7-Eleven Fuel App Watch - Nationwide

This thread serves to let everyone know how much you have saved on your 7/11 fuel app. Please see the archived thread (January 2017 - January 2022) for previous discussions.

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  • 111.9/litre

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Note: OzBargain are not responsible for your use of the 7/11 app and you should abide by all terms stipulated by the app. This thread's content is not endorsed by OzBargain.

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Credits to master131

Mod: Please do not ask for vouchers. Obtain the fuel lock yourself or make a request in the Wanted Classifieds.

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  • +1

    People on FB reported to have their accounts banned after accidentally taking screenshots in app

    • +1

      Android it just screenshot blank black page. Ios it blank the barcode. Don’t think you can take screenshot anymore. So why the ban?

      • They think you are sharing it. I also got banned the day after accidentally pressing the screen shot while trying to use bixby to stop all alarms as it was ringing while i was at 7 11

  • +1

    Screenshot on PC using virtual. Email to yourself

  • Re Android Virtual, does anyone know how to save Snapshot of session? When I try in Android settings, I get error "current state does not support snapshots".

    I am trying to save the session for Quickboot so I don't have to repeat the entire Android setup process from scratch! Cos every time I close down virtual Android, when I reopen the sandbox it just goes to a black screen. So I have to do Cold Reboot which then wipes everything and I have to do whole setup again.

    Unless there's some other setting I'm missing? Help anyone?

    • Did you press the Play triangle icon to start that virtual Android session?

      • Yeah, all was working fine - locked in fuel, then when I close the virtual device it asks if I want to save the session for Quickboot, I click yes. It closes. Then when I reopen by clicking the pay triangle, it boots up the virtual device, but stays on a blank screen, does nothing. So I have to Cold Boot, but this resets everything then I have to start all over again. Within the virtual device Settings, I see a menu option called Snapshots, and I try to save the session, but I get the error that it can't save. So no matter what, it's not saving the session. Takes a good 15mins to set everything up again so a bit annoying.

        • Top right of the AVD, click the tiny X- and it goes into Saving State

          • @JuiceWRLD: Did that, didn't work. Still went to blank screen on re-open

    • It saves any changes I make when I stop the AVD automatically for me, no deviations from the guide.

      • Interesting. I followed the guide precisely, including the Pixel device version. So not sure why it's not saving the session for me.

    • +2

      Ok I found a fix by accident. In Device Manager, I duplicated the AVD so now there's 2 lines in the list. When I open the second one, it boots up perfectly and retained all the apps.

      So weird, as the two listed are identical. I tried the original AVD again and still goes to blank screen. shrug

      Anyway if anyone else encounters this issue, this might help.

      • +1

        Good thinking 99!

      • I tried the same and it started, thank you, however i found it automatically shutdown after a few seconds after startup.
        what are your software combinations? is it still

        Android Studio Dolphin | 2021.3.1 Patch 1
        Magisk 25.2 (25200) (33)
        GPS Setter v1.2.8

  • I can't lock in unless I turn on Google's location service (wifi, cell networks and sensors). I get "For a better experience, turn on device location, which uses Google's location service". If I turn it on, my actual location is seen by 7 Eleven app and my location keeps jumping between the fake and real location in Google map.

    Anyone having the same issue? I think the latest 7 Eleven app is forcing to use the Google's location service else it won't let you lock in. Is there any work around to this? I am using Lineage OS 20.0 on old Samsung Tab S tablet. Using Magisk, Hide My Location, Fake GPS and LSPosed Manager.

    • +2

      use an old 7 eleven apk from here

      • -1

        or get an old iphone.

      • Used apk from August and July but it’s still the same. Now I guess it’s Lineage OS that’s giving me the prompt for Google location service. Anyone know the fix?

        Android Studio is really slow and After installing LSPosed module in Magisk, I don’t get prompt to place LSPosed on home screen after restarts.

        Updated my iPhone to iOS 17 and now I can’t lock in. Need to buy old iPhone.

