How Many COVID Vaccines Did You Get?

It's nearing the end of 2023, how many vaccines are you up to? Are you planning on getting more?

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    • ~10% control group
      ~90% experimental group

      I'm impressed actually, i thought it would be more like 2:98.

    • +3

      The 4+ group (~36%) are the same people that take the flu shot every year. They either have zero agency like the poor elderly or will take anything that telly would even hint at and then would come back for more.
      The 1-3 group (~52%) were the main target of the propaganda machine and the mandates. Most of them would have ignored the clotshot otherwise.
      The zero group is a completely lost cause for the government, zero trust to anything the government would say or do.

      • +3

        The zero group is a completely lost cause for the government, zero trust to anything the government would say or do.

        Another way of looking at it is that the government knows who these people are (especially now in this increasingly technological age) & can adjust plans accordingly.

        • +1

          That's a scary thought, but yeah - a well curated list indeed.

  • +4

    got the first 2 (bundle) and regret it.

    • Sorry to hear it. What happened?

      • +1

        work made us do it, really didnt want to

        • Sorry you (& many others) were put in that position. Noticed any changes in your health since?

          • +1

            @mrdean: idk if its in my head but i feel like sometimes my heart hurts for a few seconds, again it could be because of gym (chest workout doing flys with dumbells) i went to the doctor and he said nothing wrong, i did blood test and the CGI thing he said all ok, i went to a second doctor who also said its from gym. also i like to point out i got covid 2 months after the second shot. it was like a normal flu with the added bonus of not being able to smell, really it was not bad at all, so idk if the vaccine played its part or it just wasn't that bad to begin with. i guess ill never know, i still am against an unproven vaccine and i regret getting it (because it doesn't work) and if there was a way to not get it i would have went that route

            • @Roe Jogan:

              so idk if the vaccine played its part or it just wasn't that bad to begin with. i guess ill never know

              Yes, there's no real way to know. Those that believe in the jabs will likely say your illness was lessened by getting the jab, whereas you may have never got the illness (or noticed it) if you didn't get the jab, or you may have got it worse. Or you may have gotten the illness because of the jab.

              All the best,

  • +3

    All of them because getting vaccinated is important especially ones from Russia as they are proven to have no negative sidпобочные эффекты. Благодаря России у нас есть надежная вакцина против вируса

    • Благодаря России у нас есть надежная вакцина против вируса

      There was one called Covax-19, created here by Petrovsky, but he wasn't able to get it through the TGA. It is available in Iran only.

      Really interesting what he says about the development. I think his small team found a way to use technology in a positive way for humanity.

  • +1

    Troll post. Period.

    • Fixed it

      Troll Droll post. Period.

  • +1

    0 has the strongest immunity among all?

  • +4

    2, and then got covid, since then i got more sick often, sore throat and running nose.
    I've never been sick before I got the vaccine.

    • +1

      "I've never been sick before I got the vaccine."

      It's a miracle

      • +1

        I could never play the piano before I got hit by a car in 2011

        • I've told you a million times already today, not to exaggerate, zeggie

          This oughtta blow up every pea in the room

          • +1

            @Protractor: My personal anecdote is all that is required to spread the absolute undeniable fact that vehicle collisions are linked to musical ability. Everyone I asks agrees.

            • -1

              @Typical16-bitEnjoyer: Put on your suit of armourand duck.
              I'm about to trigger the room>

              Nobel prize goes to mRNA Covid vaccine researchers

              LINK above. Read it and weep. Next conspiracy, here she comes, cookity cook cook.Cook a doodle doooo!

    • +1

      Covid hit my immune system hard too. But that was the months following sickness, not vaccination - it's called post-viral syndrome. Today I have less energy and feel less healthy than before contracting Covid (which was only mild compared to viruses that followed).

  • +6

    Wow. I never realised Ozbargain had this many cookers lol.

    • -2

      Needs more lemmings.

    • +1

      Cookers is a word used by those who would prefer not to think independently but outsource all of their thinking to authority.

      • -1

        Which authority? There are many.

