• expired

Earn 10x Everyday Rewards Points on Vanilla Visa Gift Cards ($5.95/$7.95 Purchase Fees Apply, In-Store Only) @ Woolworths

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Similar to the deal back in June.

Please be aware of the purchase limits for this deal:

  • Limit of five $50 or $100 cards per Everyday Rewards account per day.
  • Limit of two $25-500 variable load cards per Everyday Rewards account per day.

Exceeding the purchase limit will earn no bonus rewards points. To "bypass" the daily card limitation, you may use your family member's rewards card to purchase extra giftcards.

For each variable Vanilla Visa gift card you buy loaded with $500, you’re essentially paying $7.95 (the purchase fee) to earn $25 worth of Everyday Rewards Dollars (or 2,500 Qantas points):

Gift Card Purchase Fee EDR Dollars Earned Profit/Loss
$50 $5.95 $2.50 -$3.45
$100 $5.95 $5.00 -$0.95
$25-500 (loaded with $500) $7.95 $25.00 $17.05

Full credit to @VantageXL for the post content

^Offer available from 4/9/24 to 10/9/24 on all denominations of gift cards listed. Available in-store only at Woolworths Supermarkets and Woolworths Metro. Scan your Everyday Rewards Card to collect 10x points. Excludes Woolworths Online and MILKRUN. Standard points will not be earned on amount spent on gift cards, but the relevant number of bonus points that you qualify for under this offer. Bonus points can take up to 14 business days to be loaded onto your Everyday Rewards Card from date of purchase. Refer to individual cards for their terms and conditions. All Vanilla Visa Cards are subject to purchase fees $50 = $5.95, $100 = $5.95, variable $25-$500 = $7.95. For cards with a fixed value, limit of 5 cards per day per Rewards Member. For the variable card where you choose the amount to load, limit of 2 cards per day per Rewards Member. Rewards Points $50 = 500, $100 = 1000, variable card $1 = 10x points. Vanilla Visa gift cards are issued by Heritage and People's Choice Limited trading as Heritage Bank ABN 11 087 651 125 AFSL 244310 pursuant to a license from Visa Worldwide Pte Limited. For Vanilla Visa Gift Card Terms of Use and Conditions, go to www.vanillabalance.com. While stocks last. Card images shown may vary.


Any questions, please refer to the Gift Cards FAQ. It has FAQs covering gift card deals at Woolworths, as well as Vanilla Visa gift cards.

By the way, I have created an iOS app that allows to manage multiple everyday rewards card (eg. card owned by family members). Welcome to provide feedbacks (its free and just for personal interest): https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/864582

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closed Comments

  • +2

    The only reason I pay my council rate quarterly!

    • Do I need to give it a day or so? I tried to pay the rates by these that I purchased 30 mins ago, and it says 'EXCEEDS WITHDRAWAL FREQUENCY LIMIT'. Any insight is welcomed.

      • +1

        Never mind. Tried it a couple of hours later and worked fine.

  • +6

    I am not sure whether anyone else has noticed this in their areas, but from last Wednesday night, all the Woolworths stores I have visited have removed all Vanilla Visa gift cards and Vanilla Mastercard gift cards from the gift card shelves. I am not sure whether some at Woolworths issued a directive to hide gift cards until the day the deal starts, or whether something else is going on?

    I hope stock levels for this deal are better than the last deal for TCN eftpos gift cards, because my experience was that the variable load denomination was non-existent. Coles generally does a better job managing gift card deals…

    • did the staff remove it? or these hiders brought the cards back to home?

      • +3

        I have not witnessed first-hand any staff (or a TCN representative) removing them from the gift card shelves, but I suspect that is what happened, because:

        • If I have been to 7 or 8 Woolworths stores in the same region and have noticed the same thing over the last few days, that would hint at a directive being sent out.

        • The $50 and $100 Vanilla Visa / Mastercard gift cards were all missing from the stores I visited. I would be surprised if people would steal the $50 and $100 denominations, because those are not the desirable denominations for this kind of deal.

        • +1

          I concur GCs removed by staff from shelves at different stores, but at Coles. Then when the sale starts they say they have no stock. Seems like a sneaky and illegal bait and switch advertising to lure people into the store.

    • Every couple months scammers will be heavily targeting a different card, example my local Woolworths took out Apple Cards because scammers were stealing them, checking what the gift code is and then returning the shelf without anyone being able to notice

      Also the Visa ones are vulnerable to brute force attacks since the first 8 digits are already known

    • @WookieMonster Last Wednesday evening, this offer was posted on the Freepoints website. OP also posted here crediting Freepoints but mods removed on Thursday afternoon to comply with Woolworths request.

