• expired

nbn 25/10 $49.95/M, 50/20 $54.95/M, 100/20 $69.95/M, 100/40 $79.95/M, 250/25 $99.95/M for 6 Months (New Customers) @ Superloop

This post contains affiliate links. OzBargain might earn commissions when you click through and make purchases. Please see this page for more information.

New customers only.

Returning customers, who have previously been with Superloop and already received a six (6) month discount promotion, will not be eligible for a new promotion for a period of twelve (12) months.

This Offer is valid from 1 July 2022 and until Superloop withdraws the Offer at any time without notice by not advertising it.

All plans come with unlimited data

Download speed Upload speed Typical evening speed Normal price Price for 6 months T&Cs
25Mbps 10Mbps 22Mbps $59.95 $49.95 25/10 T&Cs
50Mbps 20Mbps 48Mbps $69.95 $54.95 50/20 T&Cs
100Mbps 20Mbps 95Mbps $84.95 $69.95 100/20 T&Cs
100Mbps 40Mbps 95Mbps $94.95 $79.95 100/40 T&Cs
250Mbps 25Mbps 240Mbps $119.95 $99.95 250/25 T&Cs

Referral Links

Referral: random (1322)

Referrer gets 10% off for 6 months.

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closed Comments

  • +37

    Just more "intro, suck you in to pay full price" ISP plans

    • +72

      You know that most of us here move between providers every 6 months.

      Take advantage of these intro offers and move on, that’ll send a message to the providers what price point we are happy with.

      • +3

        Which companies are good to switch to from superloop?

        • +1


        • +1

          I use Aussie Broadband. It’s not cheap but one of the few that have gigabit connections. $149/month for 1000/50. It works out ok between 3 people and Usenet :)

          • +1

            @[Deactivated]: How much money does Usenet contribute to the bill?

            • @serpserpserp: Usenet if you pay yearly isn’t too expensive. I think I pay around $60/year with Eweka. They have deals on throughout the year. If you sign up during one of them you can probably get it cheaper or go somewhere else.

        • +6


        • Exetel 😉

    • +20

      I rang Superloop a couple of months ago to say I was leaving.
      They immediately offered me $10 per month off for the next 6 months.
      Worth asking rather than whingeing.

      • +5

        Worth asking rather than whingeing.

        If you read Trump's (millions voices just cried out in TDS terror on seeing that name lol) Art of the Deal, one of the fundamental lessons is that to get a good deal you must always be willing to walk away from it.

        Most of the bigger companies will have a discount policy to retain customers, and in most cases you only have to ask. Asking costs you nothing and the worst that can happen is they say no.

        • +6

          one of the fundamental lessons is that to get a good deal you must always be willing to walk away from it.

          That only works when there are lots of companies offering a similar product at a similar price point.

          • +10

            @JimmyF: Like NBN??? You know, the actual subject of this whole post???

            • @Almost Banned:

              Like NBN??? You know, the actual subject of this whole post???

              Correct, so as I said, tRUMPS 'ArT oF DeAll' viewpoint only applies when other companies offer a similar product at a similar price point. That isn't always the case, say $12 lettuces, if you want a lettuce, you can walk away from as many $12 lettuces as you like, but you won't be getting one for $2 anytime soon.

          • +5


            That only works when there are lots of companies offering a similar product at a similar price point.

            It works regardless. The recent lettuce situation is a good example. No-one had lettuce under $12 recently so I chose to walk away from any deal to buy lettuce at that price. No-one is forcing you into a bad deal, if you chose to pay the $12 you can't then cry about it afterwards..

            • @1st-Amendment:

              It works regardless. The recent lettuce situation is a good example.

              Not really, sure you walked away, but then you didn't really 'want' the lettuce in the first place. Lettuces are still $12 for anyone who wants one, no matter how many you walk away from, they'll still be $12. You chose to go without lettuce, not sure that is really a 'deal' as such.

              • +3

                @JimmyF: For a laugh can you pretend Art of the Deal was written by Bernie Sanders and then do your replies again. Thanks. I’ll go make some popcorn.

                • +1

                  @[Deactivated]: It could have been written by Colonel Harland David Sanders himself, but my replies would still be the same. Nothing to do with tRUmP, the fact is, if you WANT a product and that product costs $xyz, no matter how many times you walk away from it, the base cost of something rarely changes and drops in price by 50%. Which is why I see so many sad looking lettuces on the shelf when they had been $12 each.

                  • +2

                    @JimmyF: To be fair. I find you both to make good points. But the way you write Trump shows a little bias, don’t you think? Anyway I just mucking around mate.

