Looks like this is going to be more like a once a month sale now on the Eneloops.
$19.95 for pack of 4 and a bonus pack thrown in, $4.95 shipping as per usual.
Looks like this is going to be more like a once a month sale now on the Eneloops.
$19.95 for pack of 4 and a bonus pack thrown in, $4.95 shipping as per usual.
such deal
= deal savings
Where on the page does it say you get two packs? It just says '4 piece'?
Yes, very confusing, as usual from DSE.
Picture shows two packs and down the bottom of the two pack page it says: "This item can bought separately for $25.98"
Category numbers: S4476WEB (for the two pack) and S4476 (for the single)
Price says: Save $32 (two 4x packs = $52 at the regular price)
I'm leaning towards this being two 4x packs.
Be careful….Dodgy Dick sent me only 1 packet and, after a month of complaining and following up I have had verba agreement that they stuffed up - but no actual remedy to me as yet. Very poor customer service.
The title on DSE says 2x 4 packs. I think that is most reliable.
Unleash the AAA hordes! So many people have been after these.
dont forgot to wait till 1pm - op might want to add it to your description
Receive 11% off when you enter the coupon code SAVE11 at checkout. Valid Monday 24th March from 1PM until 11:59PM AEDST at www.dicksmith.com.au only.
S4476WEB is explicitly excluded from the SAVE11 coupon code.
Damn :P
Maybe DSE have us all conned, and these are actually the 'normal' prices for Eneloops :)
The 2 pack deal is Deal number 2 on the front page.
It links to the ad in this deal which says 4-piece pack. GG DSE.
Take your screenshots people.
NOOOOOOOO just bought mine off ebay for $30
should have camp and lurk more
Wait for the free postage!
Tru!! This always happens
Wait couple hrs and same deal on DSE ebay + free postage!!
Not sure if serious. That deal is for AA. These batteries are AAA.
yep… I'm an idiot… negs deserved :).
Have faith in yourself.
Do not call yourself an idiot.
He deserves full marks for being honest, not living day to day with his head up his arse like you're suggesting.
I always wonder at the people who jump on a special for the eneloops when you can get the hobbyking LSD batteries for around $1.50 anytime and a buck when on special. I have both and find no difference between them other that the extra you pay for the Eneloops.
Because we didn't know about it. Did you post a deal?
Also that's USD
EDIT: Oh they have AUD pricing too and an Australian Warehouse. Though postage to brisbane is $12.95 :( not good for 6 AAA batteries. Oh well. I'll check out JayCar maybe.
Because eneloops cycle my strobes almost twice as quickly and don't overheat like a fat kid in summer.
Guaranteed capacity: 900mAH compared with Eneloop 750-800mAH.
Postage on 10 is $10.13 to Sydney. So ~$21 for 10 delivered.
Thanks for link and cost. Never heard of them b4 but I'll have a go.
non in stock…………
Yeah Ive read test results that dont rate them all that well either, they get a lot of sag. But for many jobs like remote controls the Turnigys will be perfect.
Given the capacity of these batteries, vs the standard AA size and cost considered, AAA Eneloops shouldn't cost more than 70% the price of a standard 8 pack. As ozbargainers we usually pick these up at $20 a pack so a AAA pack should cost $14 to $15 … While I love my eneloops AA's, I consider the AAA packs to be overpriced.
Sanyo makes less of these which would cost them more at wholesale prices.
These are the gen 1 enerloops I guess, going by the packaging.
Recharge up to 1800 times, and retain up to70% after 5 years once fully charged
(not sure what you mean by gen 1)
Gen 1 were the original Sanyo Eneloop chemistry from about 2007. Now they are at Gen 4 (OS, not here yet, Panasonic own it now, not Sanyo). These will be Gen 3, Sanyo.
Panasonic bought Sanyo, hence the name change. The Sanyo brand will be retired i believe. But the products will remain the same.
Y-AAA-Y !!
Thats aaawful …plus for you
What was the best AAA deal on ozbargain before??
Well, I think the 8 x 2 packs + 1 charger + 4 bonus for $25 deal is much better than this deal.
Are you sure you are not looking at AA deal and not AAA battery?
This deal is for AAA battery.
Maybe you've overlooked it twice, but you've linked twice to a deal for AA batteries, not AAA.
yep… I'm an idiot, as mentioned above :).
when I first saw all the negs I was like wtf? but then I saw the error of my ways. roll on negs :).
negs even on my repenting post? thats a bit tough.
