• expired

[Android] Runescape 12-Month Premier Membership TRY₺719.80 (~A$41) @ Runescape Android App via Turkey (No VPN Required)


I've seen some great deals out in Turkey and I thought I'd explore some other yearly subscriptions I have.

Turns out there's a great deal on a 12-month membership using the same technique as outlined in (and full credits to) the Grammarly deal and the Disney+ deal

You can purchase Runescape Bonds via the in-game store on your app, charging you "local" pricing.
You can then redeem 20 bonds for a 12-month Premier Membership.
This Premier Membership gives you some "enhanced" benefits over regular membership, but of course counts as regular membership nonetheless and also transfers to your Old School account (which was my original intention)

Google FX rates suggest TRY₺720 is approximately $40.59, my card charged me $41.04, which is not a complaint in any way, just letting you know.

Here are the steps copied from the Disney+ deal, altered for Runescape membership below:

For Android Users:

  1. Create new Google account on phone
  2. Delete cache in Google Play Store (not sure if needed)
  3. Select new account in Google Play Store
  4. Add payment method and select Turkey as Country
  5. Uninstall Runescape and Old School Runescape if you have it installed
  6. Open Google Chrome/browser on your phone in an incognito window (set window to desktop mode)
  7. Search Runescape on Google Play store in your browser
  8. Log in on new account and install Runescape to your phone via the browser
  9. Link new account so that you can use Google to log in to your Runescape character (not sure if needed) Confirmed not required
  10. Open app on phone, login using new Google account as per normal
  11. Purchase 20 bonds on the in-game store 10 at a time for TRY359.99 each for total of TRY719.98 (or 1 at a time for 35.99 each for total of TRY719.80 - this really isn't worth your time but I thought I'd add this in true OzBargain fashion)
  12. Redeem 20 bonds on the in-game store for 12 months membership

This method adds 365 days to your account whether you have an active membership or not.

Confirmed that you can repeat this process to add multiple years at this discounted price in case they update prices in the future

Because this method involves purchasing bonds, you can use this to score some cheap in-game gold by selling the bonds.

As you cannot transfer bonds between RS and OSRS, use the OSRS in-game store to purchase Bonds instead if you want to use this method to sell bonds at the GE for OSRS GP. The TRY price is the same.

Edit Again:
Some have found mixed success in purchasing bonds via OSRS, for me it did not work, YMMV

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closed Comments

  • Could you explain step 8 a bit better I don't understand what you mean by remote install, do you just mean install via the google play store on the browser instead of the app?

    • +2

      Yup that's correct.

      I agree the step isn't clear, I'll reword

      • Figured, thanks for clearing it up. So I did the install thing and it says it will be installed soon, don't see it installing, do I just wait or is there something I done wrong.

        • I'd say just wait, mine didn't take very long at all though, so if it hasn't come up and it's been a few minutes maybe try again? Also make sure you've selected the correct device if you have multiple Android devices in your account

          • +1

            @Skhtor: Alright all good but I've run into an issue I purchased 1x10 bonds but when I try again it says I already own this item

            edit: I went to lobby and back in and it worked again !

  • How much is regular membership for OSRS in TRY?

    • I can't see on the Runescape in-game store as I already have an active membership, but on the OSRS app it shows TRY699.99 for 6 months.

      • Hang on, you'd be able to redeem the bonds via your method for 20 months of regular OSRS membership, is that right? So 1 year and 8 months for ~$40?

        • 20 bonds for me converted to 12 months membership, not 20 months.

          The usual rate is 1 bond for 14 days, but they must have some promo going on

          • @Skhtor: Sorry, I mean regular membership, not "Premier". Or are they the same thing?

            • @snoopydoop: I'm not really sure as I don't play RS3, but in seems to be they're the same thing

      • Oops, I meant TRY899.99 for 6 months, making this not a good option

  • +4

    I know this is bad but I don’t think my subscription has been cancelled since like 2013 so I’m still paying $8 or something and this still comes in at less than half that… My strongest upvote since joining thanks op.

    • I'm glad to give back to the beloved Ozb community

  • +2

    anyone trying to brid?

    • I'd love to answer your question but I don't know what you mean

      • +4

        He wants to fight someone in the wilderness with hybrid armour and weapons ie Melee Mage Range

    • Sit, rat

  • +1

    That's a nice first post! Love step 11.

    • Long time lurker, I can say I've learnt from the best!

