Trump Covfefe Blend Coffee Beans 1kg $38 (Was $50) Delivered @ Coffee King


We are excited to announce this blend and the opening of our store to coincide with the upcoming election in the USA.

COVFEFE consists of beans from three geographical locations in the world:


These beans are distributed at an equal 33% proportions in preparation for the roast.

Freshly roasted 14th June

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Coffee King
Coffee King


  • +12

    Make coffee great again!

  • +4

    Globalists and WEF supporters need not apply…

  • This reminds me of FKN Strong Coffee. I'll give it a try.

  • +6

    Prefer the loo paper with his likeness

    • +6

      That usually happens after coffee ;)

  • +1

    Last 5 posts were for Solar Systems ? lol

    Upovoted for the comedic effect

    • +1

      Queensland Solar and Lighting are branching out

      • +2

        Guarantee you they will have a childcare and NDIS racket soon too

  • +11

    is the price well inflated and contains little substance, just like his media company

    • Buy puts then…

    • +3

      maybe they'll go out of business like his casinos. Seriously, who bankrupts multiple casinos unless there is something dodgy going on or catastrophic mismanagement.

  • +2

    sits back and chucks popcorn in microwave

    • +2
      • +1

        Ofcourse. nothing else comes close to matching the tasty flavour combination with current American political 'discourse'.

      • +1

        At least it isn't Scomo's pooping corn. Only available at Engadine maccas.

        • and now im thinking of the origin of Korn's name again.

  • +15

    Do I grab this deal by the…..?

    • you can walk into any pod while they are still naked because you can !

      • +3

        Even when they're under 18, apparently.

        • +7

          [2015 Campaign] I will release all government secrets because Killary won't do it. 911? yes. JFK? yes. Epstein? Umm no because there are a lot of innocent people who may get affected by it.

        • Remind me again which former president was on the flight manifests?

          • @Ham Dragon: First word of the deal might help you remember one of them.

            • @Gehirn: Not to Democrat Island…again, remind me of which former president was a not infrequent visitor?

  • +36

    this place must be desperate if they're trying to leech off the Project 2025 demographic

    • +8

      That is why they sell the hats too.

      • +36

        Thought this was a politically neutral blend by dimwits…had no idea it was a fawning blend by cookers.

        • +13

          Yeah, last thing this place needs is US political crap.

    • +13

      I mean … why the heck didn't they brand it "Wake up, Joe!" and have Biden on the front? That has way more layers (ie "Cup of Joe", Joe Biden).

  • +13

    interesting product approach, small qld based coffee company. lets see how this goes. the number of fonts you've decided to switch between in that link definitely screams quality

    • +2

      I couldn't give two shits about Trump/Biden/foreign politics etc but my god the formatting on that page is disgraceful

      • +4

        Hey, they're coffeeking, not webpageking.

        • Good call. They're not grammarking either so expecting correct spelling, grammar and punctuation is also a bit of a stretch, I guess.

  • +3

    I'm really looking forward to 4 more years of this sort of crap.

  • +6


    • +2

      Oh cheer up mate, I know its monday. We all gotta lift a little, have a cup ya know

  • +20

    Ahh yes the cooker blend

  • +6

    drink this coffee you will beat any polygraph test in the whole universe.

  • +3

    1 April is gone, get in early next year.

    Nicaragua,Colombia,Ethiopia, the wrong mix for the next potus.

  • +1

    Make Trump and his business great again!

  • +3

    Are you paying for the taste or for the branding?

  • +3

    thanks for letting us know which company not to buy from
    this is also oz bargain, not america bargain

  • +5

    COVFEFE consists of beans from three geographical locations in the world:
    These beans are distributed at an equal 33% proportions in preparation for the roast.

    Where is the other 1%?

    • +2

      1% for the big guy.

    • +1

      this guy maths

    • +2


  • +23

    You can buy 25 litres of manure from bunnings for $8.

    • -1


    • -1

      Perfect for Democrat supporters, they love eating shit on election day when Trump is the opponent…better stock up now!

  • +4

    Tinfoil hats included?

  • +3

    Let’s hope OP doesn’t have any decent deals in the future cos I’ve just hidden any posts from them.

    • +16

      How stunning and brave of you.

    • +2

      Jezuz…They weren't lying about you lefties hey.

