Lots of Hario Deals from Japan. Great to buy into V60 pour overs methodoIogy. I'm coming from Espresso land and will give the Drip Filter Pourover option a go for the times when milk drinks are just too heavy…
Found a great entry level set that includes everything you need to start off for $23.82. All ships free from Japan. That must be an oversight but I jumped on this as I wanted to try something new and this deal won't last. Lot's of my stuff already shipped as I bought around 2am in the morning.
Ceramic Dripper, Coffee Server, Filters, Spoon, set is suitable for 1-4 cups.
This sells elsewhere for $58 plus plus
————————-GEAR/DEAL SECTION—————————
Ceramic Dripper Set $23.83
Plastic Dripper Set $17
If you want to save a few more bucks or prefer plastic vs ceramic then go for the plastic dripper at $17
Metal Dripper Hario Kasuya $23
I loved the look and the idea on this being metal and made in collabartion with some coffee legend. Good price on metal dripper Hario Kasuya V60 Dripper if you're worried about glass, ceramic breaking.
more info here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFLaCs99lWY
Wood Stand Full Set $86
If you want to go high end go for the wooden stand set $86 which is elsewhere $180 plus
Look further down for the plastic drip station also but this one is wood and looks so nice
Grab some filters size 02 which suits the above and while you're at it, also half price
comes in and out of stock so refresh and click around and you may see the deal
Goose Neck Kettle
Get a kettle and you're set $53 for the matt black stove top kettle I like matte black so it matches my kitchen look but the stainless steel is $43 if you like that look
Review here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwW21DKGPz4
Drip Assist
If want something that helps with the pour over then you can get the drip assist. May be a bit of a gimmick or maybe not but just had to get it as i'm a sucker for accessories. Might save you buying a goose neck kettle.
Drip assist on its own: https://www.amazon.com.au/Hario-V60-Drip-Assist-PDA-02-T/dp/… a couple of dollars more get the set SET with filters and plastic dripper and drip assist which seems like a great combo https://www.amazon.com.au/Hario-Gooseneck-Kettle-Assist-Filt…
A bit more background on the drip assist by Matt Winston Coffee champ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1EblQV_TaC0
Drip Station
Really not necessary and OK deal only but decided to get a drip station also which will line up with drippers, servers and scale nicely. Bit of a luxury https://www.amazon.com.au/gp/product/B00A4ZGCKI?smid=A2K69GP…
bit more info here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6PfR-ZKGv8
And finally to top it off, mugs I liked for the set
Mugs Set of 2 $17.14
Around $49 bucks elsewhere, looks like a really nice fit, bought the round and straight versions.
I bought all off the above of course…if I don't use it will go straight to the poolroom and join my headphones collection still in the box or will be donated in the next kris kringle…
Stuff I didn't buy because blown my budget massively but looked interesting and also good deals:
Don't want Filters? Buy the Mesh Dripper $28.91 but I believe it may change the taste ?
Cold Brew Anyone? $12
That's the only thing I did not buy but looks like a great deal too 60% off https://www.amazon.com.au/Hario-MCPN-14CBR-Cold-Brew-Brown?s…
Glass Dripper and Server with Olive Wood
Looks really nice but a bit on the expensive side and was worried about dealing with cleaning wood but looks classy. Bought the wooden stand so I pass on this one but was really tempted
Dripper https://www.amazon.com.au/Hario-VDG-02-OV-Glass-Coffee-Dripp…
Server https://www.amazon.com.au/Hario-Coffee-Server-600ml-%EF%BD%B…
Air Kettle $13.47
Reviewed by the legend James Hoffmann himself here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jB29c185UK8
James says "I kinda like it, it has its place".
Hario Decanter $18
Good price but I passed on this one because I already have all sizes coffee glass servers and a variety of drips
——————————-POUROVER INFO EDUCATION SECTION——————————————
A bit more about Hario
HARIO has been designing and producing quality heatproof glass in Japan for over 100 years. Learn more about HARIO’s brand and story here.https://hario.com/about/
Some more info for newbies like me who never dealt with pourovers before:
If you're confused on materials plastic, ceramic, glass, copper etc watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjnm8ggXh3g
In short material doesn't seem to have a signifcant impact on taste or thermal properties.
If you're new to pourover like me, then here is the short on sizes on the v60
There are three sizes available, labeled 01, 02 and 03, 01 being smallest and 03 the largest. The most common and universal size is 02. This dripper can easily brew 250-300 ml of coffee, as well as 500-600 ml. But if you rarely brew more than 300 ml at a time, 01 will be more convenient and handy. Version 03 is a great option for whole families, corporate families and crazy singles who drink unbelievable amounts of coffee in one sitting. Reference here: https://www.coffeedesk.com/blog/drip-coffee-anyone/
How to do a V60 Pour Over
James Hoffmann https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AI4ynXzkSQo
or more recent version with 1 cup and nice step by step explanation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1oB1oDrDkHM
Credit to Nubix who spotted the Hario sale on Amazon Japan last night and got me researching and interested about pourovers. Really didn't think I would ever get into pourovers but when I saw that deal I bought without asking and then researched pourovers ever since. Got the vario switch at an amazing price. https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/777341
I'm fully stocked up hario gear now but thought this set is really all I needed to get into drip filter coffee.
Need a scale! Now I just need to hunt for a good deal on a pourover scale…Hario V60 scale still sitting around $86 so I'll pounce when it goes $75 … omg I can be such a value seeker sometimes…
Mission accomplished Hario V60 Scale for under $50 bucks. Fantastic Deal and thank you zhanggg!
(ignore title and weight limit, it appears to be a listing error. Also you can always send it back) but if this is the 2000g scale then this is a ripper deal.
The plastic variant is widely considered a better option as you don't need to use as much water to pre heat it. It also holds less heat over the course of the brew which leads to a higher brew temperature and a better tasting result.
Not a big issue with big batches but anything 300ml or less you will notice a difference.