Just spotted this. Great price, I think it was $349. I just ordered the last one from Tuggeranong Canberra.
Stock is scattered, you may be lucky in your area. Link to stock check,
Just spotted this. Great price, I think it was $349. I just ordered the last one from Tuggeranong Canberra.
Stock is scattered, you may be lucky in your area. Link to stock check,
I went with the Ozito since it's easier to return and buy spare batteries for at any time of the year
It depends on what tool ecosystem you already own.
I have an ozito battery mower, they're pretty good, but a bit gutless. You need to be patient with it, it conks out on thick patches, but all you need to do is let go of the handle and re-grip it again to get it going again and power through it. Wondering if all battery mowers have this problem.
same with Ryobi at least their entry level one. Have to move back and move slowly forward.
I have this one. Need to cut a bit higher. Gutless yes..but does the job.
I use a petrol mower, victor brand I think, probably something different. Anyway it'll cut through anything. If there's three foot high grass I'll just take the catcher off and tilt the mower and push it into the grass, shreds it all.
I use fuel and a flame, also goes through anything.
Unrelated completely to this bargain?
Bought a Giantz cheapie to test and very happy with it (never used a petrol mower). But I would say yes “gutless” on extra tufty grass - I’ll lift the mower up by rolling back on the rear wheels. Other con is small mower, small catcher. The battery seems to hold a decent charge.
Not all battery mowers, only entry level ones.
If you're cutting severely overgrown grass, do it in stages. Cut at a medium setting, wait a few days for the clippings to dry, then cut again.
If you're not using the catcher, use it. Many mowers bog down on severely overgrown grass if you don't have a catcher or side discharge chute attached. Mulching is good for maintenance cuts of good grass. Always catch and compost if there are any weeds going to seed.
The ozito can't actually be height adjusted, so I've been told. I should really verify that info lol.
It comes with a catcher it's very useful.
And.. are you Simon Wright of Whirlpool fame? :)
These days I think all their 4 wheel mowers are height adjustable but with the cheaper 300mm ones the adjustment is under the deck so you have to tip it on its side whereas the larger ones (like this 370mm one) use the regular side mounted lever.
And if cutting wet grass, scrape the sludge off the bottom after.
is a mower like this a bit much for 30sqm of grass?
never owned grass before til recently. lol
just use a corded one https://www.bunnings.com.au/ozito-1200w-305mm-corded-lawn-mo… small area should be fine with an extension cord
thank you, i will now.
I initially bought the corded and then returned it for this one a few years ago. Just found it too much of a hassle with cord and you need to watch out to not run over it. Very happy with the cordless and have bought into the ozito ecosystem. I even use the baterries with an old dyson v6 vacuum cleaner with an adaptor off amazon. Looks like these are being fazed out with a new model just came out.
For the extra $100 the cordless is well worth it for the added convenience
100%. Used a corded one in a small yard for a few years but I'll never go back. Battery all the way. You will kick yourself if you go corded, unless your lawn gets so overgrown you need the extra grunt
Agree. I used a corded mower for 10 years. The last 4 years with an ozito cordless have so much easier and enjoyable.
id get this one over the cord model, not worth the hassle of having a cable run everywhere and plugging it in
Corded not recommened as you will eventually cut the cord.
It's just be cordless then, right ?
Lots of cheap ozito regret purchases on fb marketplace. Like @Andard mentioned, mainly people who expect it to perform flawlessly and flog it when it doesn't mow perfectly.
Reality is that if you leave it for a month in summer it will be too thick and conk out but if you mow regularly, you shouldn't have that problem. It should be regular anyway to ensure proper aesthetic growth.
can confirm I had let my grass grow for too long!
telescopic? can i lay back on the grass and view the stars with this?
You can take it to the movies, what ever you want to do with it really.
looks at rear of mower "what a catch!"
no, clearly this is a sniper rifle
I have this one. With the batteries and charger going for $99. It's well worth it if you think of it as a mower for $150.