        • LSPosed doesn't have an icon on the home screen anymore, it comes up in your notification area when you pull down from the top of screen. It should be the very last notification in the list tap to open lsposed manager.

    • v2.17.10 (Android) still worked for me today

      • Still no luck with v2.17.10 and v2.17.9.

  • The map is not loading for me with ifakelocation on macos. I'm using the latest version. Anyone had the same issue?

  • anyway to get the my 7 eleven app for ios 12? any old ipa versions around?

  • Another iPhone user, having to resort to Android Studio now, Lol. (Also tried Big Nox earlier, but cannot modify location/lock)

    Installed Pixel 4 device in and downloaded Tiramisu. When I click on 'Play' button to start the emulator, I get the following error

    Device Manager
    The emulator process for AVD Pixel_4_API_33 has terminated.

    Googled it, first solution was making sure there is enough space. I currently have 100GB free where Android Studio is installed.
    Second thing I tried was adding these lines from https://www.ozbargain.com.au/comment/12985450/redir.
    Have restarted and relaunched VMD. No difference.

    Anyone has any other suggestions please ?

    • -2

      2023-10-08 11:51:07,437 [ 11632] INFO - Emulator: Pixel 4 API 33 - added library C:\Users\LocalUser\AppData\Local\Android\Sdk\emulator\lib64\vulkan\vulkan-1.dll
      2023-10-08 11:51:07,437 [ 11632] INFO - Emulator: Pixel 4 API 33 - HAX is working and emulator runs in fast virt mode.
      2023-10-08 11:51:07,593 [ 11788] WARN - Emulator: Pixel 4 API 33 - *** No gRPC protection active, consider launching with the -grpc-use-jwt flag.***
      2023-10-08 11:51:07,594 [ 11789] INFO - Emulator: Pixel 4 API 33 - Started GRPC server at, security: Local, auth: none
      2023-10-08 11:51:07,594 [ 11789] INFO - Emulator: Pixel 4 API 33 - Advertising in: C:\Users\LocalUser\AppData\Local\Temp\avd\running\pid_18424.ini
      2023-10-08 11:51:07,635 [ 11830] INFO - Emulator: Pixel 4 API 33 - Setting display: 0 configuration to: 1080x2280, dpi: 440x440
      2023-10-08 11:51:07,885 [ 12080] INFO - Emulator: Pixel 4 API 33 - VCPU shutdown request
      2023-10-08 11:51:07,885 [ 12080] INFO - Emulator: Pixel 4 API 33 - Deleting snapshot default_boot
      2023-10-08 11:51:08,930 [ 13125] WARN - #com.android.ddmlib - * daemon not running; starting now at tcp:5037
      2023-10-08 11:51:08,977 [ 13172] WARN - #com.android.ddmlib - * daemon started successfully
      2023-10-08 11:51:08,999 [ 13194] INFO - #com.android.ddmlib - Connected to adb for device monitoring
      2023-10-08 11:51:09,010 [ 13205] INFO - #com.android.tools.idea.devicemanager.virtualtab.VirtualDeviceChangeListener - emulator-5554 connected
      2023-10-08 11:51:09,074 [ 13269] SEVERE - Emulator: Pixel 4 API 33 - Unable to connect to adb daemon on port: 5037
      2023-10-08 11:51:09,075 [ 13270] SEVERE - Emulator: Pixel 4 API 33 - Android Studio Giraffe | 2022.3.1 Patch 2 Build #AI-223.8836.35.2231.10811636
      2023-10-08 11:51:09,076 [ 13271] SEVERE - Emulator: Pixel 4 API 33 - JDK: 17.0.6; VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM; Vendor: JetBrains s.r.o.
      2023-10-08 11:51:09,076 [ 13271] SEVERE - Emulator: Pixel 4 API 33 - OS: Windows 11
      2023-10-08 11:51:09,203 [ 13398] INFO - #com.android.tools.idea.adb.AdbService - Successfully connected to adb
      2023-10-08 11:51:09,867 [ 14062] INFO - Emulator: Pixel 4 API 33 - Process finished with exit code 0
      2023-10-08 11:51:10,091 [ 14286] INFO - #com.android.tools.idea.devicemanager.virtualtab.VirtualDeviceChangeListener - emulator-5554 disconnected
      2023-10-08 11:51:10,339 [ 14534] INFO - #com.android.sdklib.internal.avd.AvdManager - C:\Users\LocalUser.android\avd\Pixel_3a_API_34_extension_level_7_x86_64.avd\hardware-qemu.ini.lock\pid not found for Pixel_3a_API_34_extension_level_7_x86_64
      2023-10-08 11:51:10,339 [ 14534] INFO - #com.android.sdklib.internal.avd.AvdManager - C:\Users\LocalUser.android\avd\Pixel_4_API_33.avd\hardware-qemu.ini.lock\pid not found for Pixel_4_API_33
      2023-10-08 11:51:10,339 [ 14534] INFO - #com.android.sdklib.internal.avd.AvdManager - C:\Users\LocalUser.android\avd\Pixel_3a_API_34_extension_level_7_x86_64.avd\userdata-qemu.img.lock\pid not found for Pixel_3a_API_34_extension_level_7_x86_64
      2023-10-08 11:51:10,340 [ 14535] INFO - #com.android.sdklib.internal.avd.AvdManager - C:\Users\LocalUser.android\avd\Pixel_4_API_33.avd\userdata-qemu.img.lock\pid not found for Pixel_4_API_33
      2023-10-08 11:51:10,340 [ 14535] WARN - #com.android.tools.idea.avdmanager.AvdManagerConnection - Unable to determine if Pixel_3a_API_34_extension_level_7_x86_64 is online, assuming it's not
      2023-10-08 11:51:10,340 [ 14535] WARN - #com.android.tools.idea.avdmanager.AvdManagerConnection - Unable to determine if Pixel_4_API_33 is online, assuming it's not
      2023-10-08 11:51:15,963 [ 20158] INFO - #c.i.c.ComponentStoreImpl - Saving appDaemonCodeAnalyzerSettings took 17 ms, FileTypeManager took 35 ms, LafManager took 11 ms, VcsApplicationSettings took 12 ms
      2023-10-08 11:51:27,172 [ 31367] INFO - #c.i.c.ComponentStoreImpl - Saving appFileTypeManager took 12 ms, InspectionProfileManager took 12 ms