                    • @[Deactivated]: hehehe well to be fair, I don't really see Trump as a GOOD businessman, his done lots of 'deals' indeed over his lifetime, and a lot are pretty shady. His pretty good at turning a large pile of money into a smaller pile.

                      But I do agree you should walk away if you think the deal/price isn't right for you, but I don't agree that by doing that you'll instantly get a lower price from them or somewhere else! Sometimes the cost is the cost. Bit like those people that get 20 quotes and then complain they are all too costly. Just maybe….. that is the cost of doing what you want to do!

                      • -2


                        I don't really see Trump as a GOOD businessman

                        Yeah but facts don't care about your feelings. Which ever way you roll, the dude is still rich and successful, built a billion dollar empire and became the only non-career-politician to become POTUS when all of the experts said it was impossible. He is clearly doing something right.

                        His pretty good at turning a large pile of money into a smaller pile.

                        His actual wealth is not public information so where are you getting your info?

                        What we do know that estimates of his net worth are $Billions more now than in the 90's when he was almost broke. To me that sounds like he turned largish amounts of money into even larger amounts. But some people have an fixed opinions and no amount of facts can change them…

                        • @1st-Amendment:

                          Which ever way you roll, the dude is still rich and successful, built a billion dollar empire
                          his net worth are $Billions more now than in the 90's when he was almost broke

                          LOL all that Russian money helped him out for sure.

                          His actual wealth is not public information so where are you getting your info?

                          LOL But you just claimed he was rich and successful, so if it isn't public knowledge, then how can you claim that?

                          That is the entire point. If you want something so bad that you will pay anything for it, you will continually be paying too much for things.

                          Then you are confusing need and want, with making a 'deal'. As no deal was made when you walked away from the lettuce and you still are without lettuce, so what was your deal to get a great price on lettuce again?

                          • +1


                            But you just claimed he was rich and successful, so if it isn't public knowledge, then how can you claim that?

                            Because you can estimate someone's wealth based on what you do know. Crazy how estimates work right?
                            And even conservative estimates are in the multi-billions which is a large increase from years gone by. The exact opposite of your claim that "His pretty good at turning a large pile of money into a smaller pile"
                            But you'll never admit that, because that is how TDS works. Point us to where the orange man hurt you. Everything will be alright now…

                            Then you are confusing need and want

                            No-one ever mentioned 'need'… the only person that is confused here is you.

                            no deal was made when you walked away from the lettuce and you still are without lettuce, so what was your deal to get a great price on lettuce again?

                            The deal was that I didn't get ripped off with a price I didn't like because I was prepared to not buy the lettuce. ie willing to walk away, my entire point of this thread. So I get to keep my money and find a deal on something else. But something tells me you'll never understand such a basic concept. Donald Trump is living rent free in your head and you can't get past that…

                            • -1


                              Because you can estimate someone's wealth based on what you do know. Crazy how estimates work right?

                              Yeah crazy how wrong estimates can be at times too!

                              The deal was that I didn't get ripped off with a price I didn't like because I was prepared to not buy the lettuce. ie willing to walk away, my entire point of this thread.

                              But no deal was done, the meaning of 'deal', it means to take part in commercial trading of a particular commodity. Which in your example you selected, no deal happened as you still have no lettuce.

                              • -1


                                Yeah crazy how wrong estimates can be at times too!

                                Yeah but you simply wishing they are wrong doesn't make them wrong. That is where the gap is here…

                                But no deal was done, the meaning of 'deal'

                                No deal was done on the lettuce, but the money I didn't waste on that was spent on a great deal (67% off) on a pair Uggs instead. The willingness of being able to walk away from a bad deal allowed to get a better deal on something else elsewhere.
                                So back to my (Trump's) original point, if you want good deals, you must always be willing to walk away from any bad deal.

                                • @1st-Amendment:

                                  No deal was done on the lettuce

                                  So, we agree. Your example was a failed attempt then as no commercial trading of a particular commodity took place.

                                  So back to my (Trump's) original point, if you want good deals, you must always be willing to walk away from any bad deal.

                                  You seem to miss the point, that you still haven't done a deal to get a 'lettuce'. Sure I agree walk away from a $12 lettuce if you can do a deal somewhere else to get it for $10 or lower instead, but if everyone is $12, then walking away and not buying a lettuce when you need one isn't a 'deal'.

                                  Instead of lettuce, lets say tRumpY boy needs 1,000 new toto toilets for his new building, and the supplier comes back at $1200 each, but tRumpy Boy laughs at it and walks away as he wants to only pay $500 each, so goes to the next supplier and they are $1200 and the next supplier is $1200 and so on.

