1/2 price starting today, $0.57/100g. Cheaper than 30pk Costco $0.68/100g or the family pack $1.13/100g at Woolworths.
Find it in the freezer section. Put it on a non stick pan for ~2 minutes, no defrosting required.
Product of Singapore
1/2 price starting today, $0.57/100g. Cheaper than 30pk Costco $0.68/100g or the family pack $1.13/100g at Woolworths.
Find it in the freezer section. Put it on a non stick pan for ~2 minutes, no defrosting required.
Product of Singapore
Thanks, more incentive to buy now, knowing it doesn't come from Katoomba.
Hey, we're just here!
Can you get me some roti?
I prefer the genuine Katoomba ones.
@jv: Probably Arjuna's is the best option, but they won't threaten a KL street vendor for quality/value.
Blaxland is better
Pretty sure Singapore ones taste better than from Katoomba
does anyone know if these are pre-cooked?
not pre-cooked, but takes 2minutes to cook from frozen
They are not pre cooked. You have to cook them in a frypan.
Such an easy meal! Add chutney, curry etc.. and Bob's your uncle.
Followed instructions, Bob still not uncle.
Bob's your uncle.
No he's not…
In 1887, British Prime Minister Robert Gascoyne-Cecil appointed his nephew Arthur James Balfour as Minister for Ireland. The phrase 'Bob's your uncle' was coined when Arthur referred to the Prime Minister as 'Uncle Bob'. Apparently, it's very simple to become a minister when Bob's your uncle!
are you sure? seems like already cooked and frozen if it just needs 2 mins of frying
That's my guess
I love the Aldi ones. Are these just as good?
I found these much better than the ALDI ones, personally didn't think much of the ALDI version but might just be me.
Coles ones, Kawan quite good.
Aldi has ones in the fridge, they also have temporary stock of some in the bread section at the moment made by simsons pantry which are quite good. Which ones are you referring to?
I was referring to the frozen ones, but keen to hear if there are better versions around
I've never seen this kind of roti in a fridge at Aldi. They've had a product called naan in the fridges, but it's a completely different bread.
The one in the deal is roti paratha, which would be the equivalent of the frozen Urban Eats Indian Style Roti Paratha at Aldi.
my mistake, thanks
@ great lamp - There are certainly few better ones as Aldi might have Starch or self raising flour which makes it more tastier so I only trust Katoomba or Kavan as less fatty ingredients.And reheating in air fryer makes it more healthier
the Aldi ones are great but these are better
Yeah, I rate these better than the Aldi ones
These are amazing. Chuck em on the flatpress. You will know when they are cooked. Kids love em.
Great for school wraps.
Are they as fluffly from the press as from a frying pan?
Yes! Just as fluffy but also crispier and less oily
Buy these regularly.
Found often cheaper unit price, for 30 pack, on sale at Indian grocers
$12.99 for 30 at Costco.
costco 0.433 a piece
1/2 price woolworths 0.375
Last time I checked they aren't whole meal flour so I will pass unless it changed
Thanks for letting the everyone know about your diet.. even though nobody asked.
What? Not necessarily anything to do with dietary requirements.
Eat both varieties from Katoomba.
I don't buy the wholemeal ones due to my diet!
Like all foods, different varieties have different taste or texture, for different preferences & uses - ie what food you are eating the Roti with.
But the wholemeal flour is just added to the refined white flour - so "wholemeal" variety is still mainly white flour. Just a slightly different flavour & texture.
onegpt is simply letting us know that they are doing their bit in keeping their colon healthy, so our tax dollars are not going into their colon.
Last time I checked these weren't actually a mislabelled 4090 GPU so I will pass unless it changed
I eat these way too much haha
Contains margarine, I would avoid.
You gotta be kidding
Gee is Clarified Butter which removes the milk solids and any water so it can be used at a much higher temp.
Clarified butter is full of healthy fat–soluble vitamins, like A, D, E, and K.2 and reputed to aid muscles and movement and the butyric acid strengthens the Intestine walls and aids in digestion of good fibers eaten. 100% natural and Lactose free.
What is not to like ?
What is not to like?
Saturated fat and this:
This is aside from this product here, which in fact has the least healthy palm oil.
@pizzaguy: So people can't drink milk or eat cheese, but you can be on the internet.
Seems like a fair swap.
@MonkDog: Happy to swap my internet presence and access to see people stop using dairy.
Hard to say if that's what you meant.
You need some uhh, edumacation
whats wrong with marg?
It contains trans fat, they are terrible for your health.
