How Many COVID Vaccines Did You Get?

It's nearing the end of 2023, how many vaccines are you up to? Are you planning on getting more?

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      • So unbelievably damaging to the population

        The most frequently reported side effects suspected to be associated with the vaccines include headache, muscle pain, fever, fatigue and nausea. Skin reactions at the site of the injection are also common and can include pain, swelling, redness and an itchy rash. These are recognised side effects of vaccination and are usually transient and mild

        While not downplaying any reported severe adverse reactions or side effects, which should be clearly reported and investigated ,using the total number reported as an indication of 'unbelievably damaging' is inaccurate.

        Those side effects are common with pretty much most vaccines.

        • Link to another Vaxx that has a 1 in 500 injury rate………..

        • -2

          While not downplaying any reported severe adverse reactions or side effects, which should be clearly reported and investigated ,using the total number reported as an indication of 'unbelievably damaging' is inaccurate.


          Over 10,000 claims of compensation for side-effects ranging from being hospitalized to life altering/ending effects of the clot shot were made before the end of 2021. It's been a persistent cavalcade of them ever since.

          No Vaxx has ever cause anything remotely near this level of unprecedented damage, suffering and harm to Australians.

        • -1

          vaccines include headache, muscle pain, fever, fatigue and nausea. Skin reactions at the site of the injection are also common and can include pain, swelling, redness and an itchy rash.

          Good job at down playing it to a simple rash. Data shows that mortality in terms of excess deaths is associated temporarily with the vaccine roll out all over the world.

          • -2

            @bigticket: The science deniers don't want to be hearing about those facts unfortunately.

  • +10

    Yikes, biggest dumpster fire of a thread.

  • -1

    Uh …oh - the itch is back

    • +1

      That's crabs you have there.

      • -1

        lol - you guys & your broken record

        • +2

          At least I'm itch free

          • @deme: but it still skips & get stuck on the same track

            • +2

              @[Deactivated]: Curious "you guys", which group are you talking about

              • @deme: you know

                • +1

                  @[Deactivated]: I dunno man, I think you call anyone who asks you why you are mindlessly regurgitating propaganda "you guys".

                  • @deme: Do I? I recall another user having a go at me when I commented "you guys". I was bemused at their reaction to such an innocuous reference.

                    Why does it rattle you so?

        • Do they trust records? I mean static electricity and all that.

          • +1

            @Protractor: Yeah it's not 5G?

          • @Protractor: lol - they cannot even commit to a comment w/o editing it soon thereafter

            • +1

              @[Deactivated]: Imagine being in a world where you couldn't revisit anything that's been written.
              You might be getting a lobotomy .

              • @deme: lol

                You should have a chat to those users on here who CANNOT STAND for ppl checking an account's previous posts/comments

                • @[Deactivated]: Which group are you talking about tho?

                  • @deme: Why do you refer to them as a "group"?

                    • +1


                      kajke 15 min ago:
                      lol - you guys & your broken record

                      • @deme: I never wrote "group".

                        But now, I'm intrigued - who is this group?

                        • +2

                          @[Deactivated]: Mate, you made the call, stand by it.

                          What group of guys are you talking about?

            • @[Deactivated]: I reckon they all have had vaxxes , maybe not all the way to 5, but they are too scared to let the rest of the cave dwelling community for fear of being cast out.

              Most of them are scared of needles, (just the news clips derailed them) as a hangover from the multiple vaccines they had as kids or when international travelling.
              ( I recently read a peer reviewed article about , or 'seen' a youtoob video-no it was real,factual and dinkum, trust me. The vid was presented by a handsome,white,angry,christian dude , so must be correct)

              The study found many were picked on at at school so now seek comfort in ppl as cooked as they are because of that exclusion, which robbed them of the ability to absorb science and socialise(much like yapping uncontrollable dogs arc up) . Apparently it's hard absorbing facts at school when you're worried about the upcoming wedgy in the lunch break, or being dead armed between classes.
              So they shut down the "receivers" and later in life the conspiracies fill the void. Makes sense. It's exactly what I'm seeing here

              • @Protractor: Was watching an NFL game this morning and they talked about a player recovering from a gunshot injury in a robbery attempt. They really are WTF.

              • +1

                @Protractor: There is nothing wrong with being a non-vaxxer - each to their own.

                I just don't get the regurgitation of it, on here, every so often.

                • +3

                  @[Deactivated]: There's a difference between being 'non-vaxxer and being a conspiracy agent. The OP is just that. It takes nothing to tear something apart, it takes brains to put it back together.Posts like this are a sign of weakness, not strength

                  • @Protractor:

                    …..being a conspiracy agent.

                    But ….. Mulder said: "Trust no one" ??

                    • @[Deactivated]: Maybe he was autistic from his flu shot?

                      • @Protractor: Which season/episode was that?

                        • +1

                          @[Deactivated]: The episode where the bloke with the endless Pfizer cigarette visited Area 52.3 and found a half frog half echidna looking alien that turned out to be a side effect or eneloop battery charger electrical emissions

                          • @Protractor: My favourite epi!