    • Device Manager
      The emulator process for AVD Pixel_4_API_33 has terminated.

      This can be network related. Disable VPN etc.
      Try USB tether etc.

  • So, my dedicated chopper pixel phone died and I'm considering getting a PC to run android studio in linux. My laptop is much too old (2015 vintage, no Hardware acc), so what do the gurus here recommend as a pc thats "decentish" enough to run android studio w/ hardware acceleration, under linux?

    • +2

      Just get an old cheap iphone 7….

      • +1

        Or an even cheaper (rootable) Android.

    • 2015 is definitely not too old, you may just have to enable the virtualization in the BIOS screen. Laptops from like 2009+ should all have it.

    • +4

      7-Eleven's lawyers will come after you now…

      • whats the dif with the other guides on YT?

        • -1

          They will have proof that you are trying to defraud them.

          • +1

            @jv: im destroyed

            • @poidaa: Don't worry…

              We will visit you in jail and bring some Krispy Kreme donuts from 7-Eleven.

    • +4

      I would agree, either take the video down or hide yo kids hide yo wife hide yo face

    • +1
      • +3

        its now united states of australia

        • +1

          Even more likely to get sued then…

    • doesnt work for iOS 17

        • +1

          Yeah has always worked pre 17…

    • You are using a two year old iOS version to make that video … of course its gonna work !
      Try it in the real world with iOS 17

    • -1

      Seriously mate, I know jv is a bit of a troll but he is right here - I would take this down

  • With the Android Studio method, does anyone have any experience if in Part 3 the LSPosed Manager icon doesn't appear on the home screen?

