Coles RSPCA Approved Whole Chicken Roast $10.00 (Was $12.00)
Lightly seasoned and stuffed. Better value & nutrition than a fast food restaurant.
Coles RSPCA Approved Whole Chicken Roast $10.00 (Was $12.00)
Lightly seasoned and stuffed. Better value & nutrition than a fast food restaurant.
I reckon you've actually done that, or close anyway.
Hot savings tip - replace freddo icecream cake with Coles Choc Coated Sticks 10-Pack 865mL $2.40
Love me some vanilla flavoured ice dessert.
It’s me, of course I have, just to see if I could. I can confirm it did not fill the emptiness though.
Jimothy, you're such a champ. Don't ever change.
You probably ended up filling something after eating all that…
Viennetta dessert 😍
"Freddo party cake" is iced desert now too not ice cream.
Almost everything is now. Someone suggested Viennetta also that is made in Portugal and is oil, water and sugar with some brown ontop.
It is shocking how they have ruined everything and raised prices to moon still. And sent every job overseas.
There is always one….
Who is "they"?
I've just started making my own ice cream. I bought the ice cream machine with condenser from Aldi and it's literally milk, condensed milk and cream or milk, lite evaporated milk and a touch of cream for a lower calorie version. Throw in whatever mixins I want and I have a massive tub for a quarter of the price and all the actual cream I desire.
I lost it at the freddo cake
I don't get it?
Means that was the part I got up to before I could no longer refrain from laughing.
that was pretty much my dinner tonight.
1x roast chicken (guy was putting the special stickers on just as I walked past, picked 1 up for $6!)
1x Coles coleslaw
1x 6 pack of super soft rolls
left out all the sugary stuff, added in some left over Chicken 65 from last night's dinner but otherwise was bang on
serious tip: avoid the soggy tubs. Buy a bag of shredded veg, and add your own mayo. So much better.…
or even the kit:…
The Coles coleslaw dressing is pretty good.
I don't get all the upvotes, can someone explain?
tell me to
the coke no sugar no caffeine is goated for those 10pm soda sesh's ngl
That’s a certified hood classic
Yo wtf that chicken look good as heck
Ain’t nothing beat home cooked meals just like mum used to make 🥹
"No son that breaks the law of linguistics"
That's an American ad that was adapted for Australia.
Nah I'm good thanks. It's already cooked so why waste electricity.
This is way too much additional work
You're right. Just smear a good chunk of vegemite ontop.
Thanks ACCC for making them drop the price by $2
5 more lawsuits and they will give them out for free
Probably the most quantifiable benefit the ACCC have ever delivered.
Good work.
Yep. Then they'll turn around to the chicken farmers and tell them they need to sell them at least $2 cheaper to Coles.
This is sadly probably not far from the truth
Studying for the ACCC supermarkets inquiry
Every time I've bought one of these the meat has been so dry and tasteless, never had a good one.
This is from different Coles, woolies and foodland… They are disappointment in a bag.
if anyone has raised and roasted a better tasting chicken (solo) for $10 please chime in
The price is the only reason I continue to buy them and relive the disappointment over again.
Costco $7 chook… But you need a membership
They are big but bland and boring I hate them
Whole chicken, dry brined, butterflied, sous vide for 4 hours at 60°C, baste with butter while under a grill
I legit have coles chicken most days, Monday to Friday, usually for lunch-
My local has been surprisingly consistent.
Every time I've bought one of these the meat has been so dry and tasteless, never had a good one.
It varies by store…
Our local ones are really good…
Unfortunately they need to cook the shit out of them to avoid making people very sick. It's a long oven cycle. That being said, when they're being pulled out of the oven, the neck is the best part. You could try asking when the next chickens are coming out and request a fresh one with a neck. The necks usually get stuck on the oven racks.
If you want moist meat then avoid roast meat.
This isn't China….
its not india either and yet…
Then why am I seeing a Chinese police stations everywhere?
I can confirm that they are cooked fot 86 mins and if they are cleaning the oven regularly nothing gets stuck on the racks.
Not affiliated with coles.
Chicken necks lol. Why is that the best part? They're ok but the meat is hard to get off the bone, and there isn't much meat on there.
Don't know. Similar to chicken feet. Delicious
If you want moist meat then avoid roast meat.
That's a good life lesson.
yes don't go for a spit roast - Will smith
Woolies dead chook Tuesdays is the best deal. $8.
Unless you live near a Costco, $7
Dead chook gizzards, on sale now!
Wait, what? Do woolies do cheaper chooks on Tuesday for real?
I go to my local and get them for $6 at 8pm most nights. Guess they will drop down to $5 now. Yipee!
Are they the same size chickens or have they gone down a size?
These are disabled chooks most missing a limb.
