• expired

Switch Provider for Bonus Prepaid Mastercard (up to $400): Electricity $200, Gas $100, Internet $100 @ Econnex (Exc NT, Ergon Q)


Offers are only available when the switch is initiated through the promotional link on this deal.

You (“Customer”) may receive a $200 Digital Prepaid Mastercard® (“the Card”) when you successfully Switch and stay connected for a minimum of 30 45 days your Electricity plan via Econnex Comparison, subject to these Terms and Conditions.

You (“Customer”) may receive a $100 Digital Prepaid Mastercard® (“the Card”) when you successfully Switch and stay connected for minimum 30 45 days your Gas plan via Econnex Comparison, subject to these Terms and Conditions.

You (“Customer”) may receive a $100 Digital Prepaid Mastercard® (“the Card”) when you successfully Switch and stay connected for minimum 45 days your Internet plan via Econnex Comparison, subject to these Terms and Conditions.

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  • +3

    Never got my prepaid mastercard from last econnex deal. Anyone know how its delivered? Also is it quarterly?

    • +7

      'Eligible Recipients will receive the applicable Card/s by email up to 90-120 days after connecting to the relevant plan/s.
      Check your Spam/junk email if you have not received a Mastercard Digital Gift Card in your inbox within 90-120 days after activation of your Internet plan.
      Mastercard Digital Gift Cards are sent via email from [email protected]'

      If you're referencing the similar deal posted back on 25/11/2024 then its only been 87 days since it was posted.

      • +2

        Text message and email with an activation link. You’ll then need to download the Karta app.

        It can take 90+ days depending on the deal. So far, no problems here getting them.

      • Signed up to that Deal ended 2/12/24
        90-120 days is from date of connecting, which may be later if includes 10d cooling off period..

        *Gas can take longer due to manual read to change retailer.

    • I did a previous one and it went it to my gmail updates folder while I was on holiday. Didn't end up checking for a few months and the link was expired…

    • Never got my prepaid mastercard from last econnex deal

      Last Deal ended recently on 21/1!
      I signed up to previous Deal on 1/12

      MC sent 90-120 days after CONNECTED, not since sign-up.
      So not due yet for both!

      From previous experience, may be sent a week late, but have always received Econnex offers.

    • +2

      Easy! Set a REMINDER in the Deal for 90+ days after the connection date, so you know approximately when its due!

      Then check your email.
      If not there, set for a week later…

      Have done that with all cashback Deals - for years.

      • +1

        I haven't received mine like 141 days after activation. Support said it was already sent and now expired but that shouldn't be possible (I have the Karta email on safe senders from a previous offer). They're issuing a new one as a gesture of goodwill which is cool, but still don't understand where the original went.

        • +3

          When Econnex offered Woolies gift cards, it was more confusing.
          People expected email from Econnex. But it was sent by Woolies lost in the other emails & binned by some.
          Then there was only 3 months to spend it.

          There were lots of negs as people claimed they never received the emails

          I recommended to Econnex that they send their own email to say it's been sent + how to find the gift card. Its also good PR.

          Lost emails!
          Sad to read the old problem still.exists!

          Always lodge a complaint to Econnex in these cases. As you did👍

          • @INFIDEL: Did you receive an initial email on sign-up to econnex saying you signed up for the deal?

            • @winaxter: Still considering this offer

              Yes, in December received email:
              "Thanks for choosing Econnex Comparison to arrange your electricity connection with Powershop.
              Below are the details of your electricity connection:"

              • @INFIDEL: Just in general from previous deals. Not sure if mine activated as I signed up around 11pm on last day of deal, but got thank you for signing up email at 1am (after deal expired) with no mention of signup bonus.

                • @winaxter: Checked.
                  Emails only confirmed sign up, NOT the benefit offered.

                  Best not to sign up late on last day!

                  Check with Ecconex: @Manyo
                  Best of luck!

