I'm only a day or two from opening a dispute. I didn't need the torch in a hurry, but waiting over a month is a joke.

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