• long running

Optional Static IPv4 for nbn - $5 Per Month on Top of Plan Fee (Was $10 Per Month) @ Buddy Telco


Basically what it says in the title. Hopefully it doesn't get pulled again. Opt in is through the boltons section in the buddy app.

Can I opt out of CGNAT or use a static IP?

Yes, you can get a Static IP! Add to your service through the Buddy Telco portal. All you need to do is log in to your account, select the "Static IP" bolton under "Advanced", and click "Apply Bolton". The cost will be charged in full on your next invoice.

Unfortunately, we cannot opt a service out of CGNAT without adding a static IP.

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Buddy Telco
Buddy Telco


  • +3

    What’s the normal price?

    • -2

      Static IPv4 was $10/month.

      • -2

        $10 was the price. Thanks for the negs.

        • -1

          You seem to be a power user/mod who made few edits to this post. How is this not a targeted offer? Isn’t it a site rule to provide such details as previous/original price?

          • @olderman: As a Power User I can edit deals and mark deals as expired/sold out. Ask the Mods to add the Targeted tag by using the report button.

  • A static IP is a way to get out of CGNAT.

    However, a static IP is better for hosting a server.

  • What I’m looking for is free public IPv4 and no CGNAT, not a paid static IP.

    • Exetel have that with a floating ip.
      Launtel too with a free static ip, but you have to pay a $200 deposit (refundable)

  • +8

    I hate that nickle-and-diming consumers to get off CGNAT has become the norm. Awful.

    A couple of ISPs I'm aware of will give you a public IP for free, so I stick to them. Eg. Exetel, Superloop.

  • -1

    look at this, a basic feature that is offered with many other NBN providers
    what a good deal

    pay them for this good deal

    leaptel offers Static IPV6 for $1.

    • +1

      This is for a static ipv4. Static ipv6 is included with the service. Static ipv4 with leaptel is also $10.

    • -3

      Tell me you don't work in IT wirhout telling me you dont work in IT.

  • how is this a bargain?

  • -1

    This is just an advertisement, there’s no bargain. One has to be a subscriber of Buddy Telco first, and if you are then again there’s no bargain, as this is what’s available to any subscriber as part of the service. It’s highly unlikely that someone will subscribe to Buddy Telco NBN just because you have $5 static IP.
    This is just not very smart advertisement.

  • -6

    Why would I pay someone other than MY ISP for a static IP? Oh for data harvesting. Right.

    • This will only work if your ISP is Buddy Telco. You're not paying a third party other than the ISP.

    • First need to understand that there's IPv4 Address depletion and we've already run out of new IPv4 addresses like 10 years ago.

      Carrier-grade NAT (CGNAT, also known as large-scale NAT), is a method of sharing a single unique public IP address with multiple services to allow providers to extend their pool of usable IPv4 addresses. Most telcos will use CGNAT. A few providers will turn off CGnat if you ask nicely and provide a reason as to why you want it off.

      As for Static IP addresses, this is only a thing mainly 'needed' by businesses, most people don't need a static IP address and can still host services with dynamic IP address so long as they aren't behind CGNAT. Obviously, when you have a static IP address, you will also no longer be behind a CGNAT.

      Otherwise it's very common for residential ISP's to charge extra if a residential customer wants a static IP.

      Quote from Aussie Broadband (who owns Buddy Telco)

      Our current pool of IPv4 addresses has been consumed and acquiring more gets exponentially more expensive each time, resulting in issues with scalability. Aussie Broadband has opted to use CGNAT as a method to share the current unique public IPv4 addresses that we own to multiple customers, helping extend the life of IPv4 within our network while IPv6 is still being deployed. IPv6 is still being adopted throughout Internet and is not a solution on its own at this time.

  • +1

    I think the reason this is posted is because it is generally considered that Buddy Telco is a more affordable, self service version of Aussie Broadband and being on CGNAT (for IPv4) is part of getting a cheaper price. Even if you add $5 for static IP, it is generally still cheaper than Aussie Broadband. So think of it as a loophole (which apparently Buddy Telco did stop offering previously).

    On the other hand, a static IP fee for $5 per month is the norm (and that includes ABB) so people feel it is not a bargain.

    NBN provider Static IP Static IP fee
    Superloop Yes $5 per month
    Exetel Yes $5 per month
    Dodo Yes $5 per month
    iPrimus Yes $5 per month
    Aussie Broadband Yes $5 per month
    Swoop Yes $5.50 per month
    Optus Yes $10 per month
    Telstra Yes $10 per month
    SpinTel Yes $11 per month
    • Launtel from memory takes a one time fee that they refund after you switch back to dynamic

  • Should be free

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