    • Last time I got it on my email.

      Also, you can follow up with them once you are close to 90 days. They will suggest you that the notes have been updated on your account.

  • +3

    I'm still waiting for my previous prepaid mastercard from econnex deal. They said I have to wait 90-120 days after sign-up. In the T&Cs, it said to remain with previous providers for 30 days. I am not even sure if we leave after 30 days, how would they even track this offer. Kind of hard to track with econnex offers.

    • Same boat… waiting

  • +1

    I just used this link to switch to the Energy Australia deal which says a welcome $200 credit applied to first bill. I'm assuming this is on top of the Econnex $200 MasterCard offer - anyone know?

    • +4

      I got a similar offer from another provider of $150 sign up bonus. Its on top of the giftcard

  • Does anyone know how long you need to be disconnected from AGL to count as a "new customer"?

    I switched from them 12mo ago

    • +2

      I chop and change through the same 3 providers on a regular basis (much less than 12 months), I always receive the gift cards.

      • Do you use the same account holder details (name and DOB)?

  • +2

    Brilliant, thanks nocure! I was just looking last night to see if econnex was likely to have a deal soon.

    I keep intending to shutdown my gas connection, but these cashback mean it's actually earning me money lmao

  • +1

    dam it i just did 200 cb via CR yeterday

  • When does this promotion end?

    • Feb 23

      • +1

        Doesn't give me much of a buffer. I signed up for Powershop during the last deal on the 16th Jan, but they didn't connect me until the 21st Jan, so that's my official start date. It will be over 30 days if I swap again, but only just. I'd rather it was at least 10 days to be sure.

        • +1

          Yeah same, I'm going to have to give this one a miss. It won't be a safe amount of days between switching and I still have credit left to be taken off the next bill.

  • +1

    not to shabby, just in time for the churn. $100 to me from Red energy for remaining a month and now with the switch to Powershop through this lot getting another $200 in 90-120days and instant $150 powershop credit.

    • +6

      Switched in Econnex Deal to PowerShop 1/12
      Received PowerShop $150 electricity credit.
      $200 MC due soon!

      Over $1100 credit back to bank account after switch from Origin. (Cost of Living & other Rebates in Qld)

      Time to switch again💰

      Effectively haven't paid for electricity for years - due to these Deals & Rebates!
      (All electric aircon home, no solar.)

  • -1

    What is the language of this deal? It sounds like it's not guaranteed to get the mastercard?

    • "Switch Your Energy and Broadband this February for a Chance to Earn Up to $400 in Digital Mastercards when you Stay connected for at least 45 days."

    • "You (“Customer”) may receive a $200 Digital Prepaid Mastercard® (“the Card”) when you successfully Switch and stay connected for a minimum of 30 days your Electricity plan via Econnex Comparison, subject to these Terms and Conditions."

    • "To be eligible to receive the Card you must connect to the Internet Plan, Electricity Plan, or Gas Plan via the following link: https://www.econnex.com.au/promo-february"

    • "Eligible Recipients will receive the applicable Card/s by email up to 90-120 days after connecting to the relevant plan/s."

    The last quote makes it sound like all eligible recipients will receive it, but the other wording makes it sound like it's not. Why would the language not say "Switch your Energy and Broadband this February to earn up to $400 in Digital Mastercards."

    I feel like I'm being pedantic but why have they spoken like this?

    • As explained in previous Econnex Deals…

      Signing up to switch does not guarantee the cashback - if you

      • don't provide the same details (name, address, etc) as shown on the bills.
        Then a switch of retailer can't proceed. (Some don't like providing their actual details!)

      • don't stay with the retailer for the specified period.

      • don't provide a valid email the MC can be sent too

      • don't sign up through link in this promotion


      It's up to $400, depending on what services are switched.