  • +13

    Buying gf

  • Yeah abuse this until they raise the price for people in Turkey, that'll show em.

    • +1

      It’s ok they are used to bending over backwards for Erdoğan on a daily basis. What’s another nice to have game price being increased?

  • +1

    Note you can probably still get a decent discount by buying premier club with money through the website with turkey VPN, I'll test shortly and post how much that costs, tradeoff for a simpler and easier method

    • Love your work, thank you!

    • +1

      Yep I've always used Mexico which gave a good discount.

      • +1

        Looks like Mexico comes to basically 100 aud, Turkey didn't seem to work through NordVPN and was showing USD

    • You can use the OSRS in-game store to purchase a 12-month membership for TRY₺1199.99,
      ~$37 trade-off for an ever-so-slightly easier method may or may not be worth it

      EDIT this does not work sorry, says the product is unavailable as I already have an active membership,
      This might work for non-members, but someone will have to confirm

      • TRY₺1199.99 is $67 isn't it? not $37

  • +11

    Wave1: thanks OP

    • Flash2:shake: Ty Op

  • only got option to buy 5 at a time, so bought 10 and now I get 'error'

    • Try lobby and log back in

    • I'm getting this same error when I'm doing this through the OSRS app, so far I've only managed to get it to work on the RS3 app,
      Cannot transfer bonds to OSRS though, you can only redeem bonds to share membership

  • +1

    Cx in the chat

    • +5

      What arm thing homie

      • I don't know what you're talking about dude

  • +2

    Necromancy tonight gamers

  • +3

    As bonds have been going for 7-9m lately this is a better value option for buying OSRS GP than illegal third-party sites… gonna send this to my friend, that's the reason I know. He asked me. Why did he ask me? I have no idea.

    • Yup I'm also considering chucking a few to shortcut some of these expensive skilling grinds

    • +2

      I just tried on the OSRS in-game store but I'm receiving an error. Looks like we might only be able to purchase bonds on the RS3 app,
      I might try reinstalling or clearing cache and will try again

      • I'm just getting error. Any luck?

        • I managed to buy 20 but couldn't get any more. Anyone know how to get more than 20 lmk pls. Thanks OP!

          • @Jayblesz: how did you manage to get past the error?

  • Man I want to play again but I don't know where to start lol

    • +3

      Start with quests and just work towards completing them all and you can follow this for the order and it'll allow you to complete them all using the rewards mostly and it has a guide for all of them to follow


    • Look up "optimal quest guide" on Google,
      Gives you a great order of quests in terms of what skills you'd level first.

      Definitely helped point me in the right direction of what I needed to do next

    • Are you doing this via RS3 or OSRS app?

      • Sorry tried to edit it and it stuffed up hahahaah

        Through the android osrs app

        Won't let me install rs3 the same way I did with osrs through the desktop version chrome.

        Trying just through playstore

        • Aha all good, I wasn't able to get OSRS bonds through the app at all, it only worked via RS3 for me!

          • @Skhtor: How many bonds did you get total?

            • @Hemz: I bought 20 via RS3 and redeemed for 12 months membership, which applies to my OSRS acc of course

              • @Skhtor: Test another year for science!

  • I managed to get 4 x 5 bonds for $41 AUD too but when trying to get more bonds it just errors out.
    I've even tried doing the process over a gain with a new account.

    Has anyone done this in the last 10 mins or have they fixed it?

    • Were you able to figure out a way to get more than 20 bonds?

  • +1


  • You can get banned doing this if anyone cares about an account.

    • I'm sure many people do care about their account, can you provide a reference to help people understand the risks?

      • +1

        What reference could i give? Jagex has banned people in the past for circumventing regional pricing.

        • +2

          A specific post or some kind of proof? I'd love to take your comment seriously so I can place it in the description so I don't get people (and myself) banned

          • +1

            @Skhtor: I've been doing Mexico for years and nothing, two active memberships rn and multiple premier club years

        • thought that they would just lock your account to your home region permanantly after getting caught

  • +1

    I was addicted to this game during my college days. It was what is now called Old School RuneScape I believe. I never paid a single cent but I managed to level up to L99 for all the skills that were free then.

