Finally it's here! Catalogue page
Maximum Voucher Repayment Fee: $800 -…
Effective Price if you want to cancel: $766.59 + $99 = $865.59
Finally it's here! Catalogue page
Maximum Voucher Repayment Fee: $800 -…
Effective Price if you want to cancel: $766.59 + $99 = $865.59
And red carpet too for those who go early 😅
Looks like $350 for the 256GB
How much for that model tho
1847, so assuming your can use the gift card you're effectively paying nearly $1500 to buy the phone outright. Significantly worse deal than cancelling the plan for the sake of extra storage
@Hyena: Huh? I thought the discount to $0 was basically a voucher worth $1699, so going up to 256GB storage would only cost an extra $150 compared to this deal.
Edit: F*** deal doesn't apply to higher storage configurations in the fine print
@dogsryummy: Refund the phone then purchase thr higher model if the list price difference is reasonable
@TsunamiInTheHouse: lot of work and effort, just get the 256GB model to start with - much better deal as you get $1700 off.
@dogsryummy: Simply get $128GB in this deal. Don’t open it, and next day return it, buy 256GB pay the difference and get $350 GC as well.
@OZBsince2018: Does the first invoice say it's $1697 or just $0? Using this logic, can you return and buy other phones like iPhone?
@FatTofu: A lot of people did that for the earlier deals for 9 Pro Xl and S24 Ultra. You do get full refund equivalent to RRP in form of GC.
@OZBsince2018: I meant way below:
BargainsGrabber 2 hours 10 min ago
No. Staff have been briefed to not allow this anymore
See this comment from this associated user
@OZBsince2018: Sorry the comment I deleted was that the above comment said it didn’t apply to the 256GB. I wasn’t sure about my initial comment
@neolivz: A lot of people did that for the earlier deals for 9 Pro Xl and S24 Ultra. You do get full refund equivalent to RRP in form of GC.
@OZBsince2018: A few jb managers don’t like doing refunds on these vouchers deals so good luck with that , it might be worth checking beforehand that this is possible.
@beach bum: Not sure how they can refuse
The way it works is that phone does cost the retail price to you, but you get a GC for signing up for the plan, which is used to pay for the phone.
Once you return the phone, you get the price of the phone back in form of a GC.
Please make some efforts and search for comments from OZBs who did that without any issues for 9 Pro XL and S24 Ultra deals.
@OZBsince2018: can confirm I have done this with the S22 deal in the past. got $1250 gift card refund after returning phone to a different store
@OZBsince2018: Buddy, I was right there doing the same thing , and I’m telling you you’re going to be lucky not to have a problem returning these phones.
Let’s just see how it goes for people , hopefully they will come back in the next week and let us know if they are successful or not.
@beach bum: If you do some effort and look through the recent deals for P9P XL and S24U, you can find some many who successfully returned their phones.
@OZBsince2018: And how many stores were they refused at before they found an employee that didn’t know any better?
@beach bum: Not sure how can they refuse the return.
You clearly get a gift voucher for signing up for the plan, which then has to be used to pay for the phone. So phone still costs the RRP, which you get back when returned. Anyways, no point doing a desktop argument, hope someone who is looking to buy 256GB model can confirm tomorrow.
@OZBsince2018: I'm well aware of this loophole which was easy to do a couple years back, but not anymore. Most managers already aware of this trick and won't allow you to refund. It is something that would be difficult to do and you'd look like schmuck getting rejected, because you know well they can reject your refund. Why they can reject your refund? Because $1700 credit is only meant for Pixel 9 pro when you decide to take up on the promotion. Normally the gift card you'd get for signing up for the plan is $800, not $1700.
@beach bum: I can see similar comments from you in S24U deals as well :)
Lets not discourage people and try them to benefit out of this deal as long as its legal. If there is a loophole, and JB isn’t bothering to close it, then its their loss.
@OZBsince2018: I tried this with the S24 ultra from the previous deal and it was a huge PIA. I went to about 6 stores and they all had different stories about how the return would work (GC would be forfeited, lowered). They'll search the system by your number or IMEI to find the contract too, but they didn't seem to have a problem with me exchanging for more storage though, they even refunded the difference when it was cheaper.
No matter how legal it is, it's always the people that make it a problem sadly.
@Hyena: I have one question, if buy phone and then return that and then use 1700 gift card for something else. The only cost I need to pay is 766.67+99 . Do u think when I return they will give me gift card back?
@Ckamra: Ask them and see
May say 'no returns ', may get $1200 max back, should return the GC (but they can't force you apparently). Maybe you didn't need a new fone ha.
Hmm, 6.3inch screen
yup wish they have offer for XL
They did at launch
Thank god for the 6.3" screen
If you cancel and pay the $899 do you still get the $350 gift card?
Gift card might only be for 256GB model.
And the $0 deal only applies for 128gb model
Wonder if you can just pay the difference between the 128 and 256 model and then get the $350 GC
@Xcell: Simply get $128GB in this deal. Don’t open it, and next day return it, buy 256GB pay the difference and get $350 GC as well.
@OZBsince2018: I think people are getting confused. Yes the $1700 off voucher is for 256GB and 512GB models (no brainer!).