    EDIT: Never mind, I got that working as it was appearing in the status bar and when I clicked that I could open the app and add the shortcut to the homescreen.

    Now the only issue I have is that I can't seem to login to the 7 Eleven app. When I click login it just opens up to the external page but the progress bar never moves and I am stuck on a white screen :(

    I think for some reason the virtual device can't connect to the internet :/

  • +1

    Hmm WA prices have all dropped 6c but when do they update?

    • 6am WA time.

  • +2

    The barcode no longer shows if you try to screenshot. (taken on iphone)

    • +3

      Try doing a screen record, then you can take screenshot of this

    • +2

      Or use Stocard (or any barcode generator) and enter the barcode manually

    • +3

      You can add it to your Google/Apple Wallet, then screenshot it from there if you need to.

  • -1

    @dontpanic ty for such detailed guides! I am trying the Android Studio method but keep getting an error when typing in: cd [location of rootAVD-master directory] in the command prompt. Any idea what I am doing wrong?

    • Are you typing in: "cd [location of rootAVD-master directory]" verbatim?

      If so, you need to replace [location of rootAVD-master directory] with the path to the cd "rootAVD-master directory".

      You should be able to do this by typing in CD, and then a space, and then drag and dropping the rootAVD-master directory on to the CMD/Terminal window.

      • Doh! Sorted now. Thanks mate!

        • +1

          No probs. I'll see if I can make the next iteration of the guide a little clearer.

          • @dontpanic: hey, also stuck around the same method on windows.
            I've downloaded the rootAVD-master file from the "click" link. It is currently sitting in download folder still zipped as well as unzipped.

            So when I paste "cd C:\Users\user\Downloads\rootAVD-master" into cmd it brings up "C:\Users\user\Downloads\rootAVD-master>"

            This seems different than…
            [ * ] Set Directorys
            [ - ] Test if ADB SHELL is working
            [ ! ] ADB is not in your Path, try to
            Set PATH=%LOCALAPPDATA%\Android\sdk\platform-tools;%PATH%

            trying to do this method but if all else fails do I just pick up a second hand iphone 7 and follow those steps?
            previous samsung s5 was working a treat until this latest update from 7eleven and now it gets the A02 error.

            help appreciated!

            • @splats: See if this is causing the problem:


              This method won't work on an iPhone 7 if that's what you're suggesting - it's Android only. There are iOS instructions at the top of the page, but I don't have an iPhone so I can't speak for how well they work.

              • @dontpanic: that link just goes to a empty page?

                yeah sorry just meant it seems easier to just buy an old iphone and use the method suggested above although i'd like to get android studio method this working on pc.

                  • @dontpanic: thanks for the link, saw those earlier in the thread but doesn't really make any sense to me.

                    I don'y know if I need to move or unpack the rootAVD-master?
                    or if what i'me putting into the cmd after "cd " is incorrect? although i am just clicking and dragging the location into cmd as mentioned earlier to try,,,

                    • @splats: @dontpanic could you pm me having abit of issue getting it to work?

                      • @Nin400: I couldn't figure out that part of the setup for android studio.
                        But luckily managed to get my old rooted Samsung with 7eleven working again thanks to a suggestion from others on this thread to log out and then back into the 7eleven app.

                        Sorry I can't help you with the android studio setup.

                      • @Nin400: It seems that you might be able to get it to work without root now. Just set up a virtual device, install 7-Eleven and use the virtual device settings to change the location.

                        • @dontpanic: Just did that now while location works the app says type of fuel not found at location

                          • @Nin400: Did the 711 app navigate to the location you set? I found that the location in 711 could be a bit "sticky" - i.e. it remains stuck at the previous location (which by default is Mountain View, CA, United States). That might be why you got no results. Try closing down 711 (swipe it away in app switcher view), then load Google Maps and make sure your location is as intended (this seems to refresh the location for 711), then go back to 711 and see it it works.