      It's pretty common sense, but some expect cashback without switching, staying, etc.
      So legally worded with "may"

      Received every offer in Econnex Deals over years💰

      • Okay thanks for clarifying and the vote of confidence. I understand the particulars of "cashback" rewards based on Cashrewards, Shopback etc but as this is not through those but a promo offered through the econnex website itself I wondered why it was worded that way. Following the T&Cs = reward is a pretty simple concept!

      • -1

        Then a switch of retailer can't proceed.

        What do you mean by this?

        I can certainly use a different account holder name and DOB when I switch to a new retailer compared to my previous retailer.
        However, if it does not match the info I give Econnex, then the cashback (in the form of a prepaid MC) won't probably be given after 30 days.

        • +1

          Its nothing to do with Econnex!
          It's the law.

          Sure you can sign up to a new account with a new retailer (new connection), but can't SWITCH retailers from your old account!!

          That's the basis of this Deal - to switch retailers!!

          Electricity, gas, NBN are associated with a physical address. Provide wrong address… Can't be switched.
          And you need authority of the account holder to change those services at that address.

          If you don't provide the correct name, address etc as shown on your old retailer's account & bills - legally you don't have authority.to switch retailers.

          Its unlawful to switch without authority of the account holder!

          In.the past, unscrupulous sales people signed up customers to switch retailers without their knowledge. The first the customer knew was a bill from a different retailer!
          The salesperson pocketed the incentive!

          • -2


            Its unlawful to switch without authority of the account holder!

            That goes without saying, and that is certainly not the issue I am talking about here.

            What I am telling you is this. I can switch my power and gas using this deal under a fictional name and DOB.

            My current provider ("losing provider") will notify me about the switch. I don't need to do anything as the switch is authorised under a different name.

            I have never ever provided Econnex and the gaining retailer with my government issued ID details, and have still received their gift cards.

            Most retailers haven't implemented ID verification yet. Once they do, this hack won't work.
            However, as it currently stands your claim about "If you don't provide the correct name, address etc as shown on your account & bills" is not correct because there is no ID verification in place with these retailers. My ID is what I say it is when I sign up.

            • @DoctorCalculon: Go ahead & waste your time!

              My ID is what I say it is when I sign up.

              Lol! Good for you, but it won't help here.
              There are no ID checks!
              It's much simpler….
              If the details you provide don't match the old retailers records - it fails to proceed.

              Using fictional personal details fails when the switch is attempted & fails!
              Others have tried.
              No benefit available if you do.that!
              A reason why some didn't receive benefits in past Deals😉

              I'm have experience managing electricity accounts for elderly relatives. Their authority was needed to add me as an authorised person to change their accounts was needed.

              • -2


                If the details you provide for old account don't match the old retailers records - it fails to proceed.

                Laugh all you like. It hasn't failed when switching electricity and gas providers.

                I'm have experience managing electricity accounts for elderly relatives

                Same here. BTW, you are not the only one with an all electric home without any bills for the last 5 years.

                When my uncle passed away, I signed my up aunt (with her permission) to a new retailer (with cheaper rates) so that she can claim her concession.
                Did the sign up fail? No, it didn't.

                • +1


                  When my uncle passed away, I signed my up aunt (with her permission) to a new retailer (with cheaper rates) so that she can claim her concession.
                  Did the sign up fail? No, it didn't.

                  That's a very different case!

                  She would have needed authority on the old account. Many.coulples are both listed as account holders, or both have authority to make changes. So it's straightforward.

                  Deceased Estates are a very different circumstance! The primary account holder is dead!! Someone else has to have authority to act.

                  Wills usually confer legal authority to others to make changes. Have done that many.times - as Executor of Wills. Need to show death certificate & Will.

                  BTW, you are not the only one with an all electric home without any bills for the last 5 years.

                  Never wrote i was😜
                  Who else you know uses electricity without paying for it (except prisoners, where it is provided as part of their work, etc)??
                  But no electricity charges without SOLAR is not common!
                  So you haven't paid for electricity in past 5 years?? Who are the others??

