Activate Offer, Apply for a Select Credit Card, Meet Min. Spend & Get up to 30,000 Bonus Velocity Points @ Velocity Freq Flyer


Up to 30,000 bonus Points offer:

To be eligible to receive up to 30,000 bonus Velocity Points, you must (a) be a Velocity Frequent Flyer member, (b) Activate the Points offer by visiting here between 12:01am (AEST) 6 March 2025 and 11:59pm (AEST) 30 April 2025 (“Promotion Period”) (prior to the card application) (c) apply for a participating Velocity Points earning card (listed below), during the Promotion Period and (d) be approved and meet the minimum spend criteria for the eligible offer associated with the individual card if the application is successful. Minimum spend, card fees and eligibility requirements vary by card. For full terms and conditions visit here.

The number of bonus Velocity Points on offer depends on the Velocity Points Earning card applied for, which are:

30,000 bonus Velocity Points for American Express® Velocity Platinum Card, American Express Velocity Business Card, and Virgin Australia Velocity High Flyer Card;

20,000 bonus Velocity Points for Westpac Altitude Platinum credit card, Westpac Altitude Black credit card, and Virgin Australia Velocity Flyer Card;

10,000 bonus Velocity Points for American Express® Velocity Escape Plus Card. 

Bonus Velocity Points will be allocated to your Velocity account in accordance with, and subject to the Velocity membership Terms and Conditions 4-6 weeks after you meet the minimum spend criteria for the eligible offer associated with the individual card. 

This bonus Points offer cannot be used in conjunction with other bonus Points offers provided by Velocity Frequent Flyer in respect of credit cards. For the avoidance of doubt, if you have applied for and been approved for one of the above listed credit cards outside the Promotion Period, you will not be eligible to earn bonus Points as part of this promotion. 

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Velocity Frequent Flyer
Velocity Frequent Flyer
American Express
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  • +1

    Yessss, been waiting forever for this deal to come up again. Last time was June last year.

    But not as good this time..

    • same, a bit meh this time. 20K less for virgin cards

    • Same!! They had it in Feb last year, so when it didn't happen last month, I thought it might not ever happen again.

      The timing is perfect as my 24-month wait since my last Westpac card just finished.

  • +6

    looks like they nerfed the virgin flyer card (imo the best value and no waiting periods) from 60k to 50k points

    • Same with the high flyer

    • Yes and now only 20k bonus from Velocity.

      • +2

        In the T's and C's it mentions that the first year annual fee of Virgin Flyer is $74. Point number 38.

        • +1

          Ah yeah you're right, sadly I can't edit my comment now so I'll unpublish and repost here:

          As a comparison to the next best card:

          Virgin Flyer
          - 50k Velocity Points ($1.5k spend/month for 2 months)
          - $74 Annual Fee
          - $129 Virgin Gift Voucher

          Westpac Altitude Platinum
          - 60k Velocity Points ($4k spend in 90 days)
          - $194 Annual Fee ($124 for existing Westpac customers)
          - 2 Virgin Economy X Seat Upgrade Vouchers

          As you've mentioned though, no set waiting periods for existing Virgin Flyer cardholders compared to a whopping 24 months for Westpac cardholders.

  • +2

    Virgin credit card application does not proceed ,unsure if they have blocked credit card churners ?

    • Declined me too

      • Anyone successfully applied every year?

        • I've successfully gotten the Virgin Flyer on the last two of these promos (I think they've only done two). But the last one was an absolute shit show with getting the points.

          I'll probably cancel my Virgin Flyer and if I cannot reapply, I'll just get myself an Amex Velocity… take a nice domestic holiday whilst I'm at it.

    • What do you mean you can’t proceed? Like it wouldn’t allow you to fill in anything?

    • no luck with the $35000 earning card. I assume they did forbid us lol

    • +1

      That's unlucky. I closed my 1st card with them and reapplied 3 months later and got approved. Got the bonus points too.

    • Yeah, both me and my partner got denied separately even when we were spacing out our applications. We both haven't held one in the last 6 months.

  • Time to cancel my Virgin Flyer… then reapply it seems!

  • That looks cool

  • +4

    Note that you might have to chase them for the bonus points. I was only awarded the points after emailing them a few times, even though I did everything right. Screenshot the T&Cs and every step of your application.

  • Looks like they're not accepting churners… got a very quick 'declined' email after receiving a 'conditionally approved' after filling out the application minutes earlier…

    • How long did you last apply for this?

      • About 9 months ago

        • Crap so they are cracking down on churners. Probably why I got instant rejection from Suncorp.

    • Virgin velocity card?

      • Yes sorry, I forgot to include that in initial post… wasn't able to edit it now

    • +4

      Just to add on (for Velocity Flyer card), I applied yesterday and got the auto rejection email. Emailed asking for a manual reassessment (which is what I did previously and got approved), received the rejection email again. Called in to ask, guy from the verification team didn't want to (or wasn't allowed to) give a specific reason, just asked me to apply again after 90 days.