Must be a new one coming out, no stock left in Newcastle
Can you open up the handle to say 150-160 degrees? I have a steep hill I'm tired of wipper snipping and would like to stand and the top and pull something like this up and down. The steel deck is too big and clunky to do comfortably
Can you stack this vertically mate? BTW this one is in response to ALDI's sale. Dont think they are phasing out.
I store mine vertically between the toilet and the toilet wall in the outhouse if that helps?
Yeah think this is the new model, saw it this morning at the Alexandria store in Sydney.
Ah ok. I haven't seen either so your probably right.
No that's just the steel deck battery version.
Maybe this is the new one https://www.bunnings.com.au/ozito-pxc-36v-2-x-18v-brushless-… . Looks the same (plastic, telescope handle), but it is now brushless and a big $429 (compared to this ones $248)
should i sell my petrol mower that is way too big for my property and get one of these? petrol mower was great at last rental, but this place we own has much less grass to mow and the petrol feels like overkill… sure is easy though… lol
Coming from a 19" honda to a 199$ 30cm Ozito, I wouldnt ever touch petrol again. I know petrol purists wont like me, but I wish I got a battery mower earlier. A minimum 40cm width would be nice (have a ryobi now). But for this price this one is a steal.
thanks, what makes you not want to touch petrol again? just the simplicity of it or something else?
I already have a few Ozito things in this line and have liked it all so far, so I'm pretty tempted
Heavy, messy, restarting after you go empty the catcher, buying petrol, servicing/oil changes etc. You can always buy a cheap used ones off FB before you buy new, if you dont like it, sell it off.
@John Doh: all valid points really and kinda how i'm thinking too, I've ordered one of these as my local apparently has stock :)
@KRiSX: Pretty sure you will like it. It will feel like a toy though but will do the job. If not you can always sell it for the same price after this sale is over. haha.
@John Doh: yeah unfortunately i won't get to find out… just got a call saying not actually available due to the sale :( oh well!
You already have a mower… What will you get for your money to buy a different mower?
won't have to pay for petrol anymore or worry about servicing my current mower, also may take up less space in my rather small garage
Can this be used for scalping? Also is it any better than 18v with single battery?
I have the 18V system and the minimum height is 2.5cm, when I scalped, it dindnt go low enough like many others do (in FB groups). I have seen a few people using petrol mowers literally showing off bare land when they scalp.
Not suitable for scalping, some petrol mowers won't even go that low or have enough guts.
I have this one. It's good for scarifying. Really good. Just made a DIY non motorised one for core aereation. Still not tested yet. #premiumlawnlife
Have it for a year now and doing pretty good.
Bruh that deal is 15 years old hahaha
Yeah, I know. It was my first introduction to OzB. sniff
The 2 x battery pack + 2x fast charger alone is $99 (on special).
I paid about $80 for 1x battery with 1 x fast charger when not on special (best available price at the time).
So the lawnmower is basically $148!
I've not used it, so can't say if its good value.
But certainly cheap and probably do an adequate job unless you have a huge lawn.
For a new lawnmower + the safety of Bunnings fairly lax return policy, this is really a great deal!
If this was brushless I'd be on my way to Bunnings now. Was really hoping Bunnings would match brushless with Aldi
Buy the Aldi one. Losing sales is the only thing that Bunnings will understand..
Main issue would be, returning/warranty at Aldi is much, much harder when compared to Bunnings.
Even with the receipt, very problematic to get item returned to Aldi after about 3 months in my experience.
Also very unlikely that Aldi will have a similar replacement item in stock to swap with, if item stops working.
Sometimes Bunnings are reluctant to give refund but generally happy to 'replace' something which is fine if you are in a rush.
Because it breaks when you need it = get new replacement item = no issue. Don't have to waste time/money comparing items and buy something more expensive, etc.
Doesn't mean the Bunnings item is better. Just worth considering.
If you down have a huge lawn, get the Ozito Cordless Cylinder Mower and upgrade the roller with this FTW! There's videos on youtube showing how to mod it.
