• expired

100% Cashback (as Prepaid Mastercard) on Suntory -196 Double Peach/Grape 4-Pack (Max 600 Claims, Select Retailers) @ Suntory


Back again.


To claim, individuals must then complete the following steps during the Offer Period:

  1. Visit https://minus196.com.au/cashback-LMG and follow the prompts to the online claim form;
  2. Input the requested details;
  3. Upload a copy of the qualifying purchase receipt; and
  4. Submit the fully completed claim form


A participating outlet is any Bottlemart, Sip n Save, Harry Brown or Thirsty Camel (WA only) that stocks 4-packs of Suntory -196 Double Peach or Suntory -196 Double Grape and displays material featuring the offer (each a "Participating Outlet").

e.g. Here is Harry Brown

Update: The T&Cs state it's the 1st 600 claims whereas the link says a raffle once you submit. I've contacted Suntory and they've responded with the following:

I've sent them a message to clarify with the following answer:

Hey Neil,

Hope you’re going well!

The promotion is running for the first 600 valid cashback claims.

Suntory -196 Promotions Team

Update: (24/2 10am):

Confirming 600 cashback claims haven’t been claimed yet. The total number of claims is just over half.

Related Stores

Suntory -196
Suntory -196
Harry Brown
Harry Brown


  • +7

    Max 600 Claims

    likely will run out in an hour…

    • +5

      Maybe not, since this time you can't simply pop in to BWS/LL.

    • Then you better hurry!

    • +2

      Just for visibility:

      Suntory said:

      Confirming 600 cashback claims haven’t been claimed yet. The total number of claims is just over half.

      as of this morning.

      • thanks for the update. didn't realize there's a bottlemart not far from me.

  • +2

    Damn none close to me :(

  • +30

    I thought this was "OzBargain", not "OzBuytheitemfirstandhopeyougetitforfree".

    It's not a bargain if you have to pay full price, then hope and pray you get a discount afterwards.

    • +8

      There are cashback deals all the time. This seems like less work than the other ones.

    • These things taste bad anyway. They sound like they're nice but they ain't.

    • I agree with Walter

  • +18

    Man I just got home from Japan and these things were $1 at the kwiki marts. Never bought one myself. I was a fiend for the highballs.

    • +3

      The lemon ones are amazing, especially if you think Hard Rated etc are too sweet.

      Couldn't stomach the grape, tastes exactly like Hubba Bubba gum, which as it turns out, doesn't translate to drinks.

      • I actually preferred the kirin lemon sours as apposed to the -196's when i was in Japan. I found those were more palatable lol

      • This or hyoketsu?

    • +5

      They are $1-2 in Supermarket and these things are so overpriced in Australia. Kiwi flavour is fantastic tho.

      • +2

        Canadian Club is also a low shelf cheap whisky in Canada, apparently the homeless drink of choice. Funny how our perception of price alters our view of a product

        • Tarrifs!

      • +1

        Tax accounts for a lot of it

      • -2

        Taxed to curb binge and teen drinking. I'm all for it.

        • +1

          Im of the opinion that if a teenager wants to drink, they will drink. Regardless of the price, it just puts a burden on people who enjoy an occasional drink, having to pay a ridiculous markup on a luxury as always.

          That being said, I’m not one against taxes, but taxing everything by placing a safety label on it is bs.

          • @Mr Random: Taxing luxuries is taxing the rich. Yes, that includes us in the middle classes

    • Just don't finish it in one gulp, the bubbles will knock you out in no time.

  • +8

    Like all drug dealers, first one's free.

    • I never got my first Panadol for free. Full price.

      • That's a pain.

  • +2

    been running for more than a week so likely exhausted

    • +28

      I'd be exhausted too after running for more than a week

  • +1

    dangerous day to be a 4 pack of -196 grape

    (kinda wish it was Kirin Hyoketsu lemon but)

    • +4

      mate they had -196 grape for like $4 on ice at the pub recently. dangerous indeed

      • +2


        What legend of a pub was this?

        • +3

          Rainbow beach sporties - didn't even need to be a member to get that price

  • +11

    Great deal, but without knowing if the scheme is even still alive this is just clever marketing to sell more cans. 600 claims nation wide is nothing.

  • Price in title?

    • +1

      5 different shops in different states. Max would be $26.

  • +2

    Thanks, bought 4…………cans.

  • +4

    Great product, scammy marketing

  • +14

    These are delicious, but it drives me crazy that you can buy them for like $1.50 from a vending machine in the street in Japan.

    Australia's alcohol tax really sucks.

    • +1

      It’s disgusting. I got a bottle of Suntory yellow for $10 at a little grocery store. Highball 500ml 9% cans were $2. We get robbed blind.

      • +3

        I'm not even a big drinker but that's reason enough for me to visit every time.

