How Many COVID Vaccines Did You Get?

It's nearing the end of 2023, how many vaccines are you up to? Are you planning on getting more?

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    • Including listening to the USA heart health gurus>…

      Or are they sold out too?

      • +3

        Or are they sold out too?

        The AHA only link to one study on that long page that basically reads like a public relations exercise. Get the shot!

        And that study is this one:…

        Published in their own journal, & surprise suprise one of the authors is…..Peter Hotez. I assume you are familiar with "OG" Hotez. The parent of Rachel, his autistic daughter whom he lovingly wrote a book about called "Vaccines Did Not Cause Rachel's Autism: My Journey As A Vaccine Scientist, Paediatrician & Autism Dad."

        Elsewhere on that AHA page you linked to they state this: "Should I get vaccinated if I'm pregnant — or planning to be? Yes — and get up to date on booster shots, too."

        Which is truly mindblowing, as this:

        which is Pfizer's package insert states: "Available data on COMIRNATY administered to pregnant women are insufficient to inform vaccine-associated risks in pregnancy."

        But don't worry, the package insert goes on to state that it was tested on female rats & no issues were observed. No probs!!

        • Anything you don't agree with is sold out> Mate you passed the bottom of the barrel pages ago
          Why would heart health advocates endorse death by heart attack? Why? Because it doesn't. Your pigs ear-ing it. Now an expert on autism. Hahahaha

          • +1


            Why would heart health advocates endorse death by heart attack? Why? Because it doesn't.

            Well, during the 2021-22 fiscal year, I count a bit over 45 million reasons:


            And that's only a small percentage of their overall funding, most of which comes from so called "non-corporate revenue sources". I wouldn't be surprised if those "sources", possibly foundations, ngo's, associations, councils etc, all receive part corporate funding as well.

            • @mrdean: Never seen a person make so much more conspiracy work for themselves. Are you paid to conflate,inflate and exaggerate?

              You make out the AHA to be a part of a new wave holocaust conspiracy

              • @Protractor:

                Are you paid to conflate,inflate and exaggerate?

                Interesting projection.

                You make out the AHA to be a part of a new wave holocaust conspiracy

                Strawman much?

                I'm very curious if you have anything to say about the pregnancy info. Do you think it is appropriate for the AHA to have said pregnant women should have the jabs, when Pfizer say, in careful wording, "Available data on COMIRNATY administered to pregnant women are
                insufficient to inform vaccine-associated risks in pregnancy."

                I'd really like an honest point of view from you on just that bit.

                • @mrdean: What I think isn't in question. What you believe and why is. How you keep churning out inane BS in the pursuit of entertainment has reached an end.
                  So time to play hidee! Tata, you and Gervias Flameboy can dance all night till you melt into each other prick free arms.

                  • +1


                    What I think isn't in question. What you believe and why is. How you keep churning out inane BS in the pursuit of entertainment has reached an end.

                    Oh dear, & here I thought we were supposed to be in a discussion!! Lol. Now I know you don't have a point of view on anything, you're just here to keep the antivax/conspiracy/misinformation nutjobs at bay!! For the protection of the people!! Is that your righteous line of work?

  • +7

    Three, because I was forced to by a man from Mulgrave who I'll never forgive

    • -1

      Gunpoint,stand-over man, polonium sandwich?

      Or the dreaded "let's all protect each other-especially the vulnerable, torture rack" ?

      • +3

        you mean the "you will take the jab or you will lose your job, your house, everything, because even though you work fully remotely and it makes absolutely no sense to anyone we are going to force you to take the jab"

        • It sounds almost silly, until you factor in how humans behaved during covid. Gladys unleashed how much covid on her 'gold standard'; state? Apparently Newmarch House and Ruby Princess were golden outcomes.

          Alive to whinge about it now VS dead because ppl whinged back then? If only those victims had a vote.

        • And not be able to buy essentials or enter a shop, yes that one.

          • +2

            @[Deactivated]: Didn't happen.

            Also, kmart is not essential.