      • Was it a coincidence that these gift cards disappeared from the shelves with Freepoints/OzBargain alerting the offer?
      • Do you mean prior to last Wednesday, these gift cards were on the shelves?
      • Are the gift cards hidden in the cupboard or behind the counter? Could we ask staff?

      I haven't checked if these gift cards are on the shelves in Perth. There weren't any TCN eftpos gift cards in the last deal.


      • +1

        Was it a coincidence that these gift cards disappeared from the shelves with Freepoints/OzBargain alerting the offer?

        It could be a coincidence…

        Do you mean prior to last Wednesday, these gift cards were on the shelves?

        Yes, there were plenty of $50 and $100 denominations at the stores I visited ever since the last deal in June, but I have not seen a variable load denomination since the June deal ended.

        Are the gift cards hidden in the cupboard or behind the counter? Could we ask staff?

        If you go to a Woolworths store with a gift card shelf that looks like this, there should be gift cards hidden in shelving behind the display (and I heard one manager called it the "cage"). There could also be gift cards hidden somewhere else (e.g. the service desk).

        If you go to a Woolworths store with a different type of gift card shelf, I am not entirely sure where the gift cards are stored.

        • +1

          Thanks. Will check tomorrow if they are on display or will ask staff.

    • Luckily it's all in stock near my work but I'm in Beenleigh which is full of poors lmao

    • Yeah all the ones at mine have gone, probably hidden by people :( So once again, no stock for the promotion…..

  • Thanks OP

  • +6

    Thanks, put the whole rack in freezer next to nuggets

    • +4

      Found them! Thanks.
      Moved them to the meat pie section

  • -1

    2 per day? really? so i can get this 7 days in a row with 2 each day???

    • +1

      If stock exists, yes.

      • -1

        wow that will pay for all my ATO bills…………..like you said, if i can find them………….

  • -2

    Have got a few left from the last one where the balance is under $10 (like 6.70, 2.01 etc)

    Any suggestions on the best way to use these up?

    • +1

      supermarket split payment by card.

    • Go through the checkout and ask for payment to be split across two cards. I just tell them the nearest whole dollar value (eg. $6, $2) in your case and sacrifice the cents, the the balance on my normal payment. Not upholding true OzBargainer values :P

    • pay utility bilIs, use up $0.02 on water bill

    • -1

      Top up to Linkt, min $0.5

    • +1

      I just buy Amazon credit with them, since I know I’ll use it anyway.

  • Great . Finally now how do I pay for these ?

  • Does anyone know if the ATO treats these as debit cards or credit cards? https://www.governmenteasypay.gov.au/PayATO

    • +6

      Debit visa cards and incur .4% surcharge

      • Didn't work for me for some reason when trying to pay the ATO

        • +1

          Mine failed twice before going through. Maybe you have to wait a bit to use it, last time they said 30min.

          Edit: But just double checking since it is my first time doing this and I couldn't find an answer anywhere online and the person I spoke with from ATO didn't even know that making prepayments was an option. Do you just log into your ATO account and go "Pay online" then pick your income tax from the list (even if you haven't lodged yet, so no overdue amount) and make a payment? Then once you load all the money, you lodge your tax return and it is deducted from that amount you loaded previously?

          • +1

            @mauza: I have already lodged my return and have a debt to pay

  • -2

    Are we going to get anything better than this? Last August we saw 10% off $250 cards minus activation fee, doesn't seem like we are getting that soon

    • +1

      Same starting on Wednesday this week
      Coles prepaid Mastercard $250 have a bonus 4400 flybuys points, not as good as 10% off better than this. Although coles offer is limited to 5 cards per member for entire promo period, while this offer ($20-500 variable) is limited 2 cards per member per day.

      • 4000 bonus points is what was advertised

  • +1

    Not a bad deal, but if my math is correct the $500 gift card is only a 3.41% return.

    Coles' upcoming offer is a return of 5.2%.

    I guess if I exhaust the Coles offer I'll consider the Woolies one.

  • @littlesoldier any chance of opening up DMs here so I can ask you about your app?

    • welcome to just DM me :)

      • I believe your OzBargain DMs are switched off

        • On now , sorry didn’t remember it was off

  • +3

    I know someone who works at coles and they were ordered by their manager to hold the $250 until the day it starts, reason was so they have enough stock to last through the deal.

    • +1

      Thanks for letting us know :)

  • Finding it harder and harder to spend these online, anyone know if Vanilla works with Amazon?

    Activ Visa Giftcards no longer do.

    • +4

      we could purchase Amazon GC with those cards from shopback, right? Then just add to Amazon balance?

