This was posted 13 years 1 month 24 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Event Cinemas (Birch, Greater Union) $7.50 Tickets


Just like the Village Cinema Deal (

Exclusive Friends & Family Offer:

For a short time only, you can pre-buy movie eVouchers for just $7.50* each.

These exclusive $7.50* movie eVouchers are only available to buy until 11:59pm AEDST 1 February 2012.
You can redeem your movie eVoucher to see blockbuster movies between 30 January 2012 until 28 March 2012.
Hurry, this special offer is only for a limited time. Buy now and save.

Related Stores

Event Cinemas
Event Cinemas

closed Comments

  • +6

    Terms & Conditions

    Not available for use on 14 February 2012.
    Online booking fees apply.
    This offer is only avaialble to be purchased online.
    Please ensure that you read all the other T&C's carefully.
    Family & Friend eVoucher is available for purchase from 19 January 2012 to 1 February 2012 11:59pm AEDST.
    Family & Friends eVouchers are only available to be purchased online.
    eVouchers are valid for use from Monday 30 January 2012 to 28 March 2012*.
    Not valid for use 14 February 2012.
    This eVoucher is valid for use at Event, Greater Union and Birch Carroll & Coyle cinemas only.
    eVouchers are available to be redeemed at cinema box office or online. Online booking fees apply.
    Seating is subject to availability.
    Upgrade surcharges apply for 3D and Vmax sessions. 3D glasses sold separately.
    Family & Friends eVoucher cannot be purchased using a movie gift card.
    Not available for sale at cinema box office or directly through our official gift shop,
    It is the responsibility of the purchaser to provide correct details at time of transaction.
    Barcodes can only be used once. On redemption the barcode is made void.
    Standard film classifications apply.
    A maximum of 20 eVouchers in any one transaction applies.
    Not valid with any other offer, Gold Class, movie marathons, group bookings, alternate content or promotional screenings.
    The onus is on the holder to use the eVoucher prior specified expiry date. This eVoucher has been sold with the understanding that vouchers cannot be extended.
    Treat eVouchers like cash. Once the barcode has been used it becomes void and cannot be re-instated.
    eVouchers cannot be transferred, sold or exchanged for cash.
    Legal action may be sought on breach of these conditions unless prior written authorisation from The Greater Union Organisation is obtained.
    Not valid for use at Loganholme Cinema, Moonlight cinemas. Not valid for use at Village cinemas.

    • +3

      Movies worth seeing that are out in that timespan

      Underworld Awakening *
      John Carter *
      Wrath Of The Titans
      The Hunger Games *
      Ghost Rider Spirit Of Vengeance
      The Darkest Hour
      The Grey

  • sweet!

  • Probably a stupid question: can I use the tickets in Perth? Did not see the location limitations…

    • I would say you can the only listed locations are

      Not valid for use at Loganholme Cinema, Moonlight cinemas. Not valid for use at Village cinemas.

    • Morley and Innaloo from what I can make out .

  • But they are only $7.50 on the Gold Coast anyway.

    • Only Australia Fair, the much better Robina and Pacific Fair charge the general $17ish

      • +2

        Got stung by Robina cinemas one day on a break from uni. Didn't realise they were so bloody expensive.

  • I bought 2 tickets via paypal but have yet to receive any confirmation email from event cinemas. Is that normal?

    • Check your junk mail folder

      • +1

        I have and it's not there either…I guess I have to email them if everyone else is getting theirs straight away

        • +1

          I would they usually reply to emails within 24hrs and if it's a glitch you'll want to get in early before others experience the same problem.

          Last year they had a special recall my tokens section but it could only be used by those that purchased with Credit card so perhaps it may be better to purchase that way when possible.

    • I also purchased via payPal and have not received a confirmation email.

      • Me too…still waiting for the confirmation email…

  • I have the confirmation email once i paid. But i used credit card, i assume it would be the same.

  • Can this be used after 5pm on Saturday?

    • I have gone through the T&C couple of times and there is nothing in regards of that apart from you cant use it on 14th feb. so i would you can use it for any session.

  • cool

  • Does anyone know if the eVouchers are sent via post or e-mail?

    • +3

      e-mail (hence the 'e' in eVouchers ;-)

  • Thats not a bad deal actually

  • Are the voucher valid @ black town drive in Sydney does not look excluded not sure as have an infant and going to a theatre can be difficult

  • +1

    so is it actually $8.60 cause of the $1.10 booking fee per ticket ?