      • +2

        “Let me put on my seatbelt ….for YOUR protection” lol

  • I don't know how many flu vaccines I've had. I guess I'll have a covid booster regularly too…. perhaps they'll combine it with the annual flu vaccine one day.

    If you suffer from a chronic illness, are told you are statistically on borrowed time, are well over 50…. you tend to be a little extra cautious - meaning go with the facts from people you trust, not the random anti establishment, anti msm, anti everything people with conspiracy theories that seem riddled with misinformation, misuse of statistics, expletives, accusations and anger….

    • +4

      You write a load of old rubbish
      Hilarious guff
      Surprised you can even write tbh

      • It seems dear old Motek has left the building - permanently, if the lack of return date from the Penalty Box is an indication.

        • Damn, the mods took down one of his comments as it was deemed as a ‘personal
          Do you know what was said?

          • @Gervais fanboy: 2 comments, if you look over at the next page.

            No, I don't.

            • @jackspratt: Yes I saw the deleted comments but was curious to see what was said.
              Anyways, mods don’t generally remove you unless something serious was done/said, so it must have been something.

        • +2

          (clicks Motek profile, reads last available comment they made was wishing vaxxed people would die, naming OzB members in the process and speculating about if and when Motek would be permitted to personally execute people they disagreed with)

          Just seems to be their usual charming self, but what a pity we won't be having any more of it, I guess?

          • @CrowReally: This is all I can see
            How are you able to see the comment that was taken down?

            • @Gervais fanboy: No, I can't see the deleted ones. The top message on your screenshot was the one I mentioned. But I suppose the deleted comments were even more extreme than outwardly wishing to execute certain groups of society!

              This is a good teachable moment for the remaining antivaxxers I guess? "Just because you're on your phone, it doesn't mean you're in Telegram, check the app before you post!"

              • @CrowReally: You are making it sound soo much more extreme and dramatic than what was actually said.
                Especially when it was my mate Protractor that started all that nonsense talk..

                • +1

                  @Gervais fanboy: Look, if you want to outwardly speak sympathetically in support for that sort of talk that's all well and good for you… but all the same it's not for me.

                  Maybe if it's fine and you condone it, you can start speaking like that yourself and Find Out, hey?

                  Nice clear voice, champ, tell us which groups of people you're looking forward to executing. .. I'm kidding of course. Timon and Pumbaa are supporting characters, they don't have a narrative of their own.

                    • @CrowReally: He made a very classless comment over a year ago.
                      What’s your point? Do you think if I had read that comment back then, I would have at all agreed with him on it?

                      Mate, you yourself have lied about me here^^ and in the past too. It’s a hassle to bring up your past sins to this current conversation we are having rn. Don’t you think? Ofcos I am not perfect either, i have said things that in hindsight I would regret and there’s time I have had to apologise to people too.

                      • -1

                        @Gervais fanboy: I think it's cowardly to say something like "mate you've lied about me in the past" and then say it's a hassle to present any receipts to prove your point.

                        • @CrowReally: I was making a point about you bringing old things to a current conversation but okay, you have the right to ask. I am now meant to produce something..

                          Already proved one bit about you falsely insinuating something about me above. Now I gotta get back to you on the other bit.
                          Okay. Give me time.

                          • +1

                            @Gervais fanboy: No rush. If you don't want to spend your free time trawling my comment history to find some gold, you can also just say something like "CBF finding it, I withdraw the remark" and we can go on with our lives.

                            I don't take lip from simpletons, but posting on here isn't a sacred duty that we need to fulfill daily.

                  • -2


                    you want to outwardly speak sympathetically in support for that sort of talk that's all well and good for you

                    Wow, Not once did I do any of that. Quote me where I did that.
                    I was talking to you soo nicely too (my fault indeed). But it’s like your second nature, you can’t help but be sneaky about it.
                    All I said was that Protractor started that ‘nonsense talk’ (I called it already).
                    My only point was you are here calling out @Motek (fair enough) but why don’t you guys do the same with someone you clearly have soo much much in common with, like Protractor. He’s been acting like a comeplete Nut and is soo unnecessarily rude, yet you and my best mate @Sbob just seem to ignore all of that. You are biased is all what I was suggesting.

