• expired

nbn 25/10 $49.95/M, 50/20 $54.95/M, 100/20 $69.95/M, 100/40 $79.95/M, 250/25 $99.95/M for 6 Months (New Customers) @ Superloop


New customers only.

Returning customers, who have previously been with Superloop and already received a six (6) month discount promotion, will not be eligible for a new promotion for a period of twelve (12) months.

This Offer is valid from 1 July 2022 and until Superloop withdraws the Offer at any time without notice by not advertising it.

All plans come with unlimited data

Download speed Upload speed Typical evening speed Normal price Price for 6 months T&Cs
25Mbps 10Mbps 22Mbps $59.95 $49.95 25/10 T&Cs
50Mbps 20Mbps 48Mbps $69.95 $54.95 50/20 T&Cs
100Mbps 20Mbps 95Mbps $84.95 $69.95 100/20 T&Cs
100Mbps 40Mbps 95Mbps $94.95 $79.95 100/40 T&Cs
250Mbps 25Mbps 240Mbps $119.95 $99.95 250/25 T&Cs

Referral Links

Referral: random (1074)

Referrer gets 10% off for 6 months.

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closed Comments

          • @duckdodgers245: What happens when companies charge you for their routers? Optus charges me $7 per month for the router and then negates it for every month I stay with them. If I leave in 3 years, I have to pay out the router.

            • +2

              @lordra: Simple. Don't go with providers that make you get their routers.There are enough out there where you can BYO and honestly if they make you buy their router then tell em GGF from me and just move to an other provider. Optus/Telstra/TPG are not the only providers out there…

              Then get your own router (I have an Asus RT-AC68U) which supports everything apart from FTTN (which i dont intend on ever having) that way i can go where i please without having to cough up more money (even though NBN still overpriced imo at the moment).

              • @duckdodgers245: Smart. Yep, I will deffo consider this.

                I 100% agree with you that the nbn is overpriced. Now fuel and electricity is catching up to the nbn.

          • @duckdodgers245: I have just changed from ABB to Superloop. Didnt need to power anything off. It took a total of 4 min from when I put in the order to when the service was ready. I have a FTTC connection. Very easy transition.

            • @polar: Yeah fair enough. You dont really need to power cycle but i always do anyways. In fact i power cycle my modem at least once a week, tend to notice that my speeds slightly drop over time and the power cycle usually fixes that.

  • To take advantage of new customer offers every 6 months, do you need to have a generic modem that's not provided by your current provider?

    • +1

      It certainly helps. Especially as some ISPs are DHCP or PPoE (where you need to type the details in) so if you're used to the settings and can easily switch it makes it a breeze.

      • Thanks, is there particular model of such modems you would recommend?

    • I often ask this.
      How do OzBs swap and change and what happens. Do they pay each ISP for modem.
      I'm yet to have my first NBN connection and need to sign up to something. They all try to sell you a modem

      I know I have FTTN from the website address checks and according to some, I only have 50/20, but other say I have 100/20
      So I'm really confused

      • Most would byo modem.
        Any suitable modem you buy yourself, or one from a previous provider that supplies unlocked modems

        • Is there a way to check if a modem is locked? I have Telstra's Smart Modem gen 2 which I got supplied more than 2 years ago (never shown on bills that it was being paid for). So if I go with SL, should I take up a new modem provided by SL or try connect with Telstra 's?

          • +1

            @Findmebargain: Pretty confident that won't be locked.
            Login to it's web interface and confirm you can change wan connection type (eg ipoe, pppoe) and credentials (if applicable when choosing pppoe)

          • @Findmebargain: I have same modem and used it with FBB and Exetel without any issue.

  • For people who jumping ships every 6 months and still with tffn, what modem do you use and in your opinion would the free modem from a certain provider will work with others?


  • Do they have a fixed IP or incoming connections policy, I had to get a fixed IP for Spintel and ring up Aussie when I was with them so get some server stuff working.

    • +1

      Superloop IPs don't change often. A proper Static IP is $5/month and they don't use CG-NAT.

    • +16

      The amount of detail in your post to show your alternate bargain is overwhelming…

    • where from?

      • Probably MyRepublic. $99 for gigabit on promo but won’t perform as well as this - and also only has a Sydney POP.

    • Cool story bro

  • Kind of stuck with my grandfathered plan, 100/40 , $89.95 including static IP address. If it wasn’t for this I’d get my free FTTP upgrade and then shop around..

    • +1

      I'm on the same plan as you. I just called them up to see what they could offer and they're giving me $10 off per month on a 11 month contract. Wasn't planning on changing ISP as I'm pretty happy with SL, so the contract doesn't concern me. Worth giving them a call if you want to do the same - 02 9138 7948

  • I used to get micro dropouts with SL when I was with them a year ago. They couldn’t find any fault so I moved out to Spintel and this issue went away. Has anyone had the same experience?

