Wiki and FAQ: JB Hi-Fi Mobile Plans

Welcome to the official guide for the JB Hi-Fi Mobile Plans!


Upfront Mobile Plans
Critical Information Summary

There are 3 plans listed in the above webpage:

$59 Upfront Plan

Type: Month to month plan

  • 60GB for use in Australia only
  • Unlimited calls and texts to standard Australian numbers
  • Unlimited SMS and MMS to standard international numbers
  • 4G and 5G network access (capped speed available in select areas using compatible devices)
  • Data sharing with other JB Mobile plans (available with up to 20 eligible plans on the same account for use within Australia)
  • Transfer your existing number or get a new one

$79 Upfront Plan

Type: 24 month plan

  • 150GB for use in Australia only
  • Unlimited calls and texts to standard Australian numbers
  • Unlimited SMS and MMS to standard international numbers
  • 5G network access (capped speed available in select areas using compatible devices)
  • Data sharing with other JB Mobile plans (available with up to 20 eligible plans on the same account for use within Australia)
  • Transfer your existing number or get a new one

$99 Upfront Plan

Type: 24 month plan

  • 300GB for use in Australia only
  • Unlimited calls and texts to standard Australian numbers
  • Unlimited SMS and MMS to standard international numbers
  • 5G network access (capped speed available in select areas using compatible devices)
  • Data sharing with other JB Mobile plans (available with up to 20 eligible plans on the same account for use within Australia)
  • Transfer your existing number or get a new one

Mobile Broadband Plans


CIS - Upfront Mobile Plans

Starter Everyday Premium
Plans / Minimum Monthly Charge $59 $79 $99
Plan Speeds Capped speed at 250mbps Uncapped 4G & 5G Speeds for usage within the allowance Uncapped 4G & 5G Speeds for usage within the allowance
Voucher N/A $550 $800
Maximum Voucher Repayment Fee N/A $550 $800

CIS - Mobile Broadband Plans

Starter Everyday Premium
Plans / Minimum Monthly Charge $19 $49 $69
Voucher N/A $250 $500
Maximum Voucher Repayment Fee N/A $250 $500
Question Answer
Is this an in-store only offer? Yes, many of the JB x Telstra deals are only offered in-store only via the mobile specialist area within JB Hi-Fi. If you use the online chat function to ask if I can sign up online, most of them will be clueless, and random responses will be given.
Is this operated by the full Telstra network Yes. All JB Hi-Fi Mobile Pre-Paid, Upfront and Mobile broadband plans are powered by the full geographical coverage of the Telstra Mobile Network.
The $XXX off the purchase price of any [device] (referred to as the “JB Hi-Fi voucher” in the Telstra terms and conditions) will be applied to the purchase price of any [device] and available to you instore after connection approval by Telstra. if you cancel or move to a lower cost/different plan then you must pay a voucher repayment fee to Telstra pro-rated against the remaining months of your plan’s minimum term. This offer is not available in conjunction with any other JB Hi-Fi mobile or broadband offer. "JB Hi-Fi Voucher" is not the same as "Maximum Voucher Repayment Fee". The upsized JB Hi-Fi voucher in the CIS will not be updated upon signing up to the contract, thus will remain at the base value stipulated in the CIS.
How can I re-confirm if the above is correct? You can always request a copy of the CIS to be printed or shown to you before you sign the last page of the document. If you disagree with the terms, you can walk away as you are not tied to any legal bindings. The employees at JB Hi-Fi are allowed to tell you the maximum termination fee but not allowed to sell it to you on the basis that you sign up and cancel.
Will I be able to request a refund for the first month payment charge? Short answer - No. The first month charge will be deducted straight away by your chosen payment method. This will also be advised by the JB Hi-Fi in-store staff that you will not be refunded. However, reports have said that they managed to request the refund via JB Mobile / Telstra app, dependent on the customer service representative on the other end.
How do I cancel my plan? You can cancel your service by hopping onto the live chat via the JB Mobile / Telstra app, or porting out your number to a different provider.
How long do you have to pay your final bill? This charge will appear on your next bill (which may be your final bill), and you'll have up to 10 business days to pay.
Am I able to use JB Hi-Fi gift card to pay the first monthly charge and final bill? No - the final bill is managed by Telstra and not by JB Hi-Fi. You will need to use a debit/credit card to pay it off.
Am I able to return the device before cancelling the plan and get the full gift card value returned in gift card? No - If the phone is returned the gift card reverts to the base offer at the time. If it was $800 normally then that will be the gift card returned after refunding the phone.
Will JB Hi-Fi provide an invoice for the recent Telstra plan that I signed up to and if so, how will the price of the device be reflected on the invoice? You will get a full tax invoice issued by JB Hi-Fi. On the tax invoice, it will show the original price of the device, less the JB Hi-Fi gift card amount. The GST will be calculated on the price pre gift card amount used. If you are claiming it as part of the Tourist Refund Scheme (TRS), you will need to advise JB Hi-Fi to put your name as it appears on your passport. You cannot claim the GST component on the final bill from Telstra.