                    Maybe if it's fine and you condone it, you can start speaking like that yourself and Find Out, hey?

                    Dude, I didn’t even call Protractor out for it, even though he started it lol.
                    And if I did call him out, I sure wouldn’t disingenuously exaggerate his already silly talk like you did with @Montek’s comments.

                    • +1

                      @Gervais fanboy: I'm not the forum Sheriff, it's not my role to chase around and call out bad behaviour on all sides, if that's what you're getting at.

                      I expect I am biased, as no doubt everyone else here is? That we all have people we like talking to/agree with, and those we don't?

                      Not sure what you're going for but if you feel personally affronted or singled out by my words, I'm sorry you took them that way.

                      Your take is he didn't say anything as bad as I implied and that I'm "disingenuously exaggerating". My take is I didn't. People can decide for themselves.

                      • @CrowReally:

                        I'm not the forum Sheriff, it's not my role to chase around and call out bad behaviour on all sides, if that's what you're getting at.

                        So you are randomly chiming into a conversation without knowing the whole context behind it?? Okay
                        So you made a mistake (funnily your mistake always only lean towards the one side but sure, I’ll believe you)
                        So you made an innocent mistake and I first nicely told you that it was Protractor who started this nonsense.
                        What do you do in response? You double down and lie about me condoning/agreeing with @Motek.

                        Good thing you are not the ‘forum sheriff’ you lack the integrity to be one lol

                        I expect I am biased, as no doubt everyone else here is? That we all have people we like talking to/agree with, and those we don't

                        Okay, so if you do acknowledge that about your self (respect), then you know better to atleast not use your ‘emotions’ to judge others. How about you work on yourself first..

                        Not sure what you're going for but if you feel personally affronted or singled out by my words, I'm sorry you took them that way.

                        it’s fine mate, I just felt bad to see you insinuate that I agreed or was supporting people talking about killing themselves etc.

                        Your take is he didn't say anything as bad as I implied and that I'm exaggerating. My take is I didn't. People can decide for themselves.

                        You are right, I can concede to you on this.

    • +1

      what if you have chronic autoimmune condition? the vaxx will kill you.
      I don't understand how people believe blindly to doctors…everyone is different! chronic conditions are different!!

  • +7

    Enough to give me myocarditis

    • -5

      And you knew there was no underlying predisposition because how?
      Ever drunk,smoked? Knew what your DNA indicated before hand?
      How do you definitively know getting full blown covid would not /could not be worse still.

      EDIT:Ruled all these causes out?

      • +2

        Drinking and smoking isn’t MANDATED

      • +2

        You want everyone to get their DNA tested before taking something that they practically have no choice not to take if they want to put food on the table?
        Anti-vaxxers didn't go around forcing people not to take it, and then gloating about "how are you sure the vaccine wouldn't have been worse" when they got seriously ill from covid.
        I willingly took it three times, I would be pretty pissed off if I got a heart condition from it.

        • The 'actual' point is obvious if you look at the chart.The chart that precedes covid.
          The list of causes is extensive and includes some very common risk factors.
          I suspect every man and his dog (even those fat guzzling,piss drinking,smoke sucking trainwrecks) will consider blaming vaccines for 'myo' going fwd. Some will def litigate.

          Did I suggest everyone/anyone should DNA test? I pointed out it's possibly already in many ppls systems or DNA

      • I've never had any issues ever, perfect specimen of health just like Donnie T. You've never seen a physical with such great results, huuuge results, the best results.

        Just like Donnie T I don't drink , drinking is for losers and democrats.

        You need to relax a little, you're not getting paid by big pharma (or are you?). Stop shilling for nonsense, especially if you think anyone that disagrees with it is an antivaxxer (not specifically you, but general sentiment for any pro-vaxer is any opposing thought is antivaxer)

        If someone wants to get any vaccination then go for it, I don't care. But people forcing the vax on other people because they are scared? no, if they're worried then they deal deal with it themselves and stay inside, don't force other people to cater to their nonsense.