    • Same here. So have avoided them if I can. Don't have the issue with other RSPs at all.

    • Had this also but stuck it out. Still with SL but no issues for a long while now. I suspect NBN side improvements? Unsure. Either way I've stopped having them. Used to be 1-2 times a day now I've been stable for months! HFC.

  • iinet need to start lowering their prices!

  • +2

    vodafone just lowered my upload to 20 from 40 but i'm paying the same price ??!!! will give superloop a go

  • +1

    Thanks op. Just transferred from ABB and it took 10mons on hfc

    • 10mons?

      • +3

        10 mins

      • 10moons (1 moon is about 29.5 days)

  • +1

    If you are already with Superloop you can speak with a representative for a possible retention discount. My 100/20 FTTN after 6 months was increasing to $89.95. I advised them I was moving to another provider (e.g. exetel for their $68.95/month sign up offer) and they offered me $69.95/month as a retention discount. I spoke with online chat first who then redirected me to this number (02) 91387948. I've read online that others are offered less discount though - Try your luck.

    • Permanent discount or just another 6mths

    • I did exactly the same thing, was paying 89.95 for 100/20 and asked if they would give me another 6 month discount and they originally said we can only give you $10 a month off. I said I wasn't interested and when was my bill rollover date so I could cancel before and switch providers. Suddenly $20 off a month for another 6 months was on the cards and now I'm paying 69.95

    • Any idea how long the prices have been up for? I just noticed because of this post that I’m paying $89.95

      • Since July 1st.

        • +1

          Ok cool. I’d be so mad if I were over paying for months.

  • No cash back with superloop.

  • +2

    This or the new Exetel deal?

    Need to jump from Aussie bb 100/20 to something cheaper. Even thinking 50/20.

    • -1

      Exetel are sooooooo bad

      • In what way please?

        Looking at first NBN connection and done know what to chose or whether I have to buy each suppliers modem each time?
        How do those who switch and change go about it?

        • Refer to the exetel deal and trust pilot.

          My experience was terrible but I understand everyone is different depending where your exchange is

    • I just switched to Exetel from Superloop and it was pretty painless. Services are pretty much identical but Exetel has a nicer user interface (imo) for their user management portal.

      Have noticed a slight increase in ping in a couple of games I play but nothing major. Haven't had any dropouts or anything but it's been less than a week so.

      The 30 day notice thing sounds kinda crap but I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.

  • +8

    Glad I noticed this post. I'm on 100/40 with Superloop and am getting charged $98.95/month. Above shows same plan is $94.95/month. I pinged them on chat and asked why I was paying more for the same plan and her words 'We are unfortunately unable to have the plan changed without the customers permission, so we could not change your plan automatically'.

    I bet they could if the price increased…time to find someone else.

    • Me too! I just noticed I’m paying $89.95 for 100/20. It happens with other isps too. My mu is with Internode and one day I looked and noticed she was paying more than current plans, so I changed it but they wouldn’t back date it. Have no idea how long she was overpaying.
      Same with telco. She’s on a prepaid but one of thos auto pay ones. I discovered she was overpaying. But managed to get her a really good deal for them doing that to her.
      These companies are messed up. We shouldn’t have to constantly check their prices, they should lower it automatically,

    • Switch to leaptel (good ISP) or dodo for month (free) then switch again

  • Cheers OP. Just made the switch from ABB(c ya in 6 months) Got switched over instantly after placing order.

  • Thanks OP, switched from Optus. In other’s experience, do I need to manually cancel old service, or does the transfer process handle that end too?

    • +1

      I have FTTP and they just replaced my existing service. I just received an email from Aussie advising account closure minutes after Superloop was activated.

      • +1

        Appreciate it. I’m fttp and was connected in minutes. I contacted Optus to cancel anyway just to be sure.

    • +1
  • +1

    There any cashrewards? I know some people saying Exetel were awful, aren't these the same bunch?

    • Superloop own Exetel I believe. I was going to change out to exetel but with superloop they won't refund mid cycle. So I cancelled the move.

  • Superloop called me out of the blue 3 days ago and said we can offer you a $10 discount no contract for 6 months on my current 100/40 ($98.95) or $10 per month on a 11 month contract. I found this real odd they would proactively call customers. I see why.

  • +3

    Thanks OP, finally ditched ABB after years of laziness. Easy switch process.

    • Exactly what I am about to do!

    • +2

      Same. Been happy with ABB but all these savings add up.

      • Don't forget to call ABB after to get your pro rata refund on current month.

