Homeless Person Threatening to Kill My Pets

Hey, anyone got any ideas on how to move a homeless person along?

I've got a homeless person who has decided to take up residence on the banks of the river opposite my house. He has been there for about 5 weeks, haven't had any issues until last week when he suddenly started screaming at me to "Shut my (profanity) Chickens up your (profanity).. this then converted to "(profanity), I'm calling council on youse" to then "I'm going to kill your (profanity)*ing Chickens (profanify)", and then when i went out to my back deck he started screaming at me. I called police immediately as he was off his rocker. For background - I've had these chickens for about 2 years and haven't had any issues from any neighbours.

Police spoke to him; told him I am in my right to keep chickens on my property as its in the local council by-law, and he has no right to be illegally camping. He started claiming he was on crown land and can do whatever he wants. Anyway later that night police came and had a chat to me, said he has been involved in another violent incident at the shopping centre and he is ok when he isn't on the booze. He is currently on parole and the police won't move him along as he has nowhere else to go. They said he hasn't broken any law that would allow them to arrest him. I spoke with Council who have had offices go down and speak to him but nothing is happening on that front.

Basically, I have this aggressive drunk homeless person sleeping effectively in my backyard screaming abuse at me and police and council won't do anything. So, does anyone have any ideas on how I can go about getting rid of him? I've thought about tracking his movement and when he leaves burning his tent down - but then he'd probably just burn my house down.

[edit : included mandatory MS Paint drawing


      • How loud are your chickens and how could you see him if you weren't peeking at him with binoculars?

        50 m away with a river in between is a fair distance. You had me thinking he was like a few meters away or something.

    • This is most likely the nerang river gold coast

  • -3

    You probably shouldn't have brought yourself to his notice.

  • +13

    Came here for the ms paint diagram and the hobo antics.

    Wasnt disappointed.


  • -8

    People usually have chickens for one of two purposes. Eggs. Or chicken dinners. You have them as pets? Unusual.

    • +18

      Yeh the eggs are just a bonus. đź‘Ť They are cuddly chickens (they're silkies). Like they'll follow me around the yard. When I hang up washing they'll chill under my feet etc.

      • +1

        The place we rented in Loire Valley had free range chickens that visited us in the morning. They had the cutest clucking noise. I can see them as viable pets.

    • +1

      sure, lets talk ignore the elephant in the room and talk about them chickens

  • +1

    Install a sprinkler and a camera. Done

  • +15

    Fly a drone over his tent at all hours of the day. Take video and post on YouTube. Monetise the channel.

    • +5

      Hah I like this idea the best so far. Monitise the situation. Maybe I can set up a live stream webcam and call the site hobo antics.

      • -6

        Hobo erotica.

    • +1

      This just sounds like the Bumsndrones page.

  • +8

    Love your ME paint diagram! I’d give you 11 out of 10 but you forgot to indicate crown land.

    You get 10/10 though

  • +1

    Springfield Ohio incident

  • -2

    How many roosters?

    • +10

      None. Council requires a minimum lot size of 4000sqm for roosters. I've only got 1300sqm. I can keep up to 10 hens under the by-laws but I only have 3.

  • +1

    He will probably move on eventually. Do like the shopping centres and play really trash music for most of the day. Don’t make it too loud but make it audible. I don’t see how threatening to kill your animals isn’t an offence? Then again the cops do nothing about stalkers until they kill someone so you are, probably, pretty down the list.

  • +2

    Drone with air horn over his tent every morning, and whenever.
    Run out in your dressing gown and yell at him to stop the noise. Blame him and deny seeing any drone.
    There must be places he can camp other than next to peoples houses. Please don't burn his tent down.

  • +1

    play the chicken dance song.

  • -3

    OP, how much did you pay for the bank of the river opposite you? Maybe you should consider fencing it off?

    • +9

      Nothing. But how much did he pay? Nothing.. So why is he screaming obscenities at me and threatening to kill my pets? He can move, I can't. I have no issues with homeless people sleeping there (he was there for 5 weeks before he became an issue). It only became a problem when he started threatening and doing intimindating behaviour.