  • 2 for my pre collapse covid death speed run!

  • +15

    Had an epic fight with my employer. The victory was sweet. An amazing character building/reinforcing experience. The biggest confidence boost I've ever had. I have been proven 100% right about something that seemed so controversial, but I could see clearly through all the fear-mongering propaganda relatively early.
    Very sorry about the excess deaths, which in Australia are still up a lot, the last reading was 13%, please look up the ABS publication for the provisional mortality stats.

    • +4

      Care to share your story? It may help others if they find themselves in a similar situation in the not too distant future.

      • +10

        I am not sure which part of it would be of particular interest. The takeaway that may have some (limited) educational value is that I did not have any debt and I had savings that would last me a good while. To an extent, I can understand people who got it under the pressure of losing their house. Albeit, there is little value in that house when you are dead or crippled. Obedience is suicidal.

        • +2

          Oh, I misread your situation. I thought you fought your employer against the mandates & won. Just wondered how you did it.
          All good.

          • +8

            @mrdean: I did fight and win, but this was pretty unique, not sure there is anything transferable. I was issued a show cause and under the pressure of having to respond to it took ~2 months of stress leave, by the end of which I fully conceded that I had lost my job and was 100% committed to going to FairWork. But when I announced to the employer that I was returning from the stress leave to formally respond to the show cause (which would trigger them sacking me) they panicked and cancelled the mandate for the entire organisation. Because they knew (I had pointed out multiple times) there were massive weak links in the way they erected their mandate, it was hardly defensible. The show cause letter was cancelled and I was immediately reinstated. No apology or compensation issued.
            I was lucky with my timing too, by the time this culminated (mid 2022) mandates were crumbling.

            • +1

              @ldq: Interesting. What were the weak links in the employers mandate? Can you say?

              • +5

                @mrdean: The biggest point was that the employer being a more or less an Australia wide organisation only mandated the workers in Victoria, i.e. it was an obvious knee-jerk reaction to the Vic state mandate, so they could not explain their mandate by any genuine health concerns in the situation of alleged pandemic.

                The state mandate, however had a massive loophole built into it, it said "…obligation does not apply in relation to a person who is a general worker, if it is not reasonably practicable for the person to work at the person’s ordinary place of residence." <- this described my case (point #2) and 100% shifts the responsibility to the employer, who already had proven their negligence (point #1).

                To put icing on this, they neglected to survey the workers prior to mandating, which is required by law (#3). A technicality, but was easy to do, the HR were simply inept.

                Oh man you got me to re-read my 5-page response to the show cause. This is simply gold, I pulled no punches, and was kinda sorry I did not get to use it:

                "Before listing my arguments, I will formulate the matter at hand so it is clear to anyone reading this letter. I am being harassed by <> and my livelihood is under threat over my refusal to inject myself with an experimental drug. However, MY BODILY INTEGRITY IS NOT NEGOTIABLE. I am the only person that governs what happens to my body. I will not submit to external coercion and intimidation."

    • +1

      Well done.

    • +1

      They aren't even deaths from Covid, just "with" Covid.

      It's always very important to distinguish that, so as not to fearmonger like the media like to do.

      You were more likely to die on the way to work in a vehicle than you were to pass away while also having Covid.

      • +3

        I don't mean Covid deaths. The excess mortality correlates with the rollout of the clotshot, exceeds by far anything attributable to either "from" or "with", and still runs well past the "pandemic".

        • Yep, only the science deniers are still trying to claim the Vaxx's were anything but both useless and also unbelievably harmful.

