Spotted a few cartons of brownies at the back corner of the bakery section. Some are very short dated with 5/Jul/2022 but there are still some with best before date towards end of the month.
Got this from an email. Choose one of the dates from the link to score a $10 voucher for use in food court. Apparently where you end up in is based on doing a spin wheel. Need to sign up as a member …
Spotted these at OW Chirnside Park this morning, probably the best price I can see from a retail shop for a little while. About 15 left when I was checking so be quick if you want to grab one.
If one could treasure a bargain for ream of A4 paper every now and then, then the same person should see this as a rare find. Walking in the OW Box Hill South store and saw a tall pile of boxes with …
Snapped a couple of Free Range eggs reduced from $6.99 to $0.99 per dozen. They have expiry date on 25/05/2015. Perfect if you are thinking of doing some baking during the weekend. In store Thomas …
Looks like this is going to be more like a once a month sale now on the Eneloops. $19.95 for pack of 4 and a bonus pack thrown in, $4.95 shipping as per usual.
Got this from some junk mail:
Be one of the first 5000 to sign up at (<- This link does not work BTW, try the link that I've supplied)
As I have said in a true ozbargainer would pay at most 50c for a can of Coke, so this is now the opportunity to stock up for summer.
This is going to be another scorcher tomorrow for Melbourne so hopefully these bargains can keep you chilled a bit.
Big M Flavoured Milk 2L **$1.99**
Bulla Ice Cream 2L **$1.99**
I know most ppl would not buy an outdated street directory, but a true ozbargainer would just get one and apply the updates with a pencil to save a few bucks.
## This is an opening special at Burwood East VIC Only, commencing 04/07/2012 ##
Same product as but hey, its now only $29.99!
Got an email this morning from V-Line which has compiled together some deals to travellers. Looks like the only condition is that you hold a valid V-Line ticket at the time you claim the offer.
How low can it go? It's a DVD player, 2 channel. Apart from that, don't expect too much out of it. But hey, it's only $10 after all. I suspect it should be same one as per …
Opening special from 9am 01/09/2011 at Coles Burwood East, VIC only (corner of Blackburn Road and Burwood Hwy). Nu-tec 18.5 inch LCD TV with high definition $89 save $60 Features: Resolution: HD …
There are a few items in this weeks' catalog which is probably enough to make a side trip to grab. Frankly their catalog has 24 pages and hence not in a position to list them all here, just the ones …
Store only specials Sanitarium Weet-Bix 750g $1.99 each (27 cents per 100g) save $2.20 Pepsi, Solo or Sunkist 1.25L varieties 89c each (71 cents per Litre) save $1.00 Pretty good values for the …
Hope this is self-explanatory enough. Reject Shop has these on special for $10 (20 cents per disc) Take this to Officeworks for price beat brings it down to $9.50 (19 cents per disc). Good for poor …
Further to there is a store special at Woolworths Burwood East VIC where the Pepsi cans are reduced for a further $1 to $8.99. That brings it to 37.5 cents per …
Similar to ING deals such as From T&C on website: To be eligible for the $10 Feebate you must open a new HSBC Day to Day Account from 1 June 2011 and meet …