  • +1

    Throw some food at him

  • -1

    Perhaps do a good samaritan act, and take him some food (Maybe some big Macs?) If he throws it back at you then you will know the situation is irreversible.
    Do you have a back fence? If so perhaps incorporate a few strands of barbed wire into the fence to act as a deterrent.

    • +7

      Hah I like the barbed wire idea. But nah I don't have a back fence. The fence runs down to the water line.

      But nah I won't take him food, he has money to buy alcohol, so he is opting to drink over everything else. It'd be different if he was trying to improve his life.

      • +5

        Most them are homeless due to addiction. They live in tents to save money on rent which they then spend on drugs/alcohol.

        • +5

          Most are homeless due to mental health issues. Addiction is generally a result of these health issues. Maybe consider yourself fortunate.

          • +2

            @menocheapsk8: "Addiction is generally a result of these health issues"

            sometimes but more often the reverse IME

            "Health issues are a result of addictions"

          • @menocheapsk8: But whether the addiction is due to the mental health issues or the mental health issues are due to the drug/s is pretty irrelevant to OP isn't it? Usually its a bit of a cycle - as a friend said to me about this "some people have shit lives and drugs make them feel better. But then the drugs stuff their head even worse".

            Point here is the dude has threatened violence. If he hadn't, then sure say "there but for the grace of god go I" and live and let live. But OP has to get him moved on now.

  • +1

    Have you spoken about this to your neighbours? What is their take?

    • They've reported him to council, but aren't as concerned as me as they haven't had any interactions with him.

  • +1

    It's scary to be on the receiving end of threats, but try to put yourself in the homeless person's shoes. To do that, spend some time with Mission Australia who help the homeless, some of whom don't want help at a given point in time. Anyone can be in their situation or suffer what can lead to that situation; how would you feel if you had no fixed place to live, irregular poor food access and people mistreating you?

    There is a homeless lady near where I sometimes shop. She talks to herself out loud, sometimes swears like a Tourettes at passers by, but when I drop food off to her she's very pleasant and appreciative. In winter I asked if she had enough warm clothing and she explained that some kids had stolen her trolley, which included her doona, but she was okay…

    Here's an alternative thing to do - if you have a proper leftover meal, why not give it to the homeless person? Maybe your kindness will scare them off.

    • +19

      You don't get a handout and some sympathy after you've threatened to kill someone's pets.

      • Some people might not be in the right mind. It can happen to anyone. Imagine it happened to you - would you want people to treat you like crap or with kindness?

        • +14

          I'd want people to treat me with kindness, but I also wouldn't be calling people the c word and the f word and threatening to kill people's pets. If he wants to come and apologise, I'd accept his apology but I'm not going out of my way to assist someone who is threatening and screaming at me. If he had an issue with my chickens he could have raised the concern in a much nicer way. He isn't a nice person; he is an alcoholic homeless person who is on parole and known to police and gets into physical fights with people at shopping centres.

        • +1

          Example of prioritizing shallow empathy over deep empathy here

        • +5

          The thing is that it can’t just “happen to anyone”.

          There is usually some deep background which explains this sort of behaviour. But it doesn’t mean that I suddenly want to become friends with a random stranger who is a risk of harm to myself, my family, friends and cats. I’d want them well away.

          I repeat, I do not freakin care if someone is down on their luck. If they are threatening physical violence, then they are kept at arms distance and the police, ambulance or social services are on speed dial. I’ll also be keeping a broom handle nearby in case the guy comes around armed with a knife to take out my chickens etc.

          • -1

            @ankor: i think the hard thing here is that it can just happen to anyone, one day you have no problems and the next through no fault of your own you have developed a mental illness that makes your behaviour seem strange and scary to other people.

            • +1

              @wordplay: “Makes your behaviour seem strange and scary to other people”

              I call BS.