      • -1…

        There were 5,479 deaths which occurred and were registered by 31 March 2022 and had COVID-19 written as a term on the death certificate. The composition of these 5,479 deaths is as follows:
        Deaths due to COVID-19:
        4,815 with an underlying cause of death assigned to acute COVID-19 infection with the virus being laboratory confirmed.
        42 deaths that were due to long term effects of COVID-19 (e.g. long COVID-19).
        19 deaths that were certified as being due to suspected COVID-19 with the virus not confirmed in a laboratory at the time of certification.
        These 4,876 deaths are considered to be "due to" COVID-19 and are included in underlying cause mortality tabulations in this report.
        COVID-19 related-deaths:
        496 deaths which were COVID-19 related. This is where the person died with COVID-19 (confirmed or suspected) but it was not the underlying cause of death. These deaths are included in COVID-19 related-death tabulations of this report (i.e. people dying with COVID-19) and are included in overall totals.

        • The phrase "underlying cause of death" just means any basic condition a person had when they died. Broken toe nails, minor cuts, small bruises, a wobbly tooth, infected scratch on your foot, asthma, eczema, dermatitis, etc…. That's all the type of things listed with Covid in that section.

          In a cause of death certificate, you have the actual cause of death field first (heart attack for example), then you have the immediate cause of death (heart attack brought about by long term heart disease), then the last field is underlying cause of death which is for any random medical observations or other conditions a person had when they died - hence the term "underlying". Underlying causes of death almost never have any relation to the actual cause of someone's death. Covid almost never had any relation to the actual cause of death for anyone listed as a Covid death.

          The ABS were repeatedly brought in front of senate hearings for deliberately misleading the public with that nonsense. The Federal Government scolded them over it themselves and event the AIHW came right out from the start and said more than a third of all COVID deaths were elderly people with late stage dementia who died of dementia, but were Covid positive when they passed away.


          Between January and October 2020, nearly one-third of the more than 850 COVID-19 deaths in Australia were of people with dementia.

          • -1


            The phrase "underlying cause of death" just means any basic condition a person had when they died.

            No it doesn't. The ABS specifically states that an "underlying cause of death" is what leads and produced the death. What you are talking about is an "associated cause of death" which includes those conditions already present.

            • -1

              @Gehirn: Why would you spread misinformation like that ?

              • -1

                @infinite: You quote ABS often yet you call it misinformation? Make up your mind.

                • @Gehirn: The AIHW and Federal Department of health are the authoritative and direct sources of the data, not the ABS.

                  I linked to them both.

    • WELL DONE!!!!

    • Nice work :) there was certainly alot of ridiculous societal peer pressure floating around at the time.

  • Covid 2 times.. Vaccine 3 times..

    I got more sick the second time I had covid (this year while overseas). Thinking first time I maybe had a weaker strain or something.

    • Similar for two family members who were traveling together in the Northern hemisphere this summer. One had what she reported felt like a flu, and lasted a week. The other had a runny nose but not much else, so more like a cold. Both tested using RATs. No change required to travel plans.

      • Yeah I got sick two days before returning, having covid didn't affect flights etc. Had fevers etc on the plane. Half the plane were coughing and sniffing (we flew business class so had the beds which made the trips more bearable when being sick). I was wearing a mask, I had a lot of those dirty "why are you wearing a mask" looks from anti "the man" types when I was back in Australia. Frustrating as I was doing it for their benefit.

  • -4

    Dr Richard Horton
    Editor Lancet

    "Coronavirus pandemic
    Horton's initial response to the outbreak of Coronavirus was cautious, telling his Twitter followers on 23 January 2020 that COVID-19 probably "has moderate transmissibility and relatively low pathogenicity." But, as evidence came in from China, on 29 January, he said: "It must now surely be time to declare a Public Health Emergency of International Concern." And, on 31 January, he tweeted about "draconian measures that limit population mobility."[45][46]

    By 7 March, Horton's was calling on the UK Government to "act more decisively. They must abandon their fears of the negative short-term public and economic consequences that may follow from restricting public freedoms." And, on 10 March, he called for the "urgent implementation of social distancing and closure policies."[47]

    On 18 March, Horton strongly criticised the Government's initial plans "to allow a controlled epidemic", saying: "Any numerate school student could make the calculation. With a mortality of 1% among 60% of a population of some 66 million people, the UK could expect almost 400,000 deaths."[48]

