menocheapsk8 » user profile

Member Since | 05/01/2018 |
Last Seen | 23 hours 31 min |
Badges | 2 |
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I'm not sure about IT, but I think these are valuable skills in other professions and worth including in your CV.

Most are homeless due to mental health issues. Addiction is generally a result of these health issues. Maybe consider yourself fortunate.

Genetic diversity in society leads to different body shapes and sizes, the same applies to internal organs like the brain. I think doctors,…

menocheapsk8 replied to
zooby on [Prime] PicassoTiles 100-Piece Set Magnet Building Tiles $47.99 (Was $79.99) Delivered @ PicassoTiles via Amazon AU

Champion. Thanks for the detailed reply!

menocheapsk8 commented on [Prime] PicassoTiles 100-Piece Set Magnet Building Tiles $47.99 (Was $79.99) Delivered @ PicassoTiles via Amazon AU
Has anyone compared these against the Connetix magnetic tiles?

menocheapsk8 commented on Kitchen Reno Cost Quote Related Question
Get another two quotes If you want to get a better feel for the pricing. Just make sure the scope remains the same. This is pretty standard…

menocheapsk8 was awarded a badge.

Thanks for the share. Now to lose the next 2 hours of my life....

menocheapsk8 replied to
jrvb42 on The New Changes / Laws Taking Effect in 2024 (That might affect you)

Great post OP. Some very useful information and much appreciated! This "highest mining royalties in the world" statistic has been distorted…

Yo ho he hum. Merry Xmas and a bottle of rum!

menocheapsk8 replied to
LiquidNails on yeedi vac 2 pro by ECOVACS Robot Vacuum & Mopping 3000Pa $199.99 (Sold Out), yeedi Cube $799.99 Delivered @ Yeedi AU via Amazon

I ended up grabbing one of these instead. Will see how it goes!

menocheapsk8 commented on Uppababy Vista V2 - Best Deal?
We bought ours off Marketplace for well under $1k. It's a pram that's built for smooth, flat surfaces, so it doesn't really suffer any wear…

menocheapsk8 commented on FY24 Pay Increase - How did you go?
Was made redundant but luckily landed a new role within 3 weeks. I had no chance of a pay rise at my previous role, but managed a $20k…

You're a.....verb

Thanks for your 2c, I appreciate your insights.

I'm still losing sleep at night over having to make that choice...

Yeah, I think the filter analogy is a good one. I guess the income is very dependent on the economic climate and would be very famine or…

Those are some impressive terms. I tip my hat to her. She works smart, not hard. Plus you got the job!

I didn't have the resolve to actually use the sacred misspelling!

Depends on the context, but thanks for the advise.

Project Manager (Non-civil engineering). 5-10 years experience.

Wow......that's significantly more than I was expecting. Assuming a starting salary of $150k-$180k, $45k-$54k is a nice payment for a few…

Thanks for your comments. Do you know if there are ever 'sole agent' style roles, or are they always open to all recruiters? Have you ever…

30% of the annual salary figure?

Thanks for your insight. I'll be sure to cover salary expectations during initial discussions. I find that salary expectations can be…

Very true. I'm very much open to all options right now, but I'm also looking to maximise those available options.

Thanks for your response. I get your point. I'm looking at the salary negotiation more as a way to prevent getting screwed down, rather…

menocheapsk8 posted a forum topic Advice/Advise on/from Recruiters
Hi All, It seems like there is some real wisdom amongst the OB and I appreciate everyone's input on the previous topic. I'm looking forward…

menocheapsk8 replied to
coffeeinmyveins on I've Been Made Redundant. Looking for Advice/Advise and Words of Wisdom from OB Community

Very true. Friends also don't need to pay you a salary for you time!

menocheapsk8 replied to
ms_caz on I've Been Made Redundant. Looking for Advice/Advise and Words of Wisdom from OB Community

Yeah this our current bridging strategy. I guess there are some positives (at least for casual teachers) to the current over-working and…