          • -2


            The first the customer knew was a bill from a different retailer!

            If it is an unauthorised switch, you will find out about it from your current energy retailer.
            They will send you a text or email that they are about to lose you as a customer.

            Its unlawful to switch without authority of the account holder!

            You say that like it is some kind of absolute when most retailers don't even carry out ID verification during the sign up process.
            They simply take the account holder details at face value.

            • @DoctorCalculon: That's how it is done NOW - after the fraud in past. That resulted in changes to the system.

              There is no ID check necessary if you have an existing account & want to switch. Your old retailer has to check the details you provided match the account holder on their records. Before a switch can proceed!

              I switch retailers every few months.

              Similar to Porting a mobile number - if the details you provided (name & DOB) don't match.the old retailer - Port fails to proceed.

              Catch up & learn how it operates!

              • -2


                Your old retailer has to check the details you provided match the account holder on their records. Before a switch can proceed!

                There was just an email that the account was about to switched over.

                Catch up & learn how it operates!

                I signed up an elderly relative to Powershop in early January, and they just needed to run pre-auth on a card to before completing the sign up.
                They were not the Principal / Account Holder of the losing retailer, and it was not setup as a joint account.

                • @DoctorCalculon: Proves nothing!
                  Hope you did the right thing by her & sign up for a Deal like this.

                  I doubt you provided fictional details to sign up as you claim can be done!

                  Once the correct address is provided, that brings up the Meter ID with further details.

                  If she was connected at the same address, her name was likely attached to past retailer account & that Meter ID .
                  So she would have authority to change retailer

                  Done that for many relatives, although I prefer to be added as authorised long before death of partner.

                  As I direct debit, PowerShop has never checked my credit.

                  • -2

                    @INFIDEL: She was not on the previous account as a joint account holder.
                    Her name was not on any of the bills just my late Uncle. Heck, she doesn't even have her own email address. Too old fashioned.

                    Probate is still sitting with the Supreme Court, and so she is not the legal owner just yet.

                    Of course, I had to provide her actual ID since her concession card details would also be checked for eligibility.

                    Neg me all you like. The sign up succeeded, and the power account transferred over within a couple of days. Gas is still pending transfer (which will happen after the next scheduled read).

                    • +1

                      @DoctorCalculon: To have authority to change, people can be added, without being an account holder. So not listed on bills.

                      That's how I was able to act for family. They liked that only their bills reduced, with just their name still at the top.

                      After the death of the authorised person(s), there are other ways to obtain authority. People die all the time, so utilities are prepared.

                      People listed in the Will (eg Executors) can act on certain matters while Probate proceeds. Changing the provider of utilities won't affect the legal process of Probate. No assets or liabilities are changed!

                      If it reduces costs for estate - even better. And the account holder needed changing. Along with account payment method.

                      I managed Decreased Estates (1 with assets worth 1.5M) without Probate. (Explained the process when discussing Wills in a Deal.)
                      So much faster, gains speedy access to estate funds, at no cost!

                      Yes - providing concession card details wont work for electricity discounts. - using fake ID It is checked. Processed that many times a year for family, as changed retailers.

                      Can save a lot each year. About $370 here plus $1350 in Cost of Living Rebates.
                      Often check elderly I meet are receiving that & Seniors Card benefits. Surprisingly some don't know about it.

                      So don't know why you want to use fake details & risk the $200 or more benefit with this Deal😜

                      Hopefully no one follows your faulty "advice"😜😜

                      Go ahead & waste your time!

                    • +1

                      @DoctorCalculon: Not surprised the transfer was approved. Utilities have processes to deal with cases like that. Possibly on compassionate grounds.

                      Things operate differently when death is involved.
                      You can't base your faulty advice on that very specialised circumstances - as you have!

                      For example, Commbank waived a credit card balance for a deceased relative. But I wouldn't say that is their normal banking business & recommend it!