        • I’m with FTTC with ABB. Do I need to make any changes to modem/ router? If I switch to superloop?

          • @polar: Sorry not sure, I'm FTTP and haven't played around with it yet

          • @polar: Most don't need to change your router WAN settings between Aussie BB and SL. If you want a static IP enter the IP address in your router.

  • +1

    The 250/25 plan is a very good price. I'll stick with my $110 for life with Future, but $99 is super good

  • +1

    "already received a six (6) month discount promotion"
    Does this mean if you are presently receiving the discount but not for the full 6 months, you can roll it over into the new scheme?

  • I had packetloss most nights with superloop. My POI would get hammered, I complained but they never upgraded CVC. As someone who games online this was obviously a deal breaker.

    Same issues with ABB. Their CVC bot sucks when it kicks in half an hour after experiencing latency issues/packetloss every night.

    Paying a premium for Telstra now and my latency is pretty stable. Some nights there is jitter but barely spikes above 15ms.

    • I'm with optus.
      $100pm. 50/20. But get the box with free movies, sport, etc. Cos of the good connection, I'm still with them. Your story does not inspire confidence in the others as my online gaming sessions need to be on point.

    • Which POI is this out of interest?

  • I’m with ABB an have a FTTC connection. Does anyone know if I need to do anything with the modem/router if I change providers? Only ever been nbn with ABB.

    • Been a while since I was with ABB, did they use PPPoE? If so you'll need to switch that setting to "Automatic IP" or whatever name your router uses for the connection type. Otherwise it should be pretty quick and painless to switch.

      • +1

        SL and Aussie BB use the same settings. On your router choose Dynamic IP, IPoE or DHCP.

  • any discourt on 1000/50 plan?

    • 3TB data.

      Minimum total cost $119.95 per month for 6 months, then $139.95 ongoing*

  • +1

    I had the most outages with Superloop compared to any other company I've been with in the last few years. I've used Telstra, Origin(white label ABB), and ABB.
    On each outage, there was no fault with NBN, and they rarely showed the outage in their portal. The worst was an outage that lasted about 18 hours, which was offically listed as a fault for 6 hours.

    Obviously upgrades and fixes are required from time to time, but outages were excessive, and excessively long on Superloop. Also if you live more cival hours, say in bed by 10pm most nights you would not have noticed many of the outages.

  • -1

    Just churned from ABB to superloop (HFC) and speed fropped from 109down/38up Mpbs to 92down/6up Mbps.
    Was able to to reach 950Mpbs on the 1GB plan with ABB so be weary.

    Trick is how do I churn back to ABB?

    • from memory their listed average peak hour speeds are slower than ABB, see how things look in non peak hour

    • My speeds are good so far, 102down/19 up on the 100/20 plan.

    • Update - Disabled my paid controld secure DNS service and speeds restored so self inflicted. Odd that performance only dropped with paid custom resolvers and not the free resolvers. Have a feeling they may be tunneling some traffic.

  • +1

    25/10 should always be under $50

  • Any 1 Gb unlimited plans?

    • Nope SL do 500/50 with 3TB/month of data.

  • Typing this on mobile data. Outage since arvo and just tried calling only to realise their pre-recorded message says noone on phone after hours.

    Also on $98.95 p/m and at times during nights experienced intermittent slow speeds with media consumption and gaming lag.

    Maybe it's time to find another provider.

  • Just signed up last week for 100/40 paying $79.95 Do I have any chance to change it to $77.95?

  • if I switch from my current provider, will my current nbn provider refund me the remianing number of days which I already paid in advance?

    • Most likely not (depends on who your provider is) but check with them directly

  • does anybody knows if this deal is applicable to redtrain powered network?

  • Keep this offer for another 6-8 months And I might think of chucking out vodafone 5G Home internet plan.

  • Does Superloop use pppoe login? (which means you'd have to configure your modem)

    • +1

      No. They use IPoE (no username or password required)

      • Thanks PPPoE is painful. One reason I hate Tangerine

  • +1

    Sticking with Superloop, they've been fantastic.

    I got a $50 bill credit one month due to a couple of small outages, plus they let me keep my grandfathered plan to keep me on.

  • Does anyone have data on their actual speeds and their ping? I'm with Aussie BB and I get 52-54mbps 24/7 and my ping sits at 2-4 with no jitter. Don't want to move to superloop if they're not providing the same service

    • ping sits at 2-4

      To where? How can you quote a ping without a destination reference :/

      • To the server my NBN routes through which is a local server (to me) in Perth. Where some will route further away, or to similar points but with less priority and higher ping. Whats important is local ping, as if you are experiencing higher ping locally, you're in for a bad time once it takes itself overseas to the next server, kapeesh?

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