      • You are a legend — this works. Just added the remaining balance of my Activ cards via shopback. Thanks a million.

        • +1

          Not a problem at all. Glad I helped.

          Also extra 2% sweet cashback, compared with using them directly with Amazon :)

  • +1

    kindly ask how to pay council rates?

    It lists Bpay, DEFT, and PostBillPay. Which one is the best? Also would appreciate simple instructions.

    • +1

      I believe I purchased similar cards last year and paid via postbill pay

      • cool thanks, any surcharge?

    • +8

      Some thoughts:

      • If you want to make a BPAY payment using a Vanilla Visa gift card, you will need to use a BPAY payment platform. Most BPAY payment platforms are geared towards businesses and therefore required an ABN for you to sign up, but a relatively popular choice on OzBargain that does not require an ABN is Sniip. All you need to do is sign up for an account, provide suitable ID (to pass the KYC checks) and then link a Vanilla Visa gift card to your account. Make sure to grab a referral code from the OzBargain referral system if you have not already signed up to Sniip, especially since payments from prepaid cards on Sniip attract a 0.85% surcharge. Some BPAY billers have also blocked prepaid cards as a payment method, so I am not 100% sure whether your council has done this.

      • DEFT apparently stopped accepting Vanilla Visa gift cards as a payment method earlier this year, so that is probably not an option.

      • Post Billpay is where you pay your bill via Australia Post. Assuming your council rates has both the four-digit Billpay code and the reference number, you should be able to make payments online, via the AusPost app (either directly or via PayPal) or in-store at an Australia Post outlet. If you opt to go in-store, you will most likely need to provide a signature to verify the transaction, because Vanilla Visa gift cards do not support PIN verification; the issue with this is that some Australia Post staff may not know how to process signature verification (or will choose to not allow it). Additionally, some Australia Post staff will stop you from using a prepaid gift card to pay a bill. Lastly, some billers will not accept Mastercard nor Visa payments via Post Billpay, and I am not sure whether your council is one such biller.

      Keep in mind that the biller may charge you fees for using any of these payment services (on top of any fees charged by the payment service, e.g. Sniip), so make sure to factor any fees into your calculations before you choose whichever option.

      Lastly, if you are looking to spend more than $500 on a bill, I am not sure whether your council will allow you to pay for your bill across multiple transactions. (I accidentally found out the hard way last year that paying for car rego across two transactions can be an administrative nightmare to sort out!) If you go in-store to Australia Post, you can do split payments, as long as the staff member will let you (which is definitely not guaranteed; I had one staff member a few weeks ago insist that if I wanted to do split payments, I could only do split payments between one payment card and cash).

      • Thanks heaps @WookieMonster

        I have used Sniip before, and seems straight-forward, but 0.85% surcharge is considering.

        Does Post Billpay have surcharge as well? I never use it before, might worth trying.

        • Post Billpay itself does not levy any payment surcharges (even if you are using a Visa card). However, your council (i.e. the biller) may charge you a fee on a future rates notice if you use Post Billpay as a payment method. Your council rates notice should indicate whether they charge a fee for you paying via Post Billpay.

          Btw, if you are in-store at Australia Post and you get asked what kind of payment method you want to use (and you want to use a Vanilla Visa gift card), tell the staff member you want to use Visa credit. If you instead say Visa debit, when you swipe the Vanilla Visa gift card on the EFTPOS terminal, you will only see Savings and Cheque payment routing options (and those are not supported on Vanilla Visa gift cards).

          Honestly, if your council rates notice is less than $500, I would just pay via Post Billpay online or via the AusPost app if you can, as it saves the potential hassle of going in-store.

  • I keep getting confused, these vanilla VISA gift cards can be added to Paypal similar to this ones https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/863746

    • In the June promotion there were multiple comments reported adding to paypal was working again
      but not sure whether things have changed again in 3 months time

  • Hope I can find one.

  • Can TCN EFTPOS gift card or Vanilla Mastercard or Shopback Supermarket gift card be used to purchase this?

    • +1

      from memory woolies have blocked TCN EFTPOS / Vanilla mastercard to purchase Vanilla Visa
      but shopback supermarket might work

  • -1

    Is this deal only in NSW again? It is not appearing in the Melbourne catalog that starts 04/09/24.

      • Thank you. I stand corrected.

    • Turned out to be a lost cause. I went to 7 Woolworths stores and none of them had the $20 - $500 cards in stock. I enquired at the service desk at 2 of them and was told that they sold out by lunch time on the first day and that no re-stocking supplies were received. Bloody poor. Suck us into attending their stores, but no intention to provide adequate inventory.