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JB Hi-Fi
JB Hi-Fi


  • So at the moment that Galaxy s24u offers a 1700$ "gift card" ,means that if you return the phone you getting back a 1700$ gift card value and the rest on cash refunded, correct?

    • The link on the last question in that table should help you with that :)

      • +4

        I’d comment that although that is one rep’s position, that is certainly not what other people have experienced in-store, and to the best of my knowledge, that position is also not supported by any language in any t&cs. I would be surprised if they could show you any term or condition to back this up if you pushed them on it.
        Similar with the bonus $200 or $300 GC issued with purchase of some phones. They’ll be hard pressed to show you the condition requiring you to return the GC (or perhaps allowing them to void the GC) on return of the phone.

        • It has definitely not been my experience.

          • +1

            @itsfree: I would disagree, considered all written documents (TnCs).

            The ideal way is to mark down the phone to $800, then the systems and documentations will be compliant. (Including the 30 days policy on change of mind) Otherwise, consumer will continue to be mislead with different answers by difference stores making up their own rules. Needless to say, contravening the ACL with misleading statement.

            However, JB Hi-fi continue to not do that for a few reasons (that I suspect).
            1. Their profit report continue to point towards strong sales in "Mobile". Whatever is categorised under mobile.
            2. Continue to create a pricing floor for certain mobile devices. Needless to say, the amount of rebate received from manufacturers is not known to the public. (Volume and/or value based).
            3. Their handsets are expensive (RRP, vs what things actually can be bought for). Which reflects well on the revenue component of the balance sheet.

            So, JB has created a mess (rule of the game) amongst themselves whilst it can be easily fixed to mark down invoicing amount on handset, and easier for customers to follow. Rather, they continue to mislead customers with such complex "deals" that their own stores cannot even following.

            The rate this going, won't take long for ACCC to have enough statistics for a full blown misleading and deceptive case.

            In fact, I would suggest logging a case with ACCC (single case will not warrant ACCC to do anything) when JB continue to make deceptive/misleading statement.

            • @[Deactivated]: I think you misunderstood me :)

              OP's comment has been my experience:

              So at the moment that Galaxy s24u offers a 1700$ "gift card" ,means that if you return the phone you getting back a 1700$ gift card value and the rest on cash refunded, correct?

              • +1

                @itsfree: Sorry was referring to the last line in the FAQ table. When clicking on reply, it tagged you automatically.

        • They cant void the GC unless if it is fraud related (criminal burden of proof). That is clearly written in their GC TnCs.

          If an asx listed company can't get the rules straight, don't think an average consumer will find it easy to follow.

          Nor anyone should feel bad to "exploid" this as it can simply be fixed by marking the handset price down to $800, which for whatever commercial reason, JB will not do it.

          Straight from the ACCC

          “Businesses should be on notice that promotional conditions must be prominently disclosed to consumers, rather than buried in hard-to-find locations, or they risk enforcement action under the Australian Consumer Law,” ACCC Chair Cass-Gottlieb said.