      • +1

        LOL, the groupthink in cookers is underpinned by googling,youtube and confirmation bias. Hardly independent thinking

        • +3

          That's is precisely the antithesis of "cooker" thinking, as you put it. Google and YouTube is heavily curated corporatist controlled information that is being fed to you and designed to steer you away from honest, non establishment information that stifles free thinking and keeps you obedient, stupid, adherant and outraged about whatever the current thing is.

      • +1

        Thinking independently. Yea, exact same type that somehow know more than the experts lmao.

      • Ah yes, the "critical thinker" independent intellectual, consuming misinformed brainless information from other so called "cookers" on YouTube or clipping clips or articles out of context to suit their agenda. The bastion of informed knowledge.

    • +1

      They're always waiting for threads like this…

  • +7

    3 more than I should have.

  • +7

    Anyone seen Painkiller in Netflix? about pharma and the government in bed together purely for profit. I predict a similar show in a few years abt the covid vax scam. It will be epic

    • +3

      But it wouldn’t do much, would it..
      We now know the truth about Operation Northwood (govt. declassified files), Gulf war, War in Afghanistan, 2016 elections - Russian intervention BS (btw I believed all of those things at the time)
      And what happened about any of that? Nothing.

      Libs control 90% of the print media, visual media, Hollywood, all our institutions now too etc etc
      They’ll just double down and that’s it. We live in a post truth era.

      • +3

        So true. Lemmings mentality

        • +2

          Indeed. Lemmings mentality is prevalent in the antivax echo chamber. All absorbing their YouTube vids like good little compliant rodents.

          • +3

            @Typical16-bitEnjoyer: So I take it you’ve had all your booster shots? What’s it up to now anyway?

          • +3

            @Typical16-bitEnjoyer: who wants to bet this guy calling people antivaxxers for not wanting to get an experimental injection is also the one screaming my body my choice for killing babies.

        • -1

          Looks like the antivax conspiracy lemmings have been lemming-aided>

          • +2

            @Protractor: Ever listened to Dr Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA patents? And I mean ‘listen’ to him speak. Not just the headliners people fall for.

            • @Cusack: But he wasn't, was he.

              As 2 minutes of research would show.

              • +4

                @jackspratt: He may not be the sole inventor but does that mean he doesn’t know what he’s talking about?

                Have you listened to him?

                • +1

                  @Cusack: Do you think the original inventor of cars would know how to fix a modern Tesla?

                  • +2

                    @Ughhh: Have you listened to him?? I’m guessing no.
                    Also the reason why media went after him is he said young children didn’t need the vax which is the truth. Interesting isn’t it.

                    • +2

                      @Cusack: They would do anything but stick to the topic and/or answer your simple question.

                      • +1

                        @Gervais fanboy: I thought most people here were adults who didn't need captain obvious. I guess I was wrong. May I offer you a tissue?

                        • @Ughhh: lol at my little Pugy boy go fetch me a tissue, you are a good boy indeed.

                          • @Gervais fanboy: I love it when you're so triggered you resort to childish attacks. 🤣 So easy.

                    • @Cusack: Has he been active in the labs working on mrna in the past decade? Has he ever had an issue with his ex-peers who may be more successful in the industry right now?

                      • +2

                        @Ughhh: The fact the media tries to discredit and silence him and other doctors for stating a FACT that ”kids don’t need the vax”. That’s fine with you?
                        Or do you actually think kids must have the vax too

                        • @Cusack:

                          That’s fine with you?

                          Did I say it was? I haven't expressed an opinion, but your anger towards the topic has lead you to make assumptions on everyone who dares question.

                          How dare I ask a question!

  • +12

    Not an anti-vaxxer, my gut said no, so for once I listened.. self employed and managed to work through until the restrictions were lifted, avoiding the vaccines.

    I am pro-privacy however, and any establishment that enforced sign in/vax cert did not receive any business from me ;)

    • Doesn't trust medical community, yet trusts Google. Okay.

      • Only antivaxxers are pro privacy ,apparently.

        • +8

          Let me correct you…it’s not ‘antivaxxers’. That’s a childish term. We’re simply against ‘mandating’ an experimental vax. Vast majority of us actually have all the necessary vax. Get it?

