• expired
  • targeted

American Express Platinum Edge 50,000 Bonus Points + $200 Travel Credit ($1500 Spend/3 Months) + $195 Cashback ($195 Annual Fee)


Looks like this deal is back. Not sure if it's only available via the fb targeted link, or everywhere.


Edit: Looks like the same offer is being offered on Referrals - Cycle through those instead and get a fellow OzBargainer some free points.

Referral Links

Business Explorer Card: random (2)

Referrer: 40,000 Reward Points

Centurion Personal Charge Card: random (9)

Referee gets 200,000 MR points. Referrer gets 150,000 MR points.

Related Stores

American Express
American Express

closed Comments

  • Travel Credit…

    • +2

      Who's travelling ATM?
      Only travelling is to the supermarkets for toilet paper

      • If I did I'd prefer to use my crypto card.
        Better exchange rate than I've ever used before.
        Dozens of currency options to load up the debit card with.
        And I get spend bonuses witg it too,

        • Any crypto card brands you recommend?

          • +1

            @FirstWizard: Yeah Crypto.com but the staking is considerably higher now. Used to only be $2.1k back then now it's $4k USD to stake.

    • can you book for late next year?

  • +1

    Why do CC still have over 20% interest rates?

    • Spot on! You are lucky to get 1% from the banks borrowing your money but if you borrow theirs, 21.99%. Mortgage rates are much lower.

    • Short answer: that's how banks make their living, off those who go over their spend limits or forget to pay their cc bills

      • Interchange costs are a more sustainable income source

      • -1

        Not entirely.
        Two types of cc users.
        Ones who don't pay back 100% of used money in time and give the banks heaps in the interest accrued from it.
        The other type is the one who uses their cc wisely, always pays back 100% of borrowed. The banks make their money of each transaction the do.

        So it's a win win for the banks,

        Unless you're a cc 'hacker like me.

        Always pay back the 100% before accruing interest.
        Earning bonuses for the card use itself,
        Doing this over and over with different cards for different bonuses.

        • Hmm, unsure why I'm down voted for providing facts Here?

    • If you default on your mortgage, bank gets your house. There is no collateral on a credit card line of credit, banks have to protect themselves somehow. With that being said, the amount of interest being paid on credit cards has been decreasing over time anyway..

  • +8

    If you are paying interest on your CC, you are doing it wrong.

    • +4

      Exactly. They could have 760% interest rates and it would not phase me one bit.

  • For some reason it showed up as “exclusive offer” 100k points instead of 50k, I’ve applied for it let’s see

  • So what happens when your travel booked with a flight credit gets covid cancelled, and you are in your second year. Do you end up with 2 credits , or is it refunded as a $ credit ?

    • They extended the expiry date, and the cancelled ones made back into travel credit reserve, with a further 12 month validity. Usually if you cancel, you don't get your credit back. But they had a covid exception.
      I have so much travel credit saved up now 😅

      • Yeah, i have another $200 travel credit that expires in December. So you recon this $200 will add on?

        I also have my ANZ travel rewards flight in credit…and sadly around 8 lounge passes that will soon expire. But there is no where to go really..

        • so they did offer a 1yr extension to any travel credit in 2020. Not sure if they have announced anything similar for things that expire in 2021.

          In my case, I have 3x$200.
          * 2019 credit, I had a booking made, that got cancelled. The refunded the credit in full, with an extension to expiry.
          * 2020 credit, They gave a 1-year extension to expiry.
          * And now the 2021 credit, which I just got awarded last month on the anniversary date of my card.

  • seems to be also available through the ozb random referral link which will also get the referer some points i guess

  • Got knocked back for the Explorer which sucked so I thought I’d have a crack at this. Applied yesterday and was accepted today. While not as lucrative, I still value this at almost $600 so it’s better than a poke in the eye.

    For those who can’t get the Explorer, I suggest you aim for this, especially while it’s free.

  • -1

    100k points now

    • for plat edge? not with OP link

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