              Sugarcoating the nazi’s words by re-characterising those words in less offensive language does the OP and everyone else here no favours. It hides the verbal violence and causes a reader to think the OP’s apprehension is misplaced.

              I think your phrasing is a deceitful mischaracterisation of what the nazi has reportedly said to the OP..

              I don’t like it.

    • -4

      Kindness? You must be new here.

  • -1

    3d print the Aztec death whistle, record it. Play randomly during the night on kmart bluetooth speaker.

  • Play any Troy Sivan song through loudspeakers.(make sure you plug the chickens ears first)

  • Crap situation. Id def get a camera pointed at him but would otherwise try to ignore him. If only bb guns were still a thing for if he makes it past river on a violent bender.

  • +2

    Just pay the guy to F off and never come back?

    • +1

      Yeah thats actually prob the easiest and most logical!

      • -3

        Didn't work with Trump. Then again…..logic…

    • +5

      Aww he’s a drunk, if you give a drunk money his going to get drunk, sober up and come back for more money.. just what the guys needs is this guy knocking on his door during withdrawals.

      • Give him some 99% alcohol.

      • Well when when you pay him make sure he takes his tent with him. If he comes home drunk it will be to somewhere else.

  • +2

    Whats that? you keep seeing what looks like illegal drug use? Hmm better call the cops about that … whats that, he does it most days? Hmm best call the cops every time you see it (daily) until he gets fed up and moves on.
    Otherwise the 10hr version of the Chicken dance on repeat with a directional speaker https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FoI5zUQgNGI&ab_channel=tf452 until the cops show up and then shut it off until they're gone.

  • +12

    This never ends well. I suspect your only real option is to create another discomfort that he can focus his anger on.

    If it were me, I'd buy a loud bluetooth rechargeable speaker and a small solar panel. Install it in a tree 50m down the road on his side of the road. When he is next intoxicated and on a rampage, have it blast fog horn noises.

    He will be so busy yelling at the speaker located somewhere up a tree that he won't worry about your hens pecking away and clucking.

    I've a neighbor who is a bit quirky. He kept threatening to kill my doggo for years until I did something similar. I chose a liar bird call instead of a fog horn but it had the same effect. He now hates the liar bird living near the river that he can't find.

    • +3

      If this is true. That is absolutely hilarious and genius.

      • -3

        Sure is. What lies did this liar bird spin?
        Lies about lyre birds?

    • This is a good one. You could create your own lyrebird calls made of chainsaws and smoke alarm pings

      And cockatoos at sunrise, and occasionally at 3am

    • +3

      Statistically speaking this would end in a violent encounter. Best to leave the good Samaritan work for the people who like to operate in statically bad scenarios. For example; not every shark will eat you, but the statistics have convinced me enough to not go swimming with them.

      • -2

        Link to study and stats about this ending in a violent encounter please.

        • +3

          Maybe you can link to a study that would show InfiniteRegression's approach resulting in an amicable ending for all first.

        • +2

          So statistically speaking 100% of the time OP has had a 1 on 1 encounter with this individual it has resulted in a verbally abusive or threatening event occuring.

          • -1

            @TheBilly: Not a study.
            You've just demonstrated why the world is full of social media intellect vacuums.

            "Happened once, must be normal"
            "Only I matter"
            "Me first"

            • +3

              @Protractor: Why does it have to be a study? If a guy verbally abuses me every time I cross his path, I can safely assume that is what is going to continue occuring moving forward. I don't need to hire a statistician to come and observe my life and then confirm it.

              • @TheBilly: "abuses me EVERY time" = only one encounter? I doubt you need a statistician.
                BTW you dragged that word into it.

                • @Protractor: So the verbal abuse to interaction has a 100% hit rate …. it is guaranteed to occur… Glad we can agree on something.

                  • @TheBilly: Smarter than the entire QPOL based on one encounter ?


    • +18

      Why does everyone seem to think homeless people aren't white anglo-saxon people and are truly nice at heart? This guy is a skin head and is dangerous - he is out on parole and got into a physical fight at the local shopping centre on the same day he was abusing me. I want him nowhere near my family.