                            • @[Deactivated]: That and the aspic jelly monster one

                              • +1

                                @Protractor: Procockter derailing a thread….do you ever re read the junk you write? Its not even legible except in your own head. So far off topic you would think you were in uranus rather than being one…Curse you autotype

                                We get it…you are an government boot licking drone out of place anywhere but the collective who loves to be told what to do.

                                Its ok to be like that, simple people have simple needs

                                • +1

                                  @Motek Benzona: Oooh, burn.
                                  From the safety of unhinged anonymity & coming from a vessel more hollow than a grain silo strikes again. You still haven't explained you were born.

                                  I'll trust you on the advice about simple ppl, they seem to gravitate to your strange pseudo (fake) christian ideology X sci-fi world of wonder

                                  • @Protractor:

                                    safety of unhinged anonymity

                                    Come on little one, of all people you don’t get to say that. Come on.

                                    • @Gervais fanboy: .Superficial, supercilious slurs from the fake christian movement
                                      I'm so broken by your powerful words

                                      • +1


                                        I'm so broken by your powerful words

                                        lol, i didn’t even say anything to you this time.

                                        fake christian movement

                                        We both disagree with each other so you reckon I must be a Christian? lol so by that twisted logic you must be Jewish then??
                                        This guy 🤣🤣

                                    • +2

                                      @Gervais fanboy: Lol. Look at the avatar. SCIENCE! Isn't it interesting the figure is holding what appears to be a flame in one hand & tipping over a beaker with greenish fluid with the other hand, whilst laughing. That pretty much sums up the lunacy that passes for Science! these days.

                                      • +1

                                        @mrdean: And the best bit, mate’s built like a box with pencil thin arms and legs. I bet that’s pretty close to his reality too, no wonder’s he’s soo mad at everyone.

                                      • +1

                                        @mrdean: Protractor also has no life. I did some calculations. Roughly 13 posts a day since they joined..obvious sad lonly geek sitting in a bedsit

                                  • +1

                                    @Protractor: Oh im not giving you advice! If anything im saying make your dream of less people come true..starting with yourself.

                                    Can i not agree with you?

                                    • @Motek Benzona: Very christian of you. Thanks for indicating your country of origin.

                                        • -1

                                          @Motek Benzona: Throw a mask at this dude. That'll send them running away screaming.

                                          • +2

                                            @Typical16-bitEnjoyer: 1/10 for effort only because you actually avoided a cliche. NEXT

                                          • +1

                                            @Typical16-bitEnjoyer: Like you ran away from backing your drivel?
                                            You falsely claimed that I am an ‘anti vaxer’
                                            You can’t say that without having to back it up.
                                            Still waiting ⏱️

                                            • -1

                                              @Gervais fanboy: You lot haven't proven a thing, except you love YouTube. 💕 check mate.

                                              • @Typical16-bitEnjoyer:

                                                You lot

                                                You see, now you are very sneakily moving the goalposts. 🐀🐀
                                                You can’t reply to me directly so you lump me in a group with others to discredit MY point. This is very typical of you libs, you lot always do this.

                                                I didn’t go out trying to prove anything, I didn’t argue against people taking the vaccines, I argued against the mandates.. They are two very different things. Also, I didn’t share any YouTube links here, you just keep on lying.
                                                Be a man, either apologise for falsely calling me anti vax or go on, back yourself.

                                                • -1

                                                  @Gervais fanboy:

                                                  Be a man

                                                  Why are you telling me to get a sex change?

                                                  You're absolutely cooked.

                                                  • +2

                                                    @Typical16-bitEnjoyer: I love how you keep digressing,
                                                    So you just slandered new and now wouldn't even apologise for it.
                                                    And another sneaky neg , for me merely calling you out for it. Mate, you off all people shouldn’t worry about societal problems.
                                                    Go work on yourself first, there’s no vaccine out there that could fix what you have got.

  • +3

    I waited and got the Novavax vaccine when it arrived in Australia since the clinical studies had shown it had higher efficacy and fewer/milder side effects.

  • +4

    America billionaire corps thank you for jabbing yourself pointlessly a dozen times.

    • +1

      The rightwing misinformation industry thanks you for spreading their ignorance. I’m sure they have a bunch of other conspiracy theories they can hook you on as well.

      • +3

        I’m not talking about conspiracies.
        Edit: or being anti. I’m talking about the corps success into making people obsessed over doing it.

        • +1

          Step away from the rightwing sites and the YouTube videos and have a good look around. Look at what the scientists are telling you. We are getting to where we will, most likely, have an annual shot like we do with flu. Don’t you think you might be just a touch OTT here?

          • @try2bhelpful: Ironic that Kozie is arguing about corporate sell and they are probably surrounded by eneloops,rice cookers and any number of subliminal and deliberate purchases and votes according to the drone requirements.Happy to play a part in the big tapestry of reality and pick apart a few loose stitches on the hem.

            • @Protractor: @Protractor big difference between falling for advertising and mandating it. And then the brainwashed herd passionately mocking those that didn’t want the vax.

