Nearly $110 from Amazon including shipping and $120 from The Book Depository.
Available online and in-store. Seems to be a flipping excellent deal for this mammoth book!
~~I'm guessing this will expire today, because PAX East 2013 ends today (by American time).~~
The deal is available till the 4th of April, 2013 (Thanks to jikijiki for this).
We believe this is the Best ever price on the highly popular HP N54L Microserver. Just $259 Inc GST, plus $8 postage if required (pickup is free of course).
For what looks to be the first time ever (according to AppShopper:, Plants vs. Zombies HD is free.
The blurb from iTunes:
Not much to say really other than this is a great calibration app on offer from THX.
Used it briefly to set up the projector at work. I think this will be great for home use.
Great Movie, Great Price, Fantastic Quality, Region Free.
Special Features
• 1080P High Definition
• DTS HD High Resolution ES Audio
• 5.1 Dolby Digital Surround EX Audio
kmart cranbourne had heaps, i asked the people at the counter for more because i cleared the shelf. They said they had over hundred left.
Durable rotating jacket with capless design
Also $1.98 handling fee for Visa/Master & Paypal.
Seems to have good reviews which say that features & real world wireless throughput are better than for the WNDR4500.
Here's a nice deal which will probably be better than any Boxing Day sales for HDDs. Seems like it's the normal price of $148 with an unadvertised 20% discount, bringing it down to $118.40.
This is advertised as exclusive to Good Guys and on sale for $189 plus $60 cash back.
Went on iTunes to find content. Found that Sherlock the new TV series is on iTunes and the first episode of the first series "A Study in Pink" is on for free. In HD. Don't know when it ends.
In the spirit of last weekend's Pink Floyd deal, I also found this collection. Obviously only appeals to a certain target market - but 15 legal albums for less than $15 is a bargain in my book!
Ends 11/26/2012 11:59pm EST or 27/11/2012 3:59pm EDT (Sydney). Valid on Licenses Only.
Excludes PerfectDisk Enterprise Suite.
PerfectDisk 12.5 Home Premium Total Home License now US$24.99
as per previous -
if you want 1.5tb for $134 delivered then go to jb hi-fi -
This 7 disc DVD box set contains the complete series 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of the multi award-winning and critically acclaimed comedy that follows Mark (David Mitchell) and Jeremy (Robert Webb), two
Checking todays COTD deals and found this. Best price on StaticIce $208, I paid around $250 for one of these drives just weeks ago. They are an excellant drive.