  • Hi how i can do the iPhone jailbreak the reddit link the one is mentioned in the description is not showing me anything. Can anyone plz help me
    For iphone xs ios 15.1

    • +1

      There isn’t a jailbreak available for iOS 15.1. Use iFakeLocation or 3utools

  • any reason my chrome is behaving like this? https://imgur.com/a/YONS9q6
    It's actually unusable, apps work normally but all websites in chrome work like this. Anyone else had this issue?

    • Turn it off and on again, clear cache in settings

  • Hey guys. I stupidly updated to ios 17 so now have to try android studio method. I can usually follow guides very well but i am struggling at the moment.
    At the step posted below i dont get the opportunity to copy last line of output as the avd closes after running.
    I have read through the post and seem like its only me that has the issue so must be doing something wrong.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Paste the following command and hit Enter:

    ./rootAVD.sh ~/Library/Android/sdk/system-images/android-33/google_apis_playstore/arm64-v8a/ramdisk.img

    You will probably get an output like this:

    [ ! ] and we are NOT in an emulator shell
    [ * ] Set Directorys
    [ - ] Test if ADB SHELL is working
    [ ! ] ADB is not in your Path, try to
    export PATH=~/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools:$PATH

    Copy the last line of your output (i.e. export PATH=~/Library/Android/sdk/platform-tools:$PATH), paste it and hit Enter.

  • +10

    If you've upgraded to ios17 (like me) you can now set the GPS with ianygo using Windows

    Step 1: Download iAnyGo https://www.ianygo.com/

    Step 2: You can use IanyGo twice under trial. There is a registry entry you can alter to reset the trial if you prefer not to pay but didn't want to add those details here. Just do a quick google.

    • Or use Windows Sandbox.

    • Do you still need to update to developer option on IOS to alter the GPS using https://www.ianygo.com/ for it to work?

    • Is there a way to download the trial version? Can’t see anywhere to download it.

    • Do you know if this works with android

  • Merged from The End of Helicopters?

    Is this the end of helicopters? Just received this email.

    My 7-Eleven app scheduled maintenance

    The My 7-Eleven app will be put into maintenance mode for an upgrade between:
    11pm, 25 October - 2am, 26 October AEDT
    During this time you won't be able to use the My 7-Eleven app or its features. You will need to update to the latest app version via the app store once the scheduled maintenance is complete.
    Everything will be just the way you left it when we are back online. Look forward to seeing you at 7-Eleven soon.

    • +3

      I'd love if they made helicopers as easy as it used to be, just an app on your Android phone. Good times.

    • +5

      Nah… not likely.

      silently locking in the fuel app in "Yagoona" just in case.

    • +4

      How is this any different from the other update emails they send?

      • +1

        This is the first email notifying me of an update I've received, so to me this is odd.

        • +1

          @jv is correct.

          These emails are not unusual. We’ve received them before and we still flew our choppers after the update.

    • +1

      Nah, they've notified folks about updates / upgrades etc. before. I would take this to mean they are doing a patch cycle / code branch deployment.

    • Pretty sure there'll always be a way to do it, even on a physical Android phone.

    • +9

      The End of Helicopters?

      Blatantly misleading title. Reported to CASA.

    • Ever since they shutdown that FB group Im depressed

    • Ifakelocation no longer works with ios 17

    • I am totally unaware of what any of this is…………obviously missing the subtlety.

      • same can someone fill us in

      • +2

        7 eleven fuel lock app. GPS spoofing to lock best price in Australia.

    • +1

      Seems to still work for me on IOS.

      I haven’t been able to lock-in on my phone for a while, but did so on iPad and still works. 10/10 was able to charter a helicopter with ease, will use again.

    • +6

      The app update notes include
      ‘General updates to reduce fraudulent activity’

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