          • +1

            @try2bhelpful: Right wing??. Haha. I’m surprised you haven’t included all the other buzzwords

        • +2

          @KozieSeller. You have a simple FACT yet ppl jump on you calling right wing, etc, etc. ….You can see ppl are programmed how to reply.

      • -1

        Go and check out the health section of - it's a great peek into the conspiracy mindset.

    • +1

      America billionaire corps thank you

      They're not American, they see themselves as above nationhood.

      • god like?
        Bloody heathens

        • god like?
          Bloody heathens

          You WILL bow down before us. Mwahahahaha.

  • the "minimum 2
    personally woudve got none but it affected an upcoming event


    Given this guy was still alive a doubt most people have much to worry about.

    • Respect for the rather original side hustle during 'unprecedented times'.

      • Sort of negates the “ poison in the system” arguments. This reminds me of the “Purity of Essence” argument that was the trigger in Dr Strangelove.

        • Someone should check the dude's current health status.

          I've not seen the film.

          • @[Deactivated]: May I suggest you do. It is satire but it might give you a bit of clarity on the misinformation the RWNJs are spreading and the damage they can cause. Frankly the film is a masterpiece that captured America perfectly.

            • @try2bhelpful: I've placed it on my 'To Watch' list

  • +1

    I had 3 and I also got covid so does it count as 4 now?

    • Essentially yes.

    • +1

      Better get a 4th just in case beep boop

  • Had 3.
    Work in schools. Still haven't caught it yet.
    Wife had it too, didn't catch it from her.

    Not sure what's going on.

    I'm 38, the latest advice I think is get a booster if you are in a vulnerable group which I'm not.
    For that reason I'll stick to 3.

  • +8

    Curious to know those ppl here that used to mock antivaxers, have you got your FULL set of jabs?

  • +1

    Moderna melts steel beams. That’s what they want you think! Follow the money !!!! 🗿

  • 2 Pfizer, Moderna Booster, then I got the Bivalent Booster… I think from Pfizer. Have had Covid twice, including a week ago.

  • Anyway. I think I will follow my original advice and stop feeding the trolls. On top of my advice to read the Science and statistics I, also, think people should watch Dr Strangelove.

      • +2

        If you are calling out peer review as flawed or rigged, (via 2011 article) what does that say on the tribal compliance model of the conspiracy rabbit hole you have been consumed by, whereby the 'peer review' is bunch of nobodies, with no understanding or qualification, agreeing with each other and capturing the agreement as factual or evidence based validation?

        It's all originating from the same virtual lunatic asylums that churned out climate change denial that had to move on because the exponents wee drowning in reality while surrounded by fire melting their cooker-prepper bunkers .

        It's peer review week BTW. So here's a 2023 article for the religious to quiver at>

        "Different models for peer review are also emerging, mainly to ensure that the assessment of scientific work remains as objective and open as possible. Many publishers now offer the option of transparent peer review, in which the full exchange between authors and reviewers is published alongside the manuscript, while a complementary double-blind approach conceals the identities of both the authors and the reviewers. “It’s crucial to assess the paper on its merits, rather than basing an opinion on who has written it or which institution they are from,” says Arroyo. “We can all harbour some bias, whether we are aware of it or not, and we need to ensure that peer review is always scientific and objective.”

        (god is the oldest AI know) (aka man made)

        • It's peer review week BTW. So here's a 2023 article for the religious to quiver at>

          Aw, it's heart warming read that solid critical piece on peer review. It was so good it didn't even mention any flaws or disadvantages to the system. PR much? Lol. But what is really disturbing to me is the sponsoring of it by the ECS & ACS & other corporate entities. In particular the focus on "photonics". Because that is the future. They want it controlled for their non-human ends. But getting into that is a bit above ozb level.

          • +1

            @mrdean: LOL your agenda based linked article in 2011, probably from the same climate denying factory, VS a 2023 Physics org with no axe to grind. No wonder you guys are easily duped.

            • +1


              LOL your agenda based linked article in 2011

              Do keep up, it was a submission to a parliamentary enquiry, you know by someone who actually was the head of an alleged world class journal (The Lancet). At least it was a nuanced discussion, nothing like the puff pieces you've linked to that fawn over the process.

              • +1

                @mrdean: Well there's been a full 12 years since. Where's all the follow up condemnation? Did your knight on the anti peer review steed cark it from a vaccine in the interim?

                Was he not calling out rigged peer review? That's exactly what I linked you, showing how it was a process becoming more open,accessible and still an ethical and valuable process. Who says there's a shortage of fruit pickers in Straya.

                • @Protractor:

                  That's exactly what I linked you, showing how it was a process becoming more open,accessible and still an ethical and valuable process.

                  So, let me get this straight, are you saying it always was "ethical & valuable" & is now being made better?

      • -1

        What part of not feeding trolls don’t you understand?

        • I'm willing to discuss the subject. But others don't seem to be interested, just the usual insults.

        • Doh. Sorry, I'll just say tata, and place them under the door mat.

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