        Walking around Sapporo, shopping, eating and chilling in a capsule hotel watching baseball and drinking $2 premium beers and highball from a vending machine is literally cheaper than a single days stay at basically any holiday destination in Australia.

        Here you'll pay $250 for a single day in a hotel. Add $50-100 for drinks at any pub or club, again for food… Doubt there's any major city in Oz you could stay for 1 week and have change from $1000.

    • +1

      So we should lower the tax on alcohol?

      • i would, but the other part would be just reducing our rip off prices in general

    • +5

      Tbh, we have a huge drinking problem in Australia, not that Japan doesn't, but we just can't handle our alcohol. There's too many idiots that behave poorly when they drink too much and that ruins it for everyone else. Those who are responsible drinkers get punished for it, just like everything else in Australia.

      • +1

        Lower the tax until it's incredibly affordable.

        Survival of the fittest

      • so many rage filled dheads here on booze, like that drink driving doctor in the news

  • +5


    • +1

      this was the case with the coors cashback a while ago. I didn't get a cashback despite getting in on the first day. dodgy.

      • +2

        And they don't have to prove anything to you, either.

    • Please see my comments below. They don't believe us. I guess they haven't registered their mobile yet before the raffle is mentioned.

  • Eligible retailers are
    Bottlemart, Sip n Save, Harry Brown or Thirsty Camel (WA only)

  • +3

    I got my cashback next day - purchased from Bottlemart Melbourne CBD

  • +1

    or once six hundred (600) valid claims have been received

    This is a lottery, not a bargain…

  • +1

    boo, i want my free "unique" barcode to get unlimited supply of them

  • +12

    No Bargain. The conditions state that you will be entered into a raffle to receive the amount of your purchase as a gift card. It is not 100% guaranteed that you get your money back.

    • From the T&Cs:

      The first six hundred (600) valid claims received will be awarded a cashback up to the maximum value of $26. The amount of cashback is dependent on the price you paid. So Harry Brown in VIC is $24.90 so thats the cashback you'll receive. Other places will have different prices.

      Don't see any mention of a raffle.

      • Register with your mobile number when you want to claim it. Before sending it off it states that you will enter a raffle.

        • +3

          Regardless, 600 claims for an entire country IS a raffle, even if they didn't say it, especially when they don't give you an updated tally.

        • I've sent them a message to clarify with the following answer:

          Hey Neil,

          Hope you’re going well!

          The promotion is running for the first 600 valid cashback claims.

          Suntory -196 Promotions Team

    • +1

      I don't like promos where you have to buy the item without knowing whether you will be reimbursed, but "entered into a raffle" isn't true.

      Offer commences 9:00am AEDT on 11/02/2025 and claims close 11:59pm AEDT on 04/03/2025 or once six hundred (600) valid claims have been received, whichever is first (“Offer Period”).
      Offer is strictly limited to the first six hundred (600) valid claims received.
      The first six hundred (600) valid claims received will be awarded a cashback up to the maximum value of $26

      • Go further and register. Before sending it off to them, it is stated that you will enter a raffle.

    • Wise words. Clearly they have conducted a few "lessons learnt" sessions…and realised that prior promos cost them a bit too much $$…

  • Offer commences 9:00am AEDT on 11/02/2025 and claims close 11:59pm AEDT on 04/03/2025 or once six hundred (600) valid claims have been received, whichever is first (“Offer Period”).

    the gamble is has 600 been claimed in 9 days

  • For those who entered, did you get an email confirmation?

    • No I didn't.

  • +4

    Max 600 Claims,wont take any risk

  • +4

    Tried to get this deal last time, got taken for a ride. A boy at Bottlemart didn't give me the right receipt and Suntory support promised to check with them about transaction, but just went unresponsive. 4 cans of shitty cola for 28$, anyone? Better go with Kirin deals…

  • Men rock highballs and smoke camels

  • +1

    Damn it, bought at BWS. Buy first, think later got me again…

  • -1

    nothing for tas

  • +1

    Theres nothing wrong with this but it should be marked as a competition, not a deal.

  • +1

    Lottery system to get a max of $26 back.

    They offer for you to go into a 'raffle' when you submit for the cashback. Good luck.

    • +2

      From Suntory:

      Confirming 600 cashback claims haven’t been claimed yet. The total number of claims is just over half.

      • Thanks op submitted now
        Dunno why so many negative Nancy's in the comments lol

  • +3

    2719 clicks. Allllllrighty then.

  • Anyone receive an email yet?

    • +1

      Approved just now

  • just got my cashback confirmation email. gift card will be sent in the next few days.

  • +1





    MINUS 196 TEAM

  • +2

    Unfortunately mine's rejected as it says wrong retailer. Though I got it from Thirsty Camel, the problem is that the receipt was under a separate trading name which is the tavern next door…

  • Claim has been accepted wahoo

  • I got one for me and my husband binaries today thx!!!

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