                                  In the end if tRumpy walked away like you did with the lettuce and goes 'without' toilets, is that really a 'great' 'deal like you claim you got with the lettuce? Both of you are without the product. Not really sure that is the 'art of the deal'.

                                  • -3


                                    So, we agree…

                                    Yes, we agree that Trump lives in your head rent free and that you can't read.

                                    • @1st-Amendment:

                                      Yes, we agree that Trump lives in your head rent free

                                      Pretty sure he isn't, but I can see tRuMP lives in yours….. Have you been watching too many apprentice shows? Don't drink the kool aid.

                                      and that you can't read.

                                      Well I did attend TrUmP university, so yeah I can't read, so please tell me again about the great deal you got on lettuce by walking away? As I'm yet to see any trading of goods happening to make it a 'deal'.

              • @JimmyF:

                Not really, sure you walked away, but then you didn't really 'want' the lettuce in the first place.

                That is the entire point. If you want something so bad that you will pay anything for it, you will continually be paying too much for things.
                You can't be willing to walk away and then not walk away when the deal is bad…

        • +1

          It works, a few years go I got 0.5% off my mortgage rate just by asking and pointing out what competitors were offering.

          • +1

            @bigbadwolf21: Same experience with my CBA car insurance. They immediately offered me a lower premium after hearing I'm cancelling as I got a cheaper quote.

      • +1

        Got intro offer again. $20 6mos

      • Just be careful they trick you and will charge you extra, they offered me the same but after sick months now they say you are 6 months contract i cannot find anywhere i have said yes to 12 month and have asked them to send the details to me. They might make up things and show you that you have signed for 12 months contract…
        It's kind of noway out of jail with them

        • +1

          When I called them they offered the $10 discount for 6 or 12 months, only said 12 months was contract after I asked. If done over the phone I would debate it and ask for the call recording if you didn't agree to this.

      • @seanbaussie Seriously interested on this. Which area did you speak to? And how did you preposition it?
        I thought with ISP, when you leave them, you don't actually speak to your current provider, but rather speak to the new provider and they'll organised all the cancellation etc.

        • I just rang their general number, think I pressed the number for sales, told them I was going to leave but if they offered a discount I'd consider staying.
          They didn't take a breath, said they could offer a $10/month discount.

      • I just called Superloop Retention/Disconnection team and all they'd offer me is $5 off for 6 months or $5 off 12 months on a contract. I already pay $65 for the lowest tier and that's all they could offer! Even when their normal rate is $59.95 for the same plan. Was so mad and told them to shove it and disconnect me at the end of my billing period.

    • +2

      I have been with Superloop for nearly a year. But now I'll move. I'll give my money to a different RSP until I find one that gives a sh*t about keeping customers.

      • +14

        You have to play the swap ISP every 6 months game to get the best deals.

        • +3

          Or swap every month or two to get the free deals.

      • +13

        I was with superloop, my introductory offer ended and they applied the $10 discount per month onwards for being a loyal customer. That's something I never got with ABB.

        • +6

          That's something I never got with Superloop despite asking.

          • @elektron: Strange, I got it from Superloop as well. Not sure what is criteria they use for giving discount to some loyal customers.

        • I got the same offer but not sure who to move to once 12 months is up as they only give that $10 off for another 6 months

        • I got that too by asking over the phone

        • Did you call or online chat them ,m

          • +1

            @solidussnake: I called them. They did give me $5 off, so not sure how people are getting $10.

          • @solidussnake: Was on the phone. From memory I was moving fro 250/25 to 1000/50 when they gave it to me (I didn't ask or even know it was a thing).

            • @daowiies: That's probably why. I actually downgraded my plan.

      • They care about keeping customers more than ABB and most providers. Call their retentions department, almost guaranteed $10 off for 6 months, whereas ABB would just say bye.

    • You call them after the 5 month and they extended the plan (retention) for another 6 months. That's what I did

    • This used to be because NBN provided 6 month rebates to the RSPs that they passed through (to some extent) to customers to incentivise sign ups. The RSPs start paying more for the AVC after 6 months and pass that increased cost through to their customers. So it's the network that's setting the RSPs up to offer these kinds of plans (assuming they're still doing it)

    • I have to disagree, after TPG increased all their plans by $5 and provided a notice that they will be upping the price again by $5 due to NBN's price rises, these plans are really good value. After a decade with TPG, I'm finally going to change companies.

      Not to mention, Superloop seems to be the only company that offers 25/10 which is exactly what you need if you have multiple security cameras uploading video to the cloud. Everyone else only offers half the upload speed at 5Mbps.

