Trump Covfefe Blend Coffee Beans 1kg $38 (Was $50) Delivered @ Coffee King


We are excited to announce this blend and the opening of our store to coincide with the upcoming election in the USA.

COVFEFE consists of beans from three geographical locations in the world:


These beans are distributed at an equal 33% proportions in preparation for the roast.

Freshly roasted 14th June

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Coffee King


  • +39

    Tastes like the tears of democrats 😅

    • -8

      MAGA lies, they are tears of joy for four more years of the big guy.

      • +6

        weekend at biden’s?

        kamala ftw

        • +4

          Kalamari for the win

        • -1

          How old is biden

          • +5

            @Bii: Too old

            • +24

              @Lizard Spock: 3 years older than trump. They are both too old

            • +2

              @Lizard Spock: Too old for Trump or lead? There needs to be an age cut off for politics. The policies put in place will last for decades after they're dead.

              • +7

                @Caped Baldy: So true. Trump's existing maga supreme court will be around till 2060, 2 more picks if he wins this November. Next 2 generations are eff'd.

              • @Caped Baldy: The voters had two sets of primaries to throw these two idiots out, and 80% of people voted for Trump or Biden. Less than 15% of eligible voters bothered to turn up, and it was barely higher for the Republicans than the Democrats.

                "None of these candidates" was second in the Democrat primaries and it's only an option in half of the states.

                Really the democrats needed to get together 2 years ago and tell Biden not to run. He wasn't a good choice in basically any election he ran in, he only won the primary in 2020 because the average age of the democrat candidates was 130 and he looked the best chance to beat Trump at the time.

      • Tears of world joy for cause US going down fast (once they stop selling WMD by MIC)

    • +42

      There are MAGAts in Australia too? Shame.

      • -3

        try the based coffee - might cure your TDS

      • -2

        Typical semiliterate woke.

        • Most highly education individuals have more liberal views but keep on diggin that hole for yourself.

      • Yeah, shame on you for being a political hack.

      • No. BRICS++ MCGA ;)

    • +6

      You should ask the English and French right wing people the taste of their tears ;-)

      • +4

        Over the state of highly rigged system (like ours) when parties that get hundreds of thousands more votes get less seats? Yup, it's a crying shame alright.

        • +3

          Sick burn @eightimmortals!

          2016 election:
          Donald Trump: 62,984,825 votes, 306 electors

          Hilary Clinton: 65,853,516 votes, 232 electors

          Only 2.9million votes less. I bet you were up in arms at the time!!!!

        • -1

          Didn't know you were a Hilary supporter.

        • I'm just going to leave a slogan favoured by right wing people here for you: "Australia, if you don't love it, leave" ;-)

    • +1

      Make Covfefe great again.

    • 33% Nicaragua beans
      33% Colombia beans
      33% Ethiopia beans
      1% bile.

      • This stuff is from shit-hole countries!


  • +33

    Unregulated with extra lead!

    • just 1%!

    • +2

      Gotta feed them that lead, only way to keep them voting for you.

  • +40

    Freshly roasted 14th June

    Fake news, 3+ weeks isn't fresh

    • -8

      you prefer to drink within days of roasting?

      • it’s a trap!

      • You are forgetting that you can't apply any logic or reasoning at all, just accept it.

      • +5

        Not sure why this question is getting down votes, probably from people that don't know that it's recommended to wait a wait at least a week after roasting before using beans.

        • +6

          Probably because OP is being disingenuous. They're over 3 weeks old by now, so add a week for shipping and they are hitting a month. Which is only 'fresh' by big chain supermarket standards where the beans are coming via a slow international cargo ship.

          But it fits in with the general vibe of the original post.

          • +4

            @rumblytangara: I purposely waited until they were ready to drink, to post this… They last for months in Prime Condition I've noticed, just takes week to get there. All good I will send make the next promo within days of roasting. I've never smelt supermarket coffee as fresh as locally roasted coffee, but maybe they have good stuff there, as they now sell $50kg bags too.

      • +11

        Most baristas agree that consuming your coffee beans anywhere between 7-21 days after the stated roast date will give you the best-tasting coffee.