          Also, we’re not all pro privacy, although I don’t know why you’d have a problem with that.

      • +3

        Not google. Just common sense. You do realize there’s a large number in the medical community that do NOT support the vax

        Btw have you had all booster shots??

  • -3

    and more grief for the anti science brigade>…

    • +8

      Congrats on them.
      What does that have to do with needing to mandate an untested vax that doesn’t actually prevent the spread?

      Also let me correct you again, we’re not ‘anti science’ (another childish term). We trust the science. We just don’t believe in the mandates. Get it?

    • +2

      Oh hey, what other medicine won the nobel prize?
      And we saw how the propagandists treated that when it got in the way of their agenda.

      So why are the shysters in your link 'pro-science' but other equally awarded (and proven safe and effective)products anti science?
      Can you explain that for us?

      Not that I put any stock in the Nobel prize alone due to some of the laughable 'winners' who have received it.

      2009: Barack Obama, Nobel Peace Prize, went on to bomb many many innocents in the Middle East.
      2012: The European Union, Nobel Peace Prize. (Lols)
      1973: Henry Kissinger, Nobel Peace Prize
      1949: António Egas Moniz, Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (The Portuguese neurologist and brain surgeon was awarded the prize for devising the lobotomy – a procedure where part of the brain is cut away. The medical procedure was designed to treat mental disorders, but has since come into disrepute and has been all but abandoned.)
      1918: Fritz Haber, Nobel Prize in Chemistry (Fritz Haber was awarded his prize for inventing the Haber-Bosch process, which is a way of producing ammonia on a large scale. But Haber is also well-known helping to develop chlorine gas as a chemical weapon during World War I and Haber defended the use of gas warfare during his lifetime.)

      Hopefully you get the point, your post simply points to the latest round of propaganda from the establishment as the award has became (and maybe always was) a bit of a joke anyway.

      • -1

        You forgot to thank me for yet another excuse laden deluded tangent to bury yourselves in. Nobel peace Prize bad conspiracy…..Have fun in your endless black hole

        • +1

          “Conspiracy”. Lol. Mate can you just stop with all the buzzwords already

          And you still haven’t answered if you’ve taken your entire set of boosters.

      • +1

        Nobel prize was made because old mate invented TNT and everyone called him Merchant of death.

        • +1

          Indeed, always found that kinda ironic. :)

        • -2

          I guess your point is next year a climate change denying,antivaxxer,neo nazi,patriot will win?

          • +1


            I guess your point is next year a climate change denying,antivaxxer,neo nazi,patriot will win?

            No. My point is the Nobel prize is someone who is trying to wash their life of being a merchant of death.

            • @deme: Should be renamed American Peace Prize then. Death merchant royalty

              • +2

                @Protractor: But the inventor of TNT is swedish.

                • @deme: Pro rata US kills at home and abroad on a bigger scale over all time. If whitewashing death merchant is the driver, they win. So award renaming is appropriate.

                  Then maybe (after the renaming) , those who allowed a ship load of infected ppl to proliferate covid into the largest city in Straya could be nominated. Then we have Newmarch House and Gladys et al allowed staff to drag covid from care centre to care centre and elders dropped like flies, under her gold std clusterf*ck. Zero oversight.Zero accountability .

          • @Protractor: You love word bingo don’t you. But you forgot racist, <insert anything>phobic, fascist…

      • +2

        Hopefully you get the point, your post simply points to the latest round of propaganda from the establishment as the award has became (and maybe always was) a bit of a joke anyway.

        A more accurate respresentation would be: Researchers awarded Nobel Prize for developing synthetic modified rna that tricks the body into expressing proteins it would have otherwise destroyed.

        It is technically an incredible achievement, but it also is an abuse & misuse of technology. The award will give legitimacy to the field of synthetic biology, at least to the mass of people who aren't awake yet.

      • The Nobel Peace Prize is purely political, but the other categories are legit.

        The lobotomy was considered a legit medical advance at the time, and the Haber-Bosch process was a outstanding advance still used on a massive scale to this day.

