With the Everyday Money Credit Card you’ll earn valuable reward points everywhere you shop.
And every 4 months, provided you have enough points, you’ll receive a shopping card, to redeem at a great range of participating stores. So, you can reward yourself with everything from groceries, to petrol to electronics.
With the Everyday Money Credit Card you’ll benefit from:
0% interest* until 1st February 2009 on all purchases.(1)
No annual fee for the first year and only $49 per year after that.
Up to 55 days Interest free on purchases after 1st February 2009.(2)
Plus you can choose from four fresh card colours - green, blue, black and pink.
Add to that a balance transfer rate of 5.99% for the first 6 months (3) and simple online account management facilities, and you’ll find this fresh new credit card makes great sense.
epump - available late 2008
With epump you can checkout at the pump and get back on the road faster. Use your Everyday Money Credit Card to pay at the pump at participating CALTEX WOOLWORTHS/SAFEWAY co-branded fuel outlets and you’ll no longer need to queue in-store. You’ll also earn 2 points for every dollar you spend using epump. epump is exclusive to Everyday Money Credit Card customers and is expected to be available from late 2008.
There should be no annual fee ever.