        • +3

          Dude… When the homeless guy starts screaming about the chickens being too loud I think we can assume his dogs aren't all barking and that he could be a threat.

        • -2

          Skinhead doesn’t mean he couldn’t be First Nations. Like our indigenous minister being 12 percent aboriginal still makes you a full blown indigenous person. I think your comment is discriminatory actually.

        • +5

          OP left it out because, shock horror, the colour of the homeless guys skin has nothing to do with OP not wanting him there. It's because he is abusive and violent, something that people of any skin colour can be, same with being homeless. The race baiting is pathetic and boring.

  • +4

    Get a couple of mates together and visit him at 2am to 'encourage' him to move along.

    Wear ski masks.

    • +6

      Only allowed in Victoria in broad daylight

  • +1

    6/7 for the diagram. Practice makes perfect.

  • What a wild problem to have. Its not everyday you come across a scenario so unique. Makes you wonder what you are not prepared for in life.

  • Is this security guard at all within your budget?


  • i would adopt a Chickens friendly staffy. it will protect ur house

    • Staffies are really not chicken friendly.

      Even friendly staffies will chase a chicken that’s flapping its wings…

      Mine got about 4 over the years. Never deliberately but on occasion I forgot they were out, or once one made the terrible mistake of flying through our open window. The dog happily retrieved it with a quick shake snapping the neck and dropped it at our feed very proud of itself.

      Our dog was raised around the chickens staffies are just bread to rip stuff up, a slow moving flapping bird doesn’t go well with a staffie. The dog would happily walk around them when they where chicks but as soon as they got big and started flapping they looked more like toys.

      It will just want to play with the bird the bird won’t survive.

      One time one chook decided to roost under our house instead of in its cage and we didn’t notice. The birds put themselves to bed we never counted them the staffie couldn’t reach it full but it plucked about a third of the poor bird over night while it was live.

      We also had several off leash staffies run at our fence with the chickens some even on leash just getting away from owners. Got to the point where we put a front gate in.

      Strongly wouldn’t recommend really the wrong breed to be around chickens.

      • thx for sharing.

      • Staffies are really not chicken friendly.

        They're not dog friendly either. Given they are always top of the list of dog attacks on people, they're not exactly people friendly either. They're really just a bs way for people to skirt the pitbull ban.

        • Also there's a massive difference between American and British Staffies. Amstaffs are as bad as pitbulls.
          Dog owners should be licensed, not the dogs.If you have a dog who shows aggression in public,it's on you. I agree Amstaffs are a proxy pitbull

          • @Protractor:

            Also there's a massive difference between American and British Staffies.

            thre really isn't, just a lot of bullshit "nursing dogs" propaganda spread by the British staffy society. They're still bully breeds, they still have instinually bred aggression and all the issues which come with that.

            • @Charmoffensive: Rubbish. Whole different temperament. Amstaffs rose in popularity after the 'so called' pit bull ban.
              Then the MS meida conflated the difference between the two staffy breeds for shock effect, and then the cat lovers jumped on board on social media.The rest is history.

              • @Protractor: They're both bully breeds, mate. As in they are both from breeds designed for bull baiting and fighting. Sorry to let you know your velvet hippo is just the same as the other put bulls.

                • @Charmoffensive: Sorry to let you know your (1) crystal ball is cloudy, and (2) One breed is overall more placid that the other through breeding methods and not being owned by and prompted to be aggressive, over the same journey. In recent times all the ferals and rednecks, drug dealers etc proliferated the numbers and they are close to the top in larger dog breed attacks . Through weight of numbers and their gene foray into the bitser cohort.If the media distinguished between Amstaff and the British line attacks the stigma would evaporate.Does any of that mean they weren't both bred to bait bulls in their background? Nope.
                  BTW my velvet hippo isn't either of those breeds.What sort of fluffy kitty cat are you rockin'?