Too much for a nature strip only? I've got fake grass elsewhere.
maybe consider a whipper snipper. can do edges as well and takes less storage. I have also used it to "trim" bushes that grow fast enough that it only looks a bit messy for a week or 2
if im feeling super lazy I do sections of lawn with a straight shaft or just hit the clover patches
HOLY MOLY. didn't realise they had cylinder for this price. Thanks for the tip.
I had the brushless 18v ozito for awhile, and it did the job while petrol mower was out of action. I got rid of it when I picked up a metal deck aldi job for the price of the batteries and chargers on clearance.
A common problem with both is that they don't spin fast enough to clear wet grass into the catcher which can lead to stalling. Neither could be set that low, probably because they would have the guts to scalp a lawn but not having to worry about petrol and maintenance is a blessing.
Not going brushless would lose half the advantage of going 36v though.
Don't know how much the difference to the brushless I guess it's good enough for my small lawn it's time to upgrade my old old unreliable petrol mower
Have one of these, does the job. I use 2x 4.0 batteries in it. Quite the difference compared to 2.5”s and I’ll prop the catch door open too. Makes it stop a lot less on longer grass
New ozito battery mower range arriving and this is why there is a clearance going on. Was lucky to pick up the last of last gen Ozito Brushless 36v which was down from $449 to $150 at Bunnings Seven Hills last week. The brushless version has metal chassis too and is quite powerful and even comparable to my petrol Victa with Briggs and Stratton 675. Just doesn't last long enough but good for our 120sqm lawn with 2x 4ah batteries.
do you happen to know the product code so I can have a look if there still any old stocks around? thanks!
Item Number: 0244221
thanks for this, Rydemere indeed have a few in stock but they aren't going to discount it until 1 or 2 left!
It is $399 on website so might be instore clearance only. Rydalmere NSW seems to have stock.
how do I find out stock level myself? apparently there was 3 in Blacktown this morning and all OzB'ed! need to keep my eyes on the Rydalmere store :)
@IDontKnowWhyImHere: I've already called all the Sydney stores with stock, none have the steeldeck on clearance
@IDontKnowWhyImHere: yeah I called Blacktown at 7:46, the other store told me they had 3 so I rang them up… spoke to a lady and she found 3 on the system.. but when I got put through to the section they said all gone.
Rydalmare store said they wouldn't price match other store, price is at $399 if you want to take it today.
Northmead had one in the morning, but the guy couldn't find it anywhere and said to me hands on heart there is none left :)
@kenneth88: Ya, asked my friend to drop in at the Rydalmare store to check but they said the samething it seems. $399 and no visibility of clearance.
2x 18V = 36V how? Am I missing something?
18v + 18v wired in series gives 36v.
so it will need 2 batteries to work
Yes, correct.
Thanks OP. Got the mower and also added this trimmer and blower kit with battery for $99: https://www.bunnings.com.au/ozito-pxc-18v-cordless-blower-an…
Looks like its out of stock in online too. Couldn't check out.
my current mowers handle sits out wider than the wheels making doing near the fence or house difficult. anybody know if this suffers the same problem?
You'll never get it perfect. The deck width is always wider than blade diameter. Use a whipper snapper for edges
How will the brushed compare to the aldi brushless?
Brushed motors are worse, obviously, but is it that much worse that the convenience of bunnings outweighs it?
In short, generally brushless tools are about 15-25% more powerful and have a slightly better run time than their brushed equivalent spec tools. Potentially they can also last longer as there are no brushes to wear.
Over the years I have had a mix of brushed and brushless tools for work and home, and they all get the job done. In my experience in every use though, its not the night and day thing that some would have you believe.
Would this be enough if you have a bigger lawn or should I get this https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/804323 instead?
It is not brushless version. Does it often need cleaning?
It sometimes gets clogged at the entry to the grass catcher, but never needs anything more than just clearing that out and emptying the catcher, then resuming mowing.
This or the brushless Aldi one.