      • +7

        TDS in full effect,

    • +1

      The fragility of the nu-male political view on display for all to see…

    • That’ll learn em!

  • +7

    does it taste bitter and over roasted?

  • +1

    Ooof. What a marketing failure.

    • +17

      You're talking about it. In marketing that is considered a win.

      • +8

        true, 87 comments in 43 minutes.

      • +4

        Yes at a very basic level without actual thinking any marketing is good marketing. Like you could put a NK dictator or Putin on it and it would generate the same sort of fuss.

        But if you actually care about your brand then no, this is just stupid. Can't see it being actually effective beyond the normal crowd that would buy this.

        You don't even know what the brand is, it's just "Trump coffee" effectively. If you think this is a marketing success you don't know much about marketing.

        • +7

          Upvotes 3x the downvoting sooks, then went OOS…not how I'd define failure.

    • +12

      They've sold over a dozen bags and only 3 left at the time of this comment. Their controversial marketing choice has succeeded. All these negative votes have attracted attention and it's paid off in their favour.

      Now had the deal got no votes it would have disappeared amongst the other new deals.

      EDIT: Now sold out. Sorry negging my comment to try and censor me (the American way) hasn't helped your cause. OP can thank you guys for all the attention you attracted to the deal and now they're laughing all the way to the bank.

      • -1

        "All the way to the bank" with 15 bags sold. What a bunch of geniuses.

        • +2

          Before this deal they had 0 sold. Now in under 2 hours with this post they had them all sold. Everyone commenting, voting, downvoting and clicking this deal has successfully got the OzBargain algorithm to make this deal front page. Congrats!

          If I was wrong they'd have 0 sold and this deal wouldn't be front page lol

          • -2

            @Clear: Low bar, indeed. Why am I not surprised?

            • +1

              @mickeyjuiceman: Evidently you are surprised that their marketing trick paid off. Or are we still going to pretend that they weren't successful in selling all their stock? Because that's what cookers do.

    • +3

      "It's only a marketing success if it says what I agree with" 🤓

  • +5

    Beans from 'shit hole' countries?

    • +3

      You must be referring to the illegal aliens

  • +5

    I’m curious why this company decided to market it this way. Trump is generally unpopular in Australia, and by the number of negs this deal has, it certainly doesn’t bode well for people trying out the coffee, even just for kicks.

    • +3

      Don't have to get the majority to buy it, the cooker market is plenty big enough.

      • -4

        They won't have enough to buy it after spending their welfare money.

    • +4

      They are also selling MAGA caps. So weird and random.

      During the pandemic a lot of try hard seppos made the local news.

      • They are based in Ipswich Queensland…

    • +3

      Piggybacking on the fact there's enough rubes with money to attend Tucker Carlson's conference here

  • +4


  • +5

    Is the coffee that bad you need to get peoples attention by putting trump on the bag

    • +2

      They could have put a photo of skeletor too maybe!

  • +4

    Make Adulterator Great Again

  • +2

    Original price $50 for $1kg

    WTF. Gotta be fake news

  • +3

    "Freshly" roasted last financial year? From three "shithole" countries?

    No wonder they picked this stupid name, it's a warning that it's only for cookers…

  • +1

    Tempted to buy it just to make 16oz cups of outrage at work. xD

    • +1

      I'd be pulled in front of HR or whatever euphemistic name they have rebranded to in current day.

  • +10

    You know TDS is real when a harmless coffee post has so many negs.

    • +1

      But Sydney Morning Herald, Channel 9, 10, and ABC say Orange Man Bad, so it must be true. These soyboy simps will believe anything the news tells them.

  • +14

    I find it baffling that any business would want to associate their product with the cesspool that is US politics. Might as well do a limited edition cancer blend.

    • +10

      Unfortunately the dementia blend isn't so popular.

    • +1

      Any publicity is good publicity for small business.

      • +1

        This sentiment is only shared by those who know nothing about marketing, branding, and so on.

        • lol ok

  • +6

    I'm assuming that these are not ethically sourced.

  • +6

    I will never watch your show, buy any of your products - or brake if I see you crossing the street

    • -2

      Most mentally stable Leftoid

  • +1

    Marketing strategy spot on. Well played.10/10

  • +8

    Political bias to promote a deal is wrong!

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