Trump Covfefe Blend Coffee Beans 1kg $38 (Was $50) Delivered @ Coffee King


We are excited to announce this blend and the opening of our store to coincide with the upcoming election in the USA.

COVFEFE consists of beans from three geographical locations in the world:


These beans are distributed at an equal 33% proportions in preparation for the roast.

Freshly roasted 14th June

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    • +1

      Their address linked at the bottom of the site leads to a house in Queensland (why would you do this when you clearly knowingly chose a controversial name in this political climate?).

      Plenty of businesses operate out of their homes… there's nothing wrong with that. Or do you plan on doing something nefarious?

      • +1

        I know plenty do. And no I don't intend to do anything, but the issue is not what I intend, but what others might intend (please don't insinuate otherwise). There's no need to act like this current political landscape isn't a landmine for extremists on either end of the spectrum to do something stupid - and it is this very issue that I warned about in the above comment.

        To make it again clear, the issue isn't stating an address that could be their home address. It's doing so, when they at the same time so clearly do something to aggravate a political base, in a period of time where any random extremist on any end of the political spectrum could do something stupid. Just why take that risk?

        • Yeah makes sense.

  • +3

    Gross, surely we have all seen enough of the orange weirdo for two lifetimes, why would one buy something branded based off him?

    • +2

      To annoy NPCs like you

  • +2

    thanks OP bought some

  • +1

    Given you aren't paying licensing fees to use Trump's name and image, you think you can do a better price?

    Bootleg coffee under $10/kg including delivery sounds like a winner.

    • +5

      Wouldn't keep in line with the trump branding if you weren't overcharged.

  • +4

    I love how this gets downloaded because it's 'too political '
    But all the covid cult post's get praised.
    Oz bargain is like reddit with a capitalist twist

    • +2

      at least mods here is fair. reddit mods will ban you if their mum didnt buy them mountain due from the supermaket

  • +3

    Hahaha of course you’d be from Queensland, LMFAO. Hahahahahahaha.

    • +1

      What’s that supposed to mean, m8?

      • +1

        You’ll figure it out.

    • +1

      And of course you're from Naarm 🤣

      • +1

        I call it Melbourne, but you do you hahahahaha.

  • +6

    Trump is a criminal, i certainly won't be supporting him

  • +4

    I support OPs effort for fleecing idiots

    • Then why’d you downvote?

  • +1

    I just want to know if I have this coffee on an electric boat and the boat starts sinking then 10 metres away there's a shark…

    • They want the electric.

  • +2

    So Judging by the votes on ozbargain, Trump wins Nov elections by a landslide! o_O

    • Biden is a huge underdog in the betting market. Even Kamel Harris is more favoured to win.

  • +6

    ITT: poors fighting each other over politics, exactly what the rich want them to do. You should all be fighting politicians, not each other.

    • +1

      they all fighting over other country's politics. haha

      • US politics is ultimately important to Australia because it will eventually have flow on effects here but getting this into is a bit over the top.

        • They all arguing like they can vote 😂😂

  • +3

    I hear that drinking this coffee makes you shit your diaper.

  • +3

    "drinking tears"



    deriving pleasure from inflicting pain, suffering, or humiliation on others.

    "drinking tears". MAGA are sadists. Just sadistic scumbags. It shows within their favourite phrase. "drinking tears". What kind of world are we going to get if we fill it up with sadistic a-holes like this?? No thanks.

    Vote them out of EVERY country, they can drink their own tears afterwards.

    • -1

      You really thought you cooked here, huh? 🤓

    • +1

      they can drink their own tears afterwards.

      Oh no, you’ve turned sadistic too

  • +3

    This is the saltiest coffee ever.

  • Lol at the reports for spam. TDS in full swing!!

  • +1

    lol at the neg voters. It's a deal lol.

  • +1

    Shitty marketing. The whole politics spin is just pure crap.its actually discouraged me from buying it. And also it's not fresh so don't BS.

  • +1

    Rage bait marketing, inflammatory. Purposely using political content to generate flame wars on ozbargain and make sales. This site is not supposed to be for political warfare. There’s plenty of other sites for that type of trash content and infighting.