                      But guess almost no one here will be signing up after a recent death of the person shown on the bill!!

                      There was a comment in a old Econnex Deal, that because the account was in a spouse's name, the switch of Retailer was denied. And they missed out on the Deal!

                      So your argument that false details will be accepted (for this Deal) & switching retailer - is false. You didn't even do that!

  • for EA, i think you can only get one bonus per address?

  • They never include the providers with the best rates (for example GloBird Energy in Melbourne / VIC).

    • +3

      If you regularly switch retailers for the benefits - that far outweighs a higher tariff over 30+ days💰

      It's how you play the switching game😉

      Haven't paid for electricity for years with the incentives to switch, including credit from retailers.
      (All electric aircon home, no solar)

      If you want the cheapest offer long term, there are other sites.

  • I signed up for one of the previous ones ( I think November? ) … so am I still eligible for the new offers?

    • +1

      I've signed up a few times a year - received the benefit. As long as you remain with the retailer the required time.

      • I just hit 30 days yesterday - if I cancel will i still get my $200 card after 90-120 days?

        • Double check the last deal, there was something about 45 days, but that could have been just for the internet.

          • +1

            @churningNburning: Yeah was internet. Electricity was 30. AGL have offered $225 for me to return so seems worthwhile

            • +1

              @digitalane: Absolutely. If you've been connected for the 30 days + then it's fine to jump over.

              • @churningNburning: So I can churn through eConnex and get another $200 card? (I’m day 31 from last deal). Assume I just need to choose a different retailer. Tempting even though AGL are offering $225 for me to return….

                • @digitalane: Yes you can, but like @INFIDEL said. Double, triple check you've done your 30 days.

                  • @churningNburning: Yep. I got lucky with this one I guess. Connected 22/1. Will do tomorrow just to make sure

                    • @digitalane: So my welcome letter says transfer date was on 7 January 2025. But I didn't sign up to this until mid-Feb. Which date are we using to calculate the 30d period? Is it the 7 Jan date stated on my welcome letter and in my account? I assume that happened to be the date my meter was last read.

        • +1

          Its 30d after connection date, not sign up
          Connection date will.be shown in account (start date of new service)

    • For sure.

  • Is it best to have smart meter installed for regularly churning these deals or do they come & read the old fashioned electricity meter when required?

    • +1

      They come out and read the old meter but you'd find the switch would happen quicker with the smart meter, either way the switch will happen and you get the gift cards.

      • +1

        Thanks for the info

  • I can't seem to find the Energy Australia $200 offer in QLD. Anyone know of other stackable offers?

    • See EA Deal - only shows for NSW & Vic.

      • Yeah saw that after. Ended up going with Engie $100 credit.

        • +1

          Also in Qld, so noticed that Deal.
          Can only take up offer best for us.

          Switched in December to PowerShop ($150 credit) & $200 MC to come, through Econnex Deal. About to switch again.

  • Hi all,

    I recently relocated to Sydney and I'm staying in a friends studio at the moment. Will move to our own apartment next week. Do you think I will be eligible for this deal? I won't really be switching since I don't live at the address yet and I don't have any utilities contracts to my name here.

  • -3

    customer “may” (only) receive .. also looked at the rate of other providers - so high. not a deal for me.

    • -1

      Since you don't read & understand!!

      explained above…
      Some may think all they need to do is signup to receive the MC… Not so!!
      If you don't meet the Deal T&C - as usual, you don't receive the benefit.
      If you do, 💰💰 for you!

      (MC sent 90-120d After connected
      As usual, some complain they haven't received it from last deal… ~30d ago!)

      No "may" - always been definite for me in these Econnex Deals over years!

    • Your other complaint - cf rate of other retailers

      Again… explained above

      Good for those who like to save money by regularly switching retailers!
      (Receiving $200 or more incentive for staying just 30+ d with retailer)

      A slightly higher tariff for a short time is greatly outweighed by the incentives to switch!
      Even better for low energy users!