    Then on 26 March, he said: "We knew in the last week of January that this was coming. The message from China was absolutely clear that a new virus with pandemic potential was hitting cities. … We knew that eleven weeks ago and then we wasted February when we could have acted." And, on 28 March, Horton's Lancet editorial stated that, having seen January's reports from China, the authorities "had a duty to immediately put the NHS and British public on high alert."[49]

    On 29 March, the NHS Coronavirus director, Keith Willett, responded to Horton saying that the NHS had "declared a Level Four - the highest - National Emergency on 30 January". (This declaration, however, was not publicised until 3 March so it is unclear if Willett intended this as a response to Horton's Lancet editorial.)[50]

    On 1 May, Horton was interviewed for the Chinese news program Xinwen Lianbo and praised the 'innovation' of the Chinese response (as compared to the past).[51]

    By 16 May, an editorial explained that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had been weakened since the 1980s and needs rebuilding. It included a call for a U.S. president in 2021 who values public health over partisan politics.[52]

  • +4

    Genuine question here - why do people think that the government is out to poison you?

    Assuming the covid vaccine is poison and it has long term health impacts on you, wouldnt it end up burdening the healthcare system in the future and cost the government money? also if people die, they cant pay taxes = less money to the government.

    Or am i entirely missing the point

    • In b4 the YouTube links to cooker anti vax vids en masse lol

      • +3

        But isn’t that a good thing though, more comments for you to dislike?

        • Why on earth would I like your posts?

          • +4

            @Typical16-bitEnjoyer: You seem to hang around them like a bad smell in a lift so its only natural to assume you like them…derr

            I guess with 5 masks on you cant really smell your own stink

          • +2

            @Typical16-bitEnjoyer: You don’t have to like every post that you don’t like dislike. You donut 🤦🏻‍♂️
            Anyways, I am just poking you rn, coz you are a liar lol.

          • +3

            @Typical16-bitEnjoyer: Did you just assume liking comments is mandatory ?

      • +2

        Let us all hope that people like you, with no empathy for others who have suffered, suffer from a serious side effect from your next vaccine.

    • +5

      wouldnt it end up burdening the healthcare system in the future and cost the government money?

      Only if the government wasn't a funnel for extracting as much wealth as possible into the hands of the corporations & their owners. It's why everything that used to be publically owned was privatized or turned into so called public-private-partnerships (PPP's).

      Seem from this perspecitve, it all falls into place. The government is not there for you, it's there for the corporations. Having more people chronically ill, makes a lot of money for the system. The elderly dying frees up resources & money going out (pensions). Yes, it's awful to look at it this way, but don't kid yourself the government does look at it this way.

    • It's the same deranged logic that says god loves us and created us but wants us all to die a horrible death to prove a point.
      And we can live forever if we swallow anything put in front of us, (as long as it denies science,logic,truth & fact.). This is why no single Pope has ever died.

    • +5

      I am not saying this is intentional but the result speaks for itself, just check the mortality statistics, it's all official.
      It's not that the government is out to poison or harm us, but it is 100% not to do anything particularly good. It is outright stupid to believe that the government is there to look after you, to do good by you. They are there to do good by themselves. The harm they cause may be due to indoctrination, stupidity, laziness, negligence, indifference or self-interest, but it is guaranteed. The government has proven that obeying them is literally suicidal.

    • +4

      Genuine question here - why do people think that the government is out to poison you?

      Putting aside that they've got precedent for that sort of thing:

      They also administered LSD to CIA employees, military personnel, doctors, other government agents, and members of the general public to study their reactions… LSD and other drugs were often administered without the subject's knowledge or informed consent…

      You don't have to assume that the government is doing it maliciously though. They might absolutely believe that they're acting in the public's best interest, and the corruption might be on the side of the pharmacological companies. Research misconduct, particularly in medicine and pharma, is unfortunately way too common. Remember the thalidomide stuff?