                  • -1

                    @Protractor: There's no evidence brit Staffs had any special breeding to avoid aggression. Again, you've invented this narrative to avoid having to deal with a truth which makes you uncomfortable. The vast majority of breed standards, which have been designed and enforced by Crufts for the last 100+ years are purely about aesthetics, which is where the vast majority of modern dog breeds originate and what registered breeders to this day still breed for in order to win competitions.

                    The worst part is you'll probably try and google some half baked evidence to try and prove your point, then give up and instead of changing your views, just live in a state of perpetual denial. Or worse, latch on some some britstaff association "nanny breed" shit that's completely unsubstantiated and use to to further fuel your delusion.

                    • -1

                      @Charmoffensive: Meooooow!
                      I'm sure Uncle Cruft has no standards around behaviour and aggression at all.s/
                      The rest of your wishful diatribe is verging on a collapsed lung.
                      It is what it is goodfellow, until YOU do the googling and show where the British breed is shown to be equal too or greater in attack stats.

                      • -1


                        I'm sure Uncle Cruft has no standards around behaviour and aggression at all

                        Not killing a judge at a show is not exactly a high bar for behavioural breeding. But no, Crufts shows aren't about inherent behavioural traits, they're about the dog's physique.

                        It is what it is goodfellow, until YOU do the googling and show where the British breed is shown to be equal too or greater in attack stats.

                        I don't think you know how a basic argument works. You're the one making the extraordinary claim that a specific pit bull breed isn't agressive, the onus is on you to prove it. There is an overwhelming abundance of data that backs up my claim that pit breeds are agressive. Although the fact that you haven't posted anything yet tells me all I need to know about your ability to find it.

                        If you want anything else, go read the wikipedia list of UK/US/AU dog attacks by breed over the last 20 years and search by "staffordshire bull terrier" to see the level of representation. I'm not going to do the leg work for you, considering you're not willing to put in any effort on your part other than to tepidly fellate a dangerous dog breed.

                        I think I'm done here though and I'm not really interested in engaging with you further, as you are possibly one of the most abrasive, supercisilous dolts I've had the displeasure of interacting with this year. I hope your dog doesn't bite your face off like hundreds of other staffy attacks in 2024 alone.

  • +1

    Make his living area unbearable, and he’ll find somewhere else.

    A few bags of chicken manure scattered around there should drive him away.

  • "I've got a homeless person who has decided to take up residence on the banks of the river opposite my house" and then "homeless person sleeping effectively in my backyard" so which is it? Beside keeping an eye on him there is nothing really you can do. Teach the chickens to poke his eyes out if he ever wanted to kill them.

    "he hasn't broken any law that would allow them to arrest him. "

    "I've thought about tracking his movement and when he leaves burning his tent down"

    • +5

      I fixed it for you.

      "I've thought about tracking his movement and when he leaves burning his tent down"

      • +2

        These Pretzels are making me thirsty.

      • jv approves this message

  • If he is making threats report to the police plain and simple. record anything you can and take notes of times and dates. If he is threatening you or your pets he has most definitely broken laws that they can arrest him on or at least move him on.

  • +2

    Ask him if his name is Ezekiel.

  • +1

    That's a ferocious looking chicken. (I thought it was a bull until I read the label.) I don't think he's going to mess with that.

  • -6

    Maybe the chickens are too loud. Just because you’re allowed to keep chickens in your LGA it doesn’t mean that you don’t have a responsibility to make sure the noise they make isn’t unreasonable to some people who do find them a disturbance, this could mean you having to move them away from being close to your boundary fence. In cases like this the homeless person would be investigated, but so would you and your chickens, your chickens would likely be lodged as an animal nuisance and it would be investigated by a ranger.

    When people keep chickens in their backyard it’s not uncommon for them to also attract vermin, which councils receive a lot of reports about from neighbours. Many people that live in suburbia report neighbours chickens to their local council for noise and hygiene reasons, and they’re viewed by plenty of people to be a nuisance just as you feel the homeless person is to you.

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