    • +2

      no you didn't lol

      • Did a search and looks like the one I was playing is now gone. It was called RuneScape classic before it shut down in 2018. I did level up to L99 on all the free skills but up to you to believe it or not

        • +2

          lol you definitely didn't

          • @thiccglutes: Huh? I hit 99 all free stuff in some 2013? Just after dungeoneering came out so idk why u doubting him

            • +1

              @Lit Homie: that's rs2 not classic

            • @Lit Homie: as did i both pre eoc and in osrs, and i believe you. you can tell from the way they talk about the game. way too casually misdescribing what he did when we both know it's a huge time and mental investment. L99 is not even a term used in rs, and he defs didn't do it in classic we both know that.

  • Nice! So does this get you banned ?

  • +2

    Anyone trimming armour? Doubling GP? Asking for a friend :D

    • come world 308 ge :) double your gp 1 trade

  • +1

    9. Link new account so that you can use Google to log in to your Runescape character (not sure if needed)

    Just confirming that this wasn't needed for me.

    • +1

      Awesome, thank you! I'll update the post

  • Silly question, but this wouldn't break any rules and risk a ban would it?

    • +1

      Not a silly question.
      I've not seen anything online, someone in the comments claims this does get you banned but has not provided any evidence to back claim,

      That being said, like with all geo-pricing deals, there is always a risk of being banned.

  • Well that takes me back 15+ years.

  • OSRS here, cant get more than 5 without saying that i already own the item. If anyone knows a fix please let me know

  • When I click to add 10 bonds for TRY359.99 I get a spinning circle for a second then nothing happens. Anyone else getting that?

    • Trying with a brand new account on OSRS?

    • Same issue
      Edit: was able to get it to work on OSRS for 2 accs, limited to 11 bonds ea.

      • How did you get it to work? Mine just comes up with ERROR

        • Followed the steps above. I was able to use an existing google acc which had no payment info on it but also worked using a new google acc for my alt.

          Purchased 2x 5 bonds and 1x 1 bond before getting the same error above

          There will be an in-game announcement in chat if it works. Bonds will also show up in the tradeable part of the bond-pouch which I had originally missed.

  • I only have option for max 5 but I click it and spinning circle a few secs then error. Anyone else had this and managed to fix? Am on OSRS. have tried relogging, no luck.

    • In the description I've stated that I've had trouble purchasing bonds on OSRS.

      • Others seem to have been successful on OSRS though. Odd….
        So you couldn't get it to work at all yourself on OSRS?

        • Yeah I don't know how they've being doing it,
          I get an error each time, tried with 2 different accounts

  • Sorry I'm a little confused, so do we need to purchase the bonds on a fresh runescape account (created with the new gmail account)? Or could we just sign in with our old runescape accounts to purchase the bonds?

    In the case of the latter where do I sign in with the gmail account?

    • Apologies, I had a previous step to link your new Turkish google account to your existing Runescape account.

      That's no longer required and you can login as per normal

      • Seems you're unable to purchase bonds on brand new accounts so think the link might actually be required (OSRS)

  • +1

    Sadly no luck on my 2277 main.

    Nice to see an Old School RuneScape post on OzBargain.

    One year is ~$120AU traditionally.

  • Wouldnt risk a high account to save 80$ a year lol, thats like 200m 07$.

  • Zezima

  • Someone on reddit asked the same things. It looks like those who purchasd alot were jjst blocked from purchasing bonds other than using their billing currency of their location.

    As for rates, below says brazil is the cheapest

    Using the exchange rates as of April 13, 2023, here are the conversions of each currency into US dollars:

    British Pound £4.99 = $6.63 USD

    US Dollar $7.99 = $7.99 USD

    Canadian Dollar $8.99 = $7.14 USD

    Euro €6.99 = $7.98 USD

    Australian Dollar $9.99 = $7.43 USD

    Swiss Franc 6.49CHF = $7.15 USD

    Mexican Peso $92.99 = $4.57 USD

    Brazilian Real R$16.99 = $2.61 USD

    Polish Złoty 22.99zł = $5.81 USD

    Swedish Krona 53.99kr = $6.26 USD

    Japanese Yen 800円 = $7.26 USD

    Singapore Dollar S$8.49 = $6.25 USD

    Malaysian Ringgit 29.90MYR = $7.17 USD

    Norwegian Krone 52.99NOK = $6.15 USD

    New Zealand Dollar $9.99 = $7.08 USD

    Danish Krone 42.99DKK = $6.56 USD

    South African Rand 100.68ZAR = $6.82 USD

    Colombian Peso $24,31 = $6.29 USD

    Indian Rupee ₹310.00 = $4.05 USD

    Turkish Lira ₺35,99 = $3.99 USD

    • Can I have the link to that full discussion?

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