Says $350 for the Pixel 9 pro.
Who would even buy the 128GB to be honest the deal isn't anywhere near as good esp if you don't even get $350 GC lol.
@OZBsince2018: Brother we have the same deal on 256 and 512 but it's $1700 off. If you put me through a whole ass contract and then do a return and swap when the deal is right there I'll cry.
@notanemployee: I agree that would be very disrespectful when the better deal is already right there. Waste of everyone's time and effort.
I think people are bargaining on keeping the $350 GC upon returning an unopened phone. Do the staff usually ask for this back?
@G-rig: We don't usually ask for it back. It's on a seperate invoice so generally most staff forget it. Wouldn't exactly be lawful to ask for it back either
@notanemployee: cheers. I guess people are trying to use that actual voucher for purchase of new phone but easy enough to save for next year or other purchases.
Also, there is very little out-of-pocket with the $1700 off deals, so hard to use the GC for the next phone.
@notanemployee: how long is the free return period sir?
Will cancel of the telstra contract affect the return?
@ghoulie1: You can understand the staff's frustration, knowing that people are signing up to cancel and making profit.
It is what it is, unless they make the max cancellation voucher the same as the deal voucher - otherwise it's a loop hole.
It still takes a fair while in store signing up to a plan, as long as you don't return the handset as well the staff may make a commission (?).
@G-rig: If this was 256GB Jbhifi would be flooded with new sign ups. I'm skipping no point 128GB no Sdcard slot is not a deal
@notanemployee: I went to JB hifi today and my ID credit check didn't pass without a reason. i didn't do anything wrong and never behind with payment… do you have any idea why please?
One part mentions the phone referred to as the "JB Hi-Fi Voucher", then later in the terms it says "If you cancel or move to a lower cost/different plan than you must pay a Voucher Repayment Fee to Telstra pro-rated against the remaining months of your plan's minimum term.
This mean they've finally fixed the cheap phone loophole?
Yeah. I got confused too
No, as mentioned as many times on past deals, that clause has always been there. JB voucher is not the same as voucher repayment fee. There are 2 sections in the CIS and they’re not interrelated when there’s a promo like this
Same wording it's always been. Lets not start this discussion again as it's been done to death in previous threads.
'JB Hi-Fi Voucher' and 'Voucher Repayment Fee' are two separate, independent things that don't dollar match.
Voucher is whatever is stated for the specific deal, Repayment Fee is always $800 and never changes.
Edit: I didn't see the comment thread for this comment before posting this. Apologies for explaining again.
Can anyone explain to me how to get this phone at $899? sorry but I am not with any plan before.
Sign up for the deal, cancel the plan and pay the remaining amount for the phone
Basically you when you sign up to the $99/M Telstra plan for 24 months, you get the phone for $0. So now you have the phone, and you're on the $99/M 24 month plan. However you can cancel this plan (literally straightaway once you get home), and you have to pay $766.59 (cancellation fee) + $99 (first month charge that you can't avoid) = $899
Maths doesn't check out
Yep sorry, should be $766.59 + $99 = $865.59
@schrodinger-kat: Yep sorry. Not sure about always, but in this case it should be $766.59. Got confused by the amount in the description.
@schrodinger-kat: Times are tough when people have to question a $34 difference for a flagship phone over $1500
@Herb Utsmellz: In the previous Optus+HN Pixel 8 Pro deal when chatting to Optus online they waived the first month after I told them I have not used the plan at all. There was a bit of hesitation but eventually they just said yep no worries…
@ozbob: I tried the same excuse but JB/Telstra said no. $99 is not refundable. My ETF was $766 though.
Why the cancellation fee only $766.59 but not 24*99=$2301?
Not sure. You might have to read the T&C, however last time I did this, it was $766.59
Because you only owe 23 months worth of repayments due to paying one month up front
If you have to pay 99$, why don't wait until the end of the month to cancel to maximize the value?
You definitely can if you want. Most people just get a new disposable number for the deal without intending to actually use it.
Because you need to give termination notice. Also if you run into issues you don't get another bill for next month if you cancel early
You can get on the Telstra chat and get a refund for $99 as well - just don't use the sim at all.
All discussed at length in the other similar JB threads (9XL, S24U)
So when we cancel the plan and pay $800 fee, can we also return the phone for $1697 store voucher/credit and buy something else ?
Iphone 16 Pro's for 799 after returning S24U.
Your linked comment says $1200 returned. Isn't that still better than the $866 cost?
It says available to new and port in customers only (excluding telstra, boost etc)
I have a boost prepaid account and telstra id - does that mean I'm not eligible even if I get a new number ??
I think go get a $2 sim from someone that isn't telstra and activate it before you go to JB.
Edit: just opt for the new number as you're probably going to cancel it anyway
I still have a few 365 day boost services though (I use the data sims for remote cameras, mobile wifi etc)
Would this be the same for aldi?
They only care about numbers, get a new one and you're fine.
Cool, I thought given I have to enter my drivers licence every time I get a new sim I figured it'd show up in their system as an existing customer. I guess I could use a different email address too to avoid it bouncing
Any gift card?