New freebie from Epic games mobile. Available to claim now via Epic’s Android app.
[Android, Epic] Free - Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic 1 & 2 @ Epic Games

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You legend thank you
IOS AND ANDROID INSTANT CHECKOUT: Aspyr's STAR WARS™ Knights of the Old Republic™ & Aspyr's STAR WARS™ Knights of the Old Republic™ II - The Sith Lords™
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You bloody legend
MVP ^^
Aspyr's STAR WARS™ Knights of the Old Republic™
- Epic Games Store: web link for iPhone/iPad -
Aspyr's?? Oh come on Epic, not that their porting work isn't important but it's not Aspyr's game, it's Bioware's.
I was able to claim these games without installing Epic's dodgy looking Android app.
This might be a stupid question, but… How? Mine just downloaded them and was installing, no option to claim…
Edit: Weblink does it
You can claim them, but how do you install them?
Install them? I thought the whole point of these deals was just to add games to your pile of shame?
But there's no shame if you can't even see them sitting there unplayed and uninstalled!
It's Epic, I don't see how they would be any less trustworthy than Google, who lost an antitrust case over this.
Username checks out. But how did you do it?
Epic games app is an apk or third party app?
So now we also have to check the Epic Android Store as well as the main site and also Amazon gaming every Friday for free stuff. Nice….
Apparently I can't install the iOS app cause I'm not in Europe?
yes EU court forced Apple to allow 3rd party app store in europe. will be a while until Australian government follow suit
I'm supposed to play the game on my phone?
On your tablet. That's how I got into the game when it first came out on android.
Samsung galaxy tab s 10.5 (2014)
Way better than playing it on a PC IMO as you can play it on your bed etc.
I purchased both games a long long time ago, in a galaxy far far away (Steam) but sure I'll add them to my Epic Games library.
can you get all any of the resident evil games yet on Android?
Crazy to think when the first one came out I had to get a new graphics card to play it properly and now I can play it on my phone. How times have changed.
Oh my goodness this brings back memories.
So much nostalgia in these titles, forming a large part of my childhood. I wish I could experience KOTOR for the first-time again.
Can these games be placed in your library to be installed later once the freebie has expired or do you have to download straight away? I can't seem to find the library similar to the Window's Epic app.
Yes, the previous games you claimed are available under the "Paid Games" section towards the bottom of the app (Android).
So, I actually must have the app… That will send to its servers my location every second, apps I am using and just have installed, my battery and browser/system/wifi info, eat my memory and Internet, show me ads… Sounds so lovely.
No, I just checked the app details for the Epic Games Store app, and the only permission it may request is notifications, and of course to install unknown apps but otherwise Google Play Protect detected no issues.
In terms of "ads", it actually shows nothing that is different to the Google Play Store.
@Windthunder: Have you ever given any app permission to trace other apps? However, they do. I'm telling it not from user perspective, I know how mobile apps work.
I already have these in my steam library, should i get them again, just because?
sorry about my ignorance - so these games are not for PC/Windows but for android and managed as separate game library?
I ask as I've been looking for the games in my usual Epic libary for few minutes and failed :)
Epics are happy with the PC store they are having, now its time to promote the mobile one. I bet there will be more nice freebies until they grab enough audience to begin milking.
So unfortunately i went through the process of installing tha app and claiming the game on my Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 FE. But it cant install the game. There is only a small list of supported tablets/phones…
Q: Which Android devices are supported?A: Here is a list of supported devices for Star Wars: KOTOR on Android
Amazon Models: Kindle Fire HDX 7 (3rd Gen), Kindle Fire HDX 8.9 (3rd Gen), Fire phone, Fire HD 6 (4th Gen), Fire HD 7 (4th Gen), Fire HDX 8.9 (4th Gen), Fire HD 8 (5th Gen), Fire HD 10 (5th Gen), Amazon Fire TV (2014), Amazon Fire TV (2015)
Google Models: Nexus 4, Nexus 5, Nexus 6, Nexus 7, Nexus 9, Nexus 10, Nexus 5X, Nexus Player, Pixel
Huawei: Nexus 6P
HTC Models: One (M7), One (M8), One (A9)
LG Models: Optimus, G2, G3, G5, G6
Motorola Models: Moto X, Moto X+1, Moto X Pure, Droid Turbo, Droid Turbo 2
NVIDIA Models: Shield Tablet, Shield Portable, Shield TV
Samsung Models: Galaxy S3, Galaxy S4 (US Chipset only), Galaxy S5, Galaxy S6, Galaxy S6 Edge, Galaxy S7, Note 3, Note 4, Galaxy Note 5, Galaxy Note 7, Tab Pro, Alpha, Galaxy S8, Galaxy Tab S3, Galaxy Note 8
Sony Models: Xperia Z2, Xperia Z3, Xperia Z5Why on earth would anyone install Epic's app! Collect the game, never play it. I play the PC games but not Android games.
The only game I need on my phone is Solitaire and occasionally Candy Crush.
This list is like 2015
Galaxy Note 7…
A game that is 🔥 needs a phone that is 🔥
Going to have to see if it works on my Retroid Pocket 5. The only reason I'm getting it is to play on that
Is this in going to go in the library permanently? I cannot see any sign that I "own" the copy.
No plan of playing it yet and it's going to the pile of shame. These are my favourite games though from the OG xbox
Do these have controller support? Wondering how I'll go trying these on my Retroid Pocket 5
Let me know! I've also redeemed this to play on the RP5
Gave KOTOR a quick try on the RP5 last night. Can confirm it supports physical controls. Haven't tried KOTOR 2,but I assume that would be the same.
Was it fun to play?
@serpserpserp: I didn't really have time to try it. Just installed it, started a game, wiggled the controller around a bit and confirmed I could control it that way, and left it at that :P
I'll give it a proper go at some point. Just wanted to confirm it actually worked with the controller, if not I would have uninstalled it again.
Anyone know how to get cross device/cloud save sync working? Not sure if it's linked to Epic or the play store
Aspyr's STAR WARS™ Knights of the Old Republic™
Aspyr's STAR WARS™ Knights of the Old Republic™ II - The Sith Lords™