I think you are getting AA and AAA confused.
Those tropicals are AA's, this deal is for AAA
And the best AA deal is 20 + a charger for $25.94
Just ordered 2X (2x4packs)=16 Batteries for $39.96 delivered.
Guess its free postage
So i just got the cheapest AAA Eneloops deal ever on ozbargain? $20 for 8
this eneloop obsession on ozbargain is about as strange as this place gets - ie. pretty darn strange
True, yet I feed on the obsession like many others. Can't explain it :)
Has no one heard of Aldi? They sell 4-pack LSD AAA's for $7. 850mah. Holds charge for 6 months.
I found precharged AAAs but not LSD AAAs in Aldi North Sydney.
They did have LSD AAs.
"precharged" & "ready to use" rechargables are low self discharge. The LSD capability is what makes this possible.
I'm not saying that these batteries are anywhere near eneloops but they are cheap, easily available and good quality. I've been using them for a while without issue in my torches.
And the ALDI ones die prematurely just like half my Turnigy AAAs and AAs have done!
Eneloop only from now on.
Cheapest deal ever, ordered 4 packs. Thanks!
seems current stocks gone Only Pre-Order now!
Pre-Order Now:
Releases on 28-Mar-14"
Just Pre-Ordered a pair! Been wanting AAA's for ages!!!
Anyone know of any good chargers that keep batteries charged? Or trickle charge or something?
How long do these usually hold their charge?
cool thanks! I have the Sony Eneloop charger at the moment but it seems to stop charging at full. So if i swap batteries it doesn't charge until i turn power off and on :(
I seemed to get free shipping….?
Yeah me too!
Shipping & Handling (Temando - Free Shipping) $0
Free shipping here as well
Free shipping and able to use my Woolworths Gift Card (use ING Orange for 5% rebate). Win :)
What did you do to get free shipping?
It adds another $4.95 for shipping to my order.
I added to my cart, went to checkout, signed in to my account, paid with gift card and it never added shipping. Just checked my order and it says SHIPPING METHOD: Termando - Free Shipping
No idea why shipping is free, but not complaining.
Just playing with it earlier, entering my postcode showed $0 for delivery too. I may or may not have been signed in at the time. I was just checking delivery on the listing page, not at checkout.
Got free shipping with "Temando - Free Shipping" message too. Log in to your account, add item to cart and checkout. Do not enter your postcode. Free shipping sealed the deal for me.
This worked for me too. Make sure your address is saved under your account details before you add the item to your cart and before you log in (you might need to log in to put in your address details then log out and clear cache or use a different browser before following the above instructions)
Thanks, had to log into account to get the free shipping.
Entering postcode then proceeding to checkout/payment without that added shipping.
Shows up as "Temando - Free Shipping" on the receipt. Happy!
(edit: After ordering, went back to the product page, entered my postcode for a postage estimate and it came back as "Delivery charge $0", so guess it was always meant to be?)
Well, as usual with DSE.
Who knows what I will end up getting. Just received my invoice with the following.
I ordered 2 so I expected to receive 16 AAA's.
Well 4 x 4 = 16. So that looks right. Where did the charger come from though?
Absolutely no idea
Mine also includes an extra charger in the invoice. We'll see when it arrives
I bought one thing of 2x 4aaa. My invoice also included a charger.
They already shipped your order?
apparently. Just got another email to say it was shipped.
Did they gave you a tracking number for your order?
Sure did
Awesome….got free shipping by logging in before placing my order and despite being listed as a pre-order for the 28th I just got notification that they have shipped.
Also surprised that the standard charger deal from a couple of weeks back is also being shipped even though DSE couldn't tell me when it would be back in-stock.
I guess we'll see tomorrow if they have actually shipped all of the items.
Well my batteries just showed up and not surprised that the charger wasn't included even though the invoice said it was. I won't hold my breath on getting it even though it appears to be in-stock on the site.
Just received my batteries this morning. Good turnaround time from Dick Smith considering that shipping was free.
My batteries arrived today.
Invoice said I was getting a charger - that I never ordered - so seems that's just an invoice glitch not something they're actually giving away free at random.
PS: What kind of toys are these usually used in that they need and antibacterial coating?
Anti bacterial coatings are for pussies …and the anally retentive
Much savings