    • +1

      Spend a bit more time around here and you'll find that people have become so polarised that it doesn't matter if a controversial and politically-charged deal is posted. If you say something like "The government is importing too many immigrants" (10,000 people coming into the country each week) or "Housing is too expensive" (housing is now 8-11x income in Sydney and Melbourne) or "It's crazy people are living in tents and parks these days" (tent cities have been popping up all across the country the past couple of years) you'll be automatically labelled alt-right/far right/RWNJ or a socialist or commie. Sensibility has disappeared completely.

  • It gave me Warpspeed, now I'm having a heart attack yay!

  • Trump drink diet coking coal

  • +1

    legit had a good 5 minutes reading all the woke rage!

    thanks for the deal and the laugh

  • -2

    Donald Trump achieved notable milestones including major tax cuts, economic growth, and low unemployment rates, particularly among minorities. He appointed three conservative Supreme Court justices, pursued deregulation, and renegotiated trade deals like the USMCA. and took a strong stance on border security, emphasizing the construction of the border wall.

    These accomplishments resonate with American conservatives because they align with key conservative principles such as limited government, lower taxes, a strong national defense, and strict immigration policies. As a result, Trump emerged as a prominent leader of the conservative movement in the United States.

    • Thanks CHATGPT

      • Do you see everything as ChatGPT? You can point out any factual errors in the statements above instead of daydreaming meaninglessly.

        What I wrote above are all facts. The reason so many people like him is that he represents the conservative stance. Despite so many fake news stories trying to undermine his campaign and the 34 federal charges from a hush money case, conservatives still admire and support him.

        • -1

          Inbreeds and idiots like him

        • +1

          Project 2025 is a f'n nightmare that will 100% come true if he gets back in. He wasn't able to do much damage first time around because he never expected to win so was completely unprepared. He has a Heritage Foundation agenda now and all the people ready to implement it.

    • +1

      Major tax cuts ? Okay I see what you mean. $1.7 trillion dollars is pretty major
      99% of which benefitted only those earning over $400,000USD per year.
      de-regulation ? so that it's okay for Big Biz to spew toxic chemicals into waterways impacting drinking water for example ?
      what border wall ? the one that Mexico "would be paying for" ?
      a strong stance on border security ? you mean separating children from their families ?

      Give it a rest, he's a fascist and HE didn't do any of that anyway, he's a puppet for the big boys . Project 2025
      Enoy it, it's a great read

  • I don’t care for American politics either way but the price is nothing special.

    I can’t people lose their mind over this (both sides)

    • People are passionate about keeping Australia a no bullshit country where people can work together to deal with the bushfires, floods and other hard times, so they are understandably concerned when figures representing American bred bullshit, polarization and hate start to appear as marketing here. It's not Australian and never will be.

      • +1

        Meh, I think ignoring this "deal" would have been the smarter thing to do.
        Interacting with this post has just brought more attention to it.
        Just like "hate watchers" who ultimately end up supporting the content

        • +1

          Maybe, it's a valid point. I guess I hope that some people will perhaps read a bit deeper and see why there's possibly more to it than that, and that we need protect the values that make Australia special. I have friends in America who say it's just hell living there at the moment, that neighbours don't get along and everyone is angry all the time. I don't want to live live that. I hate that I've even started reacting angrily toward people being c#nts online just for a laugh.

          • @Stevesie76:

            I have friends in America who say it's just hell living there at the moment, that neighbours don't get along and everyone is angry all the time. I don't want to live live that.

            I have a feeling that we'll go down that route eventually. People are already divided as you can see here. I've noticed people on the roads are angrier than they were pre-COVID. 1/3 of us are now born overseas which IMO is destroying the social cohesiveness of our society. Cost of living is stressing people out and I don't think it'll get better in the short term.

    • And the number of upvotes for this deal at 38/kg compared to reputable roasters like Airjo/lime blue/Inglewood who find no need to use such marketing stunts to generate sales…..

  • Smells like convicted criminal, pedophile, liar, cheat, arrogant POS

  • +5

    Down voting for bringing the USA shit show here

  • +1


  • +1

    Can’t wait for the Sleepy Joe blends and observe the votes and comments.

  • Expensive

  • Ahahahahahahahaha

    FFS, this is STRAYA. We love people these much affected. Ahaha

    Lets go Trumpy! Bye Demented Biden.

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