satoshi » user profile

Member Since | 25/06/2010 |
Last Seen | 15/01/2017 |
Recent Activities

satoshi commented on SanDisk Ultra microSDXC UHS-I 64GB with Adapter 80MB/s $22 Delivered @ Wireless 1
Guys, stock is back again. Just ordered one :)

satoshi replied to
Winman on iPad Mini 3 16GB $387 Posted (+ $18.85 Cashrewards Cashback), Sony SRSX11 $66.45 Posted @ Groupon

Same here. Tried to apply the promo code and it returned: Your code did not work this time. Note you need to be logged in to use a code;…

***Except payments by Direct Deposit, a surcharge of 2% will be added to your order paid with PayPal*** - They charge $10 more for paypal,…

satoshi replied to
jaero115 on $8 Movie Tickets @ Event Cinemas (Box Office Only - Valid until 16/11/14)

The manager at Parramatta told us that they've rung the head office and confirmed that there is no such a promotion, so they refused to…

satoshi replied to
guohao on $8 Movie Tickets @ Event Cinemas (Box Office Only - Valid until 16/11/14)

Guess it must be from different person. The guy at the counter went to speak to the manager, and came back said they didn't know anything…

Tried at Parramatta NSW...failed :( The guy said they have never get told about this and refused to issue the tickets.

@8:03pm - Sorry. We don't have enough 'CT256MX100SSD1-SE' in stock to fulfill your order.... ERRRRRRR

satoshi replied to
mini2 on MiGear 5 in 1 Power Station $29.98 @ DS Click & Collect Only (was $149.98)

Good find! Thanks for sharing the info. Unfortunately I live up the north, it'll take me some efforts to get to Mittagong. Guess no luck…

Any luck for NSW? It seems out of stock everywhere here...

satoshi commented on SanDisk SD Micro Cards Ultra - Class 10 - 32GB $26.50, 64GB $65.95 + $1 Shipping
32GB - Sold Out :(

Got mine price matched at OW for 22.80 :)

Nop, still waiting...

Me too...still waiting for the confirmation email...

satoshi replied to
johndoe123 on Motorola Xoom 10" Android Tablet 32GB with *3G* Unlocked! $389! Post $6. Only @ Netplus!

Don't forget the 2% credit card surcharge (unless you use bank transfer) + 5% shipping insurance (optional, but better have it unless you…

satoshi commented on DWI Deal of The Day - Motorola XOOM 10" 32GB MZ601 WiFi+3G (UNLOCKED) for $399 Inc Free Delivery
Price changed to $429.

satoshi replied to
ShoppingExpress on Sunday Epic Hour-Asus Transformer 16GB+Docking $379 11-12-11 8pm-9pm AEDT (revised)

whoever got one please post, let's count how many units they really have LOL.

satoshi replied to
ShoppingExpress on Sunday Epic Hour-Asus Transformer 16GB+Docking $379 11-12-11 8pm-9pm AEDT (revised)

Does it mean the stock will come back the same or lower price? If you only have 10-50 stocks reserved for this deal, of course…

satoshi commented on Sunday Epic Hour-Asus Transformer 16GB+Docking $379 11-12-11 8pm-9pm AEDT (revised)
Well, no luck this time again...entered paypal info and came back 'sold out'...another 1 min deal!

satoshi replied to
borealis on SanDisk Cruzer 32GB USB Flash Drive @ $29.95 Deliveried - Limited to 100 Buyers

Same story here. Bought 2 microSD card both 16GB, paid on 6th, nothing arrived yet!!

satoshi commented on MLN Bargain Buy of The Day - Samsung BX2450 Full HD 24" LED Monitor $199 @ MLN Online or Instore
Does anyone know the warantee info for this monitor?

satoshi commented on Beware Scoopon No Refund Even if Overbooked
Well, it's been one week now after posting my ticket ID, the 'team leader' must be on holiday LOL...What a joke!!

satoshi replied to
rmk on More LogitechShop Goodness - G9x Laser Gaming Mouse - $79, 2x UltimateEars 200vi $54 and More!

Thanks for the help everyone, I finally got a reply from LTS, the missing item is on the way, happy :)

Ok here you go DTQ-959476, I would love to see what the team leader will say.

satoshi commented on More LogitechShop Goodness - G9x Laser Gaming Mouse - $79, 2x UltimateEars 200vi $54 and More!
Anyone knows the phone number of LogitechShop? There are items missing in my parcel, I've emailed them twice, but no reply so far :(

satoshi commented on Beware Scoopon No Refund Even if Overbooked
I've experienced the same problem as Poptastic22. I bought a $49 deal for Little Minnow restaurant in Mosman, and it was IMPOSSIBLE to book…

satoshi commented on Fantastic Logitech Sale like M950 Mouse $55 (RRP $149.95), 4x UltimateEars 200, $35 ($8.75 Each)
I've just received my K750 keyboard today, but they didn't ship me the free M305 mouse :( Can someone please check for me?

hmm...i think even if you can apply the code and save the itinerary, it doesn't guarantee the booking will be successful. I've tried last…

satoshi commented on $189 for 2 Nights Stay at Entire Luxury Apartments at Ettalong Beach (Plus Extras) - $578 Value
I think we should all have our bookings confirmed by now, has anyone checked with Mantra on the bookings? I have contacted them lately and…

satoshi replied to
drmix on $189 for 2 Nights Stay at Entire Luxury Apartments at Ettalong Beach (Plus Extras) - $578 Value

Mine is in early Dec, hope people who booked Oct and Nov can share their experiences. I'll check with Mantra before I go, hope everything…

satoshi replied to
drmix on $189 for 2 Nights Stay at Entire Luxury Apartments at Ettalong Beach (Plus Extras) - $578 Value

Got it finally :)