        Another experience from another member who took advantage of the situation - return the device for the full valued gift cards and profit from it

        Hoping to see more feedback on this

        • Thanks, seems to be mixed bag on the change of mind for these plans. Even not sure what to spend the $4000 JB gift card on lol

          • @BargainsGrabber: An iPhone and and an iPad Pro with some storage and I’ll think you’ll find you come up short .
            Back to the drawing board .

          • @BargainsGrabber: Exactly the problem and the ACCC's concern that commerical operators are taking a pss out of the ACL.

            Seems like this is gaining momentum for the mess that JB has created, and continue to be a mess.

            Well, TGG is in the midst of a court case with the ACCC on unclear terms.


          • @BargainsGrabber:

            Latest comment from the same person associated to JB

            • @evilhomura89: He/she has been helpful. Though still unclear.

              Say $1.7k voucher for a $2k phone where $300 co payment was provided. How does it work out?

              As well scenario changing from one phone to another that was offered during the promotion period?

              Stores are making rules up as it suits.

              Seriously, it's only a deal when these promotions are well utilised. Otherwise, who on ozbargain would pay RRP asked by JB? Example being, flip 6 was 1.8k from jb, the big telco ask for RRP but offered a free galaxy watch, whilst smaller shops selling Aussie stock for 1.3-5k on the same device.

  • +5

    Good job son

    • +5

      Mate … why double up on things - or do you just want to get extra OZB points ???

      Double up on things? I don’t believe this has been created and people yet still ask the same questions each time. I do it for the community.

      this has been covered elsewhere … in more detail than your current post.

      Where? Appreciate if you can drop a link pls

      your current website - bargainsgrabber == not reachable. just saying.

      I’m aware of this. Meant to be that way, just creating a brand name for my profile on OzBargain

        • +5

          google much ???

          I don’t believe that you can get all of the information just from Googling :)

          and are yeah … why should we take your words as 100% true … when you can't even run/operate a domain name/website.

          I have posted and answered more JB x Telstra deals than you. I have a reputation in terms of number of posts and contributions to the community too.

          I have a direct contact with a JB/TGG manager on OzBargain and he’s been helping me in answering your questions, not mine. As I said above, I never meant to create a domain name.

      • +2

        Thanks for going to the effort of doing this. Amazing the effort people will go to find something to complain about.

    • +3

      its good to have this as a reference, as people are always asking these things on every post for these deals

      • +1

        Exactly, the Boost Mobile FAQ has reduced the number of same questions being asked each time too so I believe this new wiki and FAQ should help with the JB plans :)

    • +4

      Simplystu is simplymad

    • +7

      I'm so sorry that OP put a gun to your head and forced you to read this post.

      If you can do better, I recommend you do better. Personally I found this post helpful.

  • Starter plan is speed capped at 250Mbps could be worth adding as a note, and the other 2 are uncapped speeds.

  • +5

    Thanks bro for your much helpful information than any keyboard lawyers 👍.
    Just disregard those buggers!
    You've done a great job for the community.

  • What offers are available in store for iPhone 16 pro max? 512gb?

    • +1

      ATM, it’s a flat $1200 off any iPhones on their $99/month plan

      • +1

        So what will be the breakdown of the iPhone 16 Pro Max 512gb?

        • +1

          Sorry missed this completely

          Since the $1200 promo has finished, it’ll now be just your iPhone 16 Pro Max 512GB - $1000 off + $89 + $766.59

          Not much of a saving for the newly released iPhone

      • @BargainsGrabber do you happen to remember if $1200 is the best offer to be used on iphone for the past few months?

  • +1

    Fantastic breakdown and greatly appreciated! The real question is how frequently can one do this?
    What's the cool down period?
    Doesn't seem like JB gives a hoot but going day after day must flag something with Telstra.
    Be curious to know if anyone has tried this on a consecutive basis.
    For science.