Margarine doesn't inherently contain trans-fat whereas butter does… The average amount in Australian margarine is 0.2%. The average amount in Australian butter is 4%.
Don't blindly listen to nutritional advice you see on the internet - even if it has a catchy soundbite. And if you're so desperate to eat a healthy diet that you're analysing composition down to that level, I don't think you should be eating margarine, butter or ghee at all.
pretty much the worst thing you can introduce in your body (after sugar of course)
no need to provide supporting link, you can do that.
good price, COSTCO hasn't discount this for a long time.
Why not?
Because of corporate greed of course. It’s one of most popular item at Costco
These are great with a touch of butter (I think they are already buttered but no harm in a little extra butter).
These are great with a touch of butter
Or ghee…
Ghee whizz
Probably no harm, but also note they're already pretty greasy - 16% of fat, 11% saturated.
I don't have them often but when I do, I like them buttered up nicely, thanks for pointing that out though.
Interesting, they've dropped the word "paratha" from the product description.
Yeah, it's now "roti bread", but it's the same as "roti paratha" Katoomba used to (?) sell.
Because it’s not a paratha. They were crazy to call it that in the first place. They are not even roti. It’s Roti Canai, which is commonly eaten in Malaysia/Singapore.
They add Margarine made from Palm oil. Margarine is heavily processed and makes liquid oil solid. Also again they have added flavors to trick your mind that it's tasty.Avoid eating such products to prevent long-term heart damage.
yes but this is one of the few times where I choose to ignore the facts
Alright, alright - you had me at “tasty”
No need for the hard sell
Plenty of stuff available without crap,which is tasty and healthy
Goddamn these slap, 2 mins per side on a frying pan BEAUT.
These are roti canai, not roti bread. either name these as Roti Canai or Paratha/Parota.
But these are so unlike freshly made Roti / Paratha!! A real treat to watch them being stretched out & prepared. And eat!
Some may argue this mass produced frozen product doesn't fit the names you suggest!
Known locally as a variety of "Indian Bread", shown on menus at Indian restaurants.
Previous Deals were for Roti Paratha
Katoomba recently changed the packaging from "Roti Paratha" to "Roti Bread". (Have old pack in freezer.)
Assume that's to convince buyers unused to Roti to buy more of these as a bread substitute (as a wrap etc). Pure marketing to increase sales.
Deal photo shows the new packaging as "Roti Bread".
Listing a Deal for a product sold under old description of "Roti Paratha" instead of new packaging "Roti Bread" - could be confusing for those unused to product, searching for it & not finding it!
Chai tea
Lentil dahl
Roti bread
These are so good. Great for making kottu
so spam roti wraps this week.
I have eaten this brand of roti many times. They taste almost as good as the authentic handmade roti in the Malaysian hawkers, just not as crispy and fluffy probably more due to my lack of skill in cooking them XD
huh. either u have eaten at a bad hawker shop or not really a hawker shop. this one doesn't taste anywer close to what u get back in M'sia.
Saying “roti bread” is like “bread bread”.
You can pay for them after you've been to the ATM Machine.
I forgot my PIN number :@
Eat your roti bread whilst reading your DC comics
Chai Tea
Definitely not healthy even If I like the taste
These are great, but I think Spring Home is the best brand!
Not very healthy but great every now and then. Try with icecream for a yummy dessert
You what? How do you eat these with icecream? I'm genuinely curious
For example, in Malaysia, freshly made Roti can be bought from hawkers as a dessert.
Toppings include caramelised banana (my favourite), honey, condensed milk, milo, ice cream…
Just use your imagination🤔
Or do a search
Had a Katoomba Roti for breakfast today with banana & honey. Could add a little yoghurt, cream or ice cream to that.
Same way you would a pancake.
FYI you can cook use these as a pizza base!
Cook roti on both sides in a frypan, add some sauce, light toppings + cheese, then cover with a lid for a few mins
Always have Katoomba Roti In the freezer.
Been doing that for quick & easy pizza for years🍕
We eat these regularly but it takes way longer than 2 mins to cook.
If I turn up the heat, it just burns rather than cook faster
Only minutes to cook.
Cooked them for years, using a pre-heated cast iron pan (140C on induction cook top), turning until both sides are golden & puff up.
Higher temp tends to quickly burn.
I've also got induction.
It cooks well but takes about 4 mins to cook.
any higher heat and it burns for me, whether it's cast iron, carbon steel or non-stick
Timed it tonight - 3 min to golden in preheated cast iron pan.
Also hit it while cooking to make puff up.
I bet they would go great in the air fryer
Note that these are not made in Katoomba, they are made in Singapore.