    • Seems there's a bit more going on with this nobel prize biz that most of us are being told. Luckily I'm not afraid to look outside of the cave now and then. :)

      "The decision to honor Karikó and Weissman while omitting key contributors like Dr. Robert Malone raises questions about the narrative that’s being pushed surrounding mRNA technology. One thing is sure: COVID is just the beginning. And what will likely ensue will be subsequent campaigns to get more mRNA injected into every man, woman, and child.
      Soon, mRNA technology will be coming to flu vaccines. Supporters tout that the adaptability of mRNA technology allows for quicker response times in developing vaccines that can more accurately target circulating influenza strains, potentially making yearly flu shots more effective.

      Furthermore, work is being done to apply mRNA technology to “treat” various other diseases. It is being explored as a potential treatment for sickle-cell disease and the autoimmune disorder, multiple sclerosis. Additionally, its application in cancer treatment is under investigation, with the aim of harnessing the immune system to combat malignancies.

      The fight against HIV, a long-standing global health challenge, is also on mRNA’s radar. Currently, three experimental HIV vaccines, built on an mRNA design akin to the COVID-19 vaccines, are in the early stages of human clinical trials.

      a renowned scientist, medical doctor, and pioneer in mRNA vaccine technology, made some fiery comments on “X.”

      Dr Robert Malone stated, “Kariko and Weissman get the Nobel, not for inventing mRNA vaccines (because I did that) but for adding the pseudouridine that allowed unlimited spike toxins to be manufactured in what could have been a safe and effective vaccine platform, if safely developed.” Malone further criticized the integrity of the award process, suggesting undue influence from pharmaceutical giants. “Pfizer has been campaigning for this since 2020 – at first, they even claimed (as did Kariko) that she invented the mRNA vaccine platform technology. Pfizer donates heavily to the Karolinska Institute, which awards the Nobel. Science has been hijacked again by big pharma.”

      • Luckily I'm not afraid to look outside of the cave now and then. :)

        Congratulations - you looked outside your own cave, and discovered a far deeper and darker one to link to. 🤣

    • Furthermore.…

      Drew Weissman, one of the winners of the 2023 Nobel Prize in Medicine, previously warned of the risks of vaccine-acquired immune deficiency syndrome (VAIDS) posed by mRNA shots.

      This week, Weissman, along with fellow scientist Katalin Karikó, were awarded the 2023 Nobel Prize in Medicine for their role in developing the mRNA technology used by pharmaceutical companies.

      However, Weissman has previously warned about the “non-trivial” side effects linked to the injections.

      In a paper published as recently as 2018, Weissman warned that prior clinical trials of mRNA vaccines had produced results that were “more modest in humans than was expected based on animal models… and the side effects were not trivial.”

      Those “side effects” include “moderate and in rare cases severe injection site or systemic reactions”.

      Weissman’s paper in the peer-reviewed Nature Reviews Drug Discovery highlighted the health risk that the shots posed.

      They warned that can cause VAIDS – a form of AIDS-like immunodeficiency.

      They also urged keeping tabs on the “expressed immunogen” and on any auto-reactive antibodies.

      “A possible concern could be that some mRNA-based vaccine platforms induce potent type I interferon responses, which have been associated not only with inflammation but also potentially with autoimmunity,” they wrote.

      “Thus, identification of individuals at an increased risk of autoimmune reactions before mRNA vaccination may allow reasonable precautions to be taken.”

      Weissman also warned in the paper that the mRNA shots can cause blood clots.

      The authors noted in the paper that extracellular RNA could contribute to edema, and cited a study that showed it “promoted blood coagulation and pathological thrombus formation.”

  • +2

    Would be good to get more poll options

    • I know someone who died from covid or complications from covid
    • I died from complications from covid
    • I'm writing this comment from beyond the grave rn.

  • +14

    Have to say I regret taking the vaccines, never again.

    • -4

      Need to lay off the conspiracy theories. It's rotting your brain.

      • +5

        Consipracy buzzword again. You and @Protractor are winning word bingo.

        Someone simply says they regret it and you jump in mentioning conspiracy. See how programming works?

  • 6 altogether I think. I get one whenever i travel or go on a cruise if Ive not had one in the previous 6 months.

