Trump Covfefe Blend Coffee Beans 1kg $38 (Was $50) Delivered @ Coffee King


We are excited to announce this blend and the opening of our store to coincide with the upcoming election in the USA.

COVFEFE consists of beans from three geographical locations in the world:


These beans are distributed at an equal 33% proportions in preparation for the roast.

Freshly roasted 14th June

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Coffee King
Coffee King


  • +3

    Can you bring back this deal please? I want to buy it..

    • +2

      It's in-stock now.

      • $38 + Shipping not incl. shipping

        • Did you select the free shipping option

          • @Clear: It does only show free pickup

            e/ worked on the PC browser. Thanks

  • +1

    They seem to acknowledge that Trump doesn’t drink coffee. Which is pretty astounding. Trump lore 101.

  • Interesting you chose that blend or origins, considering Trump's history of meddling Imperialistically with all three of those places during his time in office.

  • Hey @Coffee-King you should remove that "TopBargains Trusted Partner" logo from your website. You don't need that tosser to bully you into having his logo plastered all over your site to have deals on his OzBargain rip off. You're not the first ones to fall for it.

    • Who is the tosser who runs TopBargains?

    • +1

      thanks, I am trying to remove it.

  • +2

    Poor taste marketing.

    • +1

      Prepare for war C guy, no more puppet Biden for your XI. Trumpy is back

    • Username checks out.

  • +1


  • +2

    Just here to see everyone butthurt about Trump or Biden.

  • Any decaf?

    • That'll be their Newsom blend.

      • +1

        Sleepy Joe Decaf

  • +6

    Jeez, people on OZbargain sure are passionate about American politics.

    • +1

      They are passionate about it not transferring Aussie politics, I reckon.

      • We need a Trump like figure here in Aus politics more then ever. Would get my vote.

  • -8

    All of the nu-male betas outing themselves via salty comments & unsubstantiated negs is absolutely hilarious, all because OMB's name & likeness appears on a product they won't buy anyway. Stick to vegan cheese & electric car posts eh?

    • +3

      Need to cross check their likes on all the soy milk deals

    • +4

      You seem pretty upset about the negs.

      • +3

        You are pretty upset to neg a deal in the first place. Instead of ignoring it.

        • +2

          Got another one

      • +1

        is absolutely hilarious

        Comprehension not your strong point it would appear.

  • Gj guys! you sure showed them with all those negs.

    • +1

      OP added dozens more and they sold out too. Congrats neggers #wedidit

      • +3

        definitely gotta fire the roaster up harder next time.

    • +8

      Buying stale overpriced beans to own the libs. Checkmate.

  • +4

    politics is for losers and politics from a different country is for extreme losers


  • +3

    Seems so strange to target latte sipping lefties with a Trump coffee blend but then saw the company is from Qld so it makes sense. Now to see if the radical right also drink latte's

  • C0ff33 K!ngu1n

  • +1

    I don't understand the negs on this deal.

    • +12

      I think a lot of them are because the deal is most likely posted as "rage bait" like Bohlin suggests. A lot of people see how negatively that's affecting our daily interactions with people and don't think it's healthy for society. Another proportion just don't think it's a genuine bargain, which I'd also agree with.

  • +10

    Intentional rage bait

  • -4



    F that demented GUY. He's FIRED.

    • +3

      I thought he won last time? He said it repeatedly so it must be true.

  • +1

    I love Fascism!

  • +11

    Freshly roasted 14th June

    Bout as fresh as the smell coming from this deal.

  • +6

    Noise marketing.

  • +1

    Taste like the beans were aged for 13 years

  • -1

    Anything connected to the most despicable, shameless lying cancer that is Donald Trump, gets the automatic downvote from me & MANY many other people. And rightly so. Thankfully, decent people still outnumber the scumbags that support Trump (who is a convicted felon), & Epstein' best friend for years & the list goes on. There's a reason all the worthless racists & trolls & flat-earthers support Trump. It's because they're too dumb and too scum. Always were, always will be. Vote them out of every country. They're like termites. You've got to get rid of them.

    • +1

      Or they have no choice because the leftist have it so far up their own "you know what" they cant see anything. Its like batman and joker, one cannot exist without the other

  • +8

    Shamelessly provocative marketing attempt.

  • +6

    Pretty expensive for 1kg of beans. Weird product marketing too.

    • Yep. If you want a cheap 1kg bag of beans, get the home brand coles stuff for 15 dollars, not pay 38 bucks for some unknown brand from brisbane selling with the idea that any attention is good attention.

  • +16

    The grift is so effective some random company from Queensland can just slap Trumps face on stuff and make money from suckers that forgot they don't actually live in America.

    This isn't even a very good deal for roasted coffee beans that are already half stale. Even 3 weeks ago isn't a "fresh roast",

    The business address for this place is a residential house out in the sticks of Brisbane in Redbank Plains.
    They're a wholesale business with only an online presence, who knows what the quality is like.

    • +5

      You're wasting your time with logic. Let the people who want to be grifted think they are sticking it to the 'woke left'.

  • +5

    Embarrassing. The polarization surrounding this offer is unwarranted. Those endorsing it do not perceive it as an extraordinary bargain, while those disparaging it don't view it as a terrible bargain. OzBargain once maintained a higher standard of discourse. It is imperative that we keep political rhetoric—particularly that originating from American cultural debates—separate from our pursuit of daily savings. These divisive "culture wars" serve only as a distraction from our primary objective.

    As a long-standing member of this community, I find the current state of affairs deeply disheartening. I do not align myself with any particular faction; my allegiance lies solely with OzBargain and the continuous pursuit of exceptional deals. I implore fellow members to resist being swayed by extraneous noise and controversy. Let us refocus on our shared goal of identifying and sharing valuable opportunities for savings. ffs.