  • +5

    As much has superloop has been great I'm on exetel at the moment and the speed boost days are great. If superloop starts doing something like that I'll change back.

  • Switched to them in December 2018 on NBN FTTN, within a month I have multiple days of network outage and slowness, so I cancelled it and go back to my previous provider.

  • Any idea when this deal expires?

    • +2

      No expiry date in the T&Cs.

      This Offer is valid from 1 July 2022 and until Superloop withdraws the Offer at any time without notice by not advertising it.

  • I’d like to know if changing speeds invalidates the $16 discount between 50/20 and 100/20.

    • Yes it does

  • +11

    I'm on a grandfathered 100/40 for $80 with SL. Sucks to see pricing go backwards. At least SL still offer 100/40 instead of the slowdown to 100/20 that happened a year or two ago. F**ck this country and it's fibre network

  • +3

    set alarm for every 6 months

    • +1

      But how will I wake up to go to work Monday to Friday?

  • +2

    I’m with Aussie , thinking to switch to this as decent savings,
    My current month is up in 5 days , what are my next steps? Do I cancel Aussie now or in a days time? Unsure how hard it is to do that’s why I stayed with Aussie so long…
    Thanks in advance

    • +6

      ABB are very good here unlike most other ISPs. You can leave anytime in the month and they will credit you the difference. Superloop and others make you forgo the remaining time left on your month if you request a transfer during a billing cycle. So with ABB anytime, most other ISP's, time it to the day your month is up.
      Also you don't need to cancel as such, sign up to SL and they do the transfer for you, it's a very quick process and normally a few hours max. You should receive a message from ABB to say they have received a transfer request.

      • +1

        Also you don't need to cancel as such, sign up to SL and they do the transfer for you, it's a very quick process and normally a few hours max. You should receive a message from ABB to say they have received a transfer request.

        Pretty sure this is only relevant for FTTN. For FTTP they'll just connect you on another port.

        • +2

          It’s relevant for HFC, FTTN and FTTB. FTTP will require a call to disconnect.

        • You are prob right, I have no idea how the other half live (FTTP)

          • +1

            @donkcat: You can have up to 4 ISPs connected simultaneously on FTTP. There are two options.

            1. The new ISP (Superloop in this case) puts you on the second port on the fibre NTD and you have to cancel Aussie BB on the first port. This way is most common. If you forget to cancel you get billed from both ISPs for months.
            2. New ISP takes over the old ISP on the first port on the fibre NTD. Auto cancellation. This way is less common.
            • @Twix: even if you have a gigabit plan ? i think not ….

              • +1

                @mikezillakind: For Gigabit to Gigabit ask the new ISP to take over the existing port or just cancel and join the new ISP. nbn don't let you have more than 1 x Gigabit service per fibre NTD.

      • +1

        Thanks donkat, signed up and was up and running before I woke up

    • -3
  • These deals are why i need to switch away

  • How does SuperLoop define a "new" customer? After 12 months?

    • -5

      6 months

    • +4

      Returning customers, who have previously been with Superloop and already received a six (6) month discount promotion, will not be eligible for a new promotion for a period of twelve (12) months.

  • +3

    I’ve done 2 rounds of taking advantage of superloop discounts. Sign up using a family members name at the same address and it goes through with no issues. Pretty painless.

  • Why go with SuperLoop over SpinTel?

    Essentially the same intro price, but the ongoing is cheaper with SpinTel.

    • +2

      Superloop has better network IMO. Spintel is reselling Optus.

      • +1

        Well, if the network is good, their engineers are not: in the last month, a 10 outage with inability to reach Zoom due to Superloop routing issues in the US.

    • +1

      Believe it only support PPPoE, some routers do not support ie. eero 5.

  • With Tpg now. Can I use Tpg modem if I move to this company?

    • Im also using belong modem (tffn) can i keep the same modem with this provider?

      • Yup can confirm this

        • Tpg modem working?Any setting needed to make it work?

          • +1

            @aiyoyo: Not sure, I was replying to chimot regarding the belong modem.

    • SL uses IPoE. So provided your router supports this then no issues at all. All you will need to do is reboot your nbn modem and your router and it should work automatically. But also depends on what sort of NBN you have… FTTN/FTTC/HFC etc… i have used FTTC and now on HFC so thats all i need to do to get my internet working for IPoE.

      • I have FTTC and a router from ABB. If I switch to SL do I just need to restart the nbn modem and the router and it will work?

        • +1

          Yeah will work with no issues. I change every 6 months and churned from Assuie to SL earlier this year and thats all I needed to do. Once you get that email saying it's done then just power cycle the nbn modem and you should be good.

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