    What big titles coming out between 1 Feb and 28 March ?l

    • Terms and conditions say they can be used offline as well, I'm assuming the booking fee wouldn't apply in that case.

  • +1

    tagged 5, this will me give me 6 movies if I wait for them to do 1 Movie for 50 cinebuzz points

  • +1

    It's interesting that this is not as good as when they had family and friends deals in past years, previously it was always only redeem online and included booking fee and was $7 not $7.50, still a good deal just not as good as last year. Also be aware that its really easy to overbuy on these thinking you'll use them all but then it just doesn't happen. Last year

  • i got 8 of these last year… yeah didnt end up watching anything. =(

  • More importantly, are there any good shows coming out 30 January 2012 - 28 March 2012?

  • Awesome deal. I am a frequent movie goer and normally go on Tuesdays (Chermside) where its Cheap Tuesdays ($9.50). So I bought 5 for $7.50 each is amazing. Normally its around $16-$20 depending if its Vmax/3D. Awesome buy guys, thanks.

  • The reason they do this now is due to the total lack of any decent movies coming out during the promo time.

    Much rather the $9 tix available all year round through my health fund.

    • True, the February/March line-up doesn't look great. There were a lot of good movies released in January though, and most of them should still be playing at the start of February.

  • ok guys, does anyone know any good movies coming soon?

    • +1

      Man on a Ledge, Safe House, One for the money, A Separation, Headhunters, John Carter, Hunger Games!!

    • Couple of old films Pulp Fiction and Top Gun seem to be showing at the moment or very soon.

  • I wish Perth had more Event Cinemas :(

    • We have more than all of Victoria :-)

  • +3

    Nice deal, but again proves the cinema chains live in another world when a $1.10 booking fee is added per ticket.

    • +1

      Yeah, you'd think it would be cheaper because they don't need to pay more wages/ paper on people selling tickets and the tickets themselves… oh wells.

      • +1

        I have complained on there facebook and will provide a link soon.. and yes I agree it's totally stupid.

        • -3

          When you book online you still need to bring in the booking code with you and show a worker who then gives you a PAPER ticket like normal

          So the FEE is more a booking FEE then a buying a ticket online FEE!..

          Its double the work for them not less! and they also require banking services and online servers.. the costs add up! the fee is paying for it.

        • According to Event Cinemas…

          "Hi Jeremy. Our online services, ticketing engine and websites unfortunately do not come at no cost to the business. As a leading cinema brand we pioneered the convenience of booking online and allowing customers to choose their own seats as a key feature of our ticketing engine. We are continuing to invest in our online services and technology to make the convenience of jumping the queue and being pre-booked in advance an added bonus to our customers. The booking fee allows us to keep moving ahead and investing in this ever-changing space. We have recently launched a new mobile site, Android, iPhone and iPad apps to bring convenience of the web to as many customers as possible. We do offer all customers the ability to buy tickets at our Cinema Box Office where no fee is applied."

          I still think it should be free, or at least the booking fee should be once per transaction, not movie…. It's ridiculous.

  • Each cinema/movie is different but the chain itself doesn't get very much of the ticket price at all.

  • thanks. considering movie these days cost $18.

  • So i bought 4 of these and after the paypal payment page it had a server 500 error and now it has charged my paypal and i havent received any email confirmation or coupons? Any idea who i should ring to complain?

    • I had exactly the same problem. Contacted event cinemas via email but have yet to hear from them. Hopefully they will sort it out without too much drama.

      • Yeah i sent an email yesterday to them as the phone number listed doesnt work. Still waiting for a reply

        Business Contact Details

        Customer Service Email: [email protected]
        Customer Service Phone: +61 93736600

      • +1

        Event Tweeted me this morning so I have replied informing them that some people paying by paypal have not recieved their tokens with a link to this thread hopefully someone their will take action.

      • And this was the reply - @melmoy77 Thanks for letting us know … our technical team has checked & there is no issue with system our end. Will keep an eye on it.

        A little unhelpful but it is of course hard to do tech support in 140 chars. I did include a link to here though so there is no reason why they couldn't make contact in this space.
        They have been replying to Q's on there facebook page if anyone wants to mosey over!/EventCinemas

        • Thanks for the link to facebook, I've written them a message there. I hope they fix this problem soon or at least communicate with me, otherwise I'll be very disappointed in them!

      • I had same problem too.
        No reply to email yet.