      Your choice to sign up long term, with slightly lower tariff!
      But you lose $200 or more MC for just 30+ days connection!

      I've saved thousands over few years with these Econnex offers. Haven't paid for electricity in that time (All electric aircon home, no solar).
      Made a profit this year💰

  • +1

    Looks like they change the duration for electricity -> it's now 45 days

      • +1

        yup, i re-read it multiple times.
        The first time i loaded it, it says 30 days. Then when i went back to check something and return. it says:
        You (“Customer”) may receive a $200 Digital Prepaid Mastercard® (“the Card”) when you successfully Switch and stay connected for a minimum of 45 days your Electricity plan via Econnex Comparison, subject to these Terms and Conditions.

        • +1

          Yes, well spotted - confusing😜
          (Sorry for the neg vote. But needed to be explained better.)

          Deal Link - shows minimum connected time 45d!!

          @nocure quotes T&C above:
          "Switch and stay connected for a minimum of 30 days your Electricity"

          These offers have previously been 30d for electricity.

          So unlikely Deal has been changed. Rather it is an error in listing Deal here. May be error in copying old Deals!

          (I switch about every 60d so not affected.)

          Hope @Manyo can clear that up!

          REPORTED TO MODS as a serious & misleading issue

          • -1

            @INFIDEL: yup, very dodgy practice to change it midway through the deal

            • +1

              @Truck-kun: This Deal is word for word the same as last Deal here by @nocure !

              So 30d T&C in Deal above is likely a cut & past error.

              But any Deal is what the Deal Link states! Not what is posted here by a member.

              If it was changed in Deal Link by Econnex, from 30d to 45d… previous T&C should be applied to those who already signed up.

              Handy if someone took a screenshot of original T&C in Deal Link! That would confirm if Econnex changed the Deal offer.

              Reported to Mods to sort out this Deal

              Hello @Manyo from Econnex!!
              (Last seen 2hr ago)
              We need this clarified ASAP!
              Sent a PM.

              *Am still switching (for 45d min).
              As never had a problem with Econnex over many years of Deals here.

              Usually switch again after 60d - using up credit applied by retailer.
              So no problem for me.

              • @INFIDEL: Likewise I will probably be connected for 2 months as well. So not an issue for me.
                I didn't think my statement was that confusing - didn't think I deserved a neg for pointing out an issue with the post

                • @Truck-kun:

                  I didn't think my statement was that confusing…

                  You commented without any explanation:
                  "Looks like they change the duration for electricity -> it's now 45 days"

                  ??? I had no idea what you were saying!
                  This Deal still showed 30d.

                  You could have made that much clearer by saying the Deal Link to offer shows 45 days, not 30
                  That would make the issue obvious.

                  You knew what you meant, I didn't!
                  We're not mind-readers.
                  So I viewed Deal Link for first time.

                  didn't think I deserved a neg for pointing out an issue with the post

                  I explained what you didn't, gave you credit for spotting the issue, & apologised for the neg that was too late to retract. Most would not do that.

                  Plus I acted to quickly correct the wrong & misleading T&C in this Deal.
                  That you failed to REPORT - which Ozbargainers should know is the appropriate action!

                  But there's no proof (yet) that Econnex changed the Offer - as you claim!!

                  • -1

                    @INFIDEL: You don't need to be so defensive… I literally just stated the duration seems to have change to 45 days. I didn't even neg op for posting the deal. Yes, I could have elaborated more but it's really a non issue.

                    And yes, I do appreciate that you gave me credits. I didn't report because I wasn't sure if i was reading it correctly

                    • @Truck-kun: Not defensive - just you don't understand that a serious claim like yours needs to be backed up by fact. And seen. So others understand what you are saying.

