Hey, anyone got any ideas on how to move a homeless person along?
I've got a homeless person who has decided to take up residence on the banks of the river opposite my house. He has been there for about 5 weeks, haven't had any issues until last week when he suddenly started screaming at me to "Shut my (profanity) Chickens up your (profanity).. this then converted to "(profanity), I'm calling council on youse" to then "I'm going to kill your (profanity)*ing Chickens (profanify)", and then when i went out to my back deck he started screaming at me. I called police immediately as he was off his rocker. For background - I've had these chickens for about 2 years and haven't had any issues from any neighbours.
Police spoke to him; told him I am in my right to keep chickens on my property as its in the local council by-law, and he has no right to be illegally camping. He started claiming he was on crown land and can do whatever he wants. Anyway later that night police came and had a chat to me, said he has been involved in another violent incident at the shopping centre and he is ok when he isn't on the booze. He is currently on parole and the police won't move him along as he has nowhere else to go. They said he hasn't broken any law that would allow them to arrest him. I spoke with Council who have had offices go down and speak to him but nothing is happening on that front.
Basically, I have this aggressive drunk homeless person sleeping effectively in my backyard screaming abuse at me and police and council won't do anything. So, does anyone have any ideas on how I can go about getting rid of him? I've thought about tracking his movement and when he leaves burning his tent down - but then he'd probably just burn my house down.
[edit : included mandatory MS Paint drawing
Have camea monitoring, ignore. He ll move on.