      For the record, I've held this card 2x before, both within a year. Last applied in Aug-24, closed in Oct-24. Looks like all banks are cracking down on churners hard.

    • same thing with the velocity flyer card.
      conditionally approved then immediately declined email..
      got my hopes up!

      Applied CBA smart awards card after that, got conditionally approved.

  • My wife has a credit card application that she submitted recently through Westpac for the Platinum card, but hasn't been approved yet. If she activates this before being approved will she get the bonus points? Or does the application have to be submitted as of today? It's our first time doing anything with cards and all the T&Cs are extremely confusing so I just want to make sure we know what we're doing! The T&Cs definitely say that the application has to be done after the offer is applied, but just checking if it's worth activating it or not?

    • +1

      I would activate and you mihht get lucky! If you dont activate it you will never know!

      • I suppose that's a good point! We're new to this so didn't even think to activate it if we're not eligible! Thanks, we'll give it a shot and see what happens!

  • +1

    Yeah I churned these cards hard over last 3 years but last 6 months ive been declined, they're finally cracking down even know there is nothing in terms and conditions about exclusion period unless the terms have been updated recently..

    • +1

      Seems they’re cracking down now.

    • Yep NAB turning the screws on churners.

  • I applied last week.

    Does this mean I miss out?

    I’ve activated it anyway.

    • +3

      You should be ok as Velocity doesn’t know when the credit card application was applied only when the points was credited. If credited within the time frame then you’re good.

      • Sweet. Thanks heaps

  • Recent history suggests if you apply for a Citi based card consecutively you are likely to be declined.
    Last year I went form citi card to virgin money who is backed by Citi also. Automatic rejected , had to wait 3-4 months to apply again and be approved.

    • Look like that Nab base card is getting harder

  • For a moment, I thought "30k points per month" was back on VA Velocity Flyer card🥲

    • They also haven't updated the annual fee, it's now $149 regardless of whether it's first year or not (listed as $74 first year in the T&Cs)

      • so a bit confuse, as $149 refers to point 38 in T&C
        where T&C says first year to be $74

        • Take a screenshot / PDF of that and when you get charged $149 I think you have a good leg to stand on to get the difference refunded!

          • +1

            @FatGPT: I would refer to the official website which states $149 and 25k points per month, here.

            Just seems like Velocity hasn't updated their own page fully.

            • @firestint: Oh yes, 100% - I'm sure $149 is the correct annual fee and they will charge it… but reckon you'd have a chance of a 'good will' refund of the difference if you point out there was out of date content on the Velocity page… but definitely wouldn't bank on it

  • No nab this time around?

    • With wait periods for churning with AMEX and Westpac, this hurts as we need churning options. Probably only a matter of time until Virgin has wait periods.

  • Both virgin and Amex rejected lol

    • +1

      Sorry to hear that :(

  • What if you refer someone…

    Eg: American Express Velocity Platinum Card
    30k referral for you
    100k for them
    + 30k extra for them?

    • Quite sure it would work, but not 100%. You don't need to use the link on the offer page to apply for the card, but you do need to ACTIVATE the offer on that page. So if you activate there, then sign up on referral, it could work. Only AMEX does referrals I think, so maybe some people have an answer from last Feb or June on whether it worked or not.

      • Are you sure? I tried last year using a special link (120k) to get extra amex. When I contacted them they mentioned I didn't use the exact card listed (100k). I didnt push further to get the points and just gave up.

        • OK. I didn't think you had to apply using the link they provided, just activate with what's on their page. Maybe the use of a "special link" was the issue, as this wasn't a public link on the AMEX website. Perhaps referrals won't work then as they are not public links. In my case, I believe I applied for the card on Virgin's website several days after activating the promotion.

          • @bk1973: Ya I had the same thinking as you ie double dip!! It could be however I might have been valid but I didn't push hard enough.

  • +1

    I just cancelled my platinum amex last July, so still have to wait until 2026 to re-apply :(

  • is there no terms and conditions outlining exclusion periods? I cancelled my virgin money card last February, can I still attempt to apply now?

    • Feb 2024? If so you're good. Citibank backed cards has an unspoken 3-6 month wait period. Nothing official.

      • yes Feb 2024 I cancelled, I'll apply soon and hopefully no rejections… thank you!

  • Am I eligible for the 30k bonus points if I apply and get approved before 30 April, even if the minimum spend hasn't been met yet? How will Velocity know if I've been approved for a credit card before 30 April when no points are credited yet?

  • -1

    Declined… more easy points…need some fake IDs

    • Please ensure to mention with whom you are being declined for, there are multiple providers in this post.

  • Yikes - alot of rejections here, does it hurt your credit rating if you get rejected?

    • From experience it doesn't. I check getcreditscore before I apply. Then if I'm approved or declined, check again month after. Normally don't see any hit to my "score".

    • no show of approve or decline but my credit got minus point for any provider checking my profile so my assumption is as long as any providers check your credit, it will be affected

  • Basic virgin money card

  • What’s the best one to get if you can’t get the Amex ones?

  • Do you gwt bonus points with Amex if you already have different amex card ?

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