    I've had covid twice. First time was a month after getting a vax, had no symptoms except for a slightly sore throat for two days. Second time was about 8 months after getting a vaccine and I went down like a sack of crap.

    • +3

      Wow, lucky you had the vaccine then! :)
      Now, say the line……..

      • What line? That when I get covid Id rather have almost no symptoms and be over it in two days than be seriously ill for over a week? Sure.

  • +2

    I didn't get it, and had covid twice - it was a walk in the park and I worked through the whole thing (from home of course). Have had worse hangovers than covid affected me.

    Others I know who get the vaccine all still got covid and seemed to be knocked around significantly more by it.

    To each their own.

  • +6

    Two. Only because I was told by my employer that I wouldn't be able to work without it, and I couldn't afford to lose my job. I do regret not standing my ground though.

  • +8

    Zero - And as far as I'm aware, I've never caught it (but then again, I've never taken a test for it either).
    Which proves one of the following to be correct:
    (a) My immune system is vastly superior to most other people,
    (b) It was all a scam; or
    (c) All of the above

    • +1

      Your faith in organisations to be that functional and organised that they could cause a worldwide scam involving all scientists, doctors, and governments is…admirable. Such trust in so many institutions…

    • What about:

      You never contracted it
      You never noticed you contracted it
      Your genetics meant you were never going to be affected.

  • +2

    Lol these threads always bring out all our… unique characters.

    For our next pandemic in 2030, health officials can just post to ozb and use the collected data to implement targeted risk controls on all the people posting 'medical evidence'.

    • -2

      With a bit of luck all of the complicit 'health officials' will be in prison by then, along with the quisling politicians who gave the orders.

  • Another question is, Was it all worth it?

    Considering the huge financial cost of the lock downs, subsidies etc, what was the cost per life saved?

    And; How many countries might, next time, do things differently?

    • -1

      A) No. (or worth it to 'whom'?)
      B) Most of them. Don't forget, most countries were not acting independently the last time and just following orders as they say. Here's the lark for their next attempt.…

    • Depends how much you value 15 million deaths avoided per year I guess.

      • +1

        Prove it.
        I saved 10 lives myself today but not going for a drive. Prove me wrong.
        All of the covid scare numbers were based on very VERY inaccurate 'modelling' and the claimed 'lives saved' numbers are no different.

        • +8

          Good point, I will prove it.

          Chance of death for a single car trip = (Total car fatalities per year / Total residents) / (Average trips per person per day * Percentage of car trips)

          Chance of death for a single car trip = (1194 / 24,770,000) / (3.84 * 0.69)

          Now, calculate the chance of death:

          Chance of death for a single car trip ≈ 6.69e-07

          The chance of death for a single car trip is approximately 1 in 1,494,382.

          Thank you for your service in saving one in 1.5 million of a person.

          How about you prove that the models are not accurate using mathematics. Also, what is your highest level of education in statistics or the medical field? Personally, I do not have any professional medical training, so I tend to listen to scientific consensus, but I did study statistics and can tell you are talking out of your arse on that front.

          • +1

            @ginormousgiraffe: Don't underestimate inability.
            I;m pretty sure immortal could easily be as bad a driver as he is a genius, and could well take out 10 innocent drivers every time he hits the road.But I think your observation about his word orifice may be accurate,anyway.

          • @ginormousgiraffe: You can't just apply the average across the board like that though…

            EightImmortals may be a far worse driver than average, maybe he's high on drugs and half way through a bottle of whiskey. You can't just ignore these factors, he could well have saved 10 lives by not driving today.

            A healthy young person was never at any real risk from covid, an elderly person was at far greater risk. You can't just average them out.

            • @trapper: With covid, younger people were at far less risk, for sure, but the excess deaths in even the 0-9 age groups was not negligible. Also, how many of the young adult population do you think truly had no underlying health issues, and how many of those diagnosed? Family history of high blood pressure, heart disease, depression, anxiety, immune disorders, asthma, etc. are all considered underlying conditions when reported.

              The statistics for children and young Australians still pointed towards the vaccine as the more sensible choice, but that was your choice to make. For older Australians and those that knew they had health conditions, with all due respect, they were stupid if they went against medical advice.

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