  • +1

    Please check my logic:
    - the return is 3.41% (17.05/500)
    - It is returned in the form of Everyday rewards points
    - but I can buy Woolworths group gift cards at 3-7% off
    - so not really worth it on that basis?

    The exceptions are:
    - using to gain Qantas points?
    - needing to make credit card minimum spend?
    - anything else?

    • Yes it is really only worth 3.23%. To a lot of people that is worth the effort.

      • But why when you can quite easily get >=3% Woolworths group gift cards? The 0.23% (or whatever it is)?

        • I buy groceries anyway so I might as well get 3.23% (kinda) on my bills.

        • +2

          This is 3.23% discount to apply on anything else that's not woolworths(apply to other bills, whilst receiving credit card points at the same time) eg utilities, ato

          The woolworths giftcard is obviously for woolies only

          • @SmiTTy: But you're getting that 3.23% back in Woolworths points which is for Woolworths (group) only… Isn't that the same argument?

            • @madpig83: Well it's good Qantas points I guess

            • +2

              @madpig83: Yep, so you're paying your utility bill (for eg) and getting that discount through your groceries

              What you're talking about is just getting a discount with your groceries. This gets you both!

              The flybuys offer is definitely better

              • @SmiTTy: Sorry I'm having a real moment here.
                How do you get both?
                Isn't the flybuys offer the same with different values?

                • +1

                  @madpig83: Maybe I shouldn't have confused things with the flybuys comment. My point was just that the flybuys deal is better than this because the saving is better. But yes it's the same offer with different values

                  When I mentioned "both" though , I meant u get a discount using woolworths giftcard when you shop groceries. You then also get a discount using these Visa giftcards by paying other bills. Its not one or the other (u can get both discounts)

                  • @SmiTTy: Got it - mind blank moment resolved - thanks!

        • For me it's collecting QFF points. which is totally worth it. For buying $1000 worth of cards for a week, can collect 35,000 QFF points @ cost of around $112.

      • Sorry my maths is terrible, everyday gifting have 3% discount on gift cards and 6x bonus everyday rewards points, if you're looking for a gift card to spend at Woolies does that offer have a better return?

        I got a $10 cashback offer on $100 gift card through my credit card, why can't all these offers make the maths that simple 😂

    • +4

      Think about it this way, you gonna pay a $1,000 bill no matter what. You can pay the $1,000 using your credit card and that's the end of it.

      Or you can pay $1,015.90 for $1,000 worth of gift card and get 10,000 reward points. That's $15.90 for $50 worth of groceries.

      Usually you have to buy something to take advantage of gift card discounts.

      But with this deal you can use it on essential bill payments.

      • Got it - mind blank moment resolved - thanks!

    • Would you please let me know where I can buy WW gift card at 7% off?

  • Would this stack with this offer in my everyday rewards app?

    Collect 600 points each week Just spend $60 in one or more shops in-store or online at Woolworths to earn 600 points. Starts Monday, 02 September.*

    • +1

      No, giftcards are always excluded from spending offers

      • Thought so, thanks for clarifying!

  • +1

    Hmmm.. points did not post instantly

    • same

    • Yeah same here, but keep receipt and chase up after a week IF needed

    • Same, not showing up in the app.

  • +1

    I just bought one for $500 but didn’t get any points, has this happened to anyone else??

    • +1

      Same here…0 point on EDR app… Last time was instantly

    • +1

  • I got Zero points too but it did say in the T&C’s bonus points will take up to 14 days to post

  • Zero points as well.

  • Zilch as well..

  • Just confirming that these can be used to purchase any gift card on shop back?

  • +1

    A lot harder to find this time around. Nothing from 2 two not so busy locations.

    I suspect they put them away and randomly take some out through out the day.

    Asked at the front counter, she gave me that annoyed look. Such poor customer service, they put on a special but didn't have stock on shelves on the first day and get annoyed when asked, WTH!.

  • I entered WW this morning right at 7 AM as the shutters went up, and I was the first one in. But there were no variable gift cards :(

    • Some stores just have no stock

  • Just got 2 to counter but staff said WW is recalling them due to scams so they should not be on the shelf. No sale unfortunately.

    • Official news?

      • +1

        Probably just staff making up sh*t. Gift card scams have been going on for years, and they have been happily selling gift cards and similar deals all along. Other variable load gift cards are still on the shelf, undesirable $50 and $100 denominations are also on the shelf. Why are they suddenly so concerned about variable load Vanilla Visa?

        They did that most likely to manage availability, or they genuinely don't have any which is very odd.

  • One of my cards has 4 digits erased and I can't use it. Has anyone else had this problem, and what is the quickest way to resolve it? Thank you.

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