        • Got reply and refund after 2 emails for extra details.
          Took about 2 days to sort out.

    • +1

      Message from Event Cinemas via Facebook:
      "Our Customer Service Team will be getting back to you, don't worry. We will also have a link available within the next few days on our website where you will be able to recall your vouchers."

      • I'm still waiting for the confirmation email from event cinemas for the 2 tickets I bought via paypal. Has anyone else received theirs yet? Also has anyone been successful with getting tickets at the cinema from just showing them the voucher code and pin that was shown on the confirmation screen after paying with paypal?

        • No one can answer the second part of that question yet as the vouchers can not be used until the 30th January

        • Update - I never did get the email with the barcode. But i managed to redeem the voucher codes online, although i had to pay for the extra online booking fee.

  • Hmm, if only there were a cinema other than the CDB in VIC :S

    • It is very easy to get discounted tix for all chains these days - anyone who walks up to the box office and pays full price these days is a mug. The only time I pay full price is when I am on a date with a girl (lame I know).

      • You can still go on dates and use these cheap tickets!

      • well I must be a mug because I nearly always pay full price … so pray tell whats your secret

        • +6

          Well lets see
          1. Cheapskate Tuesday
          2. Movie of the week
          3. Cheap tickets $11 through various RAC associations
          4. Cheap tickets through the Rydges movie link (not sure if this one still works)
          5. Optus customers get $10 tickets through movie rewards site
          6. Non optus customers use the webiste loophole to get $10 just change the end of the event web address to =optus when on the ticketing page
          7. Use small local cinemas that are not part of a big chain join there rewards club and often get cheap tickets.

      • have to agree, people that pay $18 for a ticket are mugs. then again many people thesedays have the attention span of an ant and are obsessed with facebook moreso than finding the best deals on ozbargain :P
        I only ever pay $10 for a movie ticket at the most and receive multiple free double passes every month from entering competitions/promotions

        • +1

          Lol I'm constantly going to free preview screenings too, so much so that I get surprised when I have to pay for a discounted ticket balls to paying full rrp!

        • I find that comment quite offensive - "some ppl" have better things to do than troll bargain websites

  • Nice - been wanting to see the new Underworld movie….

  • Bought 6 of them, along with the free tickets I got to Wallis cinemas and also the tickets I won last week too. A/c, popcorn and a movie during summer,beating the heat!

  • If the booking fee wasn't enough don't get caught like me and pay $12 for two bottles of water. I had received free gold class tickets and still feel robbed.

  • Thanks Melmac77 - positive feedback applied :D

    1. Cheapskate Tuesday - I usually take my daughter which has school the next day and I dont get home from work til late
    2. Movie of the week - good option that I have taken advantage of when been convenient
    3. Cheap tickets $11 through various RAC associations - not member of any :(
    4. Cheap tickets through the Rydges movie link (not sure if this one still works) - will try this
    5. Optus customers get $10 tickets through movie rewards site - on contract with different provider
    6. Non optus customers use the webiste loophole to get $10 just change the end of the event web address to =optus when on the ticketing page - oooo intresting will look into this
    7. Use small local cinemas that are not part of a big chain join there rewards club and often get cheap tickets - only local smaller cinema have crap times
  • Can i use these at parramatta event cinema?

  • Mentions there's a surcharge on 3D, anyone have any idea how much that is? Would still end up cheaper than normal 3D price I assume? :P

    • $3. ($1 extra if you're not bringing your own glasses.) Normal surcharge on any 3D film if you're using a voucher.

  • Sweet, just redeemed two vouchers today.

  • used 4 tickets last night to see a vmax 3d movie, surcharge was $7 each. Making it a total of $14.50each ticket (extra $1.10 for online booking). Not sure what the surcharge for just vmax is.

    • its the rip off charge.

  • can these be taken to the cinemas and be used cause i dont normally book online? the hoytes offer can be taken to the box office, should be the same?

  • +2

    Guys if you're in Sydney and try the Blacktown drive in.
    Just went with my girl and used these tickets. Just printed them off and showed the person at the booth upon entry. No additional surcharge AND you get to stay for both movies!

  • Mine's showing $0 online booking fee, hmm…okay!

    • Oh, my mistake. Never mindo. <.>

  • Just a reminder people that this weekend would be a good time to use the rest of your tokens if you have ant left, the last day they can be used is the coming Wednesday 28th March

  • <edit> nevermind

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