ms_caz » user profile

Member Since | 16/10/2011 |
Last Seen | 13/04/2024 |
Badges | 1 1 |
Location | Melbourne |
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ms_caz replied to
menocheapsk8 on I've Been Made Redundant. Looking for Advice/Advise and Words of Wisdom from OB Community

Casual relief teaching = approx $400 a day. In the current circumstances your wife could easily get 5 days/ week. We are in week five of a…

PPOR paid off Investment - $310,000 still fixed for now at 4.5%

ms_caz commented on Getting Dental Work Overseas?
Mentioned earlier in the thread - Thantakit in Bangkok. The only part of my husband’s implant we had done here in Australia was an oral…

Thantakit International Dental Center Have been there numerous times. Husband has had crowns, root canal,…

Budget Direct will cancel your policy/ refuse to renew in following year.

Not what you asked for - but perhaps an easy alternative if you have little kids and limited time? [Springvale Snow…

ms_caz commented on Ozbargain's favourite 25-55g chocolate bar?
White snickers 👍🏻

ms_caz commented on Reading Glasses Cleaning Spray in Melbourne ?
Buy a spray bottle, mix together 2/3 metho, 1/3 water and a few drops of dishwashing detergent. Never purchase lens cleaning spray again!

ms_caz replied to
macfudd on What Are You Growing in Your Balcony/Garden/Greenhouse etc This Summer?

We’ve had a few hits and misses with corn over the last couple of years. This year was a bumper crop. We planted in a grid so they cross…

we've grown beetroot pretty much all year round. It has grown easily for us and i think would grow well in pots. You can harvest the leaves…

I've just pickled the last of the beeetroots and made another five or so litres of tomato passata over the weekend. I've also made relish…

ms_caz commented on Tenant Issues after Moving to a New House
I don’t think you will have to worry about break fees. You have five months left on your lease. You are hoping to buy a house in the next…

ms_caz commented on Ghosted after I Got The Job at Kmart
In my experience working with young people and employers such as KMart, they prefer to roster younger kids for casual shifts in the first…

ms_caz replied to
chrismatt on How Do You Bring Change to Property Management/Real Estate Agency Business?

I had to have electricity connected at a property last week. I called them up and spent maybe 20 mins n the phone. I was able to turn off…

I'm not much use to you here I'm sorry - I can't actually recall what we did. I think we must have included it in the construction loan.

ms_caz commented on Buying My First Home - Land and Building a House
We bulit two houses in the Tulliallan Estate in Cranbourne, each with a different builder. In both cases our contract allowed for an "M"…

You need to make a cheese sauce. Do this by melting butter, stirring in and cooking off flour until it forms a smooth paste. At this stage…

Definitely plus one for the Husky! We have one and it gets the mowing done in a snap. Downside - you do need to have somewhere to store it.

I just googled the course name - there appear to be a number of places offering it online with certificate available that day. Most of the…

I’m not a jewellery girl but my goodness, that site has some stunning pieces. If I did wear anything, I’d be seriously considering…

Vic govt schools provide a device for their staff. Staff no longer have to pay for their device. If the OP is a sessional teacher, they…

ms_caz commented on Help in Creating a New Clothing Website
Go to Facebook and join a group such as Likeminded Bitches Drinking Wine. The group is for small business…

ms_caz commented on How to Select a Massage Gun?
I bought the $89 massage gun from Aldi about a month ago. I have had a serious shoulder issue (couldn't do up my bra, brush my hair or hang…

ms_caz commented on Cheapest Car Rental Melbourne
Not $10 a day, but I have used Rent a Bomb before, over an extended period. The car was perfectly fine. Locations in various suburbs.

my own home made tomato sauce and relish - keeps the taste of homegrown tomatoes on my plate all year.

ms_caz commented on Chicken in a biskit and drumsticks in a biskit are back/coming back to Woolworths!
my fave from this brand were crispy bacon in a biskit.... any news on their return?

We painted internally - a number of years ago now so I don't recall the price, but we did have a very strong sale that we believe was due…

ms_caz commented on What's Your Garden Shed Like?
Ours is 3mx4m or thereabouts - colourbond on a concrete pad. We assembled it ourselves - apparently from Chinese cheese. Have had it for…

ms_caz replied to
AussieDolphin on Any Tips to Address Selection Criteria Required for Job Applications

It looks like entry to Border Force is via a traineeship, which I don't think would suit your circumstances as it requires shift work, amy…