    • No worries, glad the breakdown helps you :)

      I’ve so far signed up and cancelled 7-8 plans already, being the Pixel 9 Pro XL as the latest sign up and the most sign ups were during the iPad deal. The Pixel sign up took the longest than expected - a week for my order to turn confirmed

      • That is next level! And props to you!
        If you don't mind my asking, 7-8 plans over what time period? I'm dipping my feet in the water before I build up to jumping to returning items 😂

        • +2

          The iPad deal was around late May, and the Pixel 9 Pro XL was in Aug so around 3 months and I’ve already cancelled at least 6 plans (I think 5 for the iPad deal and 1 for the Pro XL)

          I’m risking it if I’m planning to sign up for the Samsung Ultra deal for another friend of mine, but he eventually got the Pixel Fold so didn’t need to phew

          • +1

            @BargainsGrabber: I will follow your career with great interest😅 I have much too learn

          • @BargainsGrabber: This is my experience, i took advantage of that Pixel PXL deal and use the 1st month, then cancelled the contract and waiting for the ETF to be direct debited from my account. While waiting for that to happened, i saw the S24U deal and could not resist, so i tried that and did not go pass their credit check. I think it is due to their system think i have bill that i did not pay. So in short, give a gap between sign up if you cancelled the contract, if the contract has not been cancelled , i do not think you will have issues with their credit check for another contract.

  • So can I sign up at JB today and cancel it tomorrow? Or is there a waiting period before I can cancel the plan? Thx.

  • Saw a similar partnership between Telstra and The Good Guys (also in this post), do you reckon they have a similar enough policy leading to lower final cost post cancellation? Was browsing for TVs and it would seem the $1200 gift card could be used for most things?

    • +1

      Should be the same backend on how TGG x Telstra deal with the CIS :)

      • I'll look into it further then, although the potential savings is not as high value (1200-cancellation) as opposed to the JB Hi-Fi S24/Pixel 9 deal (1700-cancellation)

  • Does the 30 day rule still exist for porting out from Telstra to be considered a new/port-in customer (ie for obtaining the bonus GC/discount)? Can't seem to find anything mentioning the amount of days on the Ts and Cs anymore…

  • +1

    Does this affect your credit score if you cancel the mobile plan in the first week?

    Can you buy 2 phones with 2 simplans?

    • I can confirm it doesn’t affect your credit score as I just ran one recently with Equifax

      Still on the excellent tier and the report doesn’t show my cancelled Telstra plans

  • +1

    Be aware that you are just giving JB-Hi-Fi your cash in exchange 50% approx. discounted gift cards, to be used somewhere sometime in the future if you go down the refund route .
    This is probably fine if you do it once, but if doing it multiple times you are locking up a lot of money with jb , potentially thousands of dollars for years until you have to make a big electronics purchase.
    I know people sell the GC at a 10% discount as well but that has its own potential issues.

    It’s easy to get carried away with such great deals and most JB strores also make it pretty painless aswell.
    Might be a better return buying Jbhifi shares unless you have a big whitegoods or expensive tv purchase coming up .

    Just food for thought for the more entrepreneurial amongst you all.

  • Can confirm, they do not refund the $99. At least not with the amount of effort I am prepared to put in

  • +1

    How long does it usually take for the plans to show up on the mytelstra portal before I can cancel them?

    Signed up to 2 plans this morning. Cancelling them both to buy 1 phone.

    • JB normally advise between 24-48 hours after signing up for Telstra to “complete” your plan

      In my recent experience for the Pixel 9 Pro XL, this took 1 week for me, and JB never told me this on the onset and Telstra system was shitting itself

  • The wording for the S24 256GB (not the ultra/+/FE) is slightly different, it states:

    "The Samsung Galaxy S24 256GB phone (referred to as the “JB Hi-Fi Voucher” in the Telstra Terms and Conditions and replacing the dollar value of the Voucher in the Critical Information Summary)."

    This would suggest that the $800 value is being replaced with the value of the device. Has anyone tried this with the S24 (non-ultra) and are able to confirm whether the repayment is 23/24th of the cost of the phone?

  • If I join up to a jbhifi mobile plan, can i add a phone repayment plan with telstra? or do i forgo that?

  • Am I missing something here in regard to their phone plans mms and sms txts overseas are included but how many international calls can you make that are included in the plan

  • Does anyone know if upfront plans are considered prepaid or postpaid plans?

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