                      What you didn't say (where you read that 45d T&C) was the issue, hence my neg.
                      If you'd explained the issue, rather than being very vague, I would have given you a big +!

                      I didn't report because I wasn't sure if i was reading it correctly

                      You certainly didn't communicate the problem clearly in your comment… due to your doubts…

                      You buried your claim deep down in the comments where few might see it. Not a place to put a serious issue with a Deal - that need to be noticed by all!!!

                      I hate when people are misled when making decisions about Deals. So checked out your vague comment.

                      If I hadn't investigated further, no one would have likely known of the major issue with this Deal!

                      Then Reported as should be done. And prominently posted about the misleading issue

                      When communicating, people assume others know what is obvious to them!

                      It usually isn't!! That causes conflict.

                      Better to make sure you are saying what you meant to say! Give clear details to back up your claim.

                      If you'd done that - there would have been.nothing to discuss here. We'd be much happier😉

  • +2

    NOTE: Mods have made a major change to this Deal.

    Now in line with Offer on Econnex site
    Previously incorrectly listed minimum 30 days to stay with Electricity & Gas retailers.
    Deal updated to minimum 45 days to stay with all retailers.

    Always read (& screenshot) merchants Offers!

  • -3

    Is OP associated with Econnex?

    • Seems like OP cut & pasted their 16Jan24 Deal
      Maybe without confirming Offer T&C are current.

      T&C are different in this Ecconex Offer.
      Surprised me, as has been same 30d for years.

      So when it was pointed out by Truck-kun, I Reported problem to Mods & PM Econnex Rep to resolve.
      And pointed out the change above.

    • +2

      Questioning if someone is associated is not nice!

      I frequently upvote Econnex Electricity Deals
      And comment on & clarify Deals.
      Why? These have saved me $thousands over years of not paying for electricity!

      But that liking of Econnex Deals, was proof enough for a well known Ozbargainer to falsely claim I work for Econnex.
      That caused others to criticise & neg me.
      The mob had spoken, so it must be true.

      That Ozbargainer's false accusations were finally taken down by Mods. The accuser commented they were being silenced😂

      Not a nice experience😜

      • Just curious because these Econnex deals are either posted by nocure or the rep Manyo.
        You can't search for these deals. Always have to wait for it to be posted on ozbargain.

  • Team, can anyone confirm if this deal will stack with cashback and energy retailer sign up offer as well?

    Bonus question: does the federal government cost of living relief ($75 /qtr) energy relief transfer over if I switch from my energy retailer?


    • +1

      Yes. Check out the retailers available & if credit offer applies in your State.
      PowerShop had $150 electricity credit - credited to my account when switched through Econnex. $200 MC cashback is due next month.

      I'll play for the Bonus Question…
      Any Govt rebate is paid to the retailer you are with.
      So when switched in December from Origin to PowerShop, the January $75 quarterly rebate was paid to my account at PowerShop.

      Leaving Origin, received over $1100 credit to bank account (unused Qld & other cost of living rebates).

      • Brilliant, thanks for the insights. For the credit to be credited to your bank account, did you have to ask the retailer to initiate this process?

        • +1

          Origin sent an email requesting bank details yo deposit credit.

  • Is the deal with Econnex limited to once per year, or has anyone been able to claim it more than once? I signed up and connected to ENGIE through the previous deal in January, and I'm wondering if I can switch again if I meet the 30-day connection period.

    • +1

      Apparently we can go again. I will try tomorrow. Use a different provider though obviously. I’m going powershop for this deal plus their 150 on first bill

    • +1

      Been switching when offers come up - about every 2 months for years

      • +1

        Thanks. Looks like I had been missing out.

  • @INFIDEL - any idea how often you can churn through the NBN providers? I noticed it says for new customers. Can i churn the same NBN provider multiple times in the year and still receive the $100 MC GC? I.e. Swoop ($100) > Superloop ($100) > swoop ($100).


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