I prefer the woolies roast chickens, more flavour and slightly less dry. Though could be completely false as I’m sure they use the same ovens, and the chickens from the same farm 🤷♂️
FWIW, I think Coles is Baida and Woolies is ING for fresh poultry.
I also think Woolies is more flavoursome, but both are bad if they re sitting too long.
Went to the Baida chicken plant for a school excursion once and still have headless chicken nightmares. And the smell.
Were you born in the 70s? It sounds like the kind of excursions we went on up to the early 80s.
"When I grow up I'm going to Bovine University!"
Wonder why they don't just cook to the minimum pasteurisation temp/time
You forgot includes free laxative for a quick clean out..
bro what chicken are you eating?
Costco chickens are larger and only $6. Well worth the membership.
It's actually $6.99 for a very long time…Hello!
This is why stores advertise specials $0.01 under the nearest dollar because subconsciously people think it's a whole $1 cheaper.
Very clever
So the old price?
Yes but at least this time they have been sold at $12.
Not a patch on Red Rooster. I don’t know how they do it, but the meat just falls of the bone, cooked through and flavoursome.
All of those years Breaking Bad
Are you telling me the cost increases on their roast chicken were totally fictional all along!?
Hard to believe the supermarkets weren't completely honest, but I am beginning to think they might not be prioritising my interests!
I thought we were all like me? Wait to go shopping when the chickens aren't in the Bain Marie then head down to the deli (or front end for stores without one) to ask for our free voucher and then come back when they are cooked later (sometimes I get the voucher as late as 10 mins before the chooks are due) or within 7 days
(Hot chicken promise is 11am - 8pm everyday except Public Holidays and equipment breakdown, nearly all stores, including stores with no deli and where the store is only open till 5pm eg WA on weekends)
Once or twice a week treat for doing my usual shopping/drive-by
I get about 1-2 a week, having one for dinner tonight. :D
Do both Coles and Woolies do that?
I got it for $4.80 from woolies last night, have gotten it at a lower price too.
Don't forget you can get a voucher for a free chicken if they are out of stock during specific hours (can't remember the exact hours). Just ask at the deli counter.
11am and 8pm - I posted above
Suprisingly the offer is even at some small/dead/outback Coles with no delis
Ah true, I think I'd loaded the page before you posted your comment. Is there a link to this policy on the coles website? I noticed at my local they had peeled the stickers off
I could be wrong, but I think if the labels aren't displayed then the store isn't participating in it, unless it's a blanket rule for all stores?
@Craze: A few stores near me tried peeling theirs off, conveniently after informing head office of their non compliance, new stickers were there only a day or two later and the backdated voucher was granted.
Unless it is different rules for different regions/states.
Ask head office, they sent me an email confirming that the rule is the above.
I think I have a copy of the sticker somewhere.
The supermarket has a national policy that if there are none available for you to purchase within certain hours, you can get a voucher to pick one up for free that week.
customers are eligible to collect a voucher for use within seven days if the RSPCA Hot Roast Chickens are unavailable during certain hours as stipulated on signage in the deli area of the store
while the promise was available nationally, it excluded Coles’ “resort” stores, which are 40 stores found in typical holiday destinations
different stores have different time periods on their signage
Times vary by store I believe. I tried for one at 7pm the other day and was denied. I think my store is till 6pm.
Few stores I've seen listed 8pm, but YMMV.
these coles "chickens" are the size of a pigeon. they pathetic compared to groolworths
Depending on Store/Day etc
My local woolies used to be quail/pigeon
So smaller size birds than the closest Coles but recently they seem to be almost identical.
Don't often get a bargain on these but I did recently -as part of the bird must have got cooked~stuck somewhere in cooking process, was almost a full size bird in bag but half bird price sticker. :)
Hang on. I thought only woolies chickens had stuffing. Did Coles recently add stuffing to their chickens?
I always thought that was a deal-breaker not having the stuffing.
What do you do with the stuffing?
Eat it.
I airfry it and put it on my sandwich with the chicken.
RSPCA Approved
Ah say, that sounds unpalatable, literally and metaphorically speakin'.
Yeh. Put in grass fed, free range, etc in the description and the vendors/companies have license to print and not to mention the very opulent and lucrative world of shopping bags that it have become.
Don't you just the whole world being ECO?
This - stripped with a bag of salad and Nandos extra hot chili sauce makes for a decent tasting, cheap and healthy meal!
Next step is to do a discounted bachelors handbag deluxe kit - perfect for cheeky smoko break
1 x roast chicken
1 x Coles pasta salad for 1
1 x 6 pack Coles bakery rolls
1 x 2l Coke no sugar
2 x pack of Tim tam, double coats
1 x freddo icecream cake