      (Another, much more recent example I like to pull out is the still-ongoing fiasco with the Alzheimer's research fraud. TL;DR: the last 15 years of Alzheimer's research are basically worthless since they were built on bullshit and deliberately doctored images, and we have to start over from square one. How's that pertinent to the discussion? Well, note that there was no "sinister, ivory-tower cabal of evil scientists" that set out to screw over Alzheimer's patients specifically—although the end result is indistinguishable from if they had been. No, for sure most of the scientists working in the area truly thought they were advancing sound science and trying to make the world a better place. That didn't matter though, since it was all nonsense, and the academic system they found themselves in unfortunately optimised for more and more nonsense until it all fell apart and we ended up with the scandal.

      That is, you don't need a monolithic evil entity committing intentional, heinous crimes—all it takes is corruption, and you can get the same ends but with an army of upright supporters who truly believe the nonsense and that they're doing the right thing.)

      • +1

        the last 15 years of Alzheimer's research are basically worthless since they were built on bullshit and deliberately doctored images,

        Exley has solved Alzheimer's. It's metal accumulation in brain tissue (aluminium). Unfortunately we are getting it from all angles. Food, water, air, injections/medicines etc. But there's also ways to beat it; silicon rich water. Solutions are everywhere for every ailment known to man. But powerful entities want to take humanity down the road of "engineered" biosynthetic solutions (eg m(odified)rna) which is a road to disaster (control/eugenics).

        • +1

          But powerful entities want to take humanity down the road of "engineered" biosynthetic solutions (eg m(odified)rna) which is a road to disaster (control/eugenics).

          Perhaps, but my point was more that you don't actually need a shadowy, powerful entity pulling the strings. A lot of systems in government and academia are set up to efficiently propagate chain reactions of bullshit, you just need to get a few bad actors in the right places.

          As was the case with Alzheimer's. One Crooked Scientist rises the ranks, and then falsifies some data to support his theory about Alzheimer's development. The results are good—really good. Too good, actually. To the point where it would damn well be a crime of humanity to divest resources to anything except advancing this one theory. You have a different, conflicting theory? Forget it! Nobody's funding the experiments to test that, you evil contrarian. Can't you see that the one true theory of ABx56 is the right one? Nevermind that all of the other experiments aren't finding any statistically significant support for the claims that ABx56 even exists. They're just new to the research and doing it wrong. See? Crooked Scientist over there has co-published half-a-dozen papers showing that it's the way to go and peer-reviewed half-a-dozen more. We're on to something here, so if you want to work in Alzheimer's research ever again you'll knuckle under and start looking for ABx56. Don't you want to be on the right side of history?

          • +2


            you just need to get a few bad actors in the right places.

            Bingo. 100%. But it's not just a few random bad actors all over the shop. What the last three years has shown is coordination. eg. build back better. Research the wargaming that's been going on over the last 20 years. Tabletop exercises. Simulations. Event 21 late 2019. SPARS. Biodefense, Biosecurity.

            What you write about the scientific community is spot on, but it's also worse than that. See this talk: Go to the segment starting at 1hr:29 to 1hr:43. He talks about how the system works, grants, funding etc.

    • +2

      Maybe because governments have a history of poisoning people and lying about almost everything?

    • +7

      It isn’t about the state poisoning anyone, it’s whenever there’s a financial incentive behind what our state does, as a citizen it’s our role to be sceptical.
      For someone that saw and suffered directly from the Iraqi/Afghanistan war, I can now understand why and how the state never lets a misery go to waste. From passing more laws that are never voided after, the mass psyop to justify massive spendings of our tax dollars, they are not out here to look after us, very rarely anyways.

      wouldnt it end up burdening the healthcare system

      in a separate point, do you think they care about that?
      They just print money at will. The irony of the Americans passing inflation reduction Act which will in turn add to the inflation by more crazy spending.
      I bring up America coz anything they do, directly affects us too. It’s the same here, Victoria is in debt and will stay in one for a long long time, politicians just print more money, it’s us that pay for the negative deficit.

      • +2

        They just print money at will.

        It is the inevitable result of a fiat currency system.