        So given that is is now 24 days, then whatever shipping time, I guess that means the 2 week drinking window (above) will have well and truly passed?

        Note that others say to consume before 30 days after roasting, but I can never finish 1kg of coffee that quickly.

        • I always split it up into 250g bags and freeze what I'm not using. Just need to make sure you fully defrost a bag before you open to use it so condensation doesn't form in the bag.

      • +2

        These should be roasted on July 4th ONLY! Otherwise they're FAKE drews!

    • +2

      No. They were saying that they were freshly roasted on that date.
      Technically correct.

    • They meant the coffee bean was fresh on Jun 14 (not rotten (but we couldn't know))

  • +9

    How many bags required to build a wall with?

    • +11

      More than mexico can afford.

  • +23

    Why is this a deal?

    • +18

      It's a yuuuuuge deal!

      It's the biggest deal you've ever seen! It's the dealingest deal ever, and you're gonna keep on dealing until you're sick of dealing and then you're gonna deal some more!

  • +2

    Free Tide pods with every 1kg bag?

    • -3

      only for registered child offenders and democrat voters

      • +2

        Are these Australian Democrat voters in the room with us right now?

        • you got me - no one votes democrats - they are just better at counting ;)

      • Someone needs a timeout from Facebook, Grandpa.

  • +25

    will help sleepy biden

    • +6

      Nothing has the ability to do that, not even chocolate icecream.

      • could probably help with the poop

    • +1

      I gave this coffee to my dementia uncle and he started to remember everything as well for an hour just like Biden. Big pharma will go bankrupt soon.

      • +2

        Imagine giving this to Trump! Although he will deny every memory anyway, so won't change anything I guess

        • +2

          I didn't have sex with a coffee, I only cooked my book by paying them through my lawyer

        • So he shits himself even more than usual.

          • @smartazz104: At least it will be coming out the right end this time!

    • +5

      Sleepy Biden is the lesser of two evils. Easy choice when Trump wears nappies and has proclivities towards children.

    • +2

      Yeah what a joke, falling asleep during his court hearings, oh wait…

      • -1

        lol… why on earth did you watch that?

        • +3

          I didn't need to watch anything, it was in the news.

    • He’s not sleepy, he’s a train (brain) wreck.

    • +1

      I mean they're both old as dust. Time to get some fresh blood.

  • +5

    This upcoming election is already quite a sight.

    • +6

      Big mistake, don’t trust your lying eyes and ears.

      The news media will tell you what you are seeing and hearing.

      • +4

        I always believe what the TV says and never check out any different sources of information or listen to podcasts which go 3 hours into an issue instead of the 20 seconds the TV newscaster wants me to hear.

    • more like US grandpa erection!

  • +7

    Make coffee great again!

  • +2

    Globalists and WEF supporters need not apply…

  • This reminds me of FKN Strong Coffee. I'll give it a try.

  • +3

    Prefer the loo paper with his likeness

    • +4

      That usually happens after coffee ;)

  • +1

    Last 5 posts were for Solar Systems ? lol

    Upovoted for the comedic effect

    • +1

      Queensland Solar and Lighting are branching out

      • +1

        Guarantee you they will have a childcare and NDIS racket soon too

  • +9

    is the price well inflated and contains little substance, just like his media company

    • Buy puts then…

    • +2

      maybe they'll go out of business like his casinos. Seriously, who bankrupts multiple casinos unless there is something dodgy going on or catastrophic mismanagement.

  • +2

    sits back and chucks popcorn in microwave

    • +2
      • +1

        Ofcourse. nothing else comes close to matching the tasty flavour combination with current American political 'discourse'.

      • +1

        At least it isn't Scomo's pooping corn. Only available at Engadine maccas.

        • and now im thinking of the origin of Korn's name again.

  • +11

    Do I grab this deal by the…..?

    • you can walk into any pod while they are still naked because you can !

      • +2

        Even when they're under 18, apparently.

        • +6

          [2015 Campaign] I will release all government secrets because Killary won't do it. 911? yes. JFK? yes. Epstein? Umm no because there are a lot of innocent people who may get affected by it.

        • Remind me again which former president was on the flight manifests?

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