    • +1

      Your common sense has no place in these comments…. ;)

  • -3

    next release will be the Biden blend.

    You'll suddenly find 10 million wired to your bank account from China / Ukraine and find Joe in your shower waiting for you

    • +4

      Sleepy Joe decaf on it's way

  • +1

    Would be funny if this person who's known to be litigious sued for the use of his name/image.

  • It's the best coffee, there's never been anything like it, and we're going to make Mexico pay for it..

  • +3

    Buy this garbage and you're supporting a child molester on Epstein client list.

  • +1

    Beans are from all sh$%hole countries….

  • +1

    Wow almost ordered this til I saw the roast date. I try and use my beans between 3 days and 3 weeks, generally I find that is the sweet spot.

    • I would pay you to see you drink these beans roasted after 3 days. I'd even let you have 7 days post roast.

      • +2

        I’ll pm my bsb and account number. To say it’s fresh almost a month ago, if you can’t see a problem with that then there’s nothing I can think of to enlighten you.

        • most roasted coffee cant even be drank for for at least 10 days, and the flavour not fully come in for weeks after that…

  • Make coffee great again.. 😂

  • +7

    This isn't even a particularly good price for 1KG of coffee? Not to mention, if it were good coffee, why would one make it political to alienate over 50% of their customer base (since this is Australia, probably even more than that).

    Clearly not a deal and just political trash to get impulse purchases.

    • +3

      Also hate the classic 'Oh leftists just can't take a joke, this is a laugh' line, when Trump and his party are hell-bent on depriving massive numbers of people their rights, abortion being an obvious example. Not to mention taking aim at a fair and free democracy by packing courts with partisan judges, vowing to install party loyalists throughout the federal government, and ensuring environmental destruction by failing to act on climate change. And this is al despite the fact the majority of Americans did NOT vote for Trump in 2016.

      Elections have real consequences, Trump is a useful idiot who should be in prison (he just got lucky Judge Cannon, his lackey, is stalling his trial till after the election) and cares about nobody but himself.

      Politics aside, it's not a good deal anyway lol

      • POV: You ask ChatGPT to write a CNN stinkpiece

  • +3

    OP, is this your new side hustle to complement your solar & lighting business? lol

    • That explains why the coffee I bought from here had a hint of Chinese LED flavour and a bitter after-taste like licking a 240V inverter.

  • +1

    For a roast that's as bitter as a Jan 6 rioter undertaking treason!

    • +2

      Freshly Roasted Jan 6th

      • Hmm, I can smell the freedom.

  • +4

    The coffee beans look to be sourced from countries trump says are “poisoning the blood of our country” and looks down upon. This doesn’t check out

    • Almost like the whole thing is a joke!

  • This isn't an original idea, the gag has already been done umpteen times in the USA. It's mildly funny the first time we see it in Australia. Then the novelty will wear off I suppose, like caffeine.

    I suppose the price is so high because it's inspired by Trump's planned economy - tariffs on imports and 'the mother of all stagflation'.

  • +2

    Its a wonder these beans are allowed in the bag - arent they from across the border?

  • +3

    I was on board with this for laughs until I realised the site is also selling MAGA hats.

    • -1

      you dont like us selling MAGA hats?

  • If Trump becomes President we get Pauline Hanson

    • +1

      If that happens, does this become our national anthem?

  • +3

    Dunno about this one.

    Site legitimately looks poorly made. Cannot find any proper review. Their address linked at the bottom of the site leads to a house in Queensland (why would you do this when you clearly knowingly chose a controversial name in this political climate?).

    The apparent attempt at rage baiting is pretty poor and not exactly in good taste.

    So a neg from me given the poor value/relative obscurity of the seller/poor taste in "humour".

    • +1

      Their address linked at the bottom of the site leads to a house in Queensland (why would you do this when you clearly knowingly chose a controversial name in this political climate?).

      Plenty of businesses operate out of their homes… there's nothing wrong with that. Or do you plan on doing something nefarious?

      • +1

        I know plenty do. And no I don't intend to do anything, but the issue is not what I intend, but what others might intend (please don't insinuate otherwise). There's no need to act like this current political landscape isn't a landmine for extremists on either end of the spectrum to do something stupid - and it is this very issue that I warned about in the above comment.

        To make it again clear, the issue isn't stating an address that could be their home address. It's doing so, when they at the same time so clearly do something to aggravate a political base, in a period of time where any random extremist on any end of the political spectrum could do something stupid. Just why take that risk?

        • Yeah makes sense.

  • +1

    Gross, surely we have all seen enough of the orange weirdo for two lifetimes, why would one buy something branded based off him?

    • To annoy NPCs like you

  • +1

    thanks OP bought some

  • +1

    Given you aren't paying licensing fees to use Trump's name and image, you think you can do a better price?

    Bootleg coffee under $10/kg including delivery sounds like a winner.

    • +2

      Wouldn't keep in line with the trump branding if you weren't overcharged.

  • +3

    I love how this gets downloaded because it's 'too political '
    But all the covid cult post's get praised.
    Oz bargain is like reddit with a capitalist twist

    • +1

      at least mods here is fair. reddit mods will ban you if their mum didnt buy them mountain due from the supermaket

  • +2

    Hahaha of course you’d be from Queensland, LMFAO. Hahahahahahaha.

    • What’s that supposed to mean, m8?

      • +1

        You’ll figure it out.

    • +1

      And of course you're from Naarm 🤣

      • +1

        I call it Melbourne, but you do you hahahahaha.

  • +3

    Trump is a criminal, i certainly won't be supporting him

  • +2

    I support OPs effort for fleecing idiots

  • I just want to know if I have this coffee on an electric boat and the boat starts sinking then 10 metres away there's a shark…

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