  • +3

    Really interesting poll results so far. Even just tallying the 1-3 shots so far comes to around 400. Assuming the authorities do not consider having the 3 shot primary series only as being "up to date" (as of late 2023), it means that people have possibly lost confidence in the shots, suffered direct effects of the shots, no longer trust what they are told, have become a bit skeptical, do not wish to take any more. It appears less than half, a minority will continue to take the shots as recommended.

    For those that have taken the shots, regret it, or have suffered from it, there are alternative protocols available that may be able to help. For the time being at least, there is still information on the web about them. Although that is being clamped down on, hard.

    • -2

      Way to out you don't understand statistics without telling us you don't understand statistics.

      • Zeggie "Hoodie" Cage!! Where you been bro'? Missed you.

        • Really interesting poll results so far. Even just tallying those who had shots so far comes to around 700. Assuming the cookers consider having anything more than zero shots as being a 'sheeple' (as of late 2023), it means that people have overwhelming confidence in the shots, not suffering any increased direct effects of the shots, trusting what they are told by the medical community, have become a bit skeptical of the forum and YouTube antivaxxers, are open to take more. It appears nearly 90% participating in protecting their communities and loved ones, with a small minority who didnt as recommended, as they are selfish and it interrupted going on a ski trip and inconvenienced their weekly Myer shopping spree and hair appointment.

          For those that have taken the shots, don't regret it, very small minority have suffered from it, there are alternative protocols available that may be able to help the cookers. For the time being at least, there is still information on the web about them on YouTube. Although that is being clamped down on, hard. No one really believes the cookers now.

          • +5

            @Typical16-bitEnjoyer: Us 'cookers' have a great deal of compassion for those who got the shots. Despite posters like yourself denigrating & ridiculing & strawmanning us endlessly. We have infinite patience.

            By the way, I'm curious if you zeggie (& your colleague Protracter) took advantage of any offers exclusively for the covid19 vaccinated:

            • -3

              @mrdean: Us regular folk have a low deal of compassion for conspiracy theorists. That's why we denigrate and ridicule you.

              I'm curious if you've taken advantage of your GP and state medical board to discuss your views.

              • +3


                Us regular folk have a low deal of compassion for conspiracy theorists.

                Lol, you guys are not "regular" folk. And therein lies the difference, you guys intentionally discriminate, whilst we have compassion for all, even those who wish us harm.

                • @mrdean: 700 strong so far just in here. Numbers don't lie.

                  • +4


                    700 strong so far just in here. Numbers don't lie.

                    So true. Unfortunately zeggie bro, the majority would now be classed as "unvaccinated" by the powers that be.

                    • +1

                      @mrdean: They aren't. Keep cookin'

                      • +1


                        They aren't.


                        Oh well, there's always the next mutations. They should name one zeggie.

                      • -1

                        @Typical16-bitEnjoyer: Look at the multiple common causes for myocardia. Very common. I posted the chart & link hours ago. The sound of crickets.
                        This article is 5 years before covid>

                        The agitators are fakes

                        • +2


                          Look at the multiple common causes for myocardia.

                          Yep, anything but the jabs. I'd laugh if it wasn't so tragic. Anything else will be blamed, other than what is right in front of your face. Got the jab & now have heart issues? Oh well, it was more likely a subclinical "viral infection" you may have had, rather than the injection you just had & felt unwell from the day you had it.

                          Did you see my post where they knew what side effects to look out for post jab rollout?

                          Well, here it is, again: pg 31 AESI

                          What's tragic is as the rollout began & reports of exactly those conditions listed on that page started being reported, all stops were pulled to gaslight, reject, ridicule any association (other than a "rare" once in a million event) with the jabs.

      • +1

        Deanos a lost cause,
        yet another 'everyone at Ozb is indicative of any poll here or in the community. This is how they get stuck in a belief system based on dragon fly shit.
        His last 2 sentences , above,that is some serious deluded DFS.

        • +3

          Protractorzeggie, the dynamic duo! Joined at the hip. Bonded by a love of slaying antivaxxers & keeping the heathen hordes at bay!

          • +3

            @mrdean: You are spending too much time on them
            I tend to avoid that by just hoping they die of